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Discussion [Poll] Are we incels all on the same page on this?

Are you "anti semitic"/ jq aware?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 34.8%
  • On the fence (tell us why)

    Votes: 11 15.9%

  • Total voters


Feb 28, 2018
Many incels are aware of the jq (Jewish question) even ethnicels and non sfcels.

So do you believe the Jews are responsible for inceldom? (Jews created tinder, promoted the sexual liberation movement and birth control)
It’s just a cope tbh
i wonder what @ScornedStoic thinks about this.
I'm on the fance but won't tell you why :feelzez::feelzez::feelzez:
I only hate black jews
I like the other Semites. Just not jews.
I only like Khazar jews not modern israeli jews
I'm worried about the reptiles
On the fence. It's plausible but I don't think there is enough convincing evidence of a deliberate plan.
I don't think that there is a just one group of people responsible for Inceldom. Also females and feminism play a big role.
Many incels are aware of the jq (Jewish question) even ethnicels and non sfcels.

So do you believe the Jews are responsible for inceldom? (Jews created tinder, promoted the sexual liberation movement and birth control)
I'm aware of it. I don't think Jews alone are responsible for inceldom, but a lot of names behind all that shit are definitely Jewish. Even if they didn't explicitly plan to create mass inceldom in the west many of them are partly responsible for it at least.
Only full blown autists and schizos will actually believe in this shit
Don't see how Jews as a whole caused my inceldom. Most of them are not part of the globalist elite but normal people who have zero influence over politics/economy of the world.
My elder brother believes in that stuff, never understood why.

It all seems very far fetched tbh.
On the fence. It's plausible but I don't think there is enough convincing evidence of a deliberate plan.

I'm also on the fence as to whether it's deliberate. The Kalergi Plan and The Elders of Zion and all that make for interesting reading if nothing else. However...

It's undeniable that Jews are well represented in American politics, in media, in finance and in academia. Hollywood is pretty much a Jewish institution. It's also no secret that they tend to be nepotisitic towards other Jews. Larry David finding out that his lawyer wasn't Jewish offers a good insight into how they think. It's also not uncommon for them to view themselves as the chosen people or to have Zionist bent to the way they think. There are some startling quotes from Israeli politicians.

Basically, the countries of the west are run by people, or are at the very least heavily influenced by people, who do not act with their best interest at heart. Jews are loyal to Israel and world Jewry and have gutted our countries in the name of profit and power. I hate what they have done to the west. With that said though, I have no reason to hate the average Bergstein. I have Jewish friends and would happily tell them my views on the JQ.

What's interesting is how widespread this awareness is now. In the UK, the loopy left-wing SJW party is constantly being beaten with the "anti-semitism" stick because they oppose Israeli foreign and Zionist capitalist might. It's only really the Sargon crowd and the NPC masses who haven't taken the J-pill. In my opinion, there is real potential for left and right to unite on this issue.
Not at all. It's literally the most autistic cope there is. I'm talking autism manifest here. Nuclear grade 'tism, etc.
to some extent I can see how Jews being nepotistic and having a history of being connected with banking/other money making type business could effect society I doubt they really control it 100%. However, some people over exaggerate how much they effect everything and create a boogy man out of them which I dont believe in. At most I can see rich Jews effecting society through media but I doubt they have as much control as some people like to LARP they do.
I dont think the holocaust happened
Some of the Jews in power definitely made things worse for men and favored foids. I’m not a stormcuckcel coper, but certain Jews definitely made life extremely easy for foids and impossible for 90% of males. I’m a ashkenazi kike too, so I know not all Jews are responsible because I hate current Fuckef soyciety and it’s favoring of foids.
dont know, dont care
a little bit but i havent made much investigation to consider genociding them
Sorry Mossad, but you won't get my vote here :^)
I hate everybody equally. Also our appearance is responsible for our inceldom, even if tinder didn't exist foids would always go for chads, that's how it always has been since the beginning of time.
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No. Would have happened without them anyways. It's technology, female sexual liberation + female hypergamy combined with soyciety bluepilling men that's causing inceldom.
Maybe Jews invented Tinder but there's nothing special about Tinder other than it's the most successful. Online dating has been around since there was an internet and even I was part of an effort to make a phone dating app back in 2007 when the first iPhone came out.

There's no conspiracy to inceldom, just cold hard market forces.
To say they are responsible for everything is a misdirection. One could say a deliberate one. But to deny that they push for the destruction of a healthy familial structure in the name of profit is blue pilled asf.
Are you anti serial killer/mindless murder aware?

It's not a very deep question,but I appreciate the discussion.
I don't think that there is a just one group of people responsible for Inceldom. Also females and feminism play a big role.

Diet mainly

Screenshot 20191210 183430

Somali American
I will not be dragged into this pointless ethnic confrontations . What does it matter to me if jews are responsible for this or not, It's still over for me. Why should I fight it, why stand up to it? Just so some chad stormfags can put me in my place once all is said and done? Nothing changes, incel is incel regardless of what happens we will always be at the bottom. Remember, as an incel you only got yourself to count on, hence you should only care about self.
I agree. Even as an ethniccel I don’t blame Jews for my problems.

same lol. Sure maybe they did some things, but this was bound to happen.
I hate everyone who isn't incel,
It's complicated because even though Jews are disproportionally represented in lots of bad shit (communism, feminism, degeneration-inducing media, bank cabals, etc) it's not all Jews and even the term "Jew" is tricky. "Jew" is used to describe the Hebrews from the Biblical times, I don't believe most Jews today, especially Askhenazi ones, are of that ethnicity. Those white-looking Jews are Europeans that adopted Talmudism later.

Also, it's mostly the atheistic Jews promoting all that shit and not the religious ones, though the religious seem to still consider those atheistic Jews Jews anyway and still support them in some ways as part of their Jewish clique.
Many incels are aware of the jq (Jewish question) even ethnicels and non sfcels.

So do you believe the Jews are responsible for inceldom? (Jews created tinder, promoted the sexual liberation movement and birth control)
jfl. jews didnt create tinder, just some smart person realized its ez way to make money, and he happened to be jew
I don't like jews but i don't believe that they did all that shit tbh
No as even if the jews were or weren't controllling everything nobody would still like me due to shit genetics.

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