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Based (Pussy pass denied) Man beats his ex to the floor for insulting him, gets massive support from bros, soys seething

The brotherhood is real:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/q9r6ne/i_punched_my_exgf_after_she_insulted_me/

Soycucks and white knights seething:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/q9u2b8/i_punched_my_exgf_after_she_insulted_me/

They hypocrisy and the associated mental gymnastics are astounding… soys need the gas and oven.

Lol normal person would take it as a joke. iam not a foid defendant but she just made a joke to cheer him up. how autistic this person was !
Jfl. This isn’t misogyny you dumb fucking sluts. We are men. If you think that saying some shit like that to an adult man as a foids is smart then that’s YOUR PROBLEM.

Foids are so used to being able to walk over men and suppress our natural instincts that when they see shit like this it is furious.


Lol normal person would take it as a joke. iam not a foid defendant but she just made a joke to cheer him up. how autistic this person was !
She literally told him his dead mom wouldn’t miss him. You are the definition of a dumbfuck greycel. Get off this site you soy cuck of a man.

Pull the fucking trigger and kill yourself

Tired of these faggy graycels that have been joining. You fucking twomad fans.
His friends more than likely didn't step in because his ex was likely physically abusive to him in the past where they all had prior knowledge of that, working in a bar setting myself I've lost count how many times drunken women seek physical altercations with male customers, male staff, and even male security bouncers, afterward they always get wrecked. I remember on one New Year's Eve we had a woman in her 30s drunk starting a fight with male security staff cussing, yelling, and throwing a public temper tantrum in front of everybody, finally when security dragged her out of the bar to the front door giving her the boot she cried like a child-like bitch outside. Perks of working in a bar setting, you get to see everything behind the counter. :feelsjuice::feelsclown:
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Lol normal person would take it as a joke. iam not a foid defendant but she just made a joke to cheer him up. how autistic this person was !
She literally told him his dead mom wouldn’t miss him. You are the definition of a dumbfuck greycel. Get off this site you soy cuck of a man.

Pull the fucking trigger and kill yourself

Tired of these faggy graycels that have been joining. You fucking twomad fans.
I did it once and got arrested for it. Don’t regret it. Did not pay for personal injury compensation and got arrested again. Still don’t regret it.
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We're gonna be seeing a lot more of this shit over the coming years. There's a perfect storm of different trends converging. A) More and more guys being left out of the dating game due to runaway hypergamy, so they're already on edge in the first place. B) Too many RUDE-ass bitches these days. C) Men are getting fed up with being demonized all the time by the media and academia. D) Both men and women have poor impulse control nowadays. E) More and more guys taking the GUY's side when shit like this happens. F) More and more men drinking their problems away, which means more drunk dudes. All this shit adds up. And sooner or later, feminists and the media are gonna realize shaming and propaganda doesn't work anymore. leading to more draconian laws and more authoritarianism. This increasing trend of bitches getting smacked up might feel cathartic to watch, but I guarantee it'll ultimately end badly for everybody. Big Government knows exactly what they're doing getting guys all roused up. It'll be the perfect excuse to push more authoritarianism.
We're gonna be seeing a lot more of this shit over the coming years. There's a perfect storm of different trends converging. A) More and more guys being left out of the dating game due to runaway hypergamy, so they're already on edge in the first place. B) Too many RUDE-ass bitches these days. C) Men are getting fed up with being demonized all the time by the media and academia. D) Both men and women have poor impulse control nowadays. E) More and more guys taking the GUY's side when shit like this happens. F) More and more men drinking their problems away, which means more drunk dudes. All this shit adds up. And sooner or later, feminists and the media are gonna realize shaming and propaganda doesn't work anymore. leading to more draconian laws and more authoritarianism. This increasing trend of bitches getting smacked up might feel cathartic to watch, but I guarantee it'll ultimately end badly for everybody. Big Government knows exactly what they're doing getting guys all roused up. It'll be the perfect excuse to push more authoritarianism.

