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Overwatch 2 review (tank role rant)



April 13, 2002
Nov 12, 2023
I'll be discussing GAMEPLAY and whether or not it's worth playing it in 2024. Everyone knows it's a woke mess in general. And the story is garbage... and PVE was cancelled and blah blah, go to jewtube if you want to discuss that shit.

Also if you have never played Overwatch this review will be in another fucking language for you. So i don't recommend reading it.

Section 1: Tank role

First let's discuss what i think it's the biggest problem with current overwatch, that being the Tank role

I'm a support main. I recently peaked top 500 in console. The highest rank possible. You would probably think i could go pro with overwatch and ascend with a cute gamer girl (those don't exist lmao), but no this shit is CONSOLE, top 500 console is full of losers and nobodies. And until the recent patch a lot of cheaters using Mouse and keyboard adapters got banned so yeah. If i had peaked top 500 on PC i would be a fucking god and could probs go pro.

I've been a support main since like, overwatch one season 16. My only experience with tank is really playing it in overwatch one when you had a flex queue to get the priority passes. However, with the current state of ow2 and support being the most impactful, branded easy role, everyone wants to play it, so the queue times for support are just too much for me. You know, why queue DPS when you can queue support, which is DPS 2.0 with broken abilities? At this point, I'm just beating a dead horse. Anyways, when I boot up a game, I actually want to play it and not spend a majority of the time sitting in a queue. I'm not going to bring up 6v6 or 5v5 that much in this review because that's not what it is about. This section is just to tell you all my personal experience playing tank.

Anyways, I just want to bring up the fact that a huge bonus that 5v5 was supposed to bring was better queue times, and it's comical to think about, considering I'm waiting seven minutes in queue for support Diamond One games in my alt accounts. And the majority of the time, I'm just sitting in fucking queue because no one wants to play this dog shit ass game? I decided to pack my bags and take my talents over to the tank roll where I get instant cues. I know some people are going to think I'm crying because I lost a lot. But let me show you all my ending win-loss record. I ended with 87 wins to 22 losses. And despite my good win-loss record, by no means did I have fun. So let's address the elephant in the room. Counter swapping, the biggest adversity of the tank roll.

Now, I thought people would exaggerate on how often it happened. I mean, I would see Instagram reels where each tank would sit and spawn and keep swapping until the other gave up. But this is no exaggeration. It happened again and again, repeatedly, getting games where the enemy tank would swap nonstop to counter me. I've never told so many people to kill themselves before playing tank because the amount of counterpicking genuinely pissed me off. The amount of tanks that will tuck their tail in between their legs and just hard counterpick. I had a game where i rolled the enemy tank in the first fight playing Roadhog and they instantly swapped Orisa, but I still managed to play around it. Then they go double counter with one of their dps swapping to Reaper, which now I'm just useless. So i swap to winston, before I even get a chance to go to the point, this fucking prick picks Mauga because he sees on the scoreboard that I'm a Winston. I'm like, dude, this is just insanity. This is an automatically lost fight because what the fuck am I going to do to Mauga as Winston? I have to play safe. I can't engage, thus giving their team so much space, so they steamrolled us in the next fight.

It's hilarious that I had a better chance of holding second point if I just went to spawn the moment I saw he was Mauga, so i get off Winston and took a last second fight. Obviously, once I die, I swap to Dva and again, before I even get a chance to get to the point this fucking kid walks back to spawn to swap to Zarya again. And just like that, the enemy tank player closes the obvious skill difference between us by playing like a pussy and counter swapping. We still win, but it's just insane how a game can be that close despite me going 40 and 6 KDR, all because I got counterpicked, which closes the skill difference at the cost of no effort or skill at all.

And that's my problem with this role, that the worst player can shut you down solely by countering. I'm in for countering and swapping, but there are just some matchups that are so insanely lopsided, like Zarya into D.va, Mauga into Winston, Hog into Ball, Diva into Monkey, Mauga into Orisa and Ramattra Hog into Doomfist.

