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PROOF that femoids don't actually care about genetic quality.



Nov 12, 2017
All you need to do is ask one question :

"If 'designer babies' became a thing, would femoids finally start having sex with us ugly guys?"

The answer is pretty clearly : NO.

Even if you could have the most genetically PERFECT baby, she STILL wouldn't fuck you or be with you because they're all shallow cunts. It has nothing to do with "nature" or "life", it's literally them being entitled stuck up bitches that want the best for THEMSELVES. They want good looking men because they feel good, not because of some stupid "natural force". It's just their sick pleasure. And cucks enable them to gorge on their fantasies with no consequences.

Also there's obviously the fact that a Chad with a serious genetic defect would STILL get laid instead of an ugly guy with actually strong and healthy genes otherwise.

Maybe now you fuckers can stop coping with you "hurr can't hate womyn caus it's in their nature!" IT'S NOT! They want Chads because it makes them feel good and proud, NOTHING ELSE.
All you need to do is ask one question :

"If 'designer babies' became a thing, would femoids finally start having sex with us ugly guys?"

The answer is pretty clearly : NO.

Even if you could have the most genetically PERFECT baby, she STILL wouldn't fuck you or be with you because they're all shallow cunts. It has nothing to do with "nature" or "life", it's literally them being entitled stuck up bitches that want the best for THEMSELVES. They want good looking men because they feel good, not because of some stupid "natural force". It's just their sick pleasure. And cucks enable them to gorge on their fantasies with no consequences.

Also there's obviously the fact that a Chad with a serious genetic defect would STILL get laid instead of an ugly guy with actually strong and healthy genes otherwise.

Maybe now you fuckers can stop coping with you "hurr can't hate womyn caus it's in their nature!" IT'S NOT! They want Chads because it makes them feel good and proud, NOTHING ELSE.

preach it brother.
They're biologically wired to care.
They're biologically wired to care.

They don't care. If Jeremy Meeks said "babe I got like some genetic disease or smthn" any roasto would go "ughhh I don't care fuck me" .
That's not how evolution work.

They care SUBCONSCIOUSLY about genetic quality, even a girl who doesn't want any child is attracted by attractive guys because SUBCONSCIOUSLY she is interrested in genetic quality.

A girl doesn't think "waw i must carefuly optimize genetic quality of my offspring" everytimes she fucks a chad, else it would be stupid to let him wear condom or to take the pill.
They only want good looking guys because they care what other girls think about them. They want to make others jealous by getting gl guys. You might sometimes see a nerdy 6/10 girl with a 5/10 or 4/10 guy just because she has no social circle or girlfriends
wow no shit, she fucks the guy not his baby
You don't understand how evolution work.

They care SUBCONSCIOUSLY about genetic quality, even a girl who doesn't want any child is attractive by attractive guys because SUBCONSCIOUSLY she is interrested in genetic quality.

A girl doesn't think "waw i must optimize genetic quality of my offspring" everytimes she fucks a chad, else it would be stupid to let him wear condom or to take the pill.

Good looks don't imply good genes always. You could look like Gandy himself and have the most garbage genes. This is a retarded ass cope that basically says that femshits are somehow allowed to do this.

They only want good looking guys because they care what other girls think about them. They want to make others jealous by getting gl guys. You might sometimes see a nerdy 6/10 girl with a 5/10 or 4/10 guy just because she has no social circle or girlfriends

This also. It's all about status.

wow no shit, she fucks the guy not his baby

gj missing the entire point of the thread
They don't care. If Jeremy Meeks said "babe I got like some genetic disease or smthn" any roasto would go "ughhh I don't care fuck me" .
The do care, they want to make sure their sons look like this.
Good looks don't imply good genes always. You could look like Gandy himself and have the most garbage genes. This is a retarded ass cope that basically says that femshits are somehow allowed to do this.

You are still thinking of "caring about genetic fitness" as some rational conscious decision. Like i said, it's not and that's not how evolution works.

Evolution instill in us some instincts/emotions that were useful/pertinent at a certain moment, those emotions/instincts take a lot of time to take root in us, for instance (fearing dark because dark is very dangerous in the savana full of snakes, not so in a secure street or in your house, liking sugary food because it was good for survival in stressfull environments etc), then even when the environment change, those emotions/instincts DON'T CHANGE AS FAST, humans will still fear the dark inconsciously, and find sugary food delicious even when they have plenty of healthier/better food to eat, their animal mind is still going crazy "SUGAR take it take it store it, much calories, much security" and be attracted by attractive people because it signals genetic fitness even if they can have designer babies.

Sure, good looks don't guarantee genetic fitness, but it's the BEST signal humans always had.
Good looks don't imply good genes always. You could look like Gandy himself and have the most garbage genes. This is a retarded ass cope that basically says that femshits are somehow allowed to do this.

This also. It's all about status.

gj missing the entire point of the thread
This entire thread is pointless and retarded. Why would any woman want to have sex with an ugly guy or even have relationship with him and look at his ugly face for the rest of her life.
You are still thinking of "caring about genetic fitness" as some rational conscious decision. Like i said, it's not and that's not how evolution works.

