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people bullying idkwattodowiththislife are no better than normies



Nov 7, 2017
Bullying him for being a "faggot" unironically, bullying him for being "weird" etc.. 

First of all some of you are no sarcasm, no meme, homophobic in which case you are bad people and/or low iq as fuck. I know most of you are jaded as fuck from painful lives of inceldom, but at the least don't be assholes to fellow brothers for no good reason. Or maybe you are just really committed to acting edgy.


His posting style is not that out of the ordinary. I thought it was only the vast majority of cucktears that pretends to not know/ignores what shitposting is, but bullycels seem to do this too calling his posts "retarded, crazy" etc. I have seen very similar types of posts on r9k of guys typing the way he does accompanied with cute anime girls. It's LARPing, it's shitposting, it's funny, whatever. Even if it's not who cares? I bet you are the same guys that would have called the police on me for being "weird" huh? WOULDN'T YOU HAVE??? YA GODDAMN PIECES OF SHIT!!!

I notice he hasn't been on for a while. maybe he will post less or not at all. I'd prob do the same if people were shitting on me for existing.
Indari said:
I notice he hasn't been on for a while. maybe he will post less or not at all
nah he has stated why eh
No bullying to anyone pls
nausea said:
nah he has stated why eh

What did he say?


Kointo said:
nausea said:
nah he has stated why eh
What did he say?
check his latest posts

to me it seems he had a discussion with the mods and decided to collect himself before continuing to post
This is my view as a poster here, not a moderator:

It's not unwarranted.

They recently made a thread which was effectively "LOL @ low IQcels." Don't defend someone who dishes it out but can't take it, someone who is effectively a divisive force on this site.

There are other things that they do which are unacceptable, in my opinion, as well. I don't want to reveal things that are said in confidence but suffice to say that there are many reasons why this poster is, in my opinion, a problem. If they are going to down their shitposting, then that's only for the best.

They said that they have contributed to the forum, saying I was wrong about my assertion that I haven't seen even 100 out of their 3000 posts that is worth reading. Perhaps you could prove me wrong?

Ultimately, I think that they have used their posting mannerisms to befriend and cuddle up to some of the other high-activity posters to create a sort of clique, which in turn generates favoritism because they supply lonely incels with attention and e-affection. I also have evidence that I will not disclose of them being outright dishonest and manipulative.

In short, I've defended this poster in the past for their right to post however they want, as I've defended others who don't violate the rules. But more recently, there have been more than a few troubling behaviors emerging which make me think that they are actively detrimental to the community as a whole and that the reason why some regular posters don't see them that way is either due to a natural proclivity to bond with that type of personality, or because of favoritism expressed by idkwhattodowithlife to those posters specifically to create a sort of insular popularity.
Blickpall always laying down the law! The incel attorney, just missing the fez.
i love retard posting, this place would be a lot more dead and boring without our ensemble cast of regular spergposters keeping the pasta stirred.
The world already hates us that's why we should be at least nice to ourselves.I just laugh whenever he posts something or some stupid exaggerated anime posts with too many hearts.It's hilarious
Facade said:
The world already hates us that's why we should be at least nice to ourselves.I just laugh whenever he posts something or some stupid exaggerated anime posts with too many hearts.It's hilarious
Of course, people defend "him" (even though there was supposed proof, I'm still skeptical) because HE POSTS LIKE A GIRL! THAT'S ALL IT IS! YOU'RE C U C K S !

You can cope for a million years, "he's a friend, he's friendly, he's cool, he's funny, he's interesting, we're all different, he's cute" it's all meaningless. You're all blinded by femmy posting.
blickpall said:
This is my view as a poster here, not a moderator:

It's not unwarranted.

They recently made a thread which was effectively "LOL @ low IQcels." Don't defend someone who dishes it out but can't take it, someone who is effectively a divisive force on this site.

There are other things that they do which are unacceptable, in my opinion, as well. I don't want to reveal things that are said in confidence but suffice to say that there are many reasons why this poster is, in my opinion, a problem. If they are going to down their shitposting, then that's only for the best.

