There have been multiple studies that show political repression has miniscule effects on economic growth rates inside a state, the most economically advanced Communist state, East Germany, was also the most repressive one with the ubiquitous presence of the Stasi, and the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of modern China has shown growth rates that are comparable to its neighboring provinces despite implementing politically repressive measures that would make North Korea look like a haven of freedom in comparison. The same could be said for Imperial Japan and her colonies, showing impressive growth rates even during wartime, not to mention that both Taiwan and South Korea were dictatorships during the period of their economic miracles. The key here is that the repressive dictatorship NOT implement a top down Command Economy that stifles economic productivity (East Germany did have a small but not insignificant private sector)
and scientific advances are not significantly impeded either even in Totalitarian States due to the overwhelmingly political neutral nature of research, and even if such a state purges scientists, such as Jewish scientists in Nazi Germany or talented managers in the USSR, they are almost always replaced by a crop of equally competent colleagues. The Kaiser Wilhelm Society was able to replace its brilliant Jewish scientists with equally brilliant German scientists, several of whom would win Nobel Prizes for their work during WW2 after Nazi Germany was defeated. Furthermore, even in cases where entire scientific fields are suppressed, like biology in the USSR or "Jewish" mathematics and physics in Nazi Germany, such policies are rarely systematic and permanent, as Lysenkoism was dropped after the death of Stalin and Aryan Mathematics in favor of actual Mathematics were gradually deemphasized as the Nazi leadership realized the importance of research
Surviving the Swastika examines scientific research under National Socialism through the prism of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of the Sciences, a semi-private umbrella organization which founded and maintained institutes for basic scientific research. Home to over twenty...