@Emba orate please
Well. Basically, by being dangerous, I don't have danger anymore.
Like the old saying, "peace through superior firepower."
Mushashi the samurai calls it...
"Winning with you're eye."
This knowledge of human fragility enables. Me to not let all the stupid (and outright hostile) little shit add up.
Another thing to prevent "losing shit" is to actively "find" shit!
Instead of being a loser, I'm a finder!
That said, I also take precautions to avoid thefts and remove opportunities for loss... I lock up stuff. I put stuff away. I take care of my stuff to prevent loss from environmental degradation! ("Rust never sleeps!")
There's a concept called,
"Circles of control."
Basically, you only can control you're own tiny circle. Therefore; don't constantly worry about what things you have NO control over. Like other people, or the gov... I'm not saying to ignore potential external threats, I'm saying you can control you're reaction to them.
"The best way to win a fight is to avoid it."
Or rain, it will rain on you. So have a raincoat! It's you're reaction, that creates your control of events...
It's all very Stoic.
Now, add to all that, a dash of humour, with a heavy pinch of futility!
Life is short. (As an ex geologist, I think in big times.)
Everything is fragile and temporary.
(Change is the only constant)
Do the best you can with what you've got.