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Venting Question for all oldcels (30 y/o boomers) here



May 1, 2018

I've felt a lot change since my childhood.
I remember going to my neighborhood Blockbuster to rent movies and video games almost every week as a kid.
I remember going to my best friend's house and playing in the woods for days, exploring new areas and finding cool plants and animals.
I never felt in danger either, because his two big friendly dogs always followed us wherever we went.
I remember building Legos with my neighborhood friends, and playing split-screen Halo.
People in general were much more friendly and open to conversation back then, nowadays everyone is much more hostile and antisocial, just look at these videos for reference.
This isn't just an incel problem either, even normies these days are for the most part alone and friendless, as "social circles" these days basically just consist of one roastie and 12+ guys competing for her attention online.
There have been multiple studies done that show that millennials and gen z are the loneliest generations in history, and it keeps getting exponentially worse with every generation.
It seems that with the advent of technology and social media, the need for friends has been replaced by a 24/7 virtual opiod IV of attention and social media likes for Chads and foids, and bitter isolation for the rest of us.
Hell, even the ugly kids in high school got laid at least once before they graduated, unless you were just a complete fuckup like yours truly.
This was a result of Tinder not being around, and foids not being able to cherrypick Chads from the 100 mile+ surrounding area from my small town.

My question to you is:
How bad are things now compared to the decade(s) where you grew up?
Do you think things are getting worse?
Also, post /comfy/ nostalgic memories.
Help helper dogChad 30 yr old boomer virgin 60 year old boomer v will save the economy with blockchain and cr
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high IQ nostalgic post
This isn't just an incel problem either, even normies these days are for the most part alone and friendless, as "social circles" these days basically just consist of one roastie and 12+ guys competing for her attention online.

Holy shit IT'S OVER.

And sorry OP I can't remember my childhood so well, and I don't like to. They're sorta like repressed memories.
You say boomer, but then you say 30 y/o? The video you posted was apparently made in the year I was born. I am smack dab in the millenial generation, my parents are boomers. I am drunk and confused. Anyway, nostalgia. Here is a video that I remember downloading from kazaa when I was a teenager.

I cant replay FFX anymore because it brings back all of those painful teenage memories. Coped a lot with that video game tbh familamadingdong. I also actually liked linkin park back then. Red hot chili peppers was my favorite band, though. That band was also ruined for me because californication was playing while some chad was fucking a girl in the seat behind me while I was on a bus to my MOS school. They literally woke me up with the moans fo the girl, and the bumps to the back of my seat. Completely miserable experience.
You say boomer, but then you say 30 y/o? The video you posted was apparently made in the year I was born. I am smack dab in the millenial generation, my parents are boomers. I am drunk and confused. Anyway, nostalgia. Here is a video that I remember downloading from kazaa when I was a teenager.

I cant replay FFX anymore because it brings back all of those painful teenage memories. Coped a lot with that video game tbh familamadingdong. I also actually liked linkin park back then. Red hot chili peppers was my favorite band, though. That band was also ruined for me because californication was playing while some chad was fucking a girl in the seat behind me while I was on a bus to my MOS school. They literally woke me up with the moans fo the girl, and the bumps to the back of my seat. Completely miserable experience.

"30 y/o boomer" is a meme, not actual boomers.
Also, sorry to hear about your experience with that Chad and roastie smashing next to you, I've been there before.
FF is a certified /comfy/ game series though, good taste.
It's not the 1990s anymore. 30-year-olds are Gen X/millennials now. Boomers are >55. Get your facts right, lowIQcel.
It's not the 1990s anymore. 30-year-olds are Gen X/millennials now. Boomers are >55. Get your facts right, lowIQcel.
>He doesn't know about the 30 y/o boomer meme that's literally everywhere right now
Bitch finna need more room.
This is what 30 year old cels have to look forward to.
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"30 y/o boomer" is a meme, not actual boomers.
Also, sorry to hear about your experience with that Chad and roastie smashing next to you, I've been there before.
FF is a certified /comfy/ game series though, good taste.

