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Story Prepping has become the in thing whenever there is the slightest chance of an abnormal event, anyone else noticing this?

Have you noticed people are a lot quicker to empty out shelves before natural disasters?

  • Yes I think it has to do with social media

  • No

  • Not sure but don't think social media is the cause at all

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Jun 26, 2020
Do any other incels that go out to buy things notice how quickly items are being emptied off the shelves at stores every time there is even a remote possibility of a natural disaster these days? Not just now during the coronavirus but it's been happening for a while since around the early 2010s. The only explanation I've been able to see is that besides more awareness of how you can be out of food and water for days during a disaster and people taking natural disasters more seriously, social media is fueling panic buying because every coming event where there could be shortages of food or water is being hyped up and people are hoarding everything because of that. Maybe also a rising population is playing a part in the increased demand during those events.

Things like bread that isn't too artificial, vegetables, soup, milk now go out of stock any time there is announced to be the possibility of an event where people might need to stay indoors for a day or two. It seems like in the States this is worse in metropolitan cities near the coast but it happens in moderately populated places in the interior of the country too.
Imo it has a lot to do with prepping culture, normies wanting to feel secure and get theirs to show they are in the know and too many people too quick to believe hype on social media.
Literally any time there is even a moderately heavy snow shower, coastal rainstorm or expected shortage of some supply that is hyped in the news and social media everything essential is soon out of stock.
In the past it was just media that might hype up these things when there was going to be something like a blizzard, fire or hurricane but imo social media has had a bigger effect in prompting this panic buying behavior for any event out of the ordinary no matter how little out of the ordinary it is. It's suifuel because you end up looking ridiculous going to the store and coming up empty-handed looking for supplies while normies and their families have already bought up most of the things and everyone gives you weird looks for not knowing in time that things were going to be out of stock. Even though the hype develops really quickly within hours.
All the time you might have spent even getting up early to try and buy things in time just ends up wasted because people have taken the fast developing hype so seriously they went right shopping right when the store opened and bought everything.

I don't remember this happening before social media like twitter got big tbh
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I don't remember this happening before social media like twitter got big tbh
Nowadays everything is sensationalized and hyped up, so a non insignificant amount of people get scared and decide to stock up. It's basically a given.
Nowadays everything is sensationalized and hyped up, so a non insignificant amount of people get scared and decide to stock up. It's basically a given.
It sucks too because it's just another way social media is affecting the real world whether you use it or not just like how it's become needed to establish a network to get a better chance of getting a job or even getting some jobs that you can only get by having things like a facebook event.

What makes it worse is that all the hype and panic buying blows up real quickly because it could be that someone that lives near you tweeted out some thing a few minutes ago making a big deal of an impending event for attention and virtue signaling how everyone should stay safe and be as prepared as they can. Usually a lot of foids do this and as usual everyone follows their lead of what they advise because many foids are essentially mini celebrities these days.

Whatever positives some people say social media has I don't think it was ever intended to be used to the extent that it causes chain reaction panic buying like this based on mere speculation. What's more during these times of panic buying I see a lot of normies joking about how they want to retire away to some island and be away from everyone once they got theirs and people talking about survival of the fittest. Even though buying food at a store is pretty artificial compared to the natural world and it's not like people in modern society are even cohesive like they would be in a tribe where there are reasonable tradeoffs to who gets food first. What was that about normies talking about being well socially adjusted? Normies these days don't even act the way they claim they want you to behave.
Social media is an amplifier maybe not the cause, I would compare it to people being conditioned by news networks and celebrities and popular people, normies are suckers after all.
Social media is an amplifier maybe not the cause, I would compare it to people being conditioned by news networks and celebrities and popular people, normies are suckers after all.
I never saw this happen to this extent before though. Like I said before it was mostly when a major hurricane, blizzard or fire was raging that normies would panic buy like that but now it happens for things as little as a few inches of snow. That didn't used to happen before even with news networks and celebrities and popular people still around.

I notice in a lot of stores closer to metropolitan areas and the hood that the panic buying is even worse which is what makes me think the main cause is social media tbh
In poorer areas people are always hustling and on social media to keep up appearances so while they are on the social media apps they probably see speculation about some impending abnormal event and decide to start hoarding soon after.
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Because major life altering events have become pretty rare in recent times. That's why people lost it at Corona.
Because major life altering events have become pretty rare in recent times. That's why people lost it at Corona.
Life alternating events have become rare? Depends on what you mean. If you look at the news about insurance payouts from major natural disasters it's only increasing over time compared to even the late 20th century.
And even when coronavirus was still thought to be mainly confined to China a lot of people in the US panic bought N95 masks and toilet paper after videos of people succumbing to coronavirus in China started getting posted on twitter.
Life alternating events have become rare? Depends on what you mean. If you look at the news about insurance payouts from major natural disasters it's only increasing over time compared to even the late 20th century.
And even when coronavirus was still thought to be mainly confined to China a lot of people in the US panic bought N95 masks and toilet paper after videos of people succumbing to coronavirus in China started getting posted on twitter.
In terms of it actually effecting a majority of people, yes. A lot of incidents in the past few years mean nothing to those in charage becase the little people mean nothing.
In terms of it actually effecting a majority of people, yes. A lot of incidents in the past few years mean nothing to those in charage becase the little people mean nothing.
While a lot of normies got caught off guard with coronavirus there were still plenty of others that took up a lot of preparation and panic buying especially in the US where basically half the country doesn't trust the president on anything and is hooked on social media. Remember that earlier this year the president had downplayed the idea of coronavirus lasting too long after winter but a lot of people weren't convinced and panic bought masks, toilet paper and perishables anyway.

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