Matchups where the enemy will outmatch you by solely being on that hero. They don't even have to have an ounce of skill.

The matchup just gives them the upper hand and completely wipes out the skill difference. This is where the fun gets completely drained from this role because I want to play Rammattra, but I'm forced to swap in most games. The amount of times I had to swap to Hog, and I find Hog to be the most boring one-dimensional hero where you just hook and shoot, hook and shoot. Not to mention, it's not only tank matchups. Imagine trying to play Ball and the enemy DPS counter swaps to Sombra, Cree, or Brig. Imagine trying to play Ramattra or Orisa, and the enemy picks Bastion and Zenyatta. When something like counter picking is so easy to do. It takes away your ability to express your skill, and that is not healthy for any game because the better player should always win in a competitive environment. A big problem I had when I was playing tank, needing to peel but needing to be your frontline at the same time...

Conclusion (Tank Role):

Playing this role made me want to throw beer bottles at newborn children, it's misery. Do NOT main this role.

Section 2: Support role

Anoying nigger but i agree with his opinions.

Section 3: Damage role

In a nutshell:

General conclusion:

This game is garbage jew propaganda, do NOT attempt to play it or it will consume your soul. I miss what this game used to be back in OW1. I wish i could go back even with double shield meta.

Rip OW 2016 - 2022
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This game is garbage jew propaganda, do NOT attempt to play it or it will consume your soul.
Was never going to but thanks for the advice anyway.
I miss what this game used to be back in OW1.
I've never played the original game either but shutting it down was such a retarded move from Blizzard
Overwatch 2 was just a huge piece of shit all around
I just wanted a pve... we should go back to 6v6 because the whole 5 to a team was design FOR the pve now that it is never coming at all we need to return to form (and revert bastion)
Team fortress 2 is the superior game all around, over-botch makes me vomit.
it's pretty fun just make sure not to queue tank
I played recently, i was one of those overwatch 1 players i basically disengaged from the game after they placed the 2 onto the logo.
Here's a controversial opinion, the game does not need more heroes. In 2020 prior to Echo's Release, we did not see a new hero for months. The roster felt pretty decent if i'm being honest. It's not that i don't want more characters but they are getting more and more unoriginal so the quality gets worse. It just gets overwhelming for returning and new players when you've got a roster of 50 fucking heroes in the future.

The tank role seems pretty bland, i miss the days of double tank when i could play ball and you'd have a second tank holding the line whilst you threw the enemies off balance. That's why i liked hammond because he was the best at distracting the enemies.
i started playing ow2 for the first time since i played ow1 since it came out and i was getting automatically queued in plat-diamond comp lobbies based off of my casual play
i only played sigma and brig and it was so braindead
im not even a really good fps player by any means but all i was doing was holding left click with some really simple abilities and somehow getting crazy results
i started playing ow2 for the first time since i played ow1 since it came out and i was getting automatically queued in plat-diamond comp lobbies based off of my casual play
i only played sigma and brig and it was so braindead
im not even a really good fps player by any means but all i was doing was holding left click with some really simple abilities and somehow getting crazy results

Sigma is a fairly complex hero, he is the best poke hero. His ult is one of the if not the best ult in the game if used correctly.

Not anyone can play him but you did and got placed higher than 60% of the entire playerbase.

Brig is NOT a complex hero though.

She is the best counter for divers, she can render them useless with her constant healing per R2 and pushing them away with her L1. Not to mention the fucking shield, she is a god damn menace in high ranks.

Her gameplay in a nutshell:

R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 L1 R2 R2 R2 R2 ULT L2+R2 R2 R2 R2 R2

But she still takes a bit more brainpower to play than Moira lmfao.

I wouldn't exactly call you braindead.
Brig is NOT a complex hero though.
I used an AHK script to automatically hold down attack because it doesn't interfere with your other abilities loool

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