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Experiment [POLL] Are rapefugees really WELCOME?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 15752
  • Start date

Are rapefugees really WELCOME?

  • Yes, let them in. I want them to cuck other men by fucking their girls by force or consensual.

  • No, they do more damage to society. They will leave less women virgins and just be a overall threat.

  • Maybe, I am not too sure. Its great that they bang bitches but at the same time I lose options.

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Deleted member 15752

Deleted member 15752

Mogged from Fairbanks to Vladivostok
Nov 13, 2018
Do you want other men to be cucked by these rapefugees?
Or are they leaving you with less virgins and less options to ascend?

Whats your opinion?
i dont care anymore if cucks and foids want to be raped and killed so badly then so be it let them in
They will inevitably take over the west in coming years, and i used to care alot about it but tbh foids will likely get what they deserve once they takeover and current low t betabuxers wont be able to defend their countries anyway even if they wanted to
hoping for this:
They will inevitably take over the west in coming years, and i used to care alot about it but tbh foids will likely get what they deserve once they takeover and current low t betabuxers wont be able to defend their countries anyway even if they wanted to
I don't care at all. It's over either way.
They will inevitably take over the west in coming years, and i used to care alot about it but tbh foids will likely get what they deserve once they takeover and current low t betabuxers wont be able to defend their countries anyway even if they wanted to
I agree. But at the same time, wont you be left with even less ascension options? But yes, your statement is 100% facts and I hope it happens.
and i used to care alot about it but tbh foids will likely get what they deserve once they takeover and current low t betabuxers wont be able to defend their countries anyway even if they wanted to

I won't defend anything. When the time comes, I will crush any female. This is what they voted for.
no. they are like stupid apes.
we can only hope theres enough normie rapists out there to demonstrate dominance against those foids.
I agree. But at the same time, wont you be left with even less ascension options? But yes, your statement is 100% facts and I hope it happens.
I dont know man either way there is no "ascension" possible for me since it wouldnt be sex for me its virgin gf, that is my looksmatch or up,loyal and would love me unconditionally its simply insane requirements in 2019
In the contract of inceldom they do more harm than good. Immigrants moving here are discriminated against and often are unable to contribute properly, or they are attractive and create even more competition for females.

I don't really feel strongly about immigration though, probably on the anti immigration side moreso but whatever...
there are accelerating the ruin of western europe.
so they're welcome
In the contract of inceldom they do more harm than good. Immigrants moving here are discriminated against and often are unable to contribute properly, or they are attractive and create even more competition for females.

I don't really feel strongly about immigration though, probably on the anti immigration side moreso but whatever...
Yea, in OUR case. Its not even an advantage as they dont bang girls here.
The system is already broken, it won’t matter either way
I dont know man either way there is no "ascension" possible for me since it wouldnt be sex for me its virgin gf, that is my looksmatch or up,loyal and would love me unconditionally its simply insane requirements in 2019
Well say goodbye to anybody being a virgin if rapefugees roll around. But at the same time let them fuck those bitches so it cucks other men..its literally a double edged sword.
I dont know, as much as I want normies, cucks, numales, chads, whores, to suffer I still want to cope in peace, more low iq refugees=accelerated fall of the west=less copes
Couldn't give a shit what they do to foids at this point, most foids lean politically on the side of bringing them in.

On the other hand I'm not a fan of their violent nature & consumption of resources making it harder to access as an indigenous citizen.
I want my society to collapse, one way or another. Maybe I’m coping and rapefugees are not dangerous, maybe I’m right.

Following my coping logic: rapefugees are welcome, because their presence is redpilling low status males.

I as a blackpilled incel cannot cuck other normies, so I cannot implant neither blackpills nor redpills into the minds of normies.

We need external factors that can damage normies to push them near our view, so we can increase our influence and spread black and redpills.

