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Brutal Plans to takeover Poland



Incel revolution
Aug 8, 2018
One foid proposed to abolish the remains of Patriarchy and the Catholic Church.

One foid proposed to allow only 30% of men into the parliament, and it was largely accepted.

Another wants to invite 3.5 million Jews from Israel by writing only a letter to them, without any other formality, and it was almost unanomously accepted.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MbEAJqmYmQ

Who are these people?
Who are these people?
What is "largely accepted?" By a majority? Did anyone raise how it's sexist to bar someone based on gender, and how even if they were to bar someone based on gender, it's especially sexist to say "Only women can be the majority?"
Who are these people, what party do they represent, how much percentage of support do they get from Polish society?

Those are my questions, I just came about this video.

I also came by an article in Polish that states opposition will take power and implement drastic changes without democratic tools, how is it possible?

Who are these people, what party do they represent, how much percentage of support do they get from Polish society?

Those are my questions, I just came about this video.

I also came by an article in Polish that states opposition will take power and implement drastic changes without democratic tools, how is it possible?

In EE they aren't even trying to fake democracy like in West.
Found this article, it was in 2018, but I don't think it will ever find support in Poland unless they instore a "multi-cultural" Jewish dictatorship to destroy what remains of Poland, as they are saying and willing.

This jerk "professor" from Goethe University and Institute which is nothing more than a German spy nest. Never go to these places to learn German!

The small hat tribe at it again
Plato has warned that Democracy will pave way for Tyranny. The kings of old should have listened to Plato and became philosophized, instead Liberals ruined everything.

Plato said to stay away from senseless men, men who would try to convince you that they have wisdom and answers. These senseless men are the Liberals and the Intelectuals, now we will pay the price.
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Nobody troubled with this?
Lifefuel for UKcels. Offshoring revenge.
In EE they aren't even trying to fake democracy like in West.
Very true. We have more "freedom of speech" here as well, as I noticed in the West you can go to jail just for writing a post on social media or talking something against some groups of people. If that was the case in EE, most of people would "go to jail" :D.

But, of course, the West is using as its well full propaganda, as well as opposition, against lack of "democracy and state of law".
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Nobody troubled with this?

As you said in an earlier post, it was just a performance crafted by some Jewish academic, so there's a chance that he intended it to be satirical. However, he could have meant all of that seriously. I admit, it does sound similar to what's happening right now in North America and Western Europe. Supplanting the existing culture and demographics of the host country seems to be the plan of choice for them (whoever "them" is, I'll let you decide).

Could Poland face the same fate as the West? Possibly. It is a very traditional, Christian, homogeneous country, but you could say that much of the West was like that at one point as well. However, Poland has actually faced the horrors of Communism before, and they also see what's happening in the West in real time, so they have a huge advantage in defending themselves from these things.
its over for Blitzkriegcels
@TheNEET @needsolution @starystulejarz thoughts?
Just a Jew doing Jew things.
They will get what they deserve soon enough hopefully
As you said in an earlier post, it was just a performance crafted by some Jewish academic, so there's a chance that he intended it to be satirical. However, he could have meant all of that seriously. I admit, it does sound similar to what's happening right now in North America and Western Europe. Supplanting the existing culture and demographics of the host country seems to be the plan of choice for them (whoever "them" is, I'll let you decide).

Could Poland face the same fate as the West? Possibly. It is a very traditional, Christian, homogeneous country, but you could say that much of the West was like that at one point as well. However, Poland has actually faced the horrors of Communism before, and they also see what's happening in the West in real-time, so they have a huge advantage in defending themselves from these things.
I don't think it is satirical, it's the political agenda of the Polish Liberals and the West to "reconquer" Poland.
It is plain sight Truth that these people want to achieve, they are not even hiding anymore since they have all the West in their pocket, and the issues they are talking about is already existing in many Western European "countries", also the USA/Canada.

Last elections have shown how Western propaganda fully worked in this country, as the Liberals almost won the elections. Truth is that people in Poland, especially the younger generation is prone and bombarded with this "shit" aka Western especially German and Jewish-Zionists Liberal propaganda.

Many people don't know, but Poland before WWII, and after the end of the Partitions in 1918, was the most multi-cultural state in Europe and had the second-largest Jewish population after the USA. In history books Poland was the first and only country to welcome, bringing a land, protection, and rights to the Jews for almost 1'000 years, "Paradise of the Jews", but the Jews caused a lot of problems in this country there was already "Jewish question" before the Partitions, long before WWII, Jewish creating monopolies, took over the bank sector, whole economical key sectors, have monopoly on alcohol, and laugh at Polish People before WWII, as it's known here "We have the palace and you have the street", and I do believe that Poland is a key country for them for this very same reason.

