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Blackpill Only Normies can get Doxxed



commanded to be joyful
Apr 19, 2023
if you are fucked up with no friends and life

1. why do you have social media
2. why do you have anything to loose (job, friends, reputation...)
3. why do you share this info with others, especially on discord

I dont get this.
Ive literally never used social media in my entire life.
I could give you my actual, IRL name + my address and none of you would be able to find anything about me online.
I could literally doxx myself and none of you would be able to do shit, except send pizzas to my house, and even that would fail, because my name is not on the doorbell (I live with 2 other niggas in social housing and one of their names is on doorbell).

I've never been on facebook.
I've never been on instagram, twitter, snapchat - I never felt the need because I literally never had any friends. And I am not just saying that, I mean, actually zero.
I got my first smartphone in my 20s because my parents bought it for me (didnt ask them, they wanted me to work so they bought it randomly).
When you have nothing in life, you dont care about anything like that.

IMO if you are really at the bottom of the barrel socially, your life literally cant get worse, no matter what.
Unless you get stabbed or something.

like JFL, im just imagining someone telling the police im a pedophile or something lmfao
bro, ive been homeless, the police thought im a drug dealer because i look ethnic and im ugly as shit, would stop me constantly and search.
Ive never done drugs, or even been drunk once.
I literally wouldnt make a difference.
My life would fucking IMPROVE if you doxxed me.

Another thing:
If you use discord outside of maintaining isolated social contacts, you fall into that category.
Discord servers are some of the most vile shit and my limited experience with them was just horrible.
All I saw was backstabbing and dudes orbiting foids.
If you seriously use them you are probably giga NT and have a life IRL.

They are also part of why this forum is dead. People just go to discord after making account here.

I just don't get it. Is the lot of you retarded? Why are you so obsessed with rubbing your personal life into randos faces?
I don't even have a life that I could rub.
Like, I rot in this fucking 4x5 cell with dirty windows on a 11 year old laptop. I have crotch rot and a hunchback.

I'm not trying to make this the cripple Olympics ok? I'm not virtue signalling by flexing my poverty.
I just dont understand how doxxing is even a problem.
"Don't give personal info to strangers online" used to be a fucking meme in the early 2000s. It was laughable.
Idk what is wrong with people.

Not having friends =! Invisible IRL. People know you as that "creepy loser in the corner."
Not having friends =! Invisible IRL. People know you as that "creepy loser in the corner."
i understand but still
if people tried get IRL info on me to people in my social circle
they couldnt
i literally dont have a social circle
people have called me school shooter and rapist and shit before
even though i have autism and cant even talk, i was quiet for entire year
Also no one can get your info/pics online unless YOU POST IT, which is a mostly fakecel trait
ok so if i got doxxed, how would you reach these people?
- i have no social media
- no contacts
- these people are hobos in their 50s (i live in council house after being homeless)
they literally dont have phones, im not joking
sadly i'm guilty of this tho i learned my lesson, most humans are evil cunts and since im autistic i often forgot that

that being said for i'm interested to see @wereq photos :feelshaha: :feelshaha:

sadly i'm guilty of this tho i learned my lesson, most humans are evil cunts and since im autistic i often forgot that

that being said for i'm interested to see @wereq photos :feelshaha: :feelshaha:

tell me about it
when i became homeless i projected hard on this dude because i have autism
he was nice to me.
turned out he was pedophile and just got outta prison for rape
i was outside courtroom when he got probation for posession of CP
later he blackmail me and say i owe him 300 bucks

i just run out of city each morning and hide in forest all day
that was 2 years ago now, but lol yea, when you have autism you are way to naive
i understand but still
if people tried get IRL info on me to people in my social circle
they couldnt
i literally dont have a social circle
people have called me school shooter and rapist and shit before
even though i have autism and cant even talk, i was quiet for entire year
Fuck normies man. They are cruel creatures tbh. It's always the short, ugly, and quiet guys who care called school shooters. Quiet chads are focussing on themselves.
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ok so if i got doxxed, how would you reach these people?
- i have no social media
- no contacts
- these people are hobos in their 50s (i live in council house after being homeless)
they literally dont have phones, im not joking
I know what you mean. Same for me. No job, no friends, leave house once a week to go to church where no one talks to me. Imagine telling my crazy boomer dad that im an incel :lul: he wouldn't remotely have a clue wtf is going on
I know what you mean. Same for me. No job, no friends, leave house once a week to go to church where no one talks to me. Imagine telling my crazy boomer dad that im an incel :lul: he wouldn't remotely have a clue wtf is going on
my dad is literally into mgtow, hes just as fucked as me
he would just kek if someone told him im incel
i also only go out once a week, monday morning, to buy food
tell me about it
when i became homeless i projected hard on this dude because i have autism
he was nice to me.
turned out he was pedophile and just got outta prison for rape
i was outside courtroom when he got probation for posession of CP
later he blackmail me and say i owe him 300 bucks

