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JFL One of the most retarded reddit comments about incels and my full play by play breakdown on it

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Prince of all Incels
Feb 16, 2024

"While incels make a big show of focusing on sex, and I don't doubt many of them actually believe it's their main focus, most are actually focused on something else: status."

the irony of normalfag saying this is just hilarious, the very few times i've been to a social gathering they always talk about stuff that makes them look good to other normalfags because normalfags are obsessed with status. We do not care about status, Love and the sex that comes is our main focus. To explain to normalfags why this is the case i present a metaphor, normally you don't think about water but when you're dehydrated in the middle of desert it's literally all you think about. We are sexually and romantically dehydrated all the damn time.

"They believe that a place near the top of the social hierarchy is their birthright, usually due to a combination of white supremacy"

Hey look another retard whose probably a mainstream reddit leftists thinks that white supremacy has literally ANYTHING to do with inceldom, may i remind you that only 50% of the members here are white, that seems like alot until you realize that this is an english speaking forum. English is mostly spoken by white people, There are korean incels (you guy whined about them on your sub btw) there are Indian incels, there are black incels (you know like the guy responsible for this site). You are a fucking regular of IT you should know this the fact that you don't means you are either being dishonest on purpose or are legitimately retarded.

"and of believing that they're always the smartest people in the room."
The absolute lack of self awareness for a redditor to actually say this about about literally anyone it absolutely insane. Your site literally has a reputation for having a userbase of complete midwits who think they are the smartest people on the planet, meanwhile on here many incels admit they are not intelligent at all.

"they refuse social standards and expectations because they think they're above having to follow them."
I do not give a fuck what normalfags want me to be. I will never care about what normals want me to be. Get over it

"They refuse to do any sort of work, physical"
I am literally constantly sending in my resume, differently done serveral times to several different companies the result is the same thanks to mass immigration and my lack of experience they all end up in the shredder, I workout literally every other day. I'm doing everything i literally can to improve my life but nothing changes. Fuck you

"or emotional"
lemme guess, this means therapy. How many times will you fucking retards need to be told that therapy is not some kind of wonder miracle drug that can fix all ailments, Gosh you faggots are so fucking retarded

"A lot of that comes from the nerdy characters they've seen in fiction. A lot of what they think comes from what they've seen in fiction."
Is this nigga serious? :lul: is this retard really suggesting that i'm an incel because of fucking Carlton Banks. Just FUCKING LOL

"But there are holes in this perception, and they see their struggles with dating -that people do not, shall we say, pick them- as emblematic of that."
The reason I struggle with dating is because i am both not attractive and autistic. That is literally why, does this retard really thing incels go on dating apps and put incel shit in their bios? God you are dense.

"This is why so many of them insist, not only on sex, but on what they see as high-status sex: ideally in a strictly monogamous relationship with a trophy wife. Being cheated on, or being left, or even being compared unfavorably to an ex would be, to them, the ultimate humiliation"
This guy is a cuck, There is no fucking way you would not only word this the way he did but to imply it's not a humiliation to be cucked by your own spouse says alot, Like prehaps that he enjoys watching his wife cheat on him. Not surprised that an ITfag like yourself would accidently admit this.

"which explains their odd fascination with virgins, with isolating their partners, with arrangements that trap their spouses in marriages even when unwanted, and with refusing options like sex workers."
Listen cucky, you're just making shit up passed the fascination with virgins. No one here is seriously talking about making arrangements that trap spouses in unwanted marriages with us. The reason for the "odd" fascination with virgins is quite simple it might be because we are virgins too you dimwit.

"Why obsess over minutiae like gonial angle, wrist circumference, height, and hair"
3/4 things you mentioned are redpill looksmaxxing tardspeak, we don't do that here, height so obviously matters no amount of gaslighting will change that.

"A lot of these guys have been told all their life that they have serious behavior problems, and they need to change. But this would force them to admit they were wrong about"
I have never been told EVER that i have any behavior problems by literally anyone. I don't know anyone here who was ever told that either. You once again know nothing about us despite being obsessed with us.

"well, basically their entire view of the world. That, in turn, would basically collapse their whole sense of identity: a situation that basically anybody would find catastrophic."
no if the blackpill was actually debunked i'd be very happy. I'd mean i actually have a chance and that all my effort in improving myself hasn't gone to waste. But the blackpill remains undefeated.

"Most incels are not particularly mentally ill"
Oh look another pseud who thinks he's a psychiatrist. I've been diagnosed with both OCD and autism a lot of people here have similar things or worse.

"but they do live on the edge of some very traumatic self-realizations. If you really want to pity incels, pity them for that: the only way out of their situation lies on the other side of psychological trauma"
Make up your fucking mind, one minute you say were not mentally ill the other you imply that are mental state is so bad that we can't have these "self-realizations" because it will cause severe psycological truama.

