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LifeFuel "Only the chaste man and the chaste woman are capable of true love." St. John Paul II

  • Thread starter Teutonic Knight
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Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
I like this quote a lot. If there is no chastity, there can be no true love, because people degenerate into animalistic behavior and can't create bonds between themselves as humans. This is why marriages between people who have fornicated and engaged in premarital sex are failing in the West, as there can't possibly be any love in such marriages between unchaste men and women. The divorce rates, egoism, materialism and rampant individualism of the Western capitalist society prove this.

I think this is also the reason why women have become so shallow in their valuation of men. They are not capable of truly loving because they are not chaste, and therefore they only look for the most superficial traits.

At the same time, men have become weak and polluted by their impure desires and have let this society to decline. They have let the degeneracy spread because they abandoned the true love, the love for God. They have been deceived that they will be able to enjoy "freedom" and their desires after the religious norms vanish, but none of this really happened in the way they wanted it.

Now the Western men are getting punished for this apostasy as more and more of them can't indulge in sexual desires anymore either (due to women raising their "standards"), or have to pay for them and go to prostitutes. Neither can modern men find true love in modern women. The modern dating relationships do not provide love but only satisfy the most filthy and the most impure of desires, leaving more and more people unhappy and unfulfilled.

If a woman does not value chastity, she will never be capable of truly loving you.

I see that a lot of people here have realized this too. I guess the only good thing in these horrible times is that more and more men are finally understanding the true value of chastity and virginity again.

It's simply a fact. If anyone of the Westerners tries to dispute this, I only need to tell them, "Look at your own society, look at what you created yourself. Look at the divorce statistics, look at the birth rates, look at all the bitterness and decay." What caused all of this? The answer is simple, chastity was abandoned as the ideal and as a result their societies have degraded to the level of filthy promiscuity that even animals cannot reach.

I think that the real problem for a lot of us here is that we are idealists who still believe in love or want to believe in it precisely because we weren't polluted by impure relationships like most other people who have become cynical about love as a result, while we weren't.

Ask yourself, if you want love from another person, who can even give it to you in this rotten society? Even if you become better looking, even if you get money and social status, even if you are entertaining and charismatic... So are plenty of other men! And most women have already been with plenty of other men, so what can make you special in their eyes? What can be the basis for love if there is no chastity? If there is no chastity people will just use each other for their own individual pleasure and get bored with being only with one person, so they cheat or break up very quickly.

Personally, I really found solace in Catholicism and Catholic view of society, as I realized that I'm not the only one missing out on love, pretty much everyone in the West (and societies around the world corrupted by it) is. I was not able to give this love to another person, but I will give it to God and His Church. I will not let this Western degeneracy to make me bitter and resentful because the real love is in chastity and the real victory is in virginity, the victory over the flesh. They can talk all they want, but the more this West decays, the more they are proven wrong. I will not respond to them with hatred but by loving the Church even more.

As I get older and learn more about the modern West, I'm actually glad that I didn't get to live the life of a "normie" Westerner, as it would have corrupted me and polluted me and weakened my love for higher ideals.
IQ not of this world.
"Now the Western men are getting punished for this apostasy as more and more of them can't indulge in sexual desires anymore either (due to women raising their "standards"), or have to pay for them and go to prostitutes. Neither can modern men find true love in modern women. The modern dating relationships do not provide love but only satisfy the most filthy and the most impure of desires, leaving more and more people unhappy and unfulfilled. "

I totally agree with that, it's not only the western man who's getting punished for this apostasy, it's every man who adapts this certain lifestyle and everyone who adapts this society without moral boundaries and patriarchal regulation mechanisms. We see this in the West but we're also seeing this happening in the East, this heresy called 'enlightenment' and 'humanism' is the core problem of everything. Moral degeneracy is based upon these principles and we can observe with our own eyes how every society gets drown into moral degeneracy when it adapts these ideologies who are in their essence far away from God and any tradition. Modern love is based upon materialism, females think by themselves: "What materialistic achievements do I get when I make him my partner?" Sincere love doesn't exist except within pious communities still adhering to any tradition or religion.
"Now the Western men are getting punished for this apostasy as more and more of them can't indulge in sexual desires anymore either (due to women raising their "standards"), or have to pay for them and go to prostitutes. Neither can modern men find true love in modern women. The modern dating relationships do not provide love but only satisfy the most filthy and the most impure of desires, leaving more and more people unhappy and unfulfilled. "

I totally agree with that, it's not only the western man who's getting punished for this apostasy, it's every man who adapts this certain lifestyle and everyone who adapts this society without moral boundaries and patriarchal regulation mechanisms. We see this in the West but we're also seeing this happening in the East, this heresy called 'enlightenment' and 'humanism' is the core problem of everything. Moral degeneracy is based upon these principles and we can observe with our own eyes how every society gets drown into moral degeneracy when it adapts these ideologies who are in their essence far away from God and any tradition. Modern love is based upon materialism, females think by themselves: "What materialistic achievements do I get when I make him my partner?" Sincere love doesn't exist except within pious communities still adhering to any tradition or religion.
Cope. Only women get ruined by promiscuous sex, it doesn't change men.

