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RageFuel please explain to me why we have prisons



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
Prisons are FUCKING STUPID. It's a waste of TAXES and TIME. And worst of all, it promotes FAGGOTRY and GANG CULTURE. People that go to prison think it's cool unironically, they meet up with similar bad boy buddies they have stuff in common with, and develop shared goals of career criminality. And quite often, when they get out of prison, they do just fine, and catch up with any loser financially, with a college degree. Prisoners can use their time in prison to learn a trade, or get a degree all for free. They have a roof over their head, free food, free (gender affirming) healthcare, free time to read and make art, easy access to drugs, have a sense of community, and get jacked ALL FOR FREE.

WHILE YOU, the cuck taxpayer, PAY FOR THIS FAGGOT TREE. At least we have AI gfs lol.

All constant posturing of masculinity along prolonged periods of boredom and distrust exacerbates a powderkeg of jailhouse homoerotism for these criminal faggots: for the worst kind of faggot is a faggot due purely to their own liberalized delusions about gender. For to a horny jailhouse gay prisoner, a man that is simply weak is NOT a man, and therefore the buttfucker is not gay, because HE'S the top. It is only the buttfuckee that is gay, because he's actually a woman

No buttfucker. you. are. gay. You are P Diddy squirting baby oil on Justin Bieber levels of gay.

This is why I cringe at conservacucks slobbering on like a cudgel about men needing to be hypermasculine, be a 'REAL MAN.' It's STILL a liberalization of gender, just going in the other direction. It truly is most fair and pragmatic for the sanity of most people if we keep gender as simple as male, female, or in the .000001% intersex (due to weird messed up privates).

Criminals that "top" are under a JAILHOUSE GAY DELUSION brought about by a criminal lack of control no different that any civilian liberal faggot or tranny that has no self control.

If you commit crimes, I think murderers should be murdered, and most dangerous criminals should have some kind of corporeal punishment, possibly amputation, or penis removal. For white collar crime or drug related offenses you become some kind of slave doing wetback kind of jobs like picking strawberries or dangerous firefighting like in California.
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Would rather die than enter a jail or prison, the police would have to shoot me dead.
Prisons and jails should be banned.
For white collar crime or drug related offenses you become some kind of slave doing wetback kind of jobs like picking strawberries or dangerous firefighting like in California.
Not a bad idea, using criminals as cheap work labor which contributes to society instead of eating up tax money in the prison
Would rather die than enter a jail or prison, the police would have to shoot me dead.
If I had to spend over 6months in prison Id rather just shoot myself. I'd take 20 cane lashes any day over months of prison.
The death penalty is more humane than a prison sentence.
For white collar crime or drug related offenses you become some kind of slave doing wetback kind of jobs like picking strawberries or dangerous firefighting like in California.
i've thought of this before, it ain't a bad idea!
to make money, there are a business after all.
If you commit crimes, I think murderers should be murdered, and most dangerous criminals should have some kind of corporeal punishment, possibly amputation, or penis removal. For white collar crime or drug related offenses you become some kind of slave doing wetback kind of jobs
Welcome to Islam.
Because you can legally make prisoners do slave labor :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
Waste of money, for small crimes chop off their fingers, for bigger chop off their limbs or heads

About female prisons, females should be permanently deported to india, don't wanna taxcuck for them aswell
Waste of money, for small crimes chop off their fingers, for bigger chop off their limbs or heads

About female prisons, females should be permanently deported to india, don't wanna taxcuck for them aswell
This is exactly what Hitler thought
Artists are idealists. I think the Germans were oddly quite open minded and passionate to allow an artist to paint a picture of an ideal German society, and I am jealous that he was able to use genocide as his canvas.

To gamble with people's lives is a luxury.

If I had any criticism about Nazism, it's just Chad worship taken to a cucked extreme.

