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Brutal Peak SMV



Jul 14, 2021
temp ban: sexualization of minors
When they say women in their 20s are the most beautiful, they´re lying. When they say 18 year olds are the most beautiful, they´re lying. When they say 16 year olds are the most beautiful, as they say in the movie: Are all men pedophiles?-Theyr´e LYING. They are peddling half truths as close to the truth as possible in order to make men not see the real TRUTH.

Its bloody obvious that women are at their peak SMV the moment they first start menstruating, which generally is at 12-14 years old. It´s also the age at which they are the most chad-horny-sexual. Only current laws and school/society norms forbid them from getting Chadpregnant as soon as they CAN. As soon as women can start having kids, they are drawn to chads, while men are drawn to the ground by gravity (or whatever it is that draws you to the gound, globe earth gravity or whatever else if you believe in flat earth).

Women went into overdrive this way and showed their true colors in the most obvious way in sweden in the mid-late 00s during the Fjortis era (teenybopper in english, but the "trend" didnt catch on outside sweden really). Those years, maybe 2003/4-2011 at the most, were characterized by those prime foids using as much makeup as they COULD, in order to compete with the other stacies. So much so that it actually made them uglier in many cases, but when its a competition, its a competition. Just search for Fjortis on google images. Its clear this NATURAL "fad" is over in the west. Maybe feminism peaked in 2008isch :feelsahh: (feminism is harem, patriarchy is looksmatch monogamy). It wasnt a 7-8 year fad. It was women showing their100% true nature, unchecked.

This graph below is from a 1995 study, and it clearly shows how women are peak SMV from the moment they start menstruating. The reason 13 is beneath 14 is probably due to normie sensitivity answers, or maybe the test subject men usually came into contact with girls who BECAME women at 14 moreso than 13. The graph states that 12 year olds, are just as attractive to men as 20 year olds. After 18, theres a huge drop, and between 19-25, theres barely any difference in womens looks. Meaning its the 13-18 year olds, specifically 13-16 year olds who are the most sought after.

IMG 1642
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I find 19/20 year old foids the most attractive. at 13 they look like children
0 men are pedophiles, in general, apart from the very small number who for some fucked up reason are into children, not post puberty women 13-20.
ABBA should change their song lyrics to: Dancing queen, only Fouuurteeen. 17 was the closest to 13/14 they could go in this PC feminist world probably.
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Most foids look the exact same from 13 till 25. They Hit the wall then begin ageing like milk after 25
no one looks exactly the same as another point in time in their lives.. saying a 23 year old looks the same as a 15 year old is dumb.
Coach red pill made a video in which he told men to avoid women past the age of 23. Controlled opposition JERK. Its a form of pushing feminism.
11 year olds are equally as sexually attractive to men as 29 year olds. Meaning, chasing after 29 year olds is as wrong as chasing after 11 year olds.
I shouldn't have looked up Fjortis :feelspuke:
After 18, theres a huge drop, and between 19-25, theres barely any difference in womens looks.
probably because roasties start riding the cock carousel full throttle at the point
50 year old is less sexy than a 9 year old.. fucking troLOL. This graph disproves pedophilia (as it is described today). It simply proves the female SMV objectively.
I shouldn't have looked up Fjortis :feelspuke:

