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News Preventing the rise of a 'messiah'



Disregard my larping efforts. I can't change it.
Dec 29, 2022
The US government's efforts to discredit Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders illustrate the lengths to which it will go to stifle left-wing movements
Forty years ago today, a bullet severed the spine of a man whom many the world over thought of as a prince. We have all seen the picture of the hotel balcony where that prince stood, and fell, surrounded by his entourage, all pointing - presumably, in the direction from which the bullet came.

All but one.

One man was not standing, not pointing, but kneeling by Martin Luther King's body, presumably checking to see if - or that - he was dead. That man, Merrell McCullough, was an undercover police officer who had infiltrated King's circle. According to Time magazine, he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, at least as far back as 1974.

What interest could an intelligence agency have in a man who plainly believed only in peace? In August 1967, four months after King called the US government the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world today," three months after 30 members of the Black Panther party marched, armed, into the California state capitol and onto the front pages of newspapers worldwide, J Edgar Hoover, the head of America's domestic law enforcement agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, issued the following directive: "The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavour is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralise the activities of black-nationalist, hate-type organisations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership and supporters."

By "hate-type organisations", Hoover explained that he meant "such groups as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, [King's] Southern Christian Leadership Conference ... the Congress of Racial Equality and the Nation of Islam", the group Malcolm X belonged to until shortly before his 1965 murder. In February 1968, there was a massive demonstration in support of the then-imprisoned leader of the Black Panthers, and Stokely Carmichael and H Rap Brown merged SNCC with the Panthers. Hoover issued another directive: "Prevent the rise of a 'messiah' who could unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have been such a 'messiah'... . Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, and [Nation of Islam leader] Elijah Muhammed [sic] all aspire to this position ... . King could be a very real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed 'obedience' to 'white, liberal doctrines' (nonviolence)."
@lifefuel thots?
There are many more messiahs they've probably prevented in the past. :feelsLSD:
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Saint Floyd of Fentanyl
There is a long documented history of the US gov meddling in any attempts by blacks to unify and consolidate power (black wall street(s)) among themselves. And systematically assassinating various leaders and sowing discord in groups. Many of the more savvy whites know about this and speak on it.

I truly believe Kevin Samuels was probably the most recent example of this kind of activity, though I don't have any definitive proof. He had all the makings of a "messiah" if you think about it, only to be cut down in his prime OUT OF THE BLUE under suspicious circumstances and replaced by alleged glowies like Pearl and Andrew Tate.

It was the same thing with Marcus Garvey, who had a documented hatred of jews and their institutional persecutory methods.

Meanwhile lesbian man-hating scammers like BLM are allowed to thrive and live in mansions. I mean think about that.

Nowadays they call it "black identity extremism". White extremists aren't nearly as much of a threat because they are much easier to infiltrate and will usually defer to their inner sentiments about how this is "their country" and how they don't want to disrupt the power structure too much (which places whites above blacks). Lyndon Johnson (who was supposedly part of the JFK assassination plot that the CIA is now confirmed to have played a role in) allegedly said that if you can convince the lowest white man that he is better than the best of the negroes he won't notice that you're scamming him.

People have fear in their heart over white devil and fake jew scare tactics. When in reality the only judgment you need to be worried about is The Most High. These people aren't God, they just play him on TV.

This is actually one of the greatest strengths of incels. We don't have shit to lose, and men with nothing to lose are government's biggest threat vector.

If I was a government devil, I would do the same exact thing and MORE to exterminate black leadership and keep black people exactly where they are in perpetuity. The manipulation and overfunded ignorance of black people (and mass media racial agitprop) is one of the cornerstones of this country and anyone in power knows it. Leaders like Malcolm X are often struck down the moment they start to gain legitimacy and sympathy within the white world, which ruins the divide and conquer strategy of the powers that be.

"As Hoover chides an FBI agent: "You state that the Bureau under the CIP should not attack programmes of community interest such as the BPP 'Breakfast for Children'. You state that this is because many prominent 'humanitarians', both white and black, are interested in the programme as well as churches which are actively supporting it. You have obviously missed the point."

"So if the Panthers were not crazy thugs, why do we have this view of them today? Hoover directed his agents to "prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining respectability, by discrediting them ... to the white community."

"King's alleged sexual escapades"

"This clearly demonstrates that acts of so-called nonviolence advocated by King cannot be controlled"

Tactics which continue to this day. A lot of whites do not even question where their irrational prejudice and typecasting of negroes even originates from. It's all manipulation. One of the primary statistics they'll cite to condemn the Negro is FBI crime stats but those stats say all sorts of things and some of them incriminate whites too.

They'll say George Floyd deserved to die because he was alleged a drug addict who did porn. Since when is that enough to sentence someone to public execution? If that's the case most of the white population deserves to die too. Fentanyl isn't even really a black drug. Niggas can't even spell fentanyl. That killing was a psyop anyways.

"When Britons ask why the American peace movement is so weak, the answer is Cointelpro. In all, the US government spent about $100m (almost $550m or £275m in today's currency) destabilising or destroying black, indigenous and left-wing movements in America, and their potential future leadership.

The messiah did not rise again."
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The article even touched on the insidious nature of normies. The blacks who want to assimilate and so on and will separate themselves from "violent" or "extremist" groups. So long as they can be made to perceive them that way. They're not unlike the whites who condemn other whites as "trailer trash" or "hillbillies". Normies are always looking to one-up the next man and the elite encourage them. Now we even have a new category of snobbery with these fake vaccines.

The US even did their meddling overseas with Patrice Lumumba.
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