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Profiles in Infamy: IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri


your personality

Jun 26, 2020
There are few examples of a man who had their name completely ruined over sexual harassment accusations and died with that charge forever condemning them as former Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chairman Rajendra Pachauri.

Pachauri had previously made contributions to IPCC reports outlining how climate change is likely to hurt the poorest

He was by all means considered very esteemed and his climate change committee had shared a Nobel Prize with Al Gore that was awarded in 2007

Yet all it took for his name to be disgraced was sexual harassment allegations by a younger female colleague.
This was of course unsurprisingly first reported on climate skeptic sites like wattsupwiththat and climatedepot and continued negative coverage from these places of Pachauri continued even after his death.

However in due time even the media that once reported favorably about him turned on him and began to associate his name with sexual harassment.
Despite Pachauri's claims to the contrary about the allegations and the case not being fully decided, the media acted as if he was guilty and reported on it that way by remarking about it an accusatory tone even when reporting news that he had passed away.

Implications and relevance to inceldom: What this shows is that no matter how prestigious, esteemed or good the work you do and whatever accolades you may receive from society and the media, all of that is rendered nil as soon as news that you are accused of sexual harassment and misconduct toward women or alleged news about this and controversy begins to swirl around you.

The passing of Rajendra Pachauri and the accusatory tones highlighted in the media even after his death was really something quite remarkable to me at the time because it really couldn't have been a better example of how unattractive males are considered guilty before proven innocent and that the worse suspicions will be fanned by the same people (that previously lauded your accomplishments) when it is convenient for them to start doing so if they felt you slipped up.

Rajendra Pachauri's death was used by the media to grandstand about women's issues and cast him as ultimately a very flawed man before courts had the chance to even prove whether he was guilty or not.

"Pachauri had denied the charges and his attorneys claimed his messages were hacked in an attempt to malign him. New Delhi police filed a complaint in court but the trial could not be completed."

It was an infuriating thing to witness how quickly the world had turned on this man just because of sexual harassment allegations and how the media chose to fixate on this aspect about what he was going through up to his dying hours.
What this really again shows is that it doesn't matter how successful you are or what kind of good work you do to help society. As soon as you are seen as trespassing upon the sanctity of women society immediately disregards all that and casts an accusatory tone to you before you are even convicted, using you as an unwilling participant to make an example out of you to advance their crusade. A pre-judged male that had to take the fall so that others may grandstand and use your fall to make a statement about the supposed never ending progress toward "women's rights"

Tagging @PPEcel because he has expressed an interest in political organizations and policy issues before.
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What this really again shows is that it doesn't matter how successful you are or what kind of good work you do to help society. As soon as you are seen as trespassing upon the sanctity of women society immediately disregards all that and casts an accusatory tone to you before you are even convicted, using you as an unwilling participant to make an example out of you to advance their crusade.
This is the real male privilege right here. To have your life ruined by a bunch of claims with zero evidence.

But we're still living in a mans world right sweetie?

It hasn't been a mans world for years now
with humans and especially women there is literally zero point in being a public figure and seeking "celebrity" the whole pursuit is flawed doomed to failure.
As it is predacted on others perceptions of you, these perceptions of you however are largely out of your control, are manipulated by the media for facile ends, for stereotype, reductionist and hyperbole. There is no value to humanity for any of these elements it pushes nothing forward.
Its like being missold the american dream, it is illusory and even if you attain the "dream" it is a nightmare not only to maintain, but is hollow when you get there you are lead to a place of nihilism.

The only reason people are in these really top lead positions is power pure and simple, huge ego, I am so powerful i can reverse climate change, i can use my political power to get a nobel prize for pointing out what everyone already knows that we are heating up the planet and destroying the ozone layer, this is simple physical science herr derr increase in carbon dioxide out put herr derr bad for atmosphere herr derr lets write 5000000000000000000000000000000000000 pages on this for self aggrandizement.

The only people who actually care to change anything, YOU HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER HEAR OF
because they are the scientists who dont care about awards dont care about the fake people fake clapping fake nobel peace prize and climate change winners. People who change small things in a local community setting up houses for the destitute and homeless off their own back with no government or council help, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WONT HELP BUT PIGGY BACK ON THE MEDIA ATTENTION.
CHANGE THINGS incrementally not grandstanding their whole life promising massive changes, and perpetually wasting time. THEY HAVE REALISED CHANGE COMES VERY VERY SLOWLY HAMMERING AWAY AT THE FACTS AT THE SCIENCE AT THE ROOT CAUSES OF A PROBLEM.
no one gives a fuck about climate change whilst everyone gives a huge fuck about women.
@ReconElement look at this
"Columnist at The Wire writes an intellectually dishonest article about alleged molester RK Pachauri"

with humans and especially women there is literally zero point in being a public figure and seeking "celebrity" the whole pursuit is flawed doomed to failure.
As it is predacted on others perceptions of you, these perceptions of you however are largely out of your control, are manipulated by the media for facile ends, for stereotype, reductionist and hyperbole. There is no value to humanity for any of these elements it pushes nothing forward.
Its like being missold the american dream, it is illusory and even if you attain the "dream" it is a nightmare not only to maintain, but is hollow when you get there you are lead to a place of nihilism.

