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The Knight Of The Swords
Oct 1, 2018
I like this one


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It is clearly absurd to limit the term 'education' to a person's formal schooling.
-Murray N. Rothbard
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.
-Lysander Spooner
Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future too.
-Marcus Aurelius
How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.
-Marcus Aurelius
Girls arent attracted to me, this is a major problem, such an injustice
-some youtuber
"If I can't have you, girls. I will destroy you"

Elliot Rodger
"You never showed me any mercy, and i will show you none" the supreme gentleman.
When death casts a shadow and hope carries no weight.
"didn't read"
-unknown origin
"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation."
“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."
Over for many men
"Beware of the man who has nothing to lose, for he has only to gain"
These are quotes from Matti Nykänen (Finnish athlete, also an alcoholic. Now dead):
"Kysymys kuulostaa kysymykseltä." = [that] question sounds like a question
"Alkoholiongelma on se, että ei ole alkoholia." = Alcohol problem is when there is no alcohol
"Jos mies on lomalla, naiset pitävät turpansa kiinni." = When a man has a holiday, women should shut the hell up

Quotes from Finnish YouTuber Pasi Viheraho:
Kahvi on myrkkyä.” = Coffee is poison
”Käytiin äsken tossa Ääsmarketissa.” = We just went to ASS Market (Finland has a chain of shops called S-Market)
”Katainen perkele!” = Katainen (Former prime minister) perkele (Finnish curse word/insult)
I have posted some in the past from Eliot Rodger
"Yesterday I was sitting in Panda Express, drinking a pepsi and eating my dinner. Then I see teenage guy walk in with his girlfriend. He looked about 17, 2 years younger than me! and he had a hot girlfriend with him.

I am 19 years old and I'm still a virgin; never had a girlfriend of even kissed. Because of this I feel a great deal of hatred towards other men who have girlfriends. Whenever I see a guy with a hot girlfriend in public I get very, very angry.

So this insolent young couple starts kissing each other while they are waiting for their food, and it was torturing me. I was boiling with rage. Here I am, a 19 year old, watching someone 2 years younger than me enjoy my heart's desire, right in front of me. This couple then left the restaurant once they got their food, and walked down the street. I looked at my cup of pepsi and saw an opportunity for revenge. I left the store, ran after them, and poured my cup of pepsi over both of their heads. They were completely drenched. Then I ran back to the store, too excited to pay attention to their reactions. I got a free refill and finished my dinner, a satisfied grin on my face.

Ever since that moment, I've been a bit worried that there is some kind of rule against doing that. I'm always worried about breaking the rules. I didn't pick a fight with them or anything, I just drenched them in pepsi. If they tell on me, I won't get in trouble, will I?"

- Anon
The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.

Napoleon Hill

"A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry (infliction of pain upon creatures that can never be for or against any cause), does not deserve to live."

Savitri Devi

"Respect the man of noble races other than your own, who carries out, in a different place, a combat parallel to yours -- to ours. He is your ally. He is our ally, be he at the other end of the world. Love all living things whose humble task is not opposed in any way to yours, to ours: men with simple hearts, honest, without vanity and malice, and all the animals, because they are beautiful, without exception and without exception indifferent to whatever "idea" there may be. Love them, and you will see the eternal in the glance of their eyes of jet, amber, or emerald. Love also the trees, the plants, the water that runs though the meadow and on to the sea without knowing where it goes; love the mountain, the desert, the forest, the immense sky, full of light or full of clouds; because all these exceed man and reveal the eternal to you."

Savitri Devi

The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear.

Heinrich Himmler

We shall once again have to find a new scale of values for our people: the scale of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the starry sky above us and the world in us, the world that we see in the microscope. The essence of these megalomaniacs, these Christians who talk of men ruling this world, must stop and be put back in its proper proportion. Man is nothing special at all. He is an insignificant part of this earth. If a big thunderstorm comes, he can do nothing about it. He cannot even predict it. He has no idea how a fly is constructed - however unpleasant, it is a miracle - or how a blossom is constructed. He must once again look with deep reverence into this world. Then he will acquire the right sense of proportion about what is above us, about how we are woven into this cycle.

Heinrich Himmler

All things atrocious and shameless flock from all parts to Rome.

Cornelius Tacitus

When a woman has lost her chastity she will shrink from nothing

Cornelius Tacitus

Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the traces. You must keep her on a tight rein . . . Women want total freedom or rather - to call things by their names - total licence. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters . . .

Cato the Elder

After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one.

