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Theory "Prove the incel wrong", the comic on IT ...

Fancy Alcoholic

Fancy Alcoholic

Living by the name
Sep 2, 2020
This is just a theory, but ... :feelzez:

The dude behind it is probably a trucel undercover trying to infiltrate normie circles with our based ideologyby PRETENDING he's trying to prove us wrong, while in fact, proving we're right on everything. :feelshmm:

How so ? Read carefully, analyze his methodology, and you'll realize he's only using ridiculous strawmen, pathetic (fake) attempts at rhetoric technics, horrendous drawing skills and laughable writings. Not only that, but he's the very caricatural incarnation of what a real trucel could be.:feelssus:

Honestly, he's so "bad" at what he does he can't possibly be guenuine in his attempt to disprove anything regarding the blackpill ... That's why I do believe he actually wants to achieve the exact contrarian goal.:feelsthink:

All I can say is : good job buddy boyo, go on, "prove incels wrong" forever, so that we'll strive even more and find new members among your critical readers. :feelsokman:
I think he's just extremely autistic
Nah man. If it was that he'd just pretend to be a foid and it'd be a lot easier. If you want anything from reddit, such as advice from people on a certain field of work, or whatever, you just have to pretend to be a foid and you'll get it. They're a bunch of soyboys.

It's just a case of very severe autism and mental retardation. I always assumed he was a 12yo but no, he's over 30 so a complete failure of a human being. He's mentally 12 and also doesn't realize no one likes his cringe drawings, seeing as he has created a sub for them and calls himself the "author of Prove The Incel Wrong" :feelshaha:

Sorry to be so blunt but I'm just tired of seeing him quote my posts and some others from this forum, sometimes extremely high IQcels, and "proving them wrong" with his ridiculous responses, and speaking on our behalf as a straw man argument too.

Just drawing that shit when he's over 30 years old already means he's a complete disappointment of a "man". And furthermore, he's putting himself in his comics as little children do, and while he's at it, he's letting us know that he's short and has an autistic haircut.

Also every interaction with girls by him on his comic is being a white knight and getting friendzoned. That's what is normal in his mind aka what he's used to :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

He is also a slave to mainstream views because he lacks the basic social skills and mental capacity to question what he's told and not take everything society says at face value.

He mentioned he lost his virginity (supposedly because "he didn't bother" before) at over 30. Which is ok in itself and the situation of many in this forum. The thing is however, most of this forum mogs him. He's an incel too. And with that kind of crippling autism, he'd have to be terachad to compensate, even a chad wouldn't get laid if he's mentally retarded. Which means he's 100% betabuxing. Aka he probably has a tech job, maybe at a big corporation that has a department for autists with people whos trained to deal with them, and some foid got off the cock carousel and is now living off him while he posts on IT and doesn't bother her much. :feelshehe:
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never heard of this tbh
Nah man. If it was that he'd just pretend to be a foid and it'd be a lot easier. If you want anything from reddit, such as advice from people on a certain field of work, or whatever, you just have to pretend to be a foid and you'll get it. They're a bunch of soyboys.

It's just a case of very severe autism and mental retardation. I always assumed he was a 12yo but no, he's over 30 so a complete failure of a human being. He's mentally 12 and also doesn't realize no one likes his cringe drawings, seeing as he has created a sub for them and calls himself the "author of Prove The Incel Wrong" :feelshaha:

Sorry to be so blunt but I'm just tired of seeing him quote my posts and some others from this forum, sometimes extremely high IQcels, and "proving them wrong" with his ridiculous responses, and speaking on our behalf as a straw man argument too.

Just drawing that shit when he's over 30 years old already means he's a complete disappointment of a "man". And furthermore, he's putting himself in his comics as little children do, and while he's at it, he's letting us know that he's short and has an autistic haircut.

Also every interaction with girls by him on his comic is being a white knight and getting friendzoned. That's what is normal in his mind aka what he's used to :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

He is also a slave to mainstream views because he lacks the basic social skills and mental capacity to question what he's told and not take everything society says at face value.

He mentioned he lost his virginity (supposedly because "he didn't bother" before) at over 30. Which is ok in itself and the situation of many in this forum. The thing is however, most of this forum mogs him. He's an incel too. And with that kind of crippling autism, he'd have to be terachad to compensate, even a chad wouldn't get laid if he's mentally retarded. Which means he's 100% betabuxing. Aka he probably has a tech job, maybe at a big corporation that has a department for autists with people whos trained to deal with them, and some foid got off the cock carousel and is now living off him while he posts on IT and doesn't bother her much. :feelshehe:
that was a brutal read ngl
He's pretty open about his subhumanity. He's 30 something and autistic (I think he also mentioned that he lost his virginity when he was 30-31).
"author of Prove The Incel Wrong"
Cringe level: Over 9000
Nah man. If it was that he'd just pretend to be a foid and it'd be a lot easier. If you want anything from reddit, such as advice from people on a certain field of work, or whatever, you just have to pretend to be a foid and you'll get it. They're a bunch of soyboys.

It's just a case of very severe autism and mental retardation. I always assumed he was a 12yo but no, he's over 30 so a complete failure of a human being. He's mentally 12 and also doesn't realize no one likes his cringe drawings, seeing as he has created a sub for them and calls himself the "author of Prove The Incel Wrong" :feelshaha:

Sorry to be so blunt but I'm just tired of seeing him quote my posts and some others from this forum, sometimes extremely high IQcels, and "proving them wrong" with his ridiculous responses, and speaking on our behalf as a straw man argument too.

Just drawing that shit when he's over 30 years old already means he's a complete disappointment of a "man". And furthermore, he's putting himself in his comics as little children do, and while he's at it, he's letting us know that he's short and has an autistic haircut.