The only reason people are in these really top lead positions is power pure and simple, huge ego, I am so powerful i can reverse climate change, i can use my political power to get a nobel prize for pointing out what everyone already knows that we are heating up the planet and destroying the ozone layer, this is simple physical science herr derr increase in carbon dioxide out put herr derr bad for atmosphere herr derr lets write 5000000000000000000000000000000000000 pages on this for self aggrandizement.

The only people who actually care to change anything, YOU HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER HEAR OF
because they are the scientists who dont care about awards dont care about the fake people fake clapping fake nobel peace prize and climate change winners. People who change small things in a local community setting up houses for the destitute and homeless off their own back with no government or council help, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WONT HELP BUT PIGGY BACK ON THE MEDIA ATTENTION.
CHANGE THINGS incrementally not grandstanding their whole life promising massive changes, and perpetually wasting time. THEY HAVE REALISED CHANGE COMES VERY VERY SLOWLY HAMMERING AWAY AT THE FACTS AT THE SCIENCE AT THE ROOT CAUSES OF A PROBLEM.
Okay but that really has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Whatever your personal beliefs about climate change and whether it's even worth discussing policy initiatives that address it, this could have happened in any field and any line of work.
It is also not uncommon for scientists these days to unwillingly be entered into the public spotlight as even science gets more and more politicized and absorbed into a culture wars narrative.
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This currycel who worked at google made a lot of their search algorithms and still got fired because a foid accused him of sexual harassment(probably just talking to her). He moved to uber but soys got him and the ceo fired.
This currycel who worked at google made a lot of their search algorithms and still got fired because a foid accused him of sexual harassment(probably just talking to her). He moved to uber but soys got him and the ceo fired.
And in many cases the media will try and use controversy around the topic being discussed (climate change) to pile on any male accused of sexual harrassment by claiming even others are disavowing him. When really it might be because of previous disagreements with that man that contributes more and they are just opportunistically using the excuse of sexual harassment claims to finally hate on that man and feel justified in doing so.

I already see some people in this thread getting distracted about the issue being "climate change".
No. The point I was conveying in the OP is that as an ugly unattractive male you could still manage to lead a pretty successful life and make a lot of contributions to knowledge and awareness but have all of that completely rendered moot if there are sexual harassment claims against you.
Many incels that aren't NEETs risk facing this issue if they are ever to rise to fame in their field or organization only to later be accused of sexual harrassment or misconduct for things as small as objecting to violations of dress code
@ReconElement look at this
"Columnist at The Wire writes an intellectually dishonest article about alleged molester RK Pachauri"

Okay but that really has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Whatever your personal beliefs about climate change and whether it's even worth discussing policy initiatives that address it, this could have happened in any field and any line of work.
It is also not uncommon for scientists these days to unwillingly be entered into the public spotlight as even science gets more and more politicized and absorbed into a culture wars narrative.
Wire is a leftist propaganda site brocel, what do you expect from them? A woman's mere verbal testimony is enough to land you in prison or to ruin your reputation with people perpetually reminding you of that, it has been never before so easy. Even after you leave this world these allegations stay to haunt your loved ones. This is the way it is, however, something to always remember is when the mainstream media propaganda machinery is with you, you can get away with it even if it's true with multiple instances but when it's against you or you're not one of them a mere testimony is all it requires.
Wire is a leftist propaganda site brocel, what do you expect from them?
I think you misread. This article is bashing The Wire for not mentioning sexual assault allegations against Mr. Pauchuri even though he was never officially convicted of these allegations.
The Wire is not the one to get mad at here.

A woman's mere verbal testimony is enough to land you in prison or to ruin your reputation with people perpetually reminding you of that, it has been never before so easy. Even after you leave this world these allegations stay to haunt your loved ones.
Especially in India. You see nothing but these kinds of stories from places like India where a woman's word is sacrosanct.
A few incidents of rapes in a village though and everyone acts like India doesn't take sexual assault and rape seriously and scorn MRAs in India that are worried about due process for males.

This is the way it is, however, something to always remember is when the mainstream media propaganda machinery is with you, you can get away with it even if it's true with multiple instances but when it's against you or you're not one of them a mere testimony is all it requires.
And you have indeed informed me before of how leftists in India are publicizing every mishap in India and pushing it to national outlets where it gets pushed to international media. All to ruin the reputation of Hindu Indian males. Thank you for explaining this as we can begin to see a theme emerging.
This is the real male privilege right here. To have your life ruined by a bunch of claims with zero evidence.

