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PUAs confirm "game" "and getting pussy" has become very very difficult



Aug 10, 2019
Now even PUAs are admitting it bros, we are so fucking correct about everything.

Puas are pieces of shit
Pussy is
Unobtainable for
All sub 8 males
So, do they mean it was easy before?
So, do they mean it was easy before?
There's a reason why ugly fat boomers give shit relationship advice especially when it comes to picking up girls. It genuinely was that easy, and then it became harder, and eventually impossible for a lot of men in urban areas.
"Mobster complains that they have killed too many people and don't have any left to extort."
Pussy is
Unobtainable for
All sub 8 males
would more say that it's no bux no fux for sub 8 males. would either need to escortcel or beta buxx to get pussy
Oh darn!

So much for that ideas
They're basically making clowns of themselves just to maybe get some pussy.
We've hit bottom
It was never effective, it was always a fucking SCAM.
all men need to ignore all foids they get too much attention and if this does not happen soon men will be doomed and most men will not have kids and the feminists will have free reign .
PUA was never correct
he actually touches on something great. EMPs. how do we convince the Sun to blast us with a massive pulse every 5 years?
PUA was never correct
yeah but before infinite attention and access to chad's cock in under 5 minutes, some of them actually appreciated a guy who's confident and low inhib enough to approach coz they actually wanted a boyfriend or family maybe. now they exclusively desire to be pumped and dumped by the biggest gigachad in the city and nothing less will do. and nobody will want them after 20 years of use and abuse for marriage :lul: except a soycuck I guess
jfl how can you stay bluepilled in your late 20s and 30s
What's new? It was always tough.
PUA was never correct

PUA worked somewhat in the pre-smartphone era. It's why there are barely any older incels out there.

What enabled the woman's innate Chad chasing hypergamy is 1) the smartphone, 2) cheap internet, 3) tinder.

Earlier you had to compete with the men in your city or town. Now you have to compete with the entire fucking world.
Foids would rather have an online relationship, sending nude selfies and whatnot, to a 10/10 Instagram Chad in another country, than deal with a real life sub 8 male.
Of course.
Every guy does it so it's the same as no-one did it
You know it's real when these con artists start coming around to our viewpoints
Easier than ever for Chad harder than ever for anyone who isn't Chad.
So, do they mean it was easy before?
It was never effective, it was always a fucking SCAM.

You always needed a minimum amount of LOOKS, but pre-2010s it was enough if you stood out within the radius of a town, village, school, even your local supermarket. "Game" functioned only as a compromise between your looks and mere exposure via proximity. Social media turned around all of this; it made the world a small village from where a endless amount of trust-fund Chads around the globe can be picked out to fly over for a quickie at any given moment. It's like teleportation is now a thing for women while you're being sent back to the stone age.
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Now even PUAs are admitting it bros, we are so fucking correct about everything.

"Game" isn't getting harder (not that it ever worked), you just got old, Roosh. So, young foids no longer find you attractive. The same thing happened to Steve Hoca. It's no coincidence that he started uploading vitriolic rants, like this one, around the age of 35:
"Game" isn't getting harder (not that it ever worked), you just got old, Roosh. So, young foids no longer find you attractive. The same thing happened to Steve Hoca. It's no coincidence that he started uploading vitriolic rants, like this one, around the age of 35:

Listen to the video. Roosh has friends and contacts 10-15 years his juniour, and they all say the same thing. Its true, it is WAY WAY more difficult now than 10-15 years ago, you cannot even compare it.

Its a whole different world now.
10 years ago: No Tinder, Instagram, OKCupid. Even before POF was popular. The only way for women to choose men outside of their Facebook group or those who came up to them IRL was Cragslist - and we know how bad those pickings were.

I was in my early 20s in circa 2009. And I remember how if you tried to talk to a girl IRL she might still reject you but she'd stop and give you the time of day, be polite, smile, etc. Today they'll just stick their hand in your face and say "Not Interested" because they're fatigued after going through their daily 1,000 Tinder swipes.