One of the things I dislike about the Catholic Church is that tendency of equalizing male and female promiscuity.
I like this quote a lot. If there is no chastity, there can be no true love, because people degenerate into animalistic behavior and can't create bonds between themselves as humans. This is why marriages between people who have fornicated and engaged in premarital sex are failing in the West, as there can't possibly be any love in such marriages between unchaste men and women. The divorce rates, egoism, materialism and rampant individualism of the Western capitalist society prove this.

I think this is also the reason why women have become so shallow in their valuation of men. They are not capable of truly loving because they are not chaste, and therefore they only look for the most superficial traits.

At the same time, men have become weak and polluted by their impure desires and have let this society to decline. They have let the degeneracy spread because they abandoned the true love, the love for God. They have been deceived that they will be able to enjoy "freedom" and their desires after the religious norms vanish, but none of this really happened in the way they wanted it.

Now the Western men are getting punished for this apostasy as more and more of them can't indulge in sexual desires anymore either (due to women raising their "standards"), or have to pay for them and go to prostitutes. Neither can modern men find true love in modern women. The modern dating relationships do not provide love but only satisfy the most filthy and the most impure of desires, leaving more and more people unhappy and unfulfilled.

If a woman does not value chastity, she will never be capable of truly loving you.

I see that a lot of people here have realized this too. I guess the only good thing in these horrible times is that more and more men are finally understanding the true value of chastity and virginity again.

It's simply a fact. If anyone of the Westerners tries to dispute this, I only need to tell them, "Look at your own society, look at what you created yourself. Look at the divorce statistics, look at the birth rates, look at all the bitterness and decay." What caused all of this? The answer is simple, chastity was abandoned as the ideal and as a result their societies have degraded to the level of filthy promiscuity that even animals cannot reach.

I think that the real problem for a lot of us here is that we are idealists who still believe in love or want to believe in it precisely because we weren't polluted by impure relationships like most other people who have become cynical about love as a result, while we weren't.

Ask yourself, if you want love from another person, who can even give it to you in this rotten society? Even if you become better looking, even if you get money and social status, even if you are entertaining and charismatic... So are plenty of other men! And most women have already been with plenty of other men, so what can make you special in their eyes? What can be the basis for love if there is no chastity? If there is no chastity people will just use each other for their own individual pleasure and get bored with being only with one person, so they cheat or break up very quickly.

Personally, I really found solace in Catholicism and Catholic view of society, as I realized that I'm not the only one missing out on love, pretty much everyone in the West (and societies around the world corrupted by it) is. I was not able to give this love to another person, but I will give it to God and His Church. I will not let this Western degeneracy to make me bitter and resentful because the real love is in chastity and the real victory is in virginity, the victory over the flesh. They can talk all they want, but the more this West decays, the more they are proven wrong. I will not respond to them with hatred but by loving the Church even more.

As I get older and learn more about the modern West, I'm actually glad that I didn't get to live the life of a "normie" Westerner, as it would have corrupted me and polluted me and weakened my love for higher ideals.

Tesla IQ

I was an atheist for the past 12 years and couldn't ignore the overwhelming evidence that Evil is Real.

This messed up society was proof enough for me that morals and wickedness are NOT subjective.

Humans can't be trusted to live a righteous life without the support of a God.

Society always falls in degeneracy and collapse when we are left to our own devices.

If you take away God from humans, all that is left is biology. Everyone in this society is obsessed and is a slave to their desires of the flesh.. to the point where society is now going to collapse.
Cope. Only women get ruined by promiscuous sex, it doesn't change men.

One of the things I dislike about the Catholic Church is that tendency of equalizing male and female promiscuity.

How it doesn't change men? Do you think sex-addicted Chads have worth as men? Would you trust them?

We are in situation we are now because society accepted male promiscuity and promoted it. Female promiscuity is then the logical next step.

