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Discussion Question for religiouscels: What is the reason for hybristophilia?



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
Why would God program women to be attracted to criminals and evil men? It doesn't make sense for God to cause women to be attracted to violent men like they are. When it comes to being attracted to men with other traits, such as strong jaws (sign of high T), height, and muscles, it makes sense since these are good attributes to pass on to their sons. But why would they be attracted to criminals? Unless I'm missing something and it's good somehow for women to have attraction to violent criminals?
women are animals
cus eve was a slut and passed on her whore tendencies to every female that's breathing at this moment
Why would he create war, disease, and famine? Why would he send people he created to hell?
cus eve was a slut and passed on her whore tendencies to every female that's breathing at this moment
she bit the apple, eating=/=slut
Why would he create war, disease, and famine? Why would he send people he created to hell?
those have to do with "free will."

hybristophilia is ATTRACTION, which is NOT A CHOICE
Why would God program women to be attracted to criminals and evil men? It doesn't make sense for God to cause women to be attracted to violent men like they are. When it comes to being attracted to men with other traits, such as strong jaws (sign of high T), height, and muscles, it makes sense since these are good attributes to pass on to their sons. But why would they be attracted to criminals? Unless I'm missing something and it's good somehow for women to have attraction to violent criminals?
women look at society and think it's a weak pussied out lawless shithole where evil men can easily profit, thus they pick them for mating
women look at society and think it's a weak pussied out lawless shithole where evil men can easily profit, thus they pick them for mating
so hybristophilia is only an ADAPTATION to modern society?
so hybristophilia is only an ADAPTATION to modern society?
what's going on now is a return to primitivism, it's always been like this

there was a brief time in recent history where we had order, mentally our parents still live in that time, our culture also references that time, but that time is gone
what's going on now is a return to primitivism, it's always been like this

there was a brief time in recent history where we had order, mentally our parents still live in that time, our culture also references that time, but that time is gone
well correct, I agree.

I just want to hear the religiouscels explanation for this trait in females.
religiouscels explanation for this trait in females.
probably that everyone is fallen and you're not supposed to judge anyone, just forgive infinity sins, have infinite patience to guide them back to the light, turn the other cheek, etc. religion is just a guideline it doesn't have to make sense.
she bit the apple, eating=/=slut

yeah nigga why would she be with her looksmatch
hypergamy at it's finest, also adam was a cuck for also eating it to protect her jfl
this bitch was the supposedly the first female and already fucked up the world by existing :lul::lul:
yeah nigga why would she be with her looksmatch
hypergamy at it's finest, also adam was a cuck for also eating it to protect her jfl
this bitch was the supposedly the first female and already fucked up the world by existing :lul::lul:
what does looksmatch have to do with anything. Her only choice was Adam.
i'll take this avi halo with me when I die and be released of all my sins boyo
Your avi should not God off his thrown and take over heaven as Goddess. Then Lucifer can marry her and we can all celebrate in Incelhalla

Btw, what is her name and what anime is she from?
Your avi should not God off his thrown and take over heaven as Goddess. Then Lucifer can marry her and we can all celebrate in Incelhalla

Btw, what is her name and what anime is she from?
Akari from yuru yuri
Man is attracted to sin and not only women is attracted to it.For i think everyone here has had an experience with a lower tier normie making fun of them even though they are also shit in the hierarchy of man.A person is evil because he wants something that is supposed to exist to not exist.So they will belittle,hurt it and possibly kill it(here man faces death and various questions pertaining to life which makes this act a bit harder to act upon).Anyway,to your question.Criminals are usually taller,leaner and more muscular then your average man

Women are also attracted to the criminals wealth and goods(drugs for example).

women also love violent man for violent man keep what is unpleasant to the female out of their way.This include weaker man,poor man,ugly man etc etc.

in other words,women fucking love *champions* of the earth.they love man who have power on earth and who are good looking(shocking!!!).

A criminal is only second to rich,statusmaxxed chad who lives a safer life.

Our saint and apostle saint paul knew fully well how destructive women could be.

*A woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man; she is to remain quiet. *

*33For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, 34women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35If they wish to inquire about something, they are to ask their own husbands at home; for it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in the church.…*
In addition, there is also talk of sexual perversions, which arise in Romans 1, where women abandoned natural intercourse. The question is whether
hybristophilia is a universal attraction, that is, one that affects all women. If it is a paraphilia, then the question "why did God make women this way" does not come up.
Okay, I just looked it up myself. It's a paraphilia that few have. So the question is not far from why god made women (and men) have sex with dogs, men with children or with their own sex.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. . 1 John 16,17
>Why would God program women to be attracted to criminals and evil men?
He didn't. Refer to Genesis 2 and the creation of the first woman, made from the first (at the time) sinless man.
>It doesn't make sense for God to cause women to be attracted to violent men like they are. When it comes to being attracted to men with other traits, such as strong jaws (sign of high T), height, and muscles, it makes sense since these are good attributes to pass on to their sons.
Trying to make any sense of God outside of Scripture is pointless. Trying to attribute megaPSL attributes to scripture is also pointless. That's not to say lookism isn't justified (Songs of Solomon anyone?, also in many proverbs, esp. 31), but you can't put in theories retroactively and call it doctrinal.
>But why would they be attracted to criminals? Unless I'm missing something and it's good somehow for women to have attraction to violent criminals?
Women's attraction to bad men comes from Satan in the form of Original Sin. Our attraction to "bad" women comes from the same, though I will was that our attraction is seemingly less evil. Men who aren't incel (or even us as incels fantasizing) often pick more beautiful women over a more fit or devout women (that said, beauty is a holy feature of women). Women pick bad men because Satan's tempts them to be that way, because it is destructive of God's marriage and family design. Satan always seeks to destroy what God has made, and the family is one of the most core societal tenets of Christianity. There's no benefit to women at all to do this. Women are equally saved as men, and they should repent for this.
The lord is my refuge and my fortress