They said that they have contributed to the forum, saying I was wrong about my assertion that I haven't seen even 100 out of their 3000 posts that is worth reading. Perhaps you could prove me wrong?

Ultimately, I think that they have used their posting mannerisms to befriend and cuddle up to some of the other high-activity posters to create a sort of clique, which in turn generates favoritism because they supply lonely incels with attention and e-affection. I also have evidence that I will not disclose of them being outright dishonest and manipulative.

In short, I've defended this poster in the past for their right to post however they want, as I've defended others who don't violate the rules. But more recently, there have been more than a few troubling behaviors emerging which make me think that they are actively detrimental to the community as a whole and that the reason why some regular posters don't see them that way is either due to a natural proclivity to bond with that type of personality, or because of favoritism expressed by idkwhattodowithlife to those posters specifically to create a sort of insular popularity.

agreed 100%. Far too many of their threads are obvious attempts at creating conflict. And their SJW/feminist bullshit does not belong on this site.

he has stated "I fantasize about being a female" and has a signature like "I sometimes play as devils advocate"
VLÖ said:
Of course, people defend "him" (even though there was supposed proof, I'm still skeptical) because HE POSTS LIKE A GIRL! THAT'S ALL IT IS! YOU'RE C U C K S !

You can cope for a million years, "he's a friend, he's friendly, he's cool, he's funny, he's interesting, we're all different, he's cute" it's all meaningless. You're all blinded by femmy posting.

He doesn't poste like a girl. Just like a funny autistic weeaboo. 

Not a single girl uses that many hearts,uses japanese honorifics and constantly posts anime girl pictures.Have you had a chat with 1 girl in your life??

I think his megumin avatar changes the perception of his posts
Facade said:
He doesn't poste like a girl. Just like a funny autistic weeaboo. 

Not a single girl uses that many hearts,uses japanese honorifics and constantly posts anime girl pictures.Have you had a chat with 1 girl in your life??

I think his megumin avatar changes the perception of his posts

It's exaggerated to hell yeah, but it still reeks of female. Most teen girls talking to their femoid friends probably use that kind of stuff. 
Of course girls won't talk to guys that way, unless it's Chad and he wanted it.

Also that's exactly how MtF trannies type, because they overcompensate so much that it almost becomes sickening how femmy they try to be. It's basically typing like a femoid on steroids.

Now of course I know weebcels absolutely love trannies and traps and drool over them 24/7, but I can't stand these disgusting freeloaders. Not only do they still want Chad, but they lie, manipulate and just cause constant shit-fights and drama. They're the downfall of every community, they suck up to the top-tier people (and as @blickpall said, it has been attempted here) and then use their influence to just hoard attention and silence people who call them out. They're one of the most vile, evil and absolutely selfish creatures ever.
VLÖ said:
It's exaggerated to hell yeah, but it still reeks of female. Most teen girls talking to their femoid friends probably use that kind of stuff. 
Of course girls won't talk to guys that way, unless it's Chad and he wanted it.

Also that's exactly how MtF trannies type, because they overcompensate so much that it almost becomes sickening how femmy they try to be. It's basically typing like a femoid on steroids.

Now of course I know weebcels absolutely love trannies and traps and drool over them 24/7, but I can't stand these disgusting freeloaders. Not only do they still want Chad, but they lie, manipulate and just cause constant shit-fights and drama. They're the downfall of every community, they suck up to the top-tier people (and as @blickpall said, it has been attempted here) and then use their influence to just hoard attention and silence people who call them out. They're one of the most vile, evil and absolutely selfish creatures ever.


I can't tell if they're a manipulative female or a trolling male.
VLÖ said:
It's exaggerated to hell yeah, but it still reeks of female. Most teen girls talking to their femoid friends probably use that kind of stuff. 
Of course girls won't talk to guys that way, unless it's Chad and he wanted it.

Also that's exactly how MtF trannies type, because they overcompensate so much that it almost becomes sickening how femmy they try to be. It's basically typing like a femoid on steroids.