My vision for an ideal society-- any man, no matter how short, no matter how ethnic, no matter how autistic, WILL BE ENTITLED TO A WOMAN TO BREED WITH IN A CAGE.
prisons slow down human evolution

it's considered uncivilized to kill low iq and low inhibition criminals

if suddenly, petty crimes were punishable by death, society would vastly improve.

what would take several centuries or more would take a mere 20-30 years

if blacks and hispanics were really pro black and pro la raza, they would advocate for more prisons, the death penalty, and for christianity
mass incarcerating blacks and hispanics would vastly improve not just society but their races as well

sadly the opposite is happening at least here in california
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Prison systems dont work they just populate prisons and make people who are non gay gay and create people who would be non violent violent they dont reform people they create worser criminals the issue would be solved if people get death when they commit crimes so future criminals dont get rewarded in prison thats supposed to punish them
Do keep most of the dark triad moggers out of society.
Just let psychos who would murder you for $1 loose theory
I’m convinced anyone who says shit like this never had an encounter with someone who was actually dangerous. Because if you did, you’d instantly wish prisons were used to keep the dangerous individuals away
Just let psychos who would murder you for $1 loose theory
Before prisons we had eye for an eye, it became a way of punishing people without causing uncessary suffering, in hopes of the offender reflecting on their actions to make sure they don't break the law again.
Before prisons we had eye for an eye, it became a way of punishing people without causing uncessary suffering, in hopes of the offender reflecting on their actions to make sure they don't break the law again.
How would you punish a car thief
How would you punish a car thief
Well that's why we invented prisons for punishing crimes that couldn't really have an equal punishment so we just locked people up for a set amount of time. I don't know criminology man i don't study that stuff.
Well that's why we invented prisons for punishing crimes that couldn't really have an equal punishment so we just locked people up for a set amount of time. I don't know criminology man i don't study that stuff.
Precisely my point. Other than prison there isn't many other fair ways to punish such criminals
Prisons are FUCKING STUPID. It's a waste of TAXES and TIME. And worst of all, it promotes FAGGOTRY and GANG CULTURE. People that go to prison think it's cool unironically, they meet up with similar bad boy buddies they have stuff in common with, and develop shared goals of career criminality. And quite often, when they get out of prison, they do just fine, and catch up with any loser financially, with a college degree. Prisoners can use their time in prison to learn a trade, or get a degree all for free. They have a roof over their head, free food, free (gender affirming) healthcare, free time to read and make art, easy access to drugs, have a sense of community, and get jacked ALL FOR FREE.

WHILE YOU, the cuck taxpayer, PAY FOR THIS FAGGOT TREE. At least we have AI gfs lol.

All constant posturing of masculinity along prolonged periods of boredom and distrust exacerbates a powderkeg of jailhouse homoerotism for these criminal faggots: for the worst kind of faggot is a faggot due purely to their own liberalized delusions about gender. For to a horny jailhouse gay prisoner, a man that is simply weak is NOT a man, and therefore the buttfucker is not gay, because HE'S the top. It is only the buttfuckee that is gay, because he's actually a woman

No buttfucker. you. are. gay. You are P Diddy squirting baby oil on Justin Bieber levels of gay.

This is why I cringe at conservacucks slobbering on like a cudgel about men needing to be hypermasculine, be a 'REAL MAN.' It's STILL a liberalization of gender, just going in the other direction. It truly is most fair and pragmatic for the sanity of most people if we keep gender as simple as male, female, or in the .000001% intersex (due to weird messed up privates).

Criminals that "top" are under a JAILHOUSE GAY DELUSION brought about by a criminal lack of control no different that any civilian liberal faggot or tranny that has no self control.

If you commit crimes, I think murderers should be murdered, and most dangerous criminals should have some kind of corporeal punishment, possibly amputation, or penis removal. For white collar crime or drug related offenses you become some kind of slave doing wetback kind of jobs like picking strawberries or dangerous firefighting like in California.
In a Marxist-Rodgerist society there are no prisons, the closest equivalent would be secure breeding facilities where each and every foid is kept forever confined.

Over 90% of male criminal activity is the direct result of boys being raised by foids. This wouldn't be possible in a Marxist-Rodgerist society.

The other 10% are mostly mentally defective --- psychopaths, impulsive retards, etc. --- and would be dealt with by euthanasia at an early age, before they commit serious crimes.

In a Marxist-Rodgerist society, the crime rate is effectively zero, it's a one-in-a-million behavioral oddity, it doesn't register as an everyday threat, as is the case in today's hegemonic feminist societies.
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Criminals should be killed (If they commit certain crimes)

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