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Put this in your schedules: Watch a brother an hero

Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
I hope CuckTears watches this so they can see what they make people do.

The time of the ascension will be:
11:30 am Pacific
12:30 pm Mountain
1:30 pm Central
2:30 pm Eastern
17:30 Western European
18:30 Central European
5:30 am Eastern Australia

We miss you already, @revengecel.
Last edited:
I hope CuckTears watches this so they can see what they make people do.

The time of the ascension will be:
4:00 pm Pacific
5:00 pm Mountain
6:00 pm Central
7:00 pm Eastern
22:00 Western European
23:00 Central European
10:00 am Eastern Australia

We miss you already, @revengecel.
He said he will do it in an hour
It's not happening.

i meant to post this b4 it 404'd on me, @revengecel if youre reading read

well brother, if theres a time my daw'wah will make a difference i hope right now is it.

It was narrated from Thaabit ibn Dahhaak (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever kills himself with something will be punished with it on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5700) and Muslim (110).

The believer has to be patient and to seek the help of Allaah, may He be exalted, and understand that no matter what hardship befalls him in this world -- no matter how severe it is -- the punishment of the Hereafter is worse than it. It is not acceptable according to anyone who is of right mind to run away from the heat of the desert and throw himself into the fire. How can he flee from temporary hardship and difficulty -- which inevitably will come to an end -- to an eternal punishment which has no end?

The Muslim should ponder and realise that he is not the only one in this world who is affected by calamity and hardship. Calamities befell the greatest of mankind, namely the Prophets, Messengers and the righteous. They also befell the worst of mankind, namely the disbelievers and atheists.

Calamity is part of the natural order of things and hardly anyone is safe from it.

If the believer handles it well and is patient, and it becomes a means that makes him turn back to Allaah and strive hard in worship and righteous deeds, then the calamity will have been good for him and will be expiation for his sins, and perhaps he will meet Allaah with no burden of sin.

trust bro. for now, go ahead and get a lighter or a match or turn on your stove. put your hand near it for a few seconds until you cant take it.

if you cant handle that little heat, how will you handle jahanam and the punishment of the grave bro? imagine having your 72 virgin prime wives in Jannah, vs. being with inceltears in jahanam. i really keep u in my dua bro, i hope something in this message made you rethink.

@Genecel @a-virgin-nigger @Garbage
i think the thread deleted can someone post the linke to the stream ?
Why did the (((mods))) axe the thread?
whats goin on here lads
My way of thinking is this: If he's religious, he's going to fuck himself by doing this.
If he's not, he's still going to fuck himself but at least there's no belief pre-death of ascending or not. Even though, if I were the one biting a bullet (figuratively, mods, nothing going on here), I would probably start praying to a God at the last second.
He's going to be a martyr if he does this for us.
He's going to make the news.
He might make things change for us, temporarily, or permanently.
What's the guy's name? Maybe we can give him a "His name is Robert Paulsen" homage after he leaves.
Love you, revengcel <3

But, I really don't want him to do this, seeing as he's, assumedly, a male with full health. He can still enjoy life, even if he feels life doesn't enjoy him so much. Sunsets, sunrises, shooting stars. It's all beautiful.
It got deleted because he’s obviously a troll and you’re all falling for it.
My way of thinking is this: If he's religious, he's going to fuck himself by doing this.
If he's not, he's still going to fuck himself but at least there's no belief pre-death of ascending or not.
Lol either way he won't go to any afterlife.
Lol either way he won't go to any afterlife.
I must be more of an agnostic than I thought then, because there's no evidence for or against that kind of thing.
I must be more of an agnostic than I thought then, because there's no evidence for or against that kind of thing.
Which means a flying spaghetti monster might also exist.
Which means a flying spaghetti monster might also exist.
I think the flying spaghetti monster thing should only be used to exaggerate a point, not make it. Arguing that a God or gods exists (a man or men-like deity/ies that created us in its image, along with the places that we go to to after life to experience eternity based on our past beliefs and/or "good" and "bad" behavior) isn't equal to arguing that a floating pile of spaghetti exists.
it still says its offline
Has it been an hour? I wasn't keeping track of the time. Maybe he did it offline, or, more likely, won't do it at all.
I think the flying spaghetti monster thing should only be used to exaggerate a point, not make it. Arguing that a God or gods exists isn't equal to arguing that a floating pile of spaghetti exists.
Why not? It’s both based on the same empty argument of ‘no proof for or against, so who knows’.
I think the flying spaghetti monster thing should only be used to exaggerate a point, not make it. Arguing that a God or gods exists (a man or men-like deity/ies that created us in its image, along with the places that we go to to after life to experience eternity based on our past beliefs and/or "good" and "bad" behavior) isn't equal to arguing that a floating pile of spaghetti exists.
They are both just figments of a human's imagination.
Why not? It’s both based on the same empty argument of ‘no proof for or against, so who knows’.
I'm not going to argue about this any further because, being an atheist myself, you're not even fighting against the opposing team here. But, also because this argument never goes anywhere because there will never be a definitive answer. If you're an adult, you need to move past this circular bullshit. You can call it "empty" all you want and try to argue with me about how I'm "wrong", argue to a Christian about how they're "wrong", but you have no way of knowing. If it's real, it's real, and you're wrong. If it's not, then Christianity was wrong, whoop-dee-doo. What does arguing to someone on a message board about it change anything? Jfc
They are both just figments of a human's imagination.
You have no no way of KNOWING this. And even if you did, so what? You're going into the ground and there's nothing left. Being an atheist, I don't believe that there's anything after life either but, good job, you wasted some of your valuable time arguing about it, to someone who for the most part agrees with you, no less.
What does arguing to someone on a message board about it change anything? Jfc
That can be said for all arguments on forums. Might as well not have them at all then lol?
You have no no way of KNOWING this. And even if you did, so what? You're going into the ground and there's nothing left. Being an atheist, I don't believe that there's anything after life either but, good job, you wasted some of your valuable time arguing about it, to someone who for the most part agrees with you, no less.
Time isn't valuable.
That can be said for all arguments on forums. Might as well not have them at all then lol?
I don't do ad hominem but are you braindead? It can't "be said" for all arguments. The argument here is about the only thing in life that is uncertain. Other arguments can be won. This is one can't be. Your point is invalid.
Why isn't he online yet?

Damn troll
He said that he will start the livestream in an hour ( Go to the thread)
Can someone update me on whats going on ? I feel like I know whats gonna happen from the OP post but need some clarification. It is ER or Sui?
Can someone update me on whats going on ? I feel like I know whats gonna happen from the OP post but need some clarification. It is ER or Sui?
Sui but it looks like he isn't going to deliver
Can someone update me on whats going on ? I feel like I know whats gonna happen from the OP post but need some clarification. It is ER or Sui?
He said sui but I doubt that he will do anything. His profile is deleted like his thread
wtf are we talking about, whats going on?
wtf are we talking about, whats going on?
I wish there was sage here like on 4chan so I don't keep bumping this, but a guy who has now deleted his account, or was banned, was going to sui on Twitch a few hours back. The original time was going to be set for 8 hours from then but then he decided to do it in 1. It's been much longer than an hour now and he hasn't delivered.

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