The more damage rapefugees deliver to normies, the better it is for me, since I’m out of the sexual market, I’m an omega outcast low status.
They literally rape foids. If it wasn't for the fact that they also rape men, I would be pro-open borders
i lose my job bcs a sandnigger took my place
Not dangerous...
I remember once at the super market. They were a group of +50 of them and a few started to stab each other. It was very funny to watch the fat security guards calling the cops and how they panicked. The stupid normies shat on their pants, it was beautiful. I'm very grateful that I've witnessed it.
When the time comes, I will not miss for anything. They wanted them in, now they will pay the full price.

i lose my job bcs a sandnigger took my place
They're cheaper.
I want my society to collapse, one way or another. Maybe I’m coping and rapefugees are not dangerous, maybe I’m right.

Following my coping logic: rapefugees are welcome, because their presence is redpilling low status males.

I as a blackpilled incel cannot cuck other normies, so I cannot implant neither blackpills nor redpills into the minds of normies.

We need external factors that can damage normies to push them near our view, so we can increase our influence and spread black and redpills.

The more damage rapefugees deliver to normies, the better it is for me, since I’m out of the sexual market, I’m an omega outcast low status.
This reminds me of something Hillary Clinton said recently about Europe.. about the fact that all the immigrants being let in is fuelling the right wing side of governments everywhere across Europe. Like the Far Right movements.. she pretty much admitted that because of the Immigration it lead to Brexit and Trump happening.. I mean it is currently popping in Italy with the Northern League and Five Star Movement in control of the Italian government, showing extreme anti-euro sentiment, going so far as meeting the Yellow Vests with relations between Italy and France at an all time low.. It's fucking hilarious to me. To be honest migrants have benefitted a lot of people for a lot of time.. but this recent wave of immigration from North Africa.. they aren't the type to pay their taxes. Bringing crime, drugs and a whole lot of war. Drug wars in London for example are an explanation for why is there is so many knife attacks there and it keeps increasing.
They're cheaper.
The bankers wanted cheaper workers.. they imported them all from North Africa boyo.
I remember once at the super market. They were a group of +50 of them and a few started to stab each other. It was very funny to watch the fat security guards calling the cops and how they panicked. The stupid normies shat on their pants, it was beautiful. I'm very grateful that I've witnessed it.
I don't want them where I live for economic and security reasons first and foremost.
Northern League and Five Star Movement
Yes I’m from Italy. In the past years I felt like a lot of normies were becoming more and more racist. Because the situation for low-status people is critical. Normies are seeing this fucking niggers who are so privileged compared to them and they cannot bear this injustice, at least that’s what I hope (maybe it’s my cope and nothing is happening).

I remember that when I was at uni, I was paying full taxes and working and paying an apartment shared with 3 other normies, while at the same time being a virgin, sexless and filled with anger. At the same time, fucking disgusting violent niggers were hosted for free with their rooms cleaned by Italian taxpayers, all of these fucking niggers had an iPhone and were having sex while I was a desperate incel.

I remember that feeling like it was happened yesterday. But now I don’t hate niggers, I just hate my society for letting them come. I also learned the lesson and I’m planning to cuck hard my society.

fuck off with this bluepilled bullshit.

if you want to have cuck fantasies about a bunch of third worlders, then just go to pakistan, wear a gay pride t-shirt and hope that they gangrape you.

i don't want to live in a country where gangs turn suburbs into ghettos, where half the people on the street don't speak english and where I have to worry about getting kinfed up or acid faced just because I'm walking home.

meanwhile, you get a bunch of refugees who are decent people but stupidly believe that the west is the land of gold and free everything. then they get depressed as fuck when they turn up and they get a shitty council flat and everyone hates them, and none of the hot white girls they thought would love them will fuck them

so inevitaably they join gangs and are more likely to fucking shank me because they're perpetually poor and angry.

