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orb was 5'8. that's why he had to go to thailand



Dec 28, 2017
so if he claimed 5'8, what was his real height? 5'7?
ORB could SLAY at 5' 8" with that face, he didnt do because he is ultra retarded.

Some people here have 0 sense about how the dating market works and think you need to have Jordan Barret tier face and 6+ foot to pick up decent girls.

Height is the number one thing women look for. Forget all this crap about maxillas and canthal tilts
I'm a manlet but my cope levels haven't reached that high. Lol at thinking orb can't slay
Height is the number one thing women look for. Forget all this crap about maxillas and canthal tilts

you're completely fucked if under 6' unless you got serious money and looks to compensate
ORB could SLAY at 5' 8" with that face, he didnt do because he is ultra retarded.

Some people here have 0 sense about how the dating market works and think you need to have Jordan Barret tier face and 6+ foot to pick up decent girls.


Legit, I have seen uglier guys around that height slaying. Orb is solid 8/10, 5'8" is more than enough with that face.
I'm 6'2" and roasties get repulsed when I try talking to them. Height is a scam.
If that's his height he's a 6/10 but still a fakecel
Really? Like 5'8 or 5'7 height would matter having that face..
Was he really 5'8? Doesn't look like 5'8 to me

I'm 6'2" and would gladly trade with him. I have the same phenotype as him too
When nobody respects 5'8, and your 5'5.

Its fucking over
I'm 6'2" and roasties get repulsed when I try talking to them. Height is a scam.

Legit. I'm the same height and I'm invisible to women. To attract a particular woman, you need to meet her minimum height threshold AND have a good face. Height alone is never enough. Manlets who cry about tallcels being volcel are fucking retarded.
He had to go to Thailand because he was fucking retarded.
Legit. I'm the same height and I'm invisible to women. To attract a particular woman, you need to meet her minimum height threshold AND have a good face. Height alone is never enough. Manlets who cry about tallcels being volcel are fucking retarded.
You have to be tall, very slim or muscular, have a nice frame, and a good face. Being tall is like the 3rd or 4th important thing. JBT is bs yall.
Lol 5'8 is midger tier
Here’s a blackpill for you, 5’8 is taller than 90% of f*males. You can slay at 5’8, we’ve all seen it before, everything else is cope :feelsrope:
how could he afford going to Thailand? what's his job there?
ORB could SLAY at 5' 8" with that face, he didnt do because he is ultra retarded.

Some people here have 0 sense about how the dating market works and think you need to have Jordan Barret tier face and 6+ foot to pick up decent girls.

Leave yours and you will see how overrated this manlet narrow jawed barely above average white dude really is.
Leave yours and you will see how overrated this manlet narrow jawed barely above average white dude really is.

and of course this fucking fakecel who "comes close to mogging orb" is talking again, if i was mod you'd be perma banned instantly

just fucking lol at such a retard posting here. what sort of narnia fairy tale do you inhabit if everyone you see mogs orb and he's "barely" above average
ORB could SLAY at 5' 8" with that face, he didnt do because he is ultra retarded.

Some people here have 0 sense about how the dating market works and think you need to have Jordan Barret tier face and 6+ foot to pick up decent girls.


Well of course, this forum needs to fuck off with the hyperbole
I'm 6'2" and roasties get repulsed when I try talking to them. Height is a scam.

face >

ORB could SLAY at 5' 8" with that face, he didnt do because he is ultra retarded.

Some people here have 0 sense about how the dating market works and think you need to have Jordan Barret tier face and 6+ foot to pick up decent girls.

He was mentally screwed up. Check out the thread with all of his childhood drawings.
If you're in the 5'8-5'10 just wear lifts imo. Anyone under 6'3 should be wearing lifts anyway if they truly want to looksmax.
and of course this fucking fakecel who "comes close to mogging orb" is talking again, if i was mod you'd be perma banned instantly

just fucking lol at such a retard posting here. what sort of narnia fairy tale do you inhabit if everyone you see mogs orb and he's "barely" above average


I live in the fairytale of real life. I agree with everything anincelforlife says on that thread.
Height is the number one thing women look for. Forget all this crap about maxillas and canthal tilts
Bullshit Zac Effron is 5 ft 8 he's not exactly lacking female attention is he? Also Justin Beiber is a similar height. I know obviously being famous helps but even if they were not famous and working regular jobs they still clearly would have no problems getting women.
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this post is cope garbage by the biggest coper himself, orb didn't get laid because he was mentally ill; not because of his height. JFL.
Zac Effron is 5 ft 8 he's not exactly lacking female attention is he? Also Justin Beiber is a similar height. I know obviously being famous helps but even if they were not famous and working regular jobs they still clearly would have no problems getting women.

F A C E>ALL unless you are a literal oompa loompa midget.

this post is cope garbage by the biggest coper himself, orb didn't get laid because he was mentally ill; not because of his height. JFL.

This post is one of the many reasons why this forum has become such a joke. These idiots really think that height mattered for this nigga who looked like the IRL version of Resident Evil 4 Leon Kennedy JFL.
he didn't go to Thailand. He came out as a troll and even posted pics with his gf. Actually he wasn't even the troll. He just provided his incel friend with pictures to troll with.
so if he claimed 5'8, what was his real height? 5'7?
5’8 is average in Mediterranean Europe, Latin America, Asia. With a face like his he should be able to bang in the West even without being NT. He looks like young DiCaprio.
Did he really claim 5’8”? I thought he was said he was 5’10” or 5’11”.
Lowest IQ post I've seen on this forum in a while. Holy shit at people agreeing with this dumbfuck.
Here’s a blackpill for you, 5’8 is taller than 90% of f*males. You can slay at 5’8, we’ve all seen it before, everything else is cope :feelsrope:
Not in northern Germany.
Lol, all orb had to do is wear lifts/wear dress shoes with an elevated heel and he'd slay like a madman.
He's 5'11 you idiots

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