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JFL Paul Joseph Watson - "The Truth About Incels"



Jan 1, 2018

Lol, this video is full of shit like so many others this guy has made. Looks like he also believes in the idea that women have telepathic powers that allow them to access every stranger's internet post history.
lol i just posted this too. fuck paul joseph watson.
Paul Joseph Watson is simply retarded and debates SJWs which is not an intelectually challenging task
Lol, that neomasculinity cuck.
Mr. mainstream meteor. Fuck (((PJW)))
Paul is a massive cunt.
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Looks like he also believes in the idea that women have telepathic powers that allow them to access every stranger's internet post history.
I wanted to watch that video, but reading this statement, i've just changed my mind. I wouldn't.
Yet another cuck who believes this crap. Some normie (or even incel troll on cucktears) said that JFL like "femoids sense your "toxic aura" when you approach them" and normies started to believe that crap. I didn't knew femoids are aliens with superpowers to sense thoughts of other people. Now, thanks to normies, i know that. LOL
He is a fucking jew btw
i thought he would be but have you got proof. these kikes literally run the alt right and the dumb fucks who swallow their lies are oblivious.
What a dumbass. Acting alpha helps you if you're good looking, it won't do much if you're ugly to begin with.
I wanted to watch that video, but reading this statement, i've just changed my mind. I wouldn't.
Yet another cuck who believes this crap. Some normie (or even incel troll on cucktears) said that JFL like "femoids sense your "toxic aura" when you approach them" and normies started to believe that crap. I didn't knew femoids are aliens with superpowers to sense thoughts of other people. Now, thanks to normies, i know that. LOL
LOLS at how retarded normshitstains are.
these fucking alt-lite channels continuously chase low hanging SJW fruit, and think they're geniuses because they've made thousands of views off of doing this crap. Once it comes to """"debunking""" an ideology that you actually have to combat via using your brain, their fans are the only one's jerking them off.
This bluepilled cuck talking about confidence obviously didn't read any of this site but just screencapped the edgy posts and made a shitty video about it. I reckon at least 25 to 50% of his viewers are Incels in denial and this will cause a rift between them. But at least this should make it obvious the alt-right/right-wing people are not an ally at all, but an enemy.
What a dumbass. Acting alpha helps you if you're good looking, it won't do much if you're ugly to begin with.
This bluepilled cuck talking about confidence obviously didn't read any of this site but just screencapped the edgy posts and made a shitty video about it. I reckon at least 25 to 50% of his viewers are Incels in denial and this will cause a rift between them. But at least this should make it obvious the alt-right/right-wing people are not an ally at all, but an enemy.
Yeah true i liked his videos critizing mass immigration and butthurt hillary and remain voters so this is a shame
Yeah true i liked his videos critizing mass immigration and butthurt hillary and remain voters so this is a shame

Yeah, that "trigger libruls" stuff is just starting to get old to me. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of time on /pol/ during the election, but anti-SJW guys like him are just boring, strawman all the time, etc. Not that I support feminism, obviously, but he's just too cucked about it. The reason you're against feminism is because you're ugly and not because of your "rationality" or "logic."
Same shit we’ve all heard before. “Just be confident bro”, all the while he makes fun of guys based on their looks. Get a clue.
ain't this dude a bottom?
Another dumb youtuber im unsubscribing from.
Yeah, that "trigger libruls" stuff is just starting to get old to me. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of time on /pol/ during the election, but anti-SJW guys like him are just boring, strawman all the time, etc. Not that I support feminism, obviously, but he's just too cucked about it. The reason you're against feminism is because you're ugly and not because of your "rationality" or "logic."
Yeah man he clickbaits the shit out of his videos too,
I guess as long as he is exposing people to the vileness of SJW and feminism influence that's good but he has his own agenda ofcourse
Atleast he agreed Pagourtzis wasn't a "high tier normie" in that mugshot photo
Yeah, that "trigger libruls" stuff is just starting to get old to me. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of time on /pol/ during the election, but anti-SJW guys like him are just boring, strawman all the time, etc. Not that I support feminism, obviously, but he's just too cucked about it. The reason you're against feminism is because you're ugly and not because of your "rationality" or "logic."
There's only so many times you can hear "feminism is dodo" .. and .. "race mixing is dodo" before it gets old
Lmao the comments are destroying him.