fuck that
Yes I’m from Italy. In the past years I felt like a lot of normies were becoming more and more racist. Because the situation for low-status people is critical. Normies are seeing this fucking niggers who are so privileged compared to them and they cannot bear this injustice
Yes.. when breeding options start getting narrower is when the animal of man will take more of a root in him.
I remember that when I was at uni, I was paying full taxes and working and paying an apartment shared with 3 other normies, while at the same time being a virgin, sexless and filled with anger. At the same time, fucking disgusting violent niggers were hosted for free with their rooms cleaned by Italian taxpayers, all of these fucking niggers had an iPhone and were having sex while I was a desperate incel.
Yeah.. all the taxes you pay goes to them too. That is infuriating.
I remember that feeling like it was happened yesterday. But now I don’t hate niggers, I just hate my society for letting them come. I also learned the lesson and I’m planning to cuck hard my society.
Cuck society hard bro. It needs none of our favours.
I don't want them where I live for economic and security reasons first and foremost.
All you have to do is look at London or Sweden to be in the know of what happens when they are allowed to congregate in large groups.

fuck off with this bluepilled bullshit.

if you want to have cuck fantasies about a bunch of third worlders, then just go to pakistan, wear a gay pride t-shirt and hope that they gangrape you.

i don't want to live in a country where gangs turn suburbs into ghettos, where half the people on the street don't speak english and where I have to worry about getting kinfed up or acid faced just because I'm walking home.

meanwhile, you get a bunch of refugees who are decent people but stupidly believe that the west is the land of gold and free everything. then they get depressed as fuck when they turn up and they get a shitty council flat and everyone hates them, and none of the hot white girls they thought would love them will fuck them

so inevitaably they join gangs and are more likely to fucking shank me because they're perpetually poor and angry.

fuck that
I blame the NGOs tbh.. all funded by Mr. George Soros. Going to drink rum out of the bottle in celebration when that old fart finally dies.
(maybe it’s my cope and nothing is happening).
The Northern League and Five Star movements are in power.. they are stepping on the Euro-fascists toes and revealing all their damn dirtiness for all to see.. anything seems to be possible nowadays.. a good thing to look out for is the European elections in May since a lot of Yellow Vests are in the running for positions and even Populists have been keen
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Let them in. They are useful idiots to advance the leftist agenda that will very quickly destroy society. I want to watch the world burn
I used to care more about this until I realized for most Europeans I'm not even white. Now I wish the worst upon them. Also, European genes are recessive and in 3-4 generations you will basically not see whites in places like London or Paris anymore.
All these poll answers are dumb as fuck, but always say no to rapefugees
I used to care more about this until I realized for most Europeans I'm not even white. Now I wish the worst upon them. Also, European genes are recessive and in 3-4 generations you will basically not see whites in places like London or Paris anymore.
I used to care, but now I want all the arrogant western eurofilth to suffer.
JFL at "damaging society" being a bad thing. Rapefugees are my low-inhib NEET brothers.

And I call them "rapefugees" out of RESPECT, not as an insult like cuckservatives who want to protect wymyn do.
Everyone should stay in their own country. Ethnics coming to europe was the biggest mistake on earth.
This reminds me of something Hillary Clinton said recently about Europe.. about the fact that all the immigrants being let in is fuelling the right wing side of governments everywhere across Europe. Like the Far Right movements.. she pretty much admitted that because of the Immigration it lead to Brexit and Trump happening

This is a very concerning observation coming from the likes of Hillary Clinton, because it shows that the liberal-plutocratic establishment is willing to stall their mass-immigration program in order to defuse the political opposition. Emmanuel Macron has been pioneering this strategy.

It's bound to be very successful, because anti-immigration sentiment is largely based on liberal premises to begin with ("Muslims are so rapey and creepy and high-testostorone and traditional! These are against our effete Western Values™, which is about being an individualist consumer who respects women").

When Macron began signalling against mass-immigration, I wrote that:

Some would look at the establishment becoming anti-immigration and see a shifting Overton Window. But it really shows that the "window" to revitalize European civilization is closing.

It's the Overton Goatse, and it has stretched to include immigration restrictionism as something that's politically correct.
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I'm not in Europe anymore and I'm myself significantly African so fuck it tbh. The Europeans asked for it at the moment they let foids have important positions of power in their societies.
Anybody who supports refugees should leave this site and fuck off to Reddit. You're no better than a feminist or SJW.

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