Yep, I think I first got exposed to FF through the FFVII demo on the PC, and my parents brought me the FFVIII PC version as a middle school graduation present. Played the grap out of that game, and I think I still have those CDs in a box somewhere. Had to play the game at like 10fps on a quarter screen because I had a shit computer with a cyrix processor and no graphics accelerator. The computer also crashes so much that I made sure to save whenever I could. There was one part of the game that took me forever to complete because the computer always crashed before I could get to a save point, lmao.
Yep, I think I first got exposed to FF through the FFVII demo on the PC, and my parents brought me the FFVIII PC version as a middle school graduation present. Played the grap out of that game, and I think I still have those CDs in a box somewhere. Had to play the game at like 10fps on a quarter screen because I had a shit computer with a cyrix processor and no graphics accelerator. The computer also crashes so much that I made sure to save whenever I could. There was one part of the game that took me forever to complete because the computer always crashed before I could get to a save point, lmao.
Yeah, I remember my PC was so shitty that it could barely even run the original Lego Star Wars lmao
everything changed after in 2013 i guess around tinder. clubs/bars died out FAST

but the anti-white male super liberal PC shit started in 2008 and it was fucking awful
everything changed after in 2013 i guess around tinder. clubs/bars died out FAST

but the anti-white male super liberal PC shit started in 2008 and it was fucking awful
They said the world was going to end in 2012 and nothing happened, but let's be honest here:
Have any of us really felt alive since then?
I remember renting video games and anime from Blockbuster. Hell, no one knew it was called anime, it was referred to as "japanimation".

I remember having to walk to every kid's house to see if they were home and if they wanted to come out to hang. Me and my friends in middle school would just walk around for hours hitting up people's houses. When no one had cars and cell phones were rare and expensive. There was hardly any girls around and even when one would get interested in a dude, she wouldn't want to hang with the sausage crew.

Shit's worse now because everything is fucking optional. Human bonds are usually made by people being forced to hang out with each other due to circumstance. The human brain isn't equipped to have so much choice, because it will choose things that inevitably hurt you.
I don't believe that it's a generation / zeitgeist issue, social media mean that a woman can amass legions of orbiters and online friends. Same with attractive men, all they need is to show their face on the internet and they will get enough attention. If any of them feels lonely they can simply ask any of their followers to keep them company.

Women today get thousand of dollars by pretending to play video games, they have enough willing betas around them to #makerherday every day for years. Men are the ones who have been rendered obsolete and institutionally hated and forced to live on the sidelines, especially average and below average ones.

Imagine the myriads of opportunities that a woman has today in all fields of life owing to technology and social narrative. It's a zero sum game of sorts, what you lose out on, they gain.
Think of life back THEN...... like it is NOW in this forum...

In this forum, right now, you are pretty much forced or it is in your best interest to get along with everyone here because you are in a closed group.

similarly If you went to a party back in the day, everyone had to interact with each other at that party and at that time. Now that didn't mean they liked you or wanted to fuck you BUT they kinda had to at least notice that you were there. If they wanted to interact with another party...they had to actually physically leave.

Today, when you go to a party IRL...its like everyone is IN THEIR OWN PARTY via their phone...texting, looking at pics, etc. there is no need to acknowledge other people. Of course because of this, it doesn't make sense for twenty-eighteen feeahmayles to acknowledge someone unless they can do something for her or do actually do her (Chad). now it makes no sense to interact with people who can't help you in some way.
It starts with the schools

Minorities neighborhoods are ran by criminals that are institutionalized they go to white schools where then the white kids learn to hate minorites and are forced to clique up like them. The school system tries to help out those that are gifted but there isn't much they can do for everyone especially incels that never speak up.

If you're a youngcel in school and you believe that your education is suffering because of minorities disruption in class I implore you don't just sit by and take it like a chump go to your counciler and tell him exactly how you feel and hopefully you can get transferred to better classes or to a new school entirely. Don't make the mistakes that I did, I am a minority person myself and I can honestly say that these people will not stop, they will never value education, do not go down with these people
It starts with the schools

Minorities neighborhoods are ran by criminals that are institutionalized they go to white schools where then the white kids learn to hate minorites and are forced to clique up like them. The school system tries to help out those that are gifted but there isn't much they can do for everyone especially incels that never speak up.

If you're a youngcel in school and you believe that your education is suffering because of minorities disruption in class I implore you don't just sit by and take it like a chump go to your counciler and tell him exactly how you feel and hopefully you can get transferred to better classes or to a new school entirely. Don't make the mistakes that I did, I am a minority person myself and I can honestly say that these people will not stop, they will never value education, do not go down with these people

Also if your school has it, try to get into the AP classes for big brain nibbas.
In my experience they were pretty much entirely white and asian nerds with a few jocks, the loud and obnoxious kids were too stupid to get in.
Also, you'll get college credits if you pass the exams.
I got 15 credits (an entire semester of Uni) out of the way with them.
31 year old boomer checking in.

How bad are things now compared to the decade(s) where you grew up?

I'll preface this by saying, hypergamy has always been a thing. Back when I was in high school all of the fat girls were with much better looking guys. I got rejected by the fattest girl in school and pretty harshly. Juggernaut law was still in full effect. That said, from what I've seen, women are more hostile towards ugly men now then before and it's a lot harder for average looking guys.

In terms of the culture, it's gotten dramatically worse. Misandry and political correctness were still a thing even in the 90s and 2000s, but it got 100 times worse in the 2010s.

