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Serious Pink Pill Feminism is now ideologically closer to fascism, than incels.co



Apr 19, 2020
Holy fuck! The last time I've seen so many loli fanboys in one place was 10 years ago when I worked at a public library and realized that Nabokov's friday night sessions had a 80% male attendance. But I'm not in the mood to judge, can't do it after a bad trip anyway. Incels can be described as many things, but fascist is barely one of them, as this forum is filled with sex obsessed libertines who never had the chance to live it out, hopeless romantics and cynical realists. Hardly a bunch to pull off a beer hall putch.

And while hebebphilia is now synonymous with pedos, creepy ice cream men and hypocritical conservatives, what leftists omit is that the battle to abolish consent laws was led and fought by renowned members of the cultural left in the 1960s. Foucault started a petition against these laws and convinced half of the french radical intelligentsia to sign it. Deleuze and Guatari wrote a book describing the history of western civilization as nothing but a succession of cock-crushing celibate practices, and Simone De Bavior convinced Sartre that having sex with his teen students was revolutionary praxis.

Still think that pinkpill feminism draws from this 'degenerate' tradition? Take a second look at it. Already in the late 1980s radical feminists joined Jesus Freaks in their denunciation of pornography, lewd language and sexual objectification. For MacKinnon male sexuality was predatory and violent, for Dworkin all heterosexual intercourse was rape. In the 1960s telling a 17 year old girl she that she's a child, too young to be riding around with her outlaw biker boyfriend, you'd be uttering a bigoted idea about female autonomy. In 2020 the pinkpilled feminist explains to a 21 year old woman that her boyfriend is a pedophile for dating someone with a underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.

So what is so fascist about the pink pill feminism? Besides a eugenicist promotion to human sexuality? -- It's inert contradictions: the frantic self-celebration of it's alleged greatness and superiority over men, that is juxtaposed with a relapse into infantilism (muh cortex), victimhood (((the patriarhcy)))) and scapegoating (nice guys™).
damn that shit wild ngl
Unironically high IQ
A rare high iq greycel
I read a post on Pink Pill today that said that heterosexuality among men is gay because most men prefer virgin vaginas and feminist were saying that virgin vaginas are more "masculine". They went on the say the preferring stacy over old, used up, landwhales is gay because to them, stacy looks like a little boy...

If you have basic male biological urges, you are gay and oppressing women...

I wouldn't be surprised if they got the media to push than and a bunch of soyboy fags to actually agree with it.
Feminists came about because Engels said some dumb shit about men being similar to the bourgeois capitalist class. This has now been standard leftist dogma for 90 years now.

Combine this with females only wanting to mate with 20% of men. Inceldom is caused by biological factors, not social or economic one. Surplus males (us) exist solely to die in wars and support the economy.
Holy fuck! The last time I've seen so many loli fanboys in one place was 10 years ago when I worked at a public library and realized that Nabokov's friday night sessions had a 80% male attendance. But I'm not in the mood to judge, can't do it after a bad trip anyway. Incels can be described as many things, but fascist is barely one of them, as this forum is filled with sex obsessed libertines who never had the chance to live it out, hopeless romantics and cynical realists. Hardly a bunch to pull off a beer hall putch.

And while hebebphilia is now synonymous with pedos, creepy ice cream men and hypocritical conservatives, what leftists omit is that the battle to abolish consent laws was led and fought by renowned members of the cultural left in the 1960s. Foucault started a petition against these laws and convinced half of the french radical intelligentsia to sign it. Deleuze and Guatari wrote a book describing the history of western civilization as nothing but a succession of cock-crushing celibate practices, and Simone De Bavior convinced Sartre that having sex with his teen students was revolutionary praxis.

Still think that pinkpill feminism draws from this 'degenerate' tradition? Take a second look at it. Already in the late 1980s radical feminists joined Jesus Freaks in their denunciation of pornography, lewd language and sexual objectification. For MacKinnon male sexuality was predatory and violent, for Dworkin all heterosexual intercourse was rape. In the 1960s telling a 17 year old girl she that she's a child, too young to be riding around with her outlaw biker boyfriend, you'd be uttering a bigoted idea about female autonomy. In 2020 the pinkpilled feminist explains to a 21 year old woman that her boyfriend is a pedophile for dating someone with a underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.

So what is so fascist about the pink pill feminism? Besides a eugenicist promotion to human sexuality? -- It's inert contradictions: the frantic self-celebration of it's alleged greatness and superiority over men, that is juxtaposed with a relapse into infantilism (muh cortex), victimhood (((the patriarhcy)))) and scapegoating (nice guys™).

That's a description of lesbian feminism.

A lot of radical feminists were like that.

However, before lesbian feminism can be achieved, some feminists were given a permission to have hetero sex.

This is why you must oppose feminism. Don't give them chance to reach their goal.

Because it's lesbian and anti-life and misandric piece of shit.
In 2020 the pinkpilled feminist explains to a 21 year old woman that her boyfriend is a pedophile for dating someone with a underdeveloped prefrontal cortex
Well articulated this is the exact excuse people use against men who wants sex with teenager that their brain isn´t fully developed and as you mentioned the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for more "mature" and "responsible" decisions, it´s nice to see a great thread once in a while.
True. it's created a system in which the foid can do no wrong. that if she does something bad, the shouldn't have to suffer the consequences. this shows a very real difference of mindset between men and foid. as foids are not independent, they're dependant on a system that acts as a bubble of their "independency"

it's no secret, a number means nothing, but these foids acting like it does and we all know why, because it prolongs their control over men and the sexual market. in many societies, a child becomes an adult at puberty, not some stupid age. it's funny how these people have no problem attacking social constructs that don't benefit them but support ones that day like age of consent which is a social construct. in europe, the age of consent roughly correlates with puberty, but it's a joke you have to wait for a birthday - an age (also a social construct).

even now, the idea of older men who have been moneymaxxing and don't want to settle for some old eggless hag has them seething when he goes for younger foids of legal age. really demonstrates what these people are and the control they desire. they represent a system that needs to burnt down
That's a description of lesbian feminism.