Cope! 10 years ago was nearly 2010, not 2000 or 1995, online dating was mainstream in 2010. OKCupid, POF, facebook, Bebo, Myspace were the online platforms on which foids met chads in 2010.
Ugly inceltears users complimenting femoids won't make it harder for a chad because his attention is different.
Cope! 10 years ago was nearly 2010, not 2000 or 1995, online dating was mainstream in 2010. OKCupid, POF, facebook, Bebo, Myspace were the online platforms on which foids met chads in 2010.
Dude it wasnt nearly as bad. You seem to be very young and naive.
Dude it wasnt nearly as bad. You seem to be very young and naive.

I am an oldcel, at 30, so I remember exactly what it was like. Social media was still big among young adults, just not boomers and gen X (okay maybe a certain amount of Gen X).

PUA worked somewhat in the pre-smartphone era. It's why there are barely any older incels out there.

What enabled the woman's innate Chad chasing hypergamy is 1) the smartphone, 2) cheap internet, 3) tinder.

Earlier you had to compete with the men in your city or town. Now you have to compete with the entire fucking world.
We all know that the past was 10000% better and foids are now worse than ever. But this pua stuff is post internet era and is about fooling guys into thinking they can be like a chad just acting like them. That was never correct.
They ran out of bluepills
Roosh put that video out in like 2016 or 2017. So it's old news and things are even worse by now...damn.
are we? what are you willing to do?
I'm absolutely doing nothing if I'm alone, if I do something I want to win not just do some Minecraft and then go to jail or suicide like a loser. Most people won't do shit but will enjoy watching you going Minecraft, that's why nothing will happens. I've thought about spreading blackpills IRL but I realized that any non Minecraft actions is pointless
It's funny how the promise of technology differs so much from the delivery.

If guys not getting dates / laid was the result of a lack of communication, then apps like Tinder should have fixed that problem 100%.

But technology seems to be exponentially worsening the problem, not making it better. Roosh has a solid theory that posting a selfie on Instagram gives a woman the same rush as going on a date. Why should she even go any further?

If Christianity keeps declining in the face of all this, there's a good chance that lots of sexless / dateless guys will start to literally worship women, with apps like Instagram becoming the new altars.
PUA is retarded, at least as an incel. Some thoeries are based on obvious factors and only get hook ups. Some normie / chadlite could benefit from it but I haven't seen any theories or ideas for long term
Smartphones ruined women. It's over.
hell yea i love the content of VVS
Cope! 10 years ago was nearly 2010, not 2000 or 1995, online dating was mainstream in 2010. OKCupid, POF, facebook, Bebo, Myspace were the online platforms on which foids met chads in 2010.

They're incomparable to Tinder and Instagram, and Snapchat. Facebook was for talking to people you know. The sheer volume of guys girls can access with Tinder and IG, and discretely, and the obsession with looks, and the plentifulness of nudes. Filters didn't exist either. Also what was key was the change from PC/laptop to phone. The vast majority of girls didn't/don't spend their free time at a computer screen. They spend it on their phones. Apps and Iphones caused this shit.

Trust me. I'm 33. It's a whole new world. Terms like "FWBs" and "polyamorous" are completely normalised now, they didn't exist 10 years ago.
They're incomparable to Tinder and Instagram, and Snapchat. Facebook was for talking to people you know. The sheer volume of guys girls can access with Tinder and IG, and discretely, and the obsession with looks, and the plentifulness of nudes. Filters didn't exist either. Also what was key was the change from PC/laptop to phone. The vast majority of girls didn't/don't spend their free time at a computer screen. They spend it on their phones. Apps and Iphones caused this shit.

Trust me. I'm 33. It's a whole new world. Terms like "FWBs" and "polyamorous" are completely normalised now, they didn't exist 10 years ago.

Exactly, my older brother says the exact same thing. We are literally living in the worst time in history for men when it comes to dating. We are ALL CUCKED.
The "friends with benefits" thing did exist 10 years ago. I remember hearing about it and wondering how on earth some people were so lucky.

Must have been one of those chad things.

But yeah, I agree that things are probably worse now. I didn't do any better when I tried online dating 10 years ago though.

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