i just run out of city each morning and hide in forest all day
that was 2 years ago now, but lol yea, when you have autism you are way to naive
yeah there are many awful sides of autism ( since im actually diagnosed by doctor than just shy guys wo self diagnose ), autism is one worst which can happen to man and 'naivety' are jsut worst aspect of it. I'm often very childish and normies in real life threat me as human trash cause my inablity to pick social clues and childish mindset...it's just sad that i was born with this
Yeah you make a good point.

I think maybe any mention of jewcord should be banned, it never means anything good for this forum
sadly i'm guilty of this tho i learned my lesson, most humans are evil cunts and since im autistic i often forgot that

that being said for i'm interested to see @wereq photos :feelshaha: :feelshaha:

I mean its different for us, we have been talking for 3 years. We know we can trust each other and that it isnt bragging. I would too. Im glad i saw izayacel and intellau since i see them more humane and they are not fakecels.
yeah there are many awful sides of autism ( since im actually diagnosed by doctor than just shy guys wo self diagnose ), autism is one worst which can happen to man and 'naivety' are jsut worst aspect of it. I'm often very childish and normies in real life threat me as human trash cause my inablity to pick social clues and childish mindset...it's just sad that i was born with this
same same understand
like people take advantage of you easily
like people ask for money and you just give it to them without questioning their intention
or they make you do dumb shit on purpose because they know you dont question them
also the childishness yeah, i think its just not being fake honestly
I mean its different for us, we have been talking for 3 years. We know we can trust each other and that it isnt bragging. I would too. Im glad i saw izayacel and intellau since i see them more humane and they are not fakecels.
any bets on how @wereq looks ?
my dad is literally into mgtow, hes just as fucked as me
he would just kek if someone told him im incel
i also only go out once a week, monday morning, to buy food
:lul: based dad. Mine is bluepilled as fuck, though even he admits the horsepill/dogpill
I mean its different for us, we have been talking for 3 years. We know we can trust each other and that it isnt bragging. I would too. Im glad i saw izayacel and intellau since i see them more humane and they are not fakecels.
this is true thats why I said in my OP that Discord and shit is OK if you use it to keep conatact with isolated people, like on friendly basis.
But not servers, shit is pure cancerino.
Yeah you make a good point.

I think maybe any mention of jewcord should be banned, it never means anything good for this forum
its raw cancer. Its a snakepit and honestly, I would never take anything that comes from there serious if I was mods.
Like, any screenshots, any drama - if it comes from discord, I would ignore that shit. Its like how people in US should not care about fucking middle east.
:lul: based dad. Mine is bluepilled as fuck, though even he admits the horsepill/dogpill
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
wait what? Your dad knows horsepill? :lul::lul::lul:
this is true thats why I said in my OP that Discord and shit is OK if you use it to keep conatact with isolated people, like on friendly basis.
But not servers, shit is pure cancerino.