i view us like a circle of mujahideen surrounded by the pagans and false heretic polytheists.

the war is taken in turns! and the final outcome will belong to the believers.
i view us like a circle of mujahideen surrounded by the pagans and false heretic polytheists.

the war is taken in turns! and the final outcome will belong to the believers.
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>mocks manlets
>its about cunfidence bruh
i cant believe he actually said that what a joke lmao
Paul joseph watson is a soyboy cuck. Look at his face screams of low T cuckoldry. Funny that he talks against soyboys.
these fucking alt-lite channels continuously chase low hanging SJW fruit, and think they're geniuses because they've made thousands of views off of doing this crap. Once it comes to """"debunking""" an ideology that you actually have to combat via using your brain, their fans are the only one's jerking them off.
How is debunking SJWs and feminism even popular in 2018. How many more times can you hear "LOL 2 GENDERS" before you stop giving a shit? His viewers must be drooling, mouth-breathing neanderthals to listen to the same shit repeated for 5+ years.
How is debunking SJWs and feminism even popular in 2018. How many more times can you hear "LOL 2 GENDERS" before you stop giving a shit? His viewers must be drooling, mouth-breathing neanderthals to listen to the same shit repeated for 5+ years.
“David Hogg was an incel” Can someone shed some light on this statement please?
He's good looking and famous. Yeah, just be confident:feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

He himself pretty much says the long haired incel is irredeemable. I'm uglier than that guy (although less awkward) and also have about 1k rejections on my belt.

This video is great because it shows how even the average traditionalist and anti-feminist will mock incels. We are the second most hated group on Earth, I think only pedophiles beat us.
Disliked and unsubscribed.
fuck that zionist stooge and his fat buddy alex jones
This reminded me when Ben Shapiro felt proud when he "earned" his role as a betabux after years of being an incel.
I've began to hate the right more and more over the past few months. While I'll probably despise the left more, I can say that I am a nonpartisan guy as of now.
I'd love to fucking beat the shit out of this alt right cuck.

In fact I'm going to even start supporting SJW's who take the piss outta this faggot now, he is an enemy of incelstan.
Such a neocon cuck sellout, just riding the liberal media tidal wave just like all the other neocuck cuckservatives. This is why I don't identify with any primary political figure, even though I'm on the right myself.
“David Hogg was an incel” Can someone shed some light on this statement please?

David Hogg's old reddit account was found and while there's no evidence that he was a part of /r/incels or any other incel sub, he had a lot of posts complaining about being a virgin, getting rejected, etc.

just lift bro
sorry gymcel don't work

But could lobby for legalizing sex work
both the left and the right are gynocentric, which is what really gives me no hope for the future. PJW is also a flip flopping faggot who changes his views to whatever he thinks will get him more views
How predicable, lazily buying into the narrative that incels are all hateful and want to see women killed. We need nicer personalities and looks don't matter, it's all about confidence. We need to shower more, hit the gym [because we're all fat fucks] and get a better fitting shirt *eyeroll*.

He's changed his tune from a few years ago.

How predicable, lazily buying into the narrative that incels are all hateful and want to see women killed. We need nicer personalities and looks don't matter, it's all about confidence. We need to shower more, hit the gym [because we're all fat fucks] and get a better fitting shirt *eyeroll*.

He's changed his tune from a few years ago.

Being bluepill probably profits him loads more. He's a sellout.
How predicable, lazily buying into the narrative that incels are all hateful and want to see women killed. We need nicer personalities and looks don't matter, it's all about confidence. We need to shower more, hit the gym [because we're all fat fucks] and get a better fitting shirt *eyeroll*.

He's changed his tune from a few years ago.

he's right about mgtows though, it's hard not to laugh at those coping retards

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