Evolution instill in us some instincts/emotions that were useful/pertinent at a certain moment, those emotions/instincts take a lot of time to take root in us, for instance (fearing dark because dark is very dangerous in the savana full of snakes, not so in a secure street or in your house, liking sugary food because it was good for survival in stressfull environments etc), then even when the environment change, those emotions/instincts DON'T CHANGE AS FAST, humans will still fear the dark inconsciously, and find sugary food delicious even when they have nothing to eat, and be attracted by attractive people because it signals genetic fitness even if they can have designed babies.

Sure, good looks don't guarantee genetic fitness, but it's the BEST signal humans always had.

LOL, except it doesn't matter. In the end, most of the roasties never even have kids with Chads and instead with betabux providers later on.
So how do you explain them whoring around yet not actually having kids with the so called "best signals" but instead with the ones with "lesser signals".
This entire thread is pointless and retarded. Why would any woman want to have sex with an ugly guy or even have relationship with him and look at his ugly face for the rest of her life.

Nobody asked you to reply faggot. Go pretend to be a girl somewhere else.
LOL, except it doesn't matter. In the end, most of the roasties never even have kids with Chads and instead with betabux providers later on.
So how do you explain them whoring around yet not actually having kids with the so called "best signals" but instead with the ones with "lesser signals".

dude, that's exactly what i'm saying. A lot of women don't even want to have kids, yet they are still attracted by attractive guys only.

It doesn't matter in practice, if you think the attraction based on genetic fitness works in a rational/deliberative basis, IT DOESN'T. it matters because it works in an instinctual, subconscious basis.

You are the one who have to explain what does "BEING ATTRACTIVE" even means if you take away genetic fitness ? I answered your question, women are subconsciously, instinctively attracted to genetic fitness, they don't think "olol i want to fuck chad to improve my kids genetic"
Nobody asked you to reply faggot. Go pretend to be a girl somewhere else.
Ugabauga don't shit yourself retard

>make retarded thread
>someone says it's retarded
Ugabauga don't shit yourself retard

>make retarded thread
>someone says it's retarded

Retarded in your mind.
>share your worthless opinion

If you have nothing of value to add then kindly fuck off.

dude, that's exactly what i'm saying. A lot of women don't even want to have kids, yet they are still attracted by attractive guys only.

It doesn't matter in practice, if you think the attraction based on genetic fitness works in a rational/deliberative basis, IT DOESN'T. it matters because it works in an instinctual, subconscious basis.

You are the one who have to explain what does "BEING ATTRACTIVE" even means if you take away genetic fitness ? I answered your question, women are subconsciously, instinctively attracted to genetic fitness, they don't think "olol i want to fuck chad to improve my kids genetic"

Well then their subconscious must be pretty fucking retarded for them to never do it in practice. Their "subconscious" tells them to make kids but yet somehow they manage to defeat that yet they can NEVER defeat their "subconscious" lust for Chad? Sounds like a bunch of horseshit to excuse them for being shallow pieces of shit. Their "subconscious" means nothing to me, if they can suppress ALL that other shit and yet somehow make an exception for this then honestly it's still their conscious decision.
When will you fuckers understand that it has nothing to do with women.
It's other men that are better than you the problem, if it were only you alive and 3-4 uglier than you, women would get wet by you just because you're in top 20%
VLÖ No it isn't, it's the same for us. You are overestimating human rationality and underestimating instincts.

Aren't you attracted by hot girls ?

Explain to me what would attraction even means if you take away genetic fitness ? You can say "Symetry/Chins/Boobs/Whatever", but why the fuck would symetry matters matters or boobs or wide hips matter to begin with ? It's because they instinctivly indicate genetic fitness/fertility etc, and instinctivly it translates into our minds as "good, sexy, pursue that"

the pleasure for sex is in itself an evolutionary trick to propagate the selfish genes.
There was a study done and confirmed that women approval doesn't guarantee mating success, while men approval does..

Too lazy to search it but it was interesting
No it isn't, it's the same for us. You are overestimating human rationality and underestimating instincts.

Aren't you attracted by hot girls ?

Explain to me what would attraction even means if you take away genetic outlook ? You can say "Symetry/Chins/Boobs/Whatever", but why the fuck would those matter ? It's because they indicate genetic fitness/fertility etc, and instinctivly it translates into our minds as "good, sexy, pursue that"

the pleasure for sex is in itself an evolutionary trick to propagate the selfish genes.

Attraction for me is on a moral level. I don't give a fuck about looks, I care what's on the inside (unlike them).

And even if I did chase hot girls, I understand that they will never want me. Womyn on the other hand REFUSE to accept anything less than Chad. They would rather be childless than settle for less. And honestly, even ugly girls who probably have shit genetics still get TONS of male attention. So clearly for us it doesn't matter. And if we can suppress it, then so can them, except they simply choose not to.
Like sex, they probably also reward their husbands with offsprings also. Our purpose is to spread our seed for our genes to live on, but a lot of us are already failing to do that.

But yes women always do shit for them. Many things have to be in it for themselves to comply.
I don't think girls look that far down the line. They want a hot guy cause it makes their pussy wet. Simple as.
It's subconscious OP. Theu feel physical attraction to guys with good genes and find them 'hot'

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