I laugh all the time with these Jewish "delegations" asking money for reparations to Poland, a country that protected them and fought for them for hundreds of years, was run under their Jewish-Stalinist regime and betrayed by the Western Jews, as a result, millions of Polish people died because and for them, if only it wasn't ironical. The last one was kicked out by the Government when the knew that they came to claim their holocaust scam bucks.

As if it was not enough, Jewish have already their Zionist State Izrael, they don't need to come to Poland for "protection" as it was the case during history, but they are so powerful, that they want to conquer the whole world, hence this woman said to invite "Liberal urban Jews" because they also have their Conservative, Orthodox, Traditionalists Jews, and I believe many of these Jews would be against this happening. Forced Jewish gentrification, in cities like Warsaw, Lodz, or Krakow, I can't imagine it, but it very possible, since Polish people and mentality are so confused and divided nowadays. Divide to conquer, is all they need, and the sheep will follow passively, just like the West in the 1960s. See, the younger generation doesn't know anything or doesn't want to know about "Western betrayals" and "Communist atrocities". I see now people speaking loudly about how Stalin was a great man, and they believe in all his crap -- very elaborated and sophisticated brainwashing propaganda, not knowing how it was for the ordinary people to live under such a regime.

As you said, it was once the point in the West, my elderly godfather said to me not so long time ago, that Poland looks like the West used to in the 1950s and 1960s.
As a matter of fact, they claimed their "promised/holly land" Israel first, after they claimed their trillions of dollars holocaust scam throughout Europe and the world (even if many countries had nothing to do with them, they paid them lots of bucks), now they are claiming "their 1'000 years Jewish Paradise" -- when they were persecuted throughout the world, just to use it as a rat lab for their most degenerate Liberal Jews, and leave Israel to the Patriarchal, Conservative Jews. They claim this country, Poland, as their own, just because it had protected them for so long, and they can't push that far some of their own degenerate agenda in their "homeland", can you imagine it?

These people are simply not humane.

Following the same paths, America would be reconquered by their Natives, and Europe would kick out all none-European immigrants to "reconquer" it.

Why is it always and only for the Jews to have their cake and eat it too?
As a matter of fact, they claimed their "promised/holly land" first, after they claimed their trillions of dollars holocaust scam, now they are claiming "their 1'000 years Jewish Paradise" -- when they were persecuted throughout the world, just to use it as a rat lab for their most degenerate Liberal Jews, and leave Israel to the Patriarchal, Conservative Jews. They claim this country, Poland, as their own, just because it had protected them for so long, and they can't push that far some of their own degenerate agenda in their "homeland", can you imagine it?

These people are simply not humane.

Following the same paths, America would be reconquered by their Natives, and Europe would kick out all none-European immigrants to "reconquer" it.

Why is it always and only for the Jews to have their cake and eat it too?

I'm not very familiar with the history of Jews. However, I am aware that they've caused many problems in a lot of places, and have been persecuted as a result. I feel like something that could play a big role in resolving this issue once and for all (outside of more violence, which I would prefer to avoid) is talking about these issues completely out in the open. Let's bring the "Jewish Question" to the forefront of public discourse and lay all the grievances and facts out on the table. Honestly, that's the best way I see to resolve this centuries long issue.

Of course, if the Jews really do have complete control of the media/government, and if it's true that the Jews are purposely and deliberately enacting plans to bring about the downfall of the West, then this option would not be possible in a country like the US. However, in a place like Poland, where the Jews have not "infiltrated" significantly yet (at least, to my knowledge), I think that it could be discussed, and should be, before things have the possibility of getting worse.
>barely 10k views
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This is the full length video:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCSIEfw7ToQ

So, it was taken place when the Liberals were in power in Poland in 2012. In fact, many of the discussed matters were integrated or tried to be by them, especially the LGBT push in and "monuments", or the forced gentrification of the bigger cities, plans to elaborate LGBT neighborhoods in the center of the cities, by relocating the poorer people out of the cities but not only, "inviting" Jewish people by making propaganda about their "ancestry" and selling to them for pennies whole buildings in the center of the cities, they even wanted to make Warsaw the gay/lesbian and Capital of Europe (no kidding), wanted to take in illegal "refugees", etc. One woman protested against this gentrification and was found burned alive near the Vistula river in Warsaw, investigators at that time concluded that it was suicide (even that they said she burned herself twice), but the current Government relaunched the investigation and found that it was planned murder. Thankfully, all of the bad things were removed or totally stopped hopefully at time by the current Government. In addition, the Polish oligarch Jan Kulczyk suddenly died in Vienna from a small operation at the time the current party won the elections in 2015...

Polish people shouldn't forget this and clearly say "NIE!" to all these parasites.

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