probably because roasties start riding the cock carousel full throttle at the point
I guess many men think womne are peak attractiveness at around 17-18, because they arent wearing as much fakeup then as they were around 13-16. To compete with other women also at their peak. Ironically it makes them look worse. Which is why again, men think ~18 year olds, even up to 20, look the best. Which means the women around 13-16-17 who wear the least amount of fakeup, are probably the most beautiful.
I guess many men think womne are peak attractiveness at around 17-18, because they arent wearing as much fakeup then as they were around 13-16. To compete with other women also at their peak. Ironically it makes them look worse. Which is why again, men think ~18 year olds, even up to 20, look the best. Which means the women around 13-16-17 who wear the least amount of fakeup, are probably the most beautiful.
that makes sense, as fake up is just a cope to look younger than they actually are
Fakeup should only be allowed (and a must have) in the home. Outside its used to fake being more attractive than they are.
Kk, pedo.
So according to you, its not pedo to sleep with 15 year olds, legal age, but pedo to sleep with someone who is 14 year old and 364 days? or 14 exactly, or 13? Idiot. A women who is 13 years old and 47 days, who just had her first period, is no longer a girl, but a woman. The first period is the TRANSITION. Its IMPOSSIBLE to be a pedo if the attraction is to a teenager. Or even a girl who gets it at 12 years and 164 days.
Early teen women are even more authentic women than older ones, as they get more masculine as they age.
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What does this mean
It means that, since 11 year olds are equally as attractive to men as 29 year olds, it is just as illogical to get together with a 29 year old as with an 11 year old. They have the same value, as smv is all there is. It makes more sense to hook up with 12 year olds than 29/30 year olds. Its a fact and its the truth. Anyone who disagrees has been told lies by feminism. You shouldnt break up with girlfriends simply because they turn 30, but you should not get together with single 28,29,30+ year old geriatric women. And again, not with generally below 13 year olds. Its only the lies of today that says you cant be with women below 15 or 16 or 18 in most cases, depending on the laws.
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Questionable. In many European countries age of consent is 16. In US there are 19 states, where AOC is 17 and above.
wtf do you men questionable? its 15 in sweden. 14 in some countries, mostly like 18 in most countries.
Its not even a slippery slope, as in, if you take interest in women in their lower teens, doesnt mean you´ll:eventually "start with heavier drugs" as in paedophilia. Pedophilia is a sickness and you´ll never be attracted to sub 13 or 14 year olds if you´re not a pedophile. While its more natural to be attracted to 14 year olds than older women. past 12isch, women mature REAL FAST, just to then BOM, stop->downhill.
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It is very important to talk about if girls peak with 14 or 18 for Incels.
you are a retarded pedo if you believe this
have you SEEN 29 and 30 year olds without makeup? no one has. thats why i have a hunch this graph is correct.
have you SEEN 29 and 30 year olds without makeup? no one has. thats why i have a hunch this graph is correct.
they look just as good as 16 year olds or 20 year olds. their looks dont noticeably decline until 40. why the hell would you think a 11 year old kid is hotter
nice FBI bait
you are a retarded pedo if you believe this
Have you SEEN a 29+ year old woman without make up? The very notion is an oxymoron. No one has. An 11 year old is closer to being 13 than a 29 year old. Despite still being a girl and not a woman yet. 11 year old girls in general dont wear makeup yet. As the graph correctly shows, 11 year olds are equally as attractive to men as 29 year olds. More so if the 29 year olds removed their fakeup probably. 11 is 2 years from 13. 29 is SIXTEEN. Its you who are the retard.
nice FBI bait
Its not. Im objectively typing this alone, im autistic, we dont lie. Im just being vulcan logical. Its fucking obvious that an 11 year old girl is more attractive than a 31,32 year old. Women dont pass a magical barrier at which point before they werent attractive at all, and after they are. Its like saying they were non humans before and humans after. You guys are basically saying 30 year old women are attractive. Fucking soy.
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Have you SEEN a 29+ year old woman without make up? The very notion is an oxymoron. No one has. An 11 year old is closer to being 13 than a 29 year old. Despite still being a girl and not a woman yet. 11 year old girls in general dont wear makeup yet. As the graph correctly shows, 11 year olds are equally as attractive to men as 29 year olds. More so if the 29 year olds removed their fakeup probably. 11 is 2 years from 13. 29 is SIXTEEN. Its you who are the retard.
just admit you are a volcel pedo and fuck off to the dark web where you belong
they look just as good as 16 year olds or 20 year olds. their looks dont noticeably decline until 40. why the hell would you think a 11 year old kid is hotter
Dont twist my fucking words you bait moron. i NEVER said 11 year olds are hotter. Only that women without makeup around 30+ are less attractive probably, but who can tell? no 30 year old is ever without fakeup outside. Its still wrong, but it doesnt mean that you should take interest in pre-pubescent girls, still it doesnt take away from the fact that girls who are almost in child bearing years, ie 11 or 12, are closer to peak SMV and therefore.. more close than rly old women past 30. You guys act as if a 38 year old still capable of bearing children beats a 12 year old in looks.
just admit you are a volcel pedo and fuck off to the dark web where you belong
pff im not, the police can come to me now, i have no, zip, nada, zero pictures of children, why would i, im just a normal teen attracted man, same as all other 4 billion men on the planet. Would be a waste of time and resources for them to do. They´d probably have better luck going to your place. Theres a saying in sweden: han som sa´t han va´t. He who said it is like it. Its called projection.
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I find 19/20 year old foids the most attractive. at 13 they look like children
I find 21-25 most attractive,i must be a weirdo.There are some younger girls who are pretty but on rare occasions.
I find 21-25 most attractive,i must be a weirdo.There are some younger girls who are pretty but on rare occasions.
You must be lower in testosterone. :) Its a spectrum still, as weininger said. But in general, normal men, the normies and the chads, like teen girls the most.
When they say women in their 20s are the most beautiful, they´re lying. When they say 18 year olds are the most beautiful, they´re lying. When they say 16 year olds are the most beautiful, as they say in the movie: Are all men pedophiles?-Theyr´e LYING. They are peddling half truths as close to the truth as possible in order to make men not see the real TRUTH.