Now of course I know weebcels absolutely love trannies and traps and drool over them 24/7, but I can't stand these disgusting freeloaders. Not only do they still want Chad, but they lie, manipulate and just cause constant shit-fights and drama. They're the downfall of every community, they suck up to the top-tier people (and as @blickpall said, it has been attempted here) and then use their influence to just hoard attention and silence people who call them out. They're one of the most vile, evil and absolutely selfish creatures ever.

I agree, weebcels disgust me, especially when they try to create cliques.
Kointo said:
I can't tell if they're a manipulative female or a trolling male

give them some time and you shall see the light
7339er said:
I agree, weebcels disgust me, especially when they try to create cliques.

And close minded stubborn humans like you disgust me. Why do you have a problem with me?

I don't think he was referring to that anyway.
Kointo said:
And close minded stubborn humans like you disgust me. Why do you have a problem with me?

Sorry boyo, I just hate anime, never watched it in my life and never will.
7339er said:
Sorry boyo, I just hate anime, never watched it in my life and never will.

me too, but no hate
7339er said:
Sorry boyo, I just hate anime, never watched it in my life and never will.

How can you hate something you've never even seen? The logic in this astounds me.
blickpall said:
This is my view as a poster here, not a moderator:

It's not unwarranted.

They recently made a thread which was effectively "LOL @ low IQcels." Don't defend someone who dishes it out but can't take it, someone who is effectively a divisive force on this site.

There are other things that they do which are unacceptable, in my opinion, as well. I don't want to reveal things that are said in confidence but suffice to say that there are many reasons why this poster is, in my opinion, a problem. If they are going to down their shitposting, then that's only for the best.

They said that they have contributed to the forum, saying I was wrong about my assertion that I haven't seen even 100 out of their 3000 posts that is worth reading. Perhaps you could prove me wrong?

Ultimately, I think that they have used their posting mannerisms to befriend and cuddle up to some of the other high-activity posters to create a sort of clique, which in turn generates favoritism because they supply lonely incels with attention and e-affection. I also have evidence that I will not disclose of them being outright dishonest and manipulative.

In short, I've defended this poster in the past for their right to post however they want, as I've defended others who don't violate the rules. But more recently, there have been more than a few troubling behaviors emerging which make me think that they are actively detrimental to the community as a whole and that the reason why some regular posters don't see them that way is either due to a natural proclivity to bond with that type of personality, or because of favoritism expressed by idkwhattodowithlife to those posters specifically to create a sort of insular popularity.
those threads are only divisive if retards let them be by taking them seriously to an autistic degree. Lots of their posts aren't that much different than most users, not that there is really a quality standard to begin with.

Is making friends and being nice prohibited? fug mang.

Kointo said:
How can you hate something you've never even seen? The logic in this astounds me.

don't try to reason with people that close minded
nausea said:
obviously not

well the people shilling idkwattodowiththislife's posting as trying to gather orbiters or form cliques are being paranoid imo
Indari said:
nausea said:
obviously not
well the people shilling idkwattodowiththislife's posting as trying to gather orbiters or form cliques are being paranoid imo
Indari said:
well the people shilling idkwattodowiththislife's posting as trying to gather orbiters or form cliques are being paranoid imo

he's in my buddylist like you so...
blickpall said:
This is my view as a poster here, not a moderator:

It's not unwarranted.

They recently made a thread which was effectively "LOL @ low IQcels." Don't defend someone who dishes it out but can't take it, someone who is effectively a divisive force on this site.

There are other things that they do which are unacceptable, in my opinion, as well. I don't want to reveal things that are said in confidence but suffice to say that there are many reasons why this poster is, in my opinion, a problem. If they are going to down their shitposting, then that's only for the best.

They said that they have contributed to the forum, saying I was wrong about my assertion that I haven't seen even 100 out of their 3000 posts that is worth reading. Perhaps you could prove me wrong?

Ultimately, I think that they have used their posting mannerisms to befriend and cuddle up to some of the other high-activity posters to create a sort of clique, which in turn generates favoritism because they supply lonely incels with attention and e-affection. I also have evidence that I will not disclose of them being outright dishonest and manipulative.

