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Blackpill Pew Research now states that over 63% of men aged 18-29 are single compared to only 34% of women aged 18-29. Hypergamy is growing.



Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017

If you don't want to read the whole thing, here's the chart:

On the bright side, less people are interested in casual hookups and relationships since 2019, but this is still on a whole other level of fucked.

As someone who goes to university and has a job (so I'm basically out in "le real world" 24/7), Zoomer bitches are honestly the worst, and I'm honestly not surprised how skewed this is. They have the shittiest fucking attitudes towards non-Chads and will go out of their way to treat you like a second class citizen if you aren't Chad. Now it seems they're all practicing polygamy to fuck the top 10% of men. I have seen such cases in person.

I can easily have a nice causal conversation with women born before around like, 1985. Zoomer and late-Millennial women are disgusting, rude, and spineless. You can't converse with them as a guy casually unless you either have water on the brain, or are Chad. The only times women between that age range ever treat me nicely is when they are in a position to where they are absolutely forced to (group projects that depend on her grade, desk job, working at restaurants, etc.).

I'm going to make a remark that might glow here a little bit, but when the fuck are we finally gonna do something about this? I really think we should take back what was once ours. This hypergamy bullshit has gone way too far. I think someone out there needs to raise their iron fist and put these fongoloids in their place.
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Isn't college the best opportunity to find a foid? Especially if you live on a co-ed campus
I would honestly say high school is/was the best time to get a girlfriend.

Girls in high school were nice-ish to me. Women in university are some of the most evil, mean spirited people I have ever met in my entire life. I'm not fucking joking. I literally get indirectly bullied by women on an almost weekly basis in this fucking shithole for simply existing.

I can't fight back either because it's indirect and passive bullying.
Truecel trait: Getting bullied by foids
I wouldn't even call myself a truecel (I am still an incel) due to factors like my height and voice, but I guess I am now.

63% of men aged 18-29 are single compared to only 34% of women aged 18-29​

Single man : "I haven't touched another human being in 3 years".

Single woman: "I go on dates several times a week to save on groceries. TeeHee."

Just by putting these two in the same bracket I already know how detached from reality these "researchers" are.
Sad to say this, but the more men are single and frustrated, the better. Maybe then they (normies and incels in denial) will understand it's finally time to change something about this clown society. And if not, they will at least suffer.
Sad to say this, but the more men are single and frustrated, the better. Maybe then they (normies and incels in denial) will understand it's finally time to change something about this clown society. And if not, they will at least suffer.
Beta uprising will never happen. From my experience with celebacy (which is infinite) it seems that your testoterone increases sharply in the short term after any contact with a woman and decreeses in the long term. Your body doesn't want to waste energy. Men who are virgins by their mid 20s have no will to fight.

Our hope is that the young generation will catch up fast and understand at very young age that they will end up like us unless they put women in their proper place.
Hey I was going to post these studies!! But yea six in 10 men are pretty much incel
Being incel is the default state of men now.
I also find that older women are easier to talk to. There are some good young foids that I’ve met but they are all taken early
Isn't college the best opportunity to find a foid? Especially if you live on a co-ed campus
College is the worst time for it. It's peak hypergamy and degeneracy. It's when women are at their most toxic because any second spent interacting with non-chad it's a second not getting fucked by chad.
I wonder how so many men are single and lonely compared to women... Probably because they didn't shower enough and lesbians are real
College is the worst time for it. It's peak hypergamy and degeneracy. It's when women are at their most toxic because any second spent interacting with non-chad it's a second not getting fucked by chad.
Exactly, they want to better their genetic lineage while we would taint or even destroy it.
A lot of people are getting blackpilled hard from this info. Just check the discussions on the norman platforms.
Single doesn't mean not engaging in casual sex though.
Men are almost never single by choice. If this is accurate almost two thirds of young men are incels, and the inceldom problem accelerated faster than even some of the wildest predictions a few years ago.
and what percent of that 37% of men who have girlfriends, is it an actually attractive female, and not some grotesque landwhale? I'd wager less then 15% of men are dating a actually attractive female.
Holy shit that’s brutal.

Literally twice as many men 18-30 are single than women.
Isn't college the best opportunity to find a foid? Especially if you live on a co-ed campus
not if you’re a trucel :feelsbadman:
Holy shit that’s brutal.

Literally twice as many men 18-30 are single than women.
They're sharing Chads or getting with other women when Chad isn't available. That's only plausible conclusion that can be drawn.
I would honestly say high school is/was the best time to get a girlfriend.

Girls in high school were nice-ish to me. Women in university are some of the most evil, mean spirited people I have ever met in my entire life. I'm not fucking joking. I literally get indirectly bullied by women on an almost weekly basis in this fucking shithole for simply existing.

