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Blackpill Our community is way more diverse than cucktears but they call us racist.



Nov 7, 2017
We are filled with Indians, Asians, and blacks. Meanwhile cucktears is almost completely made up of white progressives.
They call us racist just because we acknowledge that some races have serious disadvantages in dating.
When we say Indians are way more unnatractive to woman that is not us being racist, we aren't hateing on the Indians, we are just stating a known fact.
Well there have been posts of people out right saying they hate an ethnicity
They are having a civil war right now lol.. Also, you rarely ever see a white incel blame his RACE as his failure to date. It's mostly the ethniccels doing it, and justifiably so.

Racepill is undeniable
B-b-ut women CAN'T be racist, r-r-ight guys?
B-b-ut women CAN'T be racist, r-r-ight guys?
They always say "blacks are oppressed" or "white privilege is real".
But when we identify problems that ethniks have in dating them we are somehow racists.
They always say "blacks are oppressed" or "white privilege is real".
But when we identify problems that ethniks have in dating them we are somehow racists.

They're in denial.
The fact of the matter is that liberals will always tell us ethnics to shut the fuck up when we talk about racism that both sides are unconsciously responsible for, the type of systematic and cultural racial biases that both the liberal and the conservative white man can be held responsible for are the taboo topics to talk about. To quote another idol of mine, Malcolm X:

"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."

They just use the topic of racism as a way to attack conservatives, not because they actually believe in it.
It's so fucking crazy how they don't realize how hypocritical they are being.
They acknowledge white privilege in every aspect of society except dating.

I know right, which is fucking weird because why is dating an exception.

Also, JFL at the "tinder is not real life"
bitch, people in real life use tinder
It's so fucking crazy how they don't realize how hypocritical they are being.
They acknowledge white privilege in every aspect of society except dating.

Yeah, it's fucking retarded. I mean IF white privilege truly does exist (and it does to an extent, but not like many of the Tumblr crowd make it out) then it should logically follow that that privilege would extend to dating as well.

I mean they even talk about how it supposedly effects platonic relationships. Guess magically everything BUT romantic relationships are effected by it.
Yeah, it's fucking retarded. I mean IF white privilege truly does exist (and it does to an extent, but not like many of the Tumblr crowd make it out) then it should logically follow that that privilege would extend to dating as well

White privilege definitely exists and the way we feel it the most is being even less attractive than white dudes. Even if you have a decent face being curry or black is worse than a death sentence. The only way you can escape this is if you are Chad. If you are ugly and brown everyone will think you are shit - employers, strangers, females, waiters, everyone.
like 80% of this forum is ethnics crying about not being able to get white women, which is why it's strange that progressives like to use incels as an example of "angry white men"

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