A lot of radical feminists were like that.

However, before lesbian feminism can be achieved, some feminists were given a permission to have hetero sex.

This is why you must oppose feminism. Don't give them chance to reach their goal.

Because it's lesbian and anti-life and misandric piece of shit.
This. Pinkpill feminism is second wave lesbian feminism. Third wave feminists have no problem with hetero sex or even teen love because they only care about making sure foids have access to chad. Both them and the first wave are bad for sub 8s.
Foucault started a petition against these laws and convinced half of the french radical intelligentsia to sign it. Deleuze and Guatari wrote a book describing the history of western civilization as nothing but a succession of cock-crushing celibate practices, and Simone De Bavior convinced Sartre that having sex with his teen students was revolutionary praxis.

You forgot about Marcuse, and the rest of Fracfort gang. I specially hate Vattimo too btw
These people actually destroyed out culture and philosophical tradition.
Pink pill feminism just take to its most extreme consequences some dogmas that the postmodern narrative was too weak to asume due to their weak thought. It is wide spread too, most of HS female teachers in my country are radical feminists that actually believe in these things. Of course, they also think that the only solution to the "patriarchy" they think they live in is a bigger and more powerful state, more police, more laws against men... An old foid was fired from HS because she was promoting his ideas around male genocide as the only option for humanity, not kidding. And i dont think its gonna happen again, these ideas are hold by foids, and foids have western destiny in their hands now. It is just incredible how much damage some old, bad written, baseless and irrational propaganda, disguised as philosophy and what not, has done to our civilization. This pink pilled feminists really think they live in a world that oppresses them, like christians during the middle ages that could not even conceive that there was no God, despite the fact that God exists is not factual, irrational and clearly cultural.

Feminists came about because Engels said some dumb shit about men being similar to the bourgeois capitalist class. This has now been standard leftist dogma for 90 years now.

Combine this with females only wanting to mate with 20% of men. Inceldom is caused by biological factors, not social or economic one. Surplus males (us) exist solely to die in wars and support the economy.
Based. Most leftists are like religious people, they believe in something and value faith into the dogma, and refuse to read the sources because it could weaken their faith. Engels was just wrong, he chose to ignore all what was known about the primitive tribes thanks the new by then science of anthropology. He wrote propaganda, and only propaganda, like Bakunin, Marx or the Francfort School. Still, his ideas remain as the core believes of our civilization.
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it's funny how these people have no problem attacking social constructs that don't benefit them but support ones that day like age of consent which is a social construct
Literally like religious believers. Leftists know they are right, so choosing between facts that corroborate their dogmas and facts that dont is not hypocritical cherrypicking but virtuous activism.
There is no form of consent in my forest

whats the pink pill tbh
whats the pink pill tbh
This, I thought the pink pill is becoming a tranny, but apparently it's an academic term being used by high IQ users.
labor camps for incels
gas chambers for manlets
Deleuze and Guatari wrote a book describing the history of western civilization as nothing but a succession of cock-crushing celibate practices
What book is it exactly?
That's a description of lesbian feminism.

Ever wondered why straight women would embrace lesbian feminism?

whats the pink pill tbh
Becky's struggle against the immanent limit of her sexual autonomy -- her failure to lock down that HVM male who was pumping her in her hay days in college, coupled with a cripling fear around the possibility of having to settle with her looksmatch.
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Ever wondered why straight women would embrace lesbian feminism?

Becky's struggle against the immanent impossibility in her sexual autonomy -- locking down that HVM male who was pumping her in her hay days in college, coupled with a cripling fear around the possibility of having to settle with her looksmatch.
Is your pfp a fusion of a Bogdanoff and Sminem
What book is it exactly?
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.

This pink pilled feminists really think they live in a world that oppresses them, like christians during the middle ages that could not even conceive that there was no God, despite the fact that God exists is not factual, irrational and clearly cultural.
The critical claim that we live under a oppressive patriarchal hegemony in the west, has become the hegemonic position in the west.
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Ever wondered why straight women would embrace lesbian feminism?

Becky's struggle against the immanent limit of her sexual autonomy -- her failure to lock down that HVM male who was pumping her in her hay days in college, coupled with a cripling fear around the possibility of having to settle with her looksmatch.

The critical claim that we live under a oppressive patriarchal hegemony in the west, has become the hegemonic position in the west.
Of course.
I read a post on Pink Pill today that said that heterosexuality among men is gay because most men prefer virgin vaginas and feminist were saying that virgin vaginas are more "masculine". They went on the say the preferring stacy over old, used up, landwhales is gay because to them, stacy looks like a little boy...

If you have basic male biological urges, you are gay and oppressing women...

I wouldn't be surprised if they got the media to push than and a bunch of soyboy fags to actually agree with it.

When it comes to women desiring nothing but hollywood hunk prototypes, it's all bio-ingraved instincts, natural calls for a healthy offspring, a desire to get rid of the unfit and motherly concern for societals well being.

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