In the minds of modern foids they're like a female superhuman something akin to some cape shit movie like WonderWoman, they're really that delusional. In real life the moment a man puts their hands on them they cry like little bitches. Real-life isn't the movies. :feelsjuice:
In the minds of modern foids they're like a female superhuman something akin to some cape shit movie like WonderWoman, they're really that delusional, in real life the moment a man puts their hands on them they cry like little bitches. Real-life isn't the movies. :feelsjuice:
Fucking exactly. Western foids live in a fucking bubble. They perceive themselves as goddesses. Obsess about dumb shit like aesthetics and boys. They romanticize their shit lives and relationships.

Foids are vapid and hedonistic parasites who drain men in order to survive. Their only value being the pussy and womb given to them at birth. :reeeeee:
In the minds of modern foids they're like a female superhuman something akin to some cape shit movie like WonderWoman, they're really that delusional. In real life the moment a man puts their hands on them they cry like little bitches. Real-life isn't the movies. :feelsjuice:
Oh man, we got women out there who really actually believe they're as strong as any man, and then they're completely flabbergasted when a guy half their size easily beats them in arm wrestling or other strength based competitions. So many women who join the army tell stories of how surprised they are. They really had no idea!
She literally told him his dead mom wouldn’t miss him. You are the definition of a dumbfuck greycel. Get off this site you soy cuck of a man.

Pull the fucking trigger and kill yourself

Tired of these faggy graycels that have been joining. You fucking twomad fans.
i think ive made similar joke (to what the girl said) numerous times in the past and i never once had toxic intentions so piss off UwU
He is a cuck, he should've kill her not punch her fucking pussy:soy::feelsgah::bluepill: just like in my avi.
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Lol normal person would take it as a joke. iam not a foid defendant but she just made a joke to cheer him up. how autistic this person was !
She was aggravating him on purpose, lol. Aggravating a grieving drunken man is possible the dumbest thing a women can do. It is equivalent to harassing a starving grizzly while being covered in honey.
Oh man, we got women out there who really actually believe they're as strong as any man, and then they're completely flabbergasted when a guy half their size easily beats them in arm wrestling or other strength based competitions. So many women who join the army tell stories of how surprised they are. They really had no idea!
When society collapses and foids quickly discover that reality or the lives of men don't revolve completely around them on a whim their massive delusions or precious egos will shatter in a million pieces. It's going to be pure comedic gold watching these self-absorbed cunts mentally break down after decades of various social entitlements. I say crack a cold one and watch this divine comedy in action. :feelsjuice::feelsclown::feelsdevil:

Denying the pass is a courageous act. I've taught Shannon Rose Bosanac such a fact.
lol he's going to go to jail just because the whore deserved it :feelskek: clown world
Fucking exactly. Western foids live in a fucking bubble. They perceive themselves as goddesses. Obsess about dumb shit like aesthetics and boys. They romanticize their shit lives and relationships.

Foids are vapid and hedonistic parasites who drain men in order to survive. Their only value being the pussy and womb given to them at birth. :reeeeee:
The reason western governments coddle foids is that they're easily controlled by political propaganda, programmed, and information consuming obedient drones, the problem, however, is that while this method of population control has been very effective in the short term it has caused tremendous problems demographically in that any society that doesn't reproduce in significantly large numbers is doomed to failure where that same society simply breaks down which is where we in the west are currently. Within the last twenty years, the west has favored female workers over males in all fields because we men overall are rebellious being much harder to control socially, the vast majority of us anyways. As society disintegrates this western state of intentionally diminishing men within society will later come to haunt governments for decades to come as the negative consequences of that agenda becomes very disastrous to the point of being impossible to ignore. It is stuff like this where political short-sightedness always has negative consequences and the west appears to have lost the ability of long-term thinking beyond short-term political gains, social ambitions, or financial profits. :feelsjuice:
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Most women and esp. young females don't respect any non-chad nowadays, they may fake it that they have some respect for you ofc., but generally will laugh behind your back.
Totally not a larp, if I hit someone and was expecting police involvement, I'd definitely write about it on Reddit too :feelskek:
I support any man's right to counsel and a fair trial. Redditfoids are seething already.
The bitch deserved it.

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