Also every interaction with girls by him on his comic is being a white knight and getting friendzoned. That's what is normal in his mind aka what he's used to :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

He is also a slave to mainstream views because he lacks the basic social skills and mental capacity to question what he's told and not take everything society says at face value.

He mentioned he lost his virginity (supposedly because "he didn't bother" before) at over 30. Which is ok in itself and the situation of many in this forum. The thing is however, most of this forum mogs him. He's an incel too. And with that kind of crippling autism, he'd have to be terachad to compensate, even a chad wouldn't get laid if he's mentally retarded. Which means he's 100% betabuxing. Aka he probably has a tech job, maybe at a big corporation that has a department for autists with people whos trained to deal with them, and some foid got off the cock carousel and is now living off him while he posts on IT and doesn't bother her much. :feelshehe:
This (except for the comics/defense of women) is what my life would turn out to be in the best case scenario, completely honkpilled again.
that was a brutal read ngl
Moreover, he's part of IT. Which means he subscribes to subjective morality (i.e. all cultures and races are equally good). That alone invalidates his opinions as he cannot OBJECTIVELY prove that we're wrong. He can't make claims such as "rape is bad" or "racism is horrible" because his entire belief system is subjective. If he admits that those things are, in fact, morally reprehensible, then he's effectively admitting that certain cultures (or races) where rape is the norm are inferior.
Nah man. If it was that he'd just pretend to be a foid and it'd be a lot easier. If you want anything from reddit, such as advice from people on a certain field of work, or whatever, you just have to pretend to be a foid and you'll get it. They're a bunch of soyboys.

It's just a case of very severe autism and mental retardation. I always assumed he was a 12yo but no, he's over 30 so a complete failure of a human being. He's mentally 12 and also doesn't realize no one likes his cringe drawings, seeing as he has created a sub for them and calls himself the "author of Prove The Incel Wrong" :feelshaha:

Sorry to be so blunt but I'm just tired of seeing him quote my posts and some others from this forum, sometimes extremely high IQcels, and "proving them wrong" with his ridiculous responses, and speaking on our behalf as a straw man argument too.

Just drawing that shit when he's over 30 years old already means he's a complete disappointment of a "man". And furthermore, he's putting himself in his comics as little children do, and while he's at it, he's letting us know that he's short and has an autistic haircut.

Also every interaction with girls by him on his comic is being a white knight and getting friendzoned. That's what is normal in his mind aka what he's used to :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

He is also a slave to mainstream views because he lacks the basic social skills and mental capacity to question what he's told and not take everything society says at face value.

He mentioned he lost his virginity (supposedly because "he didn't bother" before) at over 30. Which is ok in itself and the situation of many in this forum. The thing is however, most of this forum mogs him. He's an incel too. And with that kind of crippling autism, he'd have to be terachad to compensate, even a chad wouldn't get laid if he's mentally retarded. Which means he's 100% betabuxing. Aka he probably has a tech job, maybe at a big corporation that has a department for autists with people whos trained to deal with them, and some foid got off the cock carousel and is now living off him while he posts on IT and doesn't bother her much. :feelshehe:
Sigmund Freud moment
Sorry to be so blunt but I'm just tired of seeing him quote my posts and some others from this forum, sometimes extremely high IQcels, and "proving them wrong" with his ridiculous responses, and speaking on our behalf as a straw man argument too.
> posts our arguments
> starts by claiming the moral high ground and insulting us
> builds a straw man
> attacks it and claims victory

His ad hominems and straw men are nothing to be upset about. He sounds even more autistic than me jfl. Let him have his fun, don't give him the attention he desperately wants. I wouldn't be surprised if he too, turned out to be a nonce. IT is a cesspool, full of pedos and autistic retards.
WHich isn't hard to begin with.
I draw better than him, and I haven't touched a pencil in years. It's not that hard to make better comics than his. Like, if the drawings were good one could overlook his crappy "counter arguments", but the drawings are soooooooo bad that I can't help but laugh at how pathetic he is.
> posts our arguments
> starts by claiming the moral high ground and insulting us
> builds a straw man
> attacks it and claims victory

His ad hominems and straw men are nothing to be upset about. He sounds even more autistic than me jfl. Let him have his fun, don't give him the attention he desperately wants. I wouldn't be surprised if he too, turned out to be a nonce. IT is a cesspool, full of pedos and autistic retards.

I draw better than him, and I haven't touched a pencil in years. It's not that hard to make better comics than his. Like, if the drawings were good one could overlook his crappy "counter arguments", but the drawings are soooooooo bad that I can't help but laugh at how pathetic he is.
You should. It's Lifefuel knowing how extremely retarded IT users are. His drawing style screams 30 year old chris chan wannabe manchild.
I don't care about IT's existence.
Anti-incels in a nutshell.
Yeah, there's no debating them, they'll always resort to ad hominem when you corner them. They can't even objectively say that rape is bad (I'm not a proponent of rape, just pointing out their hypocricy), but they'll lecture us on morals. Here's an example of that:
Moreover, he's part of IT. Which means he subscribes to subjective morality (i.e. all cultures and races are equally good). That alone invalidates his opinions as he cannot OBJECTIVELY prove that we're wrong. He can't make claims such as "rape is bad" or "racism is horrible" because his entire belief system is subjective. If he admits that those things are, in fact, morally reprehensible, then he's effectively admitting that certain cultures (or races) where rape is the norm are inferior.

Also, their intentions are malicious, they don't really want to understand the problem, all they want is to feel morally superior to us.

I did a couple of threads directed at normies to clarify a few misconceptions they had about Dogpill, but they didn't care. They'd rather take shots at obvious troll posts made by graycels rather than to address real arguments.
I like how in his comics he calls his self insert “advocate” when all he does is shit on incels to boost his low self esteem

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