"To protect themselves from that, they turn to the oldest coping mechanism of all: denial. To deny their own need for change"
Again with being a fucking pseud, YOU ARE NOT A PSYCHIATRIST. I used to not workout, now i do. I used to be lazy, now i'm constantly applying for jobs. THERE IS NO CHANGE, everything stays the same. When i was young i tried several different approaches when trying to make friends or finding a girlfriend, NOTHING FUCKING CHANGED. I HAVE BEEN ALONE MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE BECAUSE NORMALFAGS ARE SCUM SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.

"they turn to blaming things that can't be changed: their height, their canthal tilt, their gonial angle. If this is all caused by things that cam't be changed, then it would be absurd to keep demanding that they change. And so they obsess over these factors, refusing to listen to anything else"
Let's just ignore that you are once again bringing up lookmaxxing terms, a group of people WHO ARE NOT BLACKPILLED and focus on your claim. the reason we blame these things that can't be changed. IS BECAUSE THEY ARE THE THINGS THAT HOLDING US BACK. I CAN'T JUST STOP BEING UGLY, I CAN'T JUST STOP BEING AUTISTIC IT'S WHO I FUCKING AM.

"because it's the only way they can maintain any sense of self-worth at all."
Literally NONE of us have ANY self-worth. Something your normalfag mind COULD NEVER COMPREHEND

Fuck your tl,dr here is mine, You want act like some arm chair psychologist I can too. You what think you're a cuck a low life CUCK you know your a low status loser to other normalfags so deep down you have to be above someone, and whom may that be? well it's us because you know deep down that it's wrong to punch down on those who are less fortunate then you, but convince yourself that it's ok because of mean and horrible things we occasionally say, horrible things said that are result of being mistreated our entire lives. You are as pathetic as we are yet you want to stand all high an mighty above us but i see through your facade, you a fraud no better then any of the rest of us. You should kill yourself NOW.
Wtf is that low iq comment :lul: when we say we want sex we mean it, normfags cannot be this dumb JFL
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Redditors can do nothing but strawman incels
How are you not banned from gaydit? I lost my mind one day by talking facts and got the boot.
How are you not banned from gaydit? I lost my mind one day by talking facts and got the boot.
The easiest way to not get banned from reddit is to simply not have an account there. It's a waste of time to argue with these faggots on their own turf, a place in which you have to police your own language to avoid being silenced.
Good post. And yeah, that guy's comment is absolutely retarded.
The easiest way to not get banned from reddit is to simply not have an account there. It's a waste of time to argue with these faggots on their own turf, a place in which you have to police your own language to avoid being silenced.
True. I still would lose my shit reading their virtual feces. I have to respond othwise no point in reading
That retard literally just sat down and wrote allat just to self-fellate himself about how heckin smart he is and how heckin evil and stupid the inkwells are. Mind you, he probably doesn't even know why incels are the way they are, what causes them to act like le evil sexists, what causes them to live a reclusive life. No, clearly, this fucking midwit redditard knows it best, effect=cause now, I guess we just live such miserable lifes cus we just want to lol! Yeah man I just enjoy living a miserable lonely life with a handful of friends and a knowledge that I will die alone because of factors outside of my reach, because it allows me to be heckin mean to poor womyn online! Take my fucking reddit gold kind stranger and leave
Stopped reading at white supremacist, that soy knows nothing
Also let me ask you this question: what is this "truth" this redditard is talking about. What is this insane, world shattering revelation that incels apparently refuse to accept and would rather live a miserable life instead? Yeah you probably could've already guessed: "Just be confident bro just be nice to women bro just have a good personality bro just be funny bro etc."
That's it, that's the insane, ephemeral truth this retard is preaching about. It's literally the same exact bluepill bullshit we've been told a trillion times before. For all the window dressing and beating around the bush, that's really it.
“Being cheated on, or being left, or even being compared unfavorably to an ex would be, to them, the ultimate humiliation"
Well no fucking shit, is this faggot retarded? :lul:
We need to beat ITfags with metal bats until their skulls crack like an egg shell (in roblox or something)
"While incels make a big show of focusing on sex, and I don't doubt many of them actually believe it's their main focus, most are actually focused on something else: status."
Both are naturally intertwined. Just as a stag builds his harem and dominates other men, sexual prowess/success has always been affiliated with status. It’s a strange thing to point out because it’s almost a distinction without a difference. Yes, being a man and having sex is a sign of status, especially in today’s day and age where “incel” is the go-to insult for so many women.
"They believe that a place near the top of the social hierarchy is their birthright, usually due to a combination of white supremacy"
This is a funny little Freudian slip. I thought that all a man needed to do to have sex was have a good pERsoynality? Why should losing your virginity place you at the top of the social hierarchy, then? How can this be so? Of course, there’s also the point of “