I think maybe any mention of jewcord should be banned, it never means anything good for this forum
This, they drag all the discord drama here and then give half infos.
same same understand
like people take advantage of you easily
like people ask for money and you just give it to them without questioning their intention
or they make you do dumb shit on purpose because they know you dont question them
also the childishness yeah, i think its just not being fake honestly
yes...its interesting how normies often try to being real and how much their hate being fake, when from non NT perspective who are actually bit more 'real' in that sense that we act as we think
This, they drag all the discord drama here and then give half infos.
Yeah and it just kills the forum too, discord is apart of the reason forums like this are not the norm anymore. I could understand if people did voice calls on it which is silly but I dont think they really do, so the only other reason to use discord is to try use your incels.is clout to engage with foids somehow, I dislike it.
yes...its interesting how normies often try to being real and how much their hate being fake, when from non NT perspective who are actually bit more 'real' in that sense that we act as we think
yes we cant fake it
like they do fake a lot of expressions and shit to fit in
i cant do that lmao like if i am fucked up i just look like that
still @Fat Link is worst example of this, it's insane that forum didnt revolt after we learned that he simped for this foid who just plays with incels
Yeah and it just kills the forum too, discord is apart of the reason forums like this are not the norm anymore. I could understand if people did voice calls on it which is silly but I dont think they really do, so the only other reason to use discord is to try use your incels.is clout to engage with foids somehow, I dislike it.
honestly, usually my opinion on modding and shit is to be very lenient, im kinda liberal on that
but discord is such cancer holy fucking shit, i honestly would support cracking down it.
If you say fucked up shit on the internet and you live in the west the police WILL come to your house with printed copies of your statements and asking them to explain them at the bureau. You will get arrested for criticising the barbie movie let alone saying you want to go ER.
still @Fat Link is worst example of this, it's insane that forum didnt revolt after we learned that he simped for this foid who just plays with incels
Personally I was of the opinion that he should have been demoted to a regular user but its too late anyway I just want an incel space
I mean its different for us, we have been talking for 3 years. We know we can trust each other and that it isnt bragging. I would too. Im glad i saw izayacel and intellau since i see them more humane and they are not fakecels.
you would be first person which would know that i ascended :feelshaha: :lul: ( with my irl friend )

and you know which 2 girls are my dreams :cryfeels:
If you say fucked up shit on the internet and you live in the west the police WILL come to your house with printed copies of your statements and asking them to explain them at the bureau. You will get arrested for criticising the barbie movie let alone saying you want to go ER.
i will just refer them to my gay shitposts, lets see them cope with that :feelsjuice:
I have no online presence except from this forum, so i cant get doxxed in first place. Even if i did, i wouldn't care because i don't fear dying and i don't have any family that could be affected
Yeah and it just kills the forum too, discord is apart of the reason forums like this are not the norm anymore. I could understand if people did voice calls on it which is silly but I dont think they really do, so the only other reason to use discord is to try use your incels.is clout to engage with foids somehow, I dislike it.
If i was a 6 foot good looking guy i would probably do the same. Joking kinda, i wouldn't even know what "incels" means
Personally I was of the opinion that he should have been demoted to a regular user but its too late anyway I just want an incel space
future of this whole forum or even blackpill in general is that it will attract normies, sex havers even actually attractive edgy chads who are tired of feminism and matriarchy

for example we have guys like @Indracel who is self admited 5'11 curry when average curry height in india is like...5'5 ? or even lower
all he should just knock up pajetta and stop chasing white foids
I have no online presence except from this forum, so i cant get doxxed in first place. Even if i did, i wouldn't care because i don't fear dying and i don't have any family that could be affected
future of this whole forum or even blackpill in general is that it will attract normies, sex havers even actually attractive edgy chads who are tired of feminism and matriarchy

for example we have guys like @Indracel who is self admited 5'11 curry when average curry height in india is like...5'5 ? or even lower
all he should just knock up pajetta and stop chasing white foids
sry this shit was one funniest things i saw in short period of time :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
sry this shit was one funniest things i saw in short period of time :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

@Indracel speak up, why u interupting your uncle and auntie?
Staying off discord mitigates most of these problems. People let their guard down on discord because it feels safe, as in you are only talking to someone 1:1 however countless people have been doxxed on mgtow/redpill/incel spaces and had their faces put everywhere. If you are going to use discord to talk to some people ok just don't share anything however never join a server under any circumstances.
Staying off discord mitigates most of these problems. People let their guard down on discord because it feels safe, as in you are only talking to someone 1:1 however countless people have been doxxed on mgtow/redpill/incel spaces and had their faces put everywhere. If you are going to use discord to talk to some people ok just don't share anything however never join a server under any circumstances.

yeah stay away from the fucking servers
still @Fat Link is worst example of this, it's insane that forum didnt revolt after we learned that he simped for this foid who just plays with incels
Is he still a janny? I haven't kept up with the latest developments.
Yea true I couldn’t get doxxed properly even if they try.
Also JFL even if you do have info there about yourself it’s very low chance people will spend all their day trying to find it and doxx you.

Most people who got doxxed (including me once kind of) IS BECAUSE THEY GAVE OUT THEIR INFO. YES IF YOU GIVE OUT CERTAIN DETAILS YOU WILL BE DOXXED OBVIOUSLY. But if you don’t then you’re fine even if you reveal some things

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