You can't have male promiscuity without having female promiscuity, it simply makes no sense because men need women to be promiscous (unless men turn gay). So either you oppose both or you eventually end up with what we have now.
In my opinion love is irrelevant. All bonds are built off exchange value, and peopel want distinguishment.
So a girl preferring chastity over superficality, even 100% can have so many different elements to their criteria
IT's not so much the binary of superficial vs non superficial. It's the combination of a strict criteria/ need for high distinguishment vs general acceptability of any potential partner.
Cope. Only women get ruined by promiscuous sex, it doesn't change men.
I disagree, it definitely has an impact on a man. Once you get used to having variety of something, it's hard to disregard it.
I have a chadlite friend who is regretting his promiscuity because it seems like he's losing sexual interest in his wife way faster than he should.
love dies, only the desire for distinguishment/ idealness in relation to their survival/ thriving remains, and has people 2nd checking themselves for wondering if someone is worthy of their investment.
How it doesn't change men? Do you think sex-addicted Chads have worth as men? Would you trust them?
It doesn't, trust me, I've fucked 15+ prostitutes. Men are biologically designed to impregnate tons of foids. Women are not biologically designed for promiscuous sex, hence they making it so fucking hard in most cases, giving excuses upon being found out as sluts, crying after porn scenes, etc. It literally fucks their brains, see that researches that prove that promiscuous foids are damaged goods and marriages with them aren't nearly as likely to succeed.

Why do you think women consider rape to be so fucking serious? Most men wouldn't care that much if some woman "raped" them, let alone groped them or something.

When you fuck a woman you're pounding their organs from the inside, the act of sex is very intimate and invasive for women. For men, it's just a warmer masturbation with company.

Female promiscuity is then the logical next step
It isn't. The idea that females and males are the same is one of the key mistakes of modern western society.

You can't have male promiscuity without having female promiscuity, it simply makes no sense because men need women to be promiscous (unless men turn gay). So either you oppose both or you eventually end up with what we have now.
You can. There will always be a quota of abnormal foids who are cut to being prostitutes instead of family women. Let men have fun with those. The only real issues are diseases and pregnancy.
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It doesn't, trust me, I've fucked 15+ prostitutes. Men are biologically designed to impregnate tons of foids. Women are not biologically designed for promiscuous sex, hence they making it so fucking hard in most cases, giving excuses upon being found out as sluts, crying after porn scenes, etc. It literally fucks their brains, see that researches that prove that promiscuous foids are damaged goods and marriages with them aren't nearly as likely to succeed.

This "biologically designed" is precisely the modern Western thinking, looking at people like they're animals.

In the Christian view, you were designed by God to follow the Catholic religion. Everything else is just temptation.

First of all, the highest ideal is virginity. If you can't follow that ideal, you can marry with one woman and have children with her.

Any other form of sex is wrong, plain and simple. And if you can't abstain from it, what can you even do as a man? It's not something that is necessary like food or water and it doesn't do any good for you. It's not easy, but following religion shouldn't be easy anyway.

Obviously some people will sin, but it doesn't make it acceptable and it shouldn't be.

It isn't. The idea that females and males are the same is one of the key mistakes of modern western society.

You can. There will always be a quota of abnormal foids who are cut to being prostitutes instead of family women. Let men have fun with those. The only real issues are diseases and pregnancy.

If you have prostitutes that means there are less women available for marriage and families which creates incels. Also once you promote the ideal that it's ok for men to be promiscous, they won't stop with prostitutes, they will try to seduce virgin women or already married women, creating problems in the community, adultery, cucking, honor killings. Or, if there are no repercussions, men will brag about their promiscuity, creating tensions with men who are not as sexually "successful", or pushing others to try to imitate them.

Then eventually, men will get tired of being rejected by chaste women and/or being attacked by the fathers, husbands and families of women they have sex with and will push for more "sexual freedom" (while still expecting their future wives to be good virgins somehow, even though the number of these virgins get smaller and smaller).

With "sexual freedom" comes destruction of families and when women don't have the protection of their families anymore, they get protection from the state and choose the men that they want and in a promiscious environment, they will go through plenty of different (most desirable) men. Creating even more incels while the most desirable men get the most women.

This is exactly what happened in the modern West, step by step.

The only way to prevent this from happening is the ideal of male chastity and male virginity.
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This "biologically designed" is precisely the modern Western thinking, looking at people like they're animals.

In the Christian view, you were designed by God to follow the Catholic religion. Everything else is just temptation.

First of all, the highest ideal is virginity. If you can't follow that ideal, you can marry with one woman and have children with her.

Any other form of sex is wrong, plain and simple. And if you can't abstain from it, what can you even do as a man? It's not something that is necessary like food or water and it doesn't do any good for you. It's not easy, but following religion shouldn't be easy anyway.