Its bloody obvious that women are at their peak SMV the moment they first start menstruating, which generally is at 12-14 years old. It´s also the age at which they are the most chad-horny-sexual. Only current laws and school/society norms forbid them from getting Chadpregnant as soon as they CAN. As soon as women can start having kids, they are drawn to chads, while men are drawn to the ground by gravity (or whatever it is that draws you to the gound, globe earth gravity or whatever else if you believe in flat earth).

Women went into overdrive this way and showed their true colors in the most obvious way in sweden in the mid-late 00s during the Fjortis era (teenybopper in english, but the "trend" didnt catch on outside sweden really). Those years, maybe 2003/4-2011 at the most, were characterized by those prime foids using as much makeup as they COULD, in order to compete with the other stacies. So much so that it actually made them uglier in many cases, but when its a competition, its a competition. Just search for Fjortis on google images. Its clear this NATURAL "fad" is over in the west. Maybe feminism peaked in 2008isch :feelsahh: (feminism is harem, patriarchy is looksmatch monogamy). It wasnt a 7-8 year fad. It was women showing their100% true nature, unchecked.

This graph below is from a 1995 study, and it clearly shows how women are peak SMV from the moment they start menstruating. The reason 13 is beneath 14 is probably due to normie sensitivity answers, or maybe the test subject men usually came into contact with girls who BECAME women at 14 moreso than 13. The graph states that 12 year olds, are just as attractive to men as 20 year olds. After 18, theres a huge drop, and between 19-25, theres barely any difference in womens looks. Meaning its the 13-18 year olds, specifically 13-16 year olds who are the most sought after.

View attachment 616249
whats the hand on the right in the pic?
Take this how you will but my 13 year old sister is almost 5'7 and has bigger arms/hands than me. And she was basically the same like this when she was 11 (although a few inches shorter obviously).

She's even taller than our mom AND our dad already, since mom is 5'5 and dad is 5'6.
21 - 30

i want some sluttyness , and not some child
they look just as good as 16 year olds or 20 year olds. their looks dont noticeably decline until 40. why the hell would you think a 11 year old kid is hotter
I find 19/20 year old foids the most attractive. at 13 they look like children
20-40 tbh if they stay fit during that time. Id argue that the images used become gradually less fit the older on the scale they go. Doubt they used models in the study. They probably attempted to replicate the average foid for the age group, ie weak out of shape modern women destroyed by poor diets and inactivity
Take this how you will but my 13 year old sister is almost 5'7 and has bigger arms/hands than me. And she was basically the same like this when she was 11 (although a few inches shorter obviously).

She's even taller than our mom AND our dad already, since mom is 5'5 and dad is 5'6.
i don't want to say this but...i think your "sister" is actually your half sister.obviously it's not certain,but it's possible.
i don't want to say this but...i think your "sister" is actually your half sister.obviously it's not certain,but it's possible.
Lol people on here are so retarded. Both my paternal grandad and maternal grandad were 6'2. My dad just ended up a manlet cause my paternal grandma was like 5'1. My brother is also 6'1
Lol people on here are so retarded. Both my paternal grandad and maternal grandad were 6'2. My dad just ended up a manlet cause my paternal grandma was like 5'1. My brother is also 6'1
6 feet fags stealing short women should be lashed 50 times and put into a prison for their entire lives.they literally steal our women because of lulz.they can fuck anything,and yet they fuck women of other men.
6 feet fags stealing short women should be lashed 50 times and put into a prison for their entire lives.they literally steal our women because of lulz.they can fuck anything,and yet they fuck women of other men.
I really wish my grandad didn't marry my granma but hey they're both dead now so it's whatever:cryfeels:
same with me, but so many users worship underage girls
It could be even till 35 , really i cant get hard to these utterly young woman , they are just to basic looking with barely any tits
same with me, but so many users worship underage girls

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