I can't fight back either because it's indirect and passive bullying.
Beat their heads with a stick. (in videogame)
Sharia law is the only solution
You have to also take into account the fact that men typically tend to lie about having had more sex than they've actually had whereas women do the opposite. Meaning that it probably really is 80% of males are virgins and 20% of females are virgins.

so basically this meme is true? don't see how that's even possible with monogamous relationships

so basically this meme is true? don't see how that's even possible with monogamous relationships
It's not possible with monogamous relationships. This survey confirms what people have been saying about Chads keeping harems, and most men being left out. There's no other plausible explanation for the data.
So are the older men (30+) taking our women
Isn't college the best opportunity to find a foid? Especially if you live on a co-ed campus

This the true JFL moment.

I've been a college cel for years multiple cities, multiple groups, groups where i was the only/one of very few men, groups where i was one of many, i've seen it all, been through all. it's nothing but hell. if there's a chance for an incel anywhere trust me it won't be in college.
Sad to say this, but the more men are single and frustrated, the better. Maybe then they (normies and incels in denial) will understand it's finally time to change something about this clown society. And if not, they will at least suffer.
based as fuck, always been saying the moment tables turn is when there's shortage of slaves and more and more people turn to neet
Single doesn't mean not engaging in casual sex though.
Only a small minority of these men are Chad's and chadlites. Also most Chad's and chadlites do have gfs on top of bunch of fuckbuddies.
no matter how hard normies try our movement only grows stronger

they cannot deny reality
Interesting. Saved.
Isn't college the best opportunity to find a foid? Especially if you live on a co-ed campus
College is full of moggers, the competition is 10x anywhere else
Also a brutal realitypill for the redpilled wallcopers deluding themselves with that "Men age like fine wine" bullshit:feelskek:. Look at the rates broken down by age and gender:feelshaha:. All the age groups under 50 have fewer single women than men. It only starts turning around in the 50-64 group, and that's just two percentage points difference:feelshaha:. The only age group with significantly more single women than men is the 65+ one, and that, coincidentally, is the one with the most unbalanced sex ratio, with there being much more elderly women than men, considering that men on average die years before women.

Literally the only group where women are significantly more likely to be single than men is the same group where women are such a clear majority that there simply aren't enough men for all of them:feelskek:, and I'd happily and confidently bet that this is the reason for there being fewer single men in the 50-64 group as well, with the gender lifespan gap starting to make its impact known in that age group.

Muh "Women lose value with age, while men gain it:redpill::soy:."

Muh "I'll be fucking young foids while women my age will be hitting the wall and taking care of their cats:redpill::soy:."

Muh "Old women have no value, but old men are better than young men:redpill::soy:."

Bruh, the only way you'll be ascending thanks to your age will be if you'll get sent to a retirement home with a 5:1 female:male ratio:feelskek:.
That's what i've been saying since the beginning. Rekt all chads in existence until eugenics becomes a thing.
Muh "Women lose value with age, while men gain it:redpill::soy:."

Muh "I'll be fucking young foids while women my age will be hitting the wall and taking care of their cats:redpill::soy:."

Muh "Old women have no value, but old men are better than young men:redpill::soy:."
Is there any part of the red pill left standing? lmao
I would honestly say high school is/was the best time to get a girlfriend.

Girls in high school were nice-ish to me. Women in university are some of the most evil, mean spirited people I have ever met in my entire life. I'm not fucking joking. I literally get indirectly bullied by women on an almost weekly basis in this fucking shithole for simply existing.

I can't fight back either because it's indirect and passive bullying.
I've observed the same. Women are much more hostile at university. It's like a pecking order where the top 10% goes out of their way to passive-aggressively exclude and look down on the rest of the people there.
Sad to say this, but the more men are single and frustrated, the better. Maybe then they (normies and incels in denial) will understand it's finally time to change something about this clown society. And if not, they will at least suffer.
Sadly, there are too many ways for men to defuse their frustration. If porn, prostitution, alcohol, and other copes were all outlawed, then we might see an effect, but only if someone were there to lead them in an organized way. The way things are going and judging by how pathetic America and satellite states like Japan have been in confronting their deep-seated problems, I fail to see any action resulting from this that will be for the better.
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I've observed the same. Women are much more hostile at university. It's like a pecking order where the top 10% goes out of their way to passive-aggressively exclude and look down on the rest of the people there.
Correct. College is their time of their lives. It's when they look the best (if they are doing college at a proper age) and have the most chads within their reach their reach. Every second spent talking with a normie or incel is a second away from chad.

I have found that they are much less hostile after college.
"Stop complaining inkwell. You were born in the best time of human history :soy: "

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