But we're still living in a mans world right sweetie?

It hasn't been a mans world for years now
in an ideal world, rapists identity wouldn't be disclosed till conviction. too sad we don't live in one
no one gives a fuck about climate change whilst everyone gives a huge fuck about women.
yup and climate change will slowly doom us all, I guess it will bring about a rapture maybe
This currycel who worked at google made a lot of their search algorithms and still got fired because a foid accused him of sexual harassment(probably just talking to her). He moved to uber but soys got him and the ceo fired.
nowadays high profile ugly men especially shouldn't ever antagonize a foid, ever meet one without another man or cameras present. it's too risky and a single accusation means decades of reputation destroyed, even after they are proven false, the stain is there now and forever.
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nowadays high profile ugly men especially shouldn't ever antagonize a foid, ever meet one without another man or cameras present. it's too risky and a single accusation means decades of reputation destroyed, even after they are proven false, the stain is there now and forever.
The mistake Mr. Pauchuri made imo was thinking his prestige would carry over and translate to success if he was friendly/flirty with a female colleague. A mistake that can now cost you dearly in today's world.
The mistake Mr. Pauchuri made imo was thinking his prestige would carry over and translate to success if he was friendly/flirty with a female colleague. A mistake that can now cost you dearly in today's world.
yup. @Mike Pence has this down, his rules are ideal for high profile men to follow
yup. @Mike Pence has this down, his rules are ideal for high profile men to follow
Even going overboard is considered suspicious.
Cordial conversation but maintaining personal space and being completely professional and not joking around is the best way to go.
Yeah that's right even following Pence rules are considered weird and hiding something
Even going overboard is considered suspicious.
Cordial conversation but maintaining personal space and being completely professional and not joking around is the best way to go.
Yeah that's right even following Pence rules are considered weird and hiding something
yes but overall still worth it. they can hate on pencss weird rules but overall the hate pence gets for those rules is far far less than false accusations.
yes but overall still worth it. they can hate on pencss weird rules but overall the hate pence gets for those rules is far far less than false accusations.
Just don't go overboard in the opposite direction. It's proven to be a losing strategy in a lesser but still significant fashion.
If there was ever an opportunity to be the sexless neutered type of persona people here talk about feminists wanting unattractive males to behave like: that is the time.
@Redpill Robert
Just don't go overboard in the opposite direction. It's proven to be a losing strategy in a lesser but still significant fashion.
If there was ever an opportunity to be the sexless neutered type of persona people here talk about feminists wanting unattractive males to behave like: that is the time.
@Redpill Robert
LARPing as gay or bisexual is legit strategy. but wouldn't do it ever personally
LARPing as gay or bisexual is legit strategy. but wouldn't do it ever personally
Again moderation is the key.
If a woman assumes you are gay or asexual by default go along with it that way you maintaining personal space and being very cordial won't raise any suspicions easily.
In any competitive field -- banking, consulting, public policy -- there is no shortage of people who would happily stab you in the back for even five seconds of fame. Anything for a quick buck or a promotion. Or just to join in on the social media frenzy.

This doesn't just go for foids. Other men will happily join in on the backstabbing.

Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn? Former IMF director? Every single one of his charges has been dropped but he is still considered toxic.

That was pre-MeToo and he was a tall white guy. The professional world in the post-MeToo era is now inhospitable for any low-tier ethnic; considering the unspoken power imbalance compared to white foids.
In any competitive field -- banking, consulting, public policy -- there is no shortage of people who would happily stab you in the back for even five seconds of fame. Anything for a quick buck or a promotion.

This doesn't just go for foids. Other men will happily join in on the backstabbing.

Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn? Former IMF director? Every single one of his charges has been dropped but he was still toxic.

That was pre-MeToo and he was a tall white guy. The professional world in the post-MeToo era is now inhospitable for any low-tier ethnic; considering the unspoken power imbalance compared to white foids.
Thank you for replying.
There is no avoiding this. MeToo really ruined moneymaxxing and statusmaxxing opportunities for low tier looking ethnic males.
It picked up in earnest in 2017 and that's when I remember things started getting really bad tbh

And yeah I remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the demonization of him in the media.
Like with Harvey Weinstein, conspiracy theorists joined in the opportunistic "he abuses women" camp for obvious reasons.
This is very tragic. I don't know what to say.
The guy is saving the planet but I'll destroy him because he had the audacity of being unattractive.
This is very tragic. I don't know what to say.
The guy is saving the planet but I'll destroy him because he had the audacity of being unattractive.
Indeed he was treated as guilty before proven innocent and smeared by people that believed in anthropogenic global warming and those that didn't alike.
He never had a chance to salvage what reputation he had remaining. It was very blackpilling to see the response to his death.

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