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Proof that getting gf massively increases your outlook on life ( story about friend)



Nov 8, 2017
So ive got this normie volcel friend who had a bit of a dry spell, he thinks he was really ugly but hes like a 5/10 at least, he mogs me so fucking hard. he believed he was doomed because he had sex once and couldnt get it again for like 2 - 3 years. He got depressed, wanting to sui all the time, drank a lot and kinda just made his life spiral harder and harder down further and further. He started blowing money randomly on stupid shit, trying to find a way to cope, to fill the void of no gf/ no sex.

But recently he met up with female and theyve been hitting it off recently for a few months until they made it official and been having sex regularly And guess what? Hes not bitter and sour anymore, his outlook on life is so much better and i see the little spark back in him that i used to see before all of that shit happened. Im sure he still gets a little bit depressed at times but thats rare, but the fact of the matter is that getting gf and sex has done great for him, and i think hes actually enjoying life again.

Fellow incels and any possible soon to be incel lurkers here, dont listen to normies advice about " you dont need a gf to be happy, you arent entitled to gf and sex, u need to work on yourself/fix yourself and your mental health before getting gf etc etc" because its all BULLSHIT. 

Getting gf and/or sex is and has always been the best thing for a man to happen to him, and especially for an incel. It is life changing.

Unfortunately, im not as privileged as other people these days because im still khhv at 22, wanting to sui everyday and coping with alcohol as much as possible. I just wish i wasnt fucking ugly,  i just wish a female would give me a chance because i know my life would change dramatically if it did. But im coping, because theres plenty of men, even incel looking guys who mog me and would have a 1 % better chance of getting laid over me.
The feeling of not being wanted is something a normie can never understand. It's one of the worst feelings a human can feel. They have no idea what they are talking about when they say it wont fix your problems.
War of rail ost said:
The feeling of not being wanted is something a normie can never understand. It's one of the worst feelings a human can feel. They have no idea what they are talking about when they say it wont fix your problems.

exactly its pure sui fuel thinking about our own dready life thats just pure shit. A life full of misery, virginity and cope
Women. evil women can end all of this. but nooooooo they'd rather just shame us
TheVman said:
Women. evil women can end all of this. but nooooooo they'd rather just shame us
women would rather fuck dogs than us ( and they have)
exactly its pure sui fuel thinking about our own dready life thats just pure shit. A life full of misery, virginity and cope

And the fact it's never going to change and that I know that is just over the top, I cannot believe I am still sane. The hatred I feel for this piece of shit life I did nothing to deserve pisses me off so much, then these faggot normies say obvious useless shit is icing on the shitcake.
The enormous effects of validation and sex are legit as fuck.

Shit, even thinking that I had a chance to escape - which turned out to be yet another false dawn - had me feeling inches taller. Nonceldom is another plane of existence to us.
War of rail ost said:
And the fact it's never going to change and that I know that is just over the top, I cannot believe I am still sane. The hatred I feel for this piece of shit life I did nothing to deserve pisses me off so much, then these faggot normies say obvious useless shit is icing on the shitcake.

its over buddy boyo, LDAR
a loving femerroid can instantly cure all depression
Just fucking end my misery now.
Gf are bullshit they have all the power and when they leave you they get to go into another relationship easily but you have to suffer again.
NeverSubmit said:
Gf are bullshit they have all the power and when they leave you they get to go into another relationship easily but you have to suffer again.

true but this slutty whore is all over my friends cock. I think he is in it for the long run.
its over buddy boyo, LDAR

I never even had a chance, life was fucked when I was born.
True as fuck. When I had a gf, I was more confident and wouldn't be afraid to conversate with people. When I would wake up, I didn't want to go back to bed, I wanted the start the day.
Inceldom is what hell would be like.
im convinced having a female in an incels life would dramatically improve it.

regardless of what inceltears says, yes it wont solved all our shit but it would give us hope.
I'd like to imagine everyone spewing such nonsense go their entire lives without a gf/bf.
KyloRen said:
I'd like to imagine everyone spewing such nonsense go their entire lives without a gf/bf.

its a foreign concept to them, because most of them started getting gfs/bfs/ attention from the opposite sex from high school.
having sex gives you the energy to do shit, fuck even look at leonardo di caprio (a handsome rich actor, getting plenty of sex), travelling around the world, and helping people lol.

if normies didnt had sex for a few years, theyd fall apart. some of them dont know what their talking about, until they lose everything they have...
Its not just the sex that helped him its the intimacy and feeling of being wanted that has made him feel better. Humans crave that sort of shit
Weirdcel said:
True as fuck. When I had a gf, I was more confident and wouldn't be afraid to conversate with people. When I would wake up, I didn't want to go back to bed, I wanted the start the day.

Fuck brutal. Im rotting in the bed the last ~18 hours
Sadist said:
Its not just the sex that helped him its the intimacy and feeling of being wanted that has made him feel better. Humans crave that sort of shit
War of rail ost said:
The feeling of not being wanted is something a normie can never understand. It's one of the worst feelings a human can feel. They have no idea what they are talking about when they say it wont fix your problems.

I hate it when some normie, or worse, a female, claims it's "suffering from loneliness". I get extremely enraged. These animals have no idea what they're talking about. They never experienced it. They know nothing.
Love towards yourself inevitably leads to positivity
This is love. When someone drags you from the wreckage when you have given in, ready to just lie there and die. This is love. When someone, no matter what the cost, shows you there is hope, a choice, that you can put down your gun. This is love. Love hurts.
TheVman said:
Women. evil women can end all of this. but nooooooo they'd rather just shame us
women would rather fuck dogs than us ( and they have)

Dogs>incels. Its over for not-dogcels.

Kointo said:
Love towards yourself inevitably leads to positivity

Sounds like a meme, but its true in a way tbh.
Kointo said:
Love towards yourself inevitably leads to positivity

cant love yourself when ur ugly
Kointo said:
Love towards yourself inevitably leads to positivity
cant love yourself when ur ugly
Cynistic said:
TheVman said:
Women. evil women can end all of this. but nooooooo they'd rather just shame us
women would rather fuck dogs than us ( and they have)
Dogs>incels. Its over for not-dogcels.
Kointo said:
Love towards yourself inevitably leads to positivity
Sounds like a meme, but its true in a way tbh.
No, I mean others giving love towards you, like a gf
Fuck these whores need to pay for rejecting me.

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