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Discussion (Poll) Who do you hate more, bully men or foids?


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Nov 2, 2021
I was severely bullied by men so thats why I hate them with every cell in my body. Now that I think about it, worst things that I got from foids are rejections, cold shoulders, the 'look', other than that foids were generally neutral or nice to me (with dry pussies ofc). But true psychopathy and malice :lul:, I experienced exclusively from men. I also blame simp men (even though you have to simp in 2022. there is no other way around it):soy: and chads who drastically lower their standards for current cucked situation :feelsclown:, women have no agency anyway and their behaviour is completely dependent on men, so yeah, I want to go Postal 2 :society: on many men (in a video games like Manhunt and Postal 2)... :feelsLSD:
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It is foids who enable bully males by giving them undeserved praise and attention.

This is why I felt too guilty about hurting an autistic male I had never met to try cold approaching my oneitis:

If only he knew the secrets of group therapy. That is, that Shannon was flirting(Which includes chatting with him over text and Facebook) with a tall White male daily and had an autistic boy telling her about fishing. Another autistic boy had an obvious crush on her, similar to the crush non-autistic Marcus had on Shannon three years prior.

("Chris started hitting on Shannon. I had to tell the two of them to cut it out. Like, hey, that's not appropriate.")

Having a girlfriend does not make you better than anyone.
It is foids who enable bully males by giving them undeserved praise and attention.
Maybe, but majority of bullying that I experienced and witnessed was without the pressence of foids.
Bully men are worse but studies and whatever show that bullies have more girlfriends and sex etc. So its not like the foids are pure and nice if they ignore you, they reward these scumbags with attention and love.
I lean more towards hating bullies but the skanks that reward their behavior makes me sick to my stomach. The main reason why I hate women slightly less is because I usually deal with more shit from other men like you said. Women avoid me and men make my life hell.
ALL toilets are bullies, no exceptions.

NO toilet has ever been bullied herself, no exceptions.
I lean more towards hating bullies but the skanks that reward their behavior makes me sick to my stomach. The main reason why I hate women slightly less is because I usually deal with more shit from other men like you said. Women avoid me and men make my life hell.

I largely have the same experience. But most instances of men fighting me involve toilets asking them to beat me up. :feelswhat:
Bully men are always trying to show off masculinity to another female or simply bragging about their sexual status
Bullies help you build character
Bullies help you build character
Actually no, I was left sccared, socially anxious and with low self-esteem. Maybe I could have ascended a long time ago if I haven't been bullied :feelsbadman:
Bullies help you build character
If you are healthy normally developed boy or a man. You are learning to stand up for yourself, you develop boldness and resistibility.
But if you are mildly retarded and physically ( and/or mentally ) undeveloped like myself, then bullying crushes your psyche and inner self and makes you wounded and scarred for life. I even had grey hair in young age due to stress probably.
I hate male bully more, since I've been bullied by them mostly.
I don't blame foids for their lack of interest in me. I'm subhuman scum and don't deserve positive affect. I do try to keep to myself, though, as best I can, and so I think the bullies are worse for it. One common theme that I see foids talking about is how they're afraid of men because of mistreatment that they've suffered in the past, and I really do think that that's a lesser but still significant cause of inceldom. I blame the asshole men for that - they don't realize what they have, and they squander their genetic gifts and use it to fuck things up for the rest of us. Seriously, ban sexhavers.
I hate foids more. Bully men only bully me meanwhile foids reject me, have sex with these bully men and even sometimes bully me themselves
Because male bully you can hit them is needed.
With foids there is no retribution. They are untouchable. That's why I hate foids more.
both deserve the gas chamber
tbf both. id nuke them all as im the little boy to end them all:feelsLSD:
I was severely bullied by men so thats why I hate them with every cell in my body. Now that I think about it, worst things that I got from foids are rejections, cold shoulders, the 'look', other than that foids were generally neutral or nice to me (with dry pussies ofc). But true psychopathy and malice :lul:, I experienced exclusively from men. I also blame simp men (even though you have to simp in 2022. there is no other way around it):soy: and chads who drastically lower their standards for current cucked situation :feelsclown:, women have no agency anyway and their behaviour is completely dependent on men, so yeah, I want to go Postal 2 :society: on many men (in a video games like Manhunt and Postal 2)... :feelsLSD:
bully men. foids haven't done me much harm outside no sex, some school/work discrimination/testing problems. but besides that not much. tallfag bully men once ripped my homework when I was youngcel, ripped a $20 bill of mine and other horribly annoying shitn
bully men. foids haven't done me much harm outside no sex, some school/work discrimination/testing problems. but besides that not much. tallfag bully men once ripped my homework when I was youngcel, ripped a $20 bill of mine and other horribly annoying shitn
you should hate them both, but your braIN is already broken i assume:fuk:
it just hit me that my parents are this combination

bully man + bitch/foid

i am therefore a son of a bitch. oh well lol
Bully men without any doubt.
I hate foids more. Bully men only bully me meanwhile foids reject me, have sex with these bully men and even sometimes bully me themselves
Yes, it's all connected. Females may not openly bully you but they would choose bullies who treat you like trash. They also reward dominant men even if these men are assholes who torture and humilate low-value men.
Bully men more than foids
I was the one who bullied chads :feelsthink:
Foids reward bullies with sex because they're attracted to bullies. If foids didn't fuck bullies, there would be no bullies:bigbrain:
I hate everybody who isn't me

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