I dont think anti escortcels realize that prostitution being illegal is bad for them, even if they don't want to escortmax.
Illegal prostitution lowers the supply of sex without lowering the demand. This basically increases the "price" of sex and means there is more competition to get it. For an example of this, look at the drug trade. Selling drugs to people is bad, but what the government didn't realize is that whats worse is the fact that people are buying it. So they made it illegal but people kept wanting to buy it. So people go through greater and greater lengths to get drugs and fall into doing more illegal shit. And it's more expensive. I'm sure you can see how this relates to sex with how much hoops people have to jump through to try and get a foid to fuck them.
Prostitution isn't stopping just because it's illegal. And it being illegal actually makes it easier for the foids because they get more money for less. A lot of times people will go to strip clubs and tip so much trying to get the stripper to fuck for money and she doesn't put out. Or if she does she will make the simp give her literally a thousand dollars to smash. Stripper foids are making way more bank than you would think.