The internet has gotten 1000 times worse. The internet has basically been gentrified by normies and even worse, by SJWs. Nothing on the internet mattered back in the 90s and 2000s. There wasn't a shit ton of SJW aspies who spent all day on the internet looking for one offensive tweet or post to completely ruin someone's life over. I'm planning on making a thread about how much the internet has changed, so I won't bother getting into too much more detail now.

Do you think things are getting worse?

I'm planning on making a thread about how much the internet has changed, so I won't bother getting into too much more detail now.
Looking forward to the thread, should be interesting.
With the death of 4chan (especially r9k) and with 8chan and Wizchan currently dying, I guess we're the wild west, the last frontier of the internet.
It's not the 1990s anymore. 30-year-olds are Gen X/millennials now. Boomers are >55. Get your facts right, lowIQcel.


Boomers are not 55+. They're over 60 at this moment and Xers are not 30-year olds. They're in their 40's and 50's right now.

This is how it is:

Boom Generation: Born in the 1940's and 1950's. Culture Revolution generation. Inherited a Western World at its peak and left one in shambles. They're in their 70's and 60's now, basically getting ready for the nursing home. Mostly left-leaning.

Generation X: Born in the 1960's and 1970's. They're in their 50's and 40's now. In their youth they believed they were edgy and reacted against everything Boomer. Nowadays, they're basically Generation Exhausted. Mostly right-leaning.

Millennials: Born in the 1980's and 1990's. A hivemind generation socialized by Disney movies and currently held together by Fentanyl and Ritalin. They're in their 30's and 20's now. Mostly left-leaning.

Generation Z: Born in the 00's and 2010's. Pepe the Frog Generation. They're kids and teenagers right now. Mostly right-leaning.

Note that I haven't used exact yearly dates for when a generation passes into another. This is by design, as it's an organic process that shades like the colours of a spectrum and upon which you cannnot put an exact date. Safe to say that people born in the early 1960's were Xers, not Boomers, whatever the US Department of Demographics (or whatever it's called) might say! A Generation is a culturully defined entity, it's got nothing to do with numbers of births or arbitrarily assigned birth years as such.
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I'm age 34 and yes it 100% has gotten worse by fucking miles.

When I was in college the girls were mainly interested in either the great looking guys or the thugs who acted tough or a mixture of both.

However there were some girls who were interested in their lookmatches or found certain guys who weren't great looking cute and got into relationships with them, like a niche. I seen that happen a fair bit to be honest. I even got interest from a couple of cute girls back then. Not a lot, before someone calls me chad, and there were still girls who looked past me with disgust or ignored me completely.

However now it is fucking appalling. I see ugly and fat girls looking past men who look average or good at men who look great.

And I believe that even if a girl did find you cute regardless of you not being traditionally good looking it has been deemed too socially unacceptable now for her to have anything to do with you. Only a full head of hair, good jaw, good eyes and low body fat whilst being muscular is acceptable due to women being built up to believe they are all princesses.

The worst part for me is I still look young for my age and people think I'm still in my 20s and I'm also looking better now than I did then however NO FEMALE even bats an eyelid in my direction now.
The prelude started in 1994 when 'girl-power' went mainstream
The decline started in 2003 when foids started using dating websites/Myspace
The big depression occurred in 2013, about one year after Tinder launched.
I've always been on the outside so I really don't know how bad things have gotten. 20 years ago, women on the internet who couldn't get Chad said they were incel so either most guys were able to do OK or no one gave a shit that guys were complaining.

We used to play outside with classmates, playing sports, soldiers, building Lego at neighbors, playing first videogames.

We did homework together, rented movies.

I dont think kids do this much anymore.

Also it is actually NOT SAFE to let your kids play outside in the city.

Cant compare the dating scene as my dating experience is very limited. Once I hit puberty I became introverted and my mental issues hit in full strength . Also became fat and uglier.
Think of life back THEN...... like it is NOW in this forum...

In this forum, right now, you are pretty much forced or it is in your best interest to get along with everyone here because you are in a closed group.

similarly If you went to a party back in the day, everyone had to interact with each other at that party and at that time. Now that didn't mean they liked you or wanted to fuck you BUT they kinda had to at least notice that you were there. If they wanted to interact with another party...they had to actually physically leave.

Today, when you go to a party IRL...its like everyone is IN THEIR OWN PARTY via their phone...texting, looking at pics, etc. there is no need to acknowledge other people. Of course because of this, it doesn't make sense for twenty-eighteen feeahmayles to acknowledge someone unless they can do something for her or do actually do her (Chad). now it makes no sense to interact with people who can't help you in some way.

I thought this was one of muh better posts. Guess not.

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