My god

In all my trust

Stock photo animal nature outdoors wildlife zoo animals hungry earth gorilla e5b6b5ea cf19 4f8
It is godly test for wahmen, and those who fail and get fucked by criminals - go to hell
Im not a religiouscel
Only man was created in the image of God.

Foids are animals that live by primal instincts. And Snapchat.
Because he isn't real and was made up by monarchists for political purposes and by emotionally weak individuals who can't swallow the finality of death in order to cope.
Implying a needy bitch like God thinks rationally. The more you read about the guy the more I'm convinced he's a foid.
this is not even an apparent contradiction for most religions, unless your religious imagination is limited by the lowest hanging fruits of protestantism
I'm not religious, but to be fair Christianity has always made it abundantly clear that women are inferior to men and that they should be kept away from roles of responsibility, due to them being naturally unable to fulfill them. Go read some Thomas Aquinas, you'll get a good laugh out of it

Some based Christianity with a side of feminist rant
God gave men power, then weak men gave women power.
We allow them to be like this.
Imma just drop a nuke and then leave...
Cuz god doesn't exist:feelskek::feelsgah::dab:
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Why would God program women to be attracted to criminals and evil men? It doesn't make sense for God to cause women to be attracted to violent men like they are. When it comes to being attracted to men with other traits, such as strong jaws (sign of high T), height, and muscles, it makes sense since these are good attributes to pass on to their sons. But why would they be attracted to criminals? Unless I'm missing something and it's good somehow for women to have attraction to violent criminals?

If you are interested in religious philosophy then according to Catholic beliefs after first humans betrayed god they introduced sin into the world. All the bad things we see including polygamy and abusing sexuality is due to humans being sinners. But later god sent prophets and his own son to help humans to reconnect with god. These prophets established monotheism and monogamy and solidified marriage as a holy bond and institution. Women having sex before marriage is a sin and having multiple partners is a sin and is shamed upon in my culture and religion. Religion also established a good patriarchical society. But nowadays foids aren't much religious anyway and I live far from my hometown among lame culture less people in city.
Humanity has been corrupted by sin.
Humanity has been corrupted by sin.
If you are interested in religious philosophy then according to Catholic beliefs after first humans betrayed god they introduced sin into the world. All the bad things we see including polygamy and abusing sexuality is due to humans being sinners. But later god sent prophets and his own son to help humans to reconnect with god. These prophets established monotheism and monogamy and solidified marriage as a holy bond and institution. Women having sex before marriage is a sin and having multiple partners is a sin and is shamed upon in my culture and religion. Religion also established a good patriarchical society. But nowadays foids aren't much religious anyway and I live far from my hometown among lame culture less people in city.
foids definitely aren't religious for sure.

But what does this have to do with hybristophilia
But what does this have to do with hybristophilia
More of psycology question than religious. But hybristophilia is also a sin and humans are inherently sinners and attracted to sins and also in this case sinners. People should be taught religious morality. Gay protestants and soy atheist liberals have destroyed this religious order
But hybristophilia is also a sin
I thought a sin required making a choice. Hybristophilia is attraction, which is not a choice.
Religion = massive cope for false hope
Increase of sin over the ages
A religious blackpiller is an oxymoron.
women look at society
They don't have the strength in their sight to view the society.
Tyey see society as this some kind of flowery everything is nice and fine and what a wonderful life perspective. They are oblivious to how the world works.
From the religious point of view, all evil comes from Satan, he puts violent thoughts in men and lustful thoughts in women. Now, why does God allow Satan to corrupt human beings I don't know.
Toughts on hybristophilia
From the religious point of view, all evil comes from Satan, he puts violent thoughts in men and lustful thoughts in women. Now, why does God allow Satan to corrupt human beings I don't know.
They can't explain why women have these weird sexual fetishes while men's sexual preferences make sense biologically though.
I thought a sin required making a choice. Hybristophilia is attraction, which is not a choice.
There is difference between different sins. There are sins of strenth and sins of weakness. Sins of weakness is something which caused by our weakness or situation is like that. Sexual sins like masturbuation is caused by our weakness as we don't have the strength to control ourselves. As I said humans are inherently sinners and because of this every sin is not by choice. Sins of strength like murder, bullying and corruption etc are sins of strength. Being an asshole is also a sin of strength. A low tier normie can never behave like asshole because he has to act nice. While Chads can be assholes and get away with it. Foids are programmed to be attracted to strong men and doing crimes is a sin of strenth. So foids are attracted to these criminals sexually which is a sin of weakness like boys looking lustfully at girls is a sin of weakness which we cannot control.

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