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People Kill Spiders For The Same Reason They Despise Incels.



Ugly Midwestcel
Jan 7, 2019
I just found a tiny house spider on my pillow and brushed it off of the side of my bed. For a second I thought about smashing it but then I had a bit of a thought hit me: people kill spiders because they are ugly. I can confirm this by looking at surveys as well, I looked up why people are afraid of spiders and the number one reason as "legginess" (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0005796797000508 ) which we can easily interpret as a fear of their physical appearance. The overwhelming majority of spiders cannot harm you and the ones that can want nothing to do with an animal 1000x their size, but yet people still kill them because they look like something that should die.
spiders are beneficial, the non-venomous ones
they kill invasive insects like wasps, roaches, and mosquitoes. as well as other insects that damage crops. and they don't spread diseases
Spiders are bros, they only hang out at your place if there's a need for them to be there. They are harmless in most parts of the world and kill actual harmful insects. I try not to harm them
But even the ones that can't kill you with their bite are still venomous, I don't think any spiders are truly non-venomous.
I always save spiders and put them outside.
Seeing spiders and roaches make be physically I'll. I fucking despise them and. The only spiders that dont freak me out are Tarantutlas. Ugly people are the same species as me so I've never once had killing intent towards another ugly.
no reason for me to take any chances

might as well kill it
I always try to pick up spiders and let them out.

Why should I kill something that poses no threat to me? I would sooner kill a foid than a spider tbh.
hello FBI
I try to befriend them
I never kill spiders or insects, i put them in another room if im sleeping though
Spiders are bros, they only hang out at your place if there's a need for them to be there. They are harmless in most parts of the world and kill actual harmful insects. I try not to harm them
That's good to know. After I did a major cleaning to my room and changed the carpet and bed, I noticed there were no more spiders.
you would think it would be the bite and venom that they wouldnt like the most fucking idiots.
True, most people probably wouldn't kill a butterfly just so but if insect is ugly then they kill it, even if it doesn't pose any danger. Same thing with us.. we are ugly so in normies minds we are maybe not to be killed but at least to be berated and bullied. That's what we exist for to them. We exist as something that is supposed to be negative, just like those insects.
Damn this could apply to other bugs as well
I've long noted this about pets and animals in general. It's the purest form of lookism, and people even here shit on me for it.
Yep, people have a phobia toward Incels.
Had a similar thought a while back, I've stopped killing spiders because of that. Normally I just let them chill in my room, they usually leave after a while anyways.
Few years ago tried luck with girl who kept exotic spiders. She talked something, but without showing big interest, so just forgot her. But after few months cunt invited me to Skype conference with her friend, another stupid femoid, to laugh at me
Keeper of chad spiders blet
spiders are beneficial, the non-venomous ones
they kill invasive insects like wasps, roaches, and mosquitoes. as well as other insects that damage crops. and they don't spread diseases
wonder how many foids know this
as long as spiders aren't in the way i just leave them, they usually end up disappearing on their own
No, because you dont believe in nofap:feelsgah:
True :feelshaha: but still, it's funny how tarantulas aren't scary at all, meanwhile I kill everything else on sight with goosebumps and chills in my spine
spiders are one of my phobias
People generally hate bugs. I also get really scared whe i see them.
I Don't kill any insects , it's the biggest sin you can commit murder. I simply remove them from my room , the only insects I want to kill are mosquitoes fuck mosquitoes , they don't let me sleep also they give big bad boi deseases.
I usually try to take them out of the house if I can.

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