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Serious [Poll] Have you come out to your family?

  • Thread starter Therapywasaaste
  • Start date

Have you come out as incel to your family?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 27 64.3%
  • I've come out to some relatives

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I don't have a family

    Votes: 5 11.9%

  • Total voters


"When I look in the mirror, I throw up."
Oct 6, 2020
Just wondering
no and never plan to
I don't talk with them

"m-m-mom...Dad...I'm...I'm a incel piece of shit"
My parents are gone
Yes me and my mother are very close. She is even semi black pilled and based. My chad brother already knows, he doesn’t care, and my father is in prison and left when I was young.
my family died in a plane crash
i was the only survivor
Yes me and my mother are very close. She is even semi black pilled and based. My chad brother already knows, he doesn’t care, and my father is in prison and left when I was young.
dark triad runs in your blood
I think it's obvious because I never introduced them to a girlfriend or mentioned one. But I've been on my own since I was 19 so they can believe whatever they want.
They're aware, I don't have to tell them that I'm a KHHV pathetic loser.
Ya greycels ask the darnest things ya see I Can’t... I can’t tell no one that’s like telling the therapist I want to end my life.

if I was to ascend I have to lie about 85% of my life to EVERYONE I come across
Lol, you don’t “come out” as incel, you just are incel.
Just wondering

1. Why are you making inceldom sound like some gay shit?, I swear greycels are suspect as fuck

2. You'd have to be foolish or naive to let your family know you are incel

3. Like this guy said:
Lol, you don’t “come out” as incel, you just are incel.

Your family can already observe that you don't date, you don't go out, you don't have many friends (or any at all)

THEY ALREADY KNOW YOU ARE INCEL (they just may not know of the term "incel" but they know what you are)

Trying to come out just seems like some "attention whore" shit
lol didn't need to. they knew from day one when they saw my ugly face when i was born that i was destined to be forever alone.

now i don't have a family since they don't talk to me.

wish i didn't have a family because they didn't exist.
Your family can already observe that you don't date
Jfl this. My uncle(who is a chad btw, a foid literally swallowed acid roped for him) once visited us and suggested that I get arrange married. To which my parents quipped that he(I) may have a gf or someone of his own choice. An idea that my uncle immediately scoffed at. He said that he known people and met all kinds of men and indirectly suggested that I am not the kind to woo girls.
1. Why are you making inceldom sound like some gay shit?
Voted Yes.

My parents probably have never heard of "incels", my sisters did but they don't really care i guess even though they're pretty much shitlibs like any millenial foid out there. My family have heard me ranting and complaining about my situation since I was 17 or even less, so they pretty much know what I am.
lmfao what the fuck does that even mean. "Mom, dad... I'm an incel..." Like what the fuck
Graycel thread
No my parents would freak out and send me to (((therapy))) if I did. Btw the title sounds gay as fuck.
Told my mom a few years back. I think I just wanted her to feel bad over it, you know how sharing your pain sometimes makes it a little easier to bear.
She didn't really care. She said she figured I had sex at some point in the past and didn't like it and so I never pursued women.
I’m not gay mfer
Yes. Even said the word during a spergout. I hide nothing anymore in that regard (neither the fact that I don't think of women/society very highly nor the fact that I think that looks are everything that matters and that factors like personality/money/muscles/etc. don't affect the outcome). I play with open cards in that regard.

That is the extremely funny thing about boomers: They ask questions and poke around - and when they find the true/honest answer they act shocked. They always want to hear the truth, but when they hear it they reject it and want to hear the comfortable lie again. Well the truth is that all the things I say in anger (where the inhibitory barrier of civilty is finally removed) are the most honest words you will ever hear from me, they are the expression/reflection of the most inner thoughts and of the uninhibited, spontaneous self. In the moments of extreme anger someone is the most honest, because there the mask of civilty finally slips and true intentions are revealed.

I also tell them openly that I have no interest in working, that I hate the job I am doing and that I would be a NEET if it came down to my own choice and that the only reason why I work is the fact that this is the condition that I get financial support. They would find out sooner or later anyways, so I hide nothing in the first place. I even once told them that they are free to do whatever they want with their money and that they shouldn't save it for me, because I could do nothing with it anyways and therefore saving it would be redundant.
I also tell them openly that I have no interest in working, that I hate the job I am doing and that I would be a NEET if it came down to my own choice and that the only reason why I work is the fact that this is the condition that I get financial support.

Try wealthmaxxing, if you succeed it would be like being a NEET except better
my mom knows. I blackpill her on lolis, roasties and chads every single day
They are very aware of my situation. They don't even think it's bad, they're Muslims.

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