Obviously some people will sin, but it doesn't make it acceptable and it shouldn't be.
I even tried to be a Christian for a while but I just can't swallow it. I admit that marriages are better for kids and society, but why did God make us men with so much T and lust for sex with various women? We are much more into it than women are. Researches show that men who can't cum anymore with the same foid cum when a new foid is put in the place of the old one.

We are animals. More so than we are anything else, even if spirit/soul exists; most things we do and feel are animalistic things that other animals feel and do as well.

If you have prostitutes that means there are less women available for marriage and families which creates incels.
I think a percentage of the population simply isn't cut for marriage. Both men and women. The true problem is kids being brought to this world by these types and STDs.

Also once you promote the ideal that it's ok for men to be promiscous, they won't stop with prostitutes, they will try to seduce virgin women or already married women, creating problems in the community, adultery, cucking, honor killings.
Yeah, that isn't ok. That must be curbed. The distinction between prostitutes/whores and decent women should be made very clear and only the former should be the target of those promiscuous approaches.
I even tried to be a Christian for a while but I just can't swallow it. I admit that marriages are better for kids and society, but why did God make us men with so much T and lust for sex with various women? We are much more into it than women are. Researches show that men who can't cum anymore with the same foid cum when a new foid is put in the place of the old one.

Not all men are the same. Personally I don't have strong desires for sex, it looks disgusting to me.

Everyone has some sort of weaknesses though, so you need to fight them and struggle.

I think a percentage of the population simply isn't cut for marriage. Both men and women.

This is true and in Catholicism, celibacy for both genders is encouraged. So women who can't get married or don't want to should live in some sort of celibacy and make the best out of it, just like men.
I even tried to be a Christian for a while but I just can't swallow it. I admit that marriages are better for kids and society, but why did God make us men with so much T and lust for sex with various women? We are much more into it than women are. Researches show that men who can't cum anymore with the same foid cum when a new foid is put in the place of the old one.

We are animals. More so than we are anything else, even if spirit/soul exists; most things we do and feel are animalistic things that other animals feel and do as well.

I think a percentage of the population simply isn't cut for marriage. Both men and women. The true problem is kids being brought to this world by these types and STDs.

Yeah, that isn't ok. That must be curbed. The distinction between prostitutes/whores and decent women should be made very clear and only the former should be the target of those promiscuous approaches.

There is always the option of a polygamous marriage where you marry more women (like the Mormons, muslims and some Protestant Christians -Luther had no problems with it-).
There is always the option of a polygamous marriage where you marry more women (like the Mormons, muslims and some Protestant Christians -Luther had no problems with it-).
But polygamy is certain to create incels.
But polygamy is certain to create incels.

Not true, polygamy is only certain to create incels when you live in a society where sex before marriage is a legal practice.
He knew what he was talking about
100% correct
You can. There will always be a quota of abnormal foids who are cut to being prostitutes instead of family women. Let men have fun with those. The only real issues are diseases and pregnancy.
Put degenerate sex havers on an island and leave them there with their disgusting poxes.
incels.co is not the place for talking about your sick fetishes.

Chastity is the virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite. It is a form of the virtue of temperance, which controls according to right reason the desire for and use of those things which afford the greatest sensual pleasures.

Not true, polygamy is only certain to create incels when you live in a society where sex before marriage is a legal practice.
The number of females is usually only slightly greater than the number of men. How would polygamy work? We would need wars or mass breeding foids.
How it doesn't change men? Do you think sex-addicted Chads have worth as men? Would you trust them?

We are in situation we are now because society accepted male promiscuity and promoted it. Female promiscuity is then the logical next step.

You can't have male promiscuity without having female promiscuity, it simply makes no sense because men need women to be promiscous (unless men turn gay). So either you oppose both or you eventually end up with what we have now.

Problem is chad can fuck everyday and foids don't need to do it so often yet they are still promiscuous for fucking a different man weekly, so you can have a society where most foids are promiscuous and males don't
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The number of females is usually only slightly greater than the number of men. How would polygamy work? We would need wars or mass breeding foids.
Half apocalyptic.
Throughout our history it’s been hinted and had attention drawn too, now it just matters more than ever.
You think this applies to fapping, because I don't want to give up my anime just for the smallest chance of a foid being with me.
Chastity is the virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite. It is a form of the virtue of temperance, which controls according to right reason the desire for and use of those things which afford the greatest sensual pleasures.

I knew you were someone who reads New Advent. Are you a Thomist?

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