Cato the Elder

Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'

Marcus Tullius Cicero

What society does to its children, so will its children do to society.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
-Adolf Hitler

America ... has created a 'civilization' that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition. It has introduced the religion of praxis and productivity; it has put the quest for profit, great industrial production, and mechanical, visible, and quantitative achievements over any other interest. It has generated a soulless greatness of a purely technological and collective nature, lacking any background of transcendence, inner light, and true spirituality. America has [built a society where] man becomes a mere instrument of production and material productivity within a conformist social conglomerate
-Julius Evola

Nothing is further from the truth than the claim that the American soul is 'open-minded' and unbiased; on the contrary, it is ridden with countless taboos of which people are sometimes not even aware.
Julius Evola

Be radical, have principles, be absolute, be that which the bourgeoisie calls an extremist: give yourself without counting or calculating, don't accept what they call ‘the reality of life' and act in such a way that you won't be accepted by that kind of ‘life', never abandon the principle of struggle.
Julius Evola

The legionary spirit is that fire of one who will choose the hardest road, who will fight to the death even when all is already lost.
Julius Evola

American women are characteristically frigid and materialistic. The man who 'has his way' with an American girl is under a material obligation to her. The woman has granted a material favour. In cases of divorce American law overwhelmingly favours the woman. American women will divorce readily enough when they see a better bargain. It is frequently the case in America that a woman will be married to one man but already 'engaged' to a future husband, the man she plans to marry after a profitable divorce.
Julius Evola

If we are to be the last of the white men who conquered the world; if we are finally to be overwhelmed by a pack of rats, let us at least face the death of our race as our ancestors faced their death---like MEN. Let us not crawl down amongst the rats begging for mercy or trying to out-sneak them and pretend to be rats ourselves!

Let us stand on the scaffold of history — if hang we must — like the martyrs of Nuremberg, tall and proud! Is life so sweet, is comfort so precious and a job in a Jewish counting house so sacred that we are AFRAID to grasp the mighty hand of ADOLF HITLER reaching down to us our of our glorious past?

“a nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.”

Courage is an animating spirit of masculinity, and it is crucial to any meaningful definition of masculinity. Courage and strength are synergetic virtues. An overabundance of one is worth less without and adequate amount of the other.
-Jack Donovan

It wasn't so long ago that Europeans were able to put aside their similarities and fight each other to the death over matters of religion or national honor
-Jack Donovan

"Joseph Palmi: Let me ask you something. . . We Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland; Jews, their tradition; even the niggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?

Edward Wilson: The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting."
"Yesterday I was sitting in Panda Express, drinking a pepsi and eating my dinner. Then I see teenage guy walk in with his girlfriend. He looked about 17, 2 years younger than me! and he had a hot girlfriend with him.

I am 19 years old and I'm still a virgin; never had a girlfriend of even kissed. Because of this I feel a great deal of hatred towards other men who have girlfriends. Whenever I see a guy with a hot girlfriend in public I get very, very angry.

So this insolent young couple starts kissing each other while they are waiting for their food, and it was torturing me. I was boiling with rage. Here I am, a 19 year old, watching someone 2 years younger than me enjoy my heart's desire, right in front of me. This couple then left the restaurant once they got their food, and walked down the street. I looked at my cup of pepsi and saw an opportunity for revenge. I left the store, ran after them, and poured my cup of pepsi over both of their heads. They were completely drenched. Then I ran back to the store, too excited to pay attention to their reactions. I got a free refill and finished my dinner, a satisfied grin on my face.

Ever since that moment, I've been a bit worried that there is some kind of rule against doing that. I'm always worried about breaking the rules. I didn't pick a fight with them or anything, I just drenched them in pepsi. If they tell on me, I won't get in trouble, will I?"

- Anon
Not ER?
The End of Happiness is the beginning of truth .
- Signature of someone on this forum , forgot who tbh

“Nature intended women to be our slaves, they are our property; we are not theirs. They belong to us, just as a tree that bears fruit belongs to a gardener. Women are nothing more than machines for producing children.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Holy shit , based as fuck
"Raising a daughter is the ultimate cuck." - Jordan Peterson

"[...] The difference between confidence and understanding one's capabilities and limits pertaining to the completion of a task is the difference between faith and knowledge. [..] Confidence is an illusion, a false truth, a placebo that is directed at the male audience so that they can foolishly gamble away at their pride, sense of self-worth wealth, resources etc. and place them at the altar of the gynocracy as a sacrifice." - Black Pill Presentations
"There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah."

-Mike Tyson
“Uh oh, I did pee pee poo poo”
- Adolf Hitler
"Madness is relative, make a large enough group of people who think like you and suddenly the others become the crazy ones."
- JeffGoldblumInTheFly
"To exist is to survive unfair choices"

"A relationship with an imaginary woman is preferable to a relationship with a real one."
- Salman Rushdie

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah."

-Mike Tyson
"It is what it is"
"I was born and then it was over"
- St hamudi

"the fire rises"
- bane
"Yes, I'm all caught up"
"Oh ok thanks for the enlightment"
"Yeah I got that"
"Fuck off god damn incel piece of shit"
"I dont get it"
"Have you tried looking up your ass?"
"We need to make it happen"
We didn’t start the fire
"I have a nice car, a BMW."
I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.
"What do you get when you mix pee pee with poo poo, I'll tell you what you get, YOU GET A GAMER, YIKES SWEATY IT'S 2019 I LOVE IMMIGRATION"
It was over before it was even over.
It's over for many men.

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