In short, I've defended this poster in the past for their right to post however they want, as I've defended others who don't violate the rules. But more recently, there have been more than a few troubling behaviors emerging which make me think that they are actively detrimental to the community as a whole and that the reason why some regular posters don't see them that way is either due to a natural proclivity to bond with that type of personality, or because of favoritism expressed by idkwhattodowithlife to those posters specifically to create a sort of insular popularity.

No kidding, he's made threads with the thinly-veiled purpose of attacking people, one of whom was me.



And then he made this extremely ironic thread:


That being said, @retarded_dumbshit has said that threads attacking other users are not allowed under any circumstances, and this thread was a clear example of that:


Frankly I think the selective moderation on this forum is laughably pathetic. You guys are not doing a good job whatsoever at maintaining consistency. I've had a thread removed for much, much less than some of the threads you guys are allowing. @retarded_dumbshit is the worst offender, his username is very representative of his intellectual capabilities.
Framecel222 said:
Frankly I think the selective moderation on this forum is laughably pathetic. You guys are not doing a good job whatsoever at maintaining consistency.

Keep in mind that we are
Framecel222 said:
Frankly I think the selective moderation on this forum is laughably pathetic. You guys are not doing a good job whatsoever at maintaining consistency.

Keep in mind that we

1. Are different people with different thresholds of what it means to break a rule. What might be seen as an actionable transgression by one moderator might not qualify for another. We have already acknowledged among ourselves that some of tend to be "softies" and some of us are more hard-ass about things.
2. Generally only act on reported threads - if the person being offended reports it or PMs us, I personally take it much more seriously than if they just let it slide.
3. Are trying to change our rules/standards with time based on public opinion and internal discussions. There have been recent talks about how some of us have been too strict and thus perhaps some of us have been toning it down more than we have in the past.

If you disagree with something we do, send a PM to the mod whose actions you disagree with, or make a feedback thread. That is the best way to catch our attention about a matter and to have us engage in a discussion about how to improve all of our practices as moderators here.
VLÖ said:
Of course, people defend "him" (even though there was supposed proof, I'm still skeptical) because HE POSTS LIKE A GIRL! THAT'S ALL IT IS! YOU'RE C U C K S !

You can cope for a million years, "he's a friend, he's friendly, he's cool, he's funny, he's interesting, we're all different, he's cute" it's all meaningless. You're all blinded by femmy posting.

Couldnt have said it better myself.

This place is cucked beyond belief
blickpall said:
Keep in mind that we

1. Are different people with different thresholds of what it means to break a rule. What might be seen as an actionable transgression by one moderator might not qualify for another. We have already acknowledged among ourselves that some of tend to be "softies" and some of us are more hard-ass about things.
2. Generally only act on reported threads - if the person being offended reports it or PMs us, I personally take it much more seriously than if they just let it slide.
3. Trying to change our rules/standards with time based on public opinion and internal discussions. There have been recent talks about how some of us have been too strict and thus perhaps some of us have been toning it down more than we have in the past.

If you disagree with something we do, send a PM to the mod whose actions you disagree with, or make a feedback thread. That is the best way to catch our attention about a matter and to have us engage in a discussion about how to improve all of our practices as moderators here.

Retarded_dumbshit saw the idkwattodowithlife thread and did nothing, yet he removed one of my threads for so much less. He also called me a cunt and a troll yet said that's okay because it's merely a "mild opinion." If you want community feedback, here's mine:

1. Tell retarded_dumbshit to stop living up to his name.

2. Start deleting threads that follow this format:

Framecel222 said:
Retarded_dumbshit saw the idkwattodowithlife thread and did nothing, yet he removed one of my threads for so much less. He also called me a cunt and a troll yet said that's okay because it's merely a "mild opinion." If you want community feedback, here's mine:

1. Tell retarded_dumbshit to stop living up to his name.

2. Start deleting threads that follow this format:

Nothing personell kid, but I will continue to make threads like that format.
He hasn't been on since yesterday, he's usually allways online. I hope he's okay.
It was an ugly situation. I kinda saw some paranoia come to the fore.
Crustaciouse said:
He hasn't been on since yesterday, he's usually allways online. I hope he's okay.

fagotonabike said:
Couldnt have said it better myself.

This place is cucked beyond belief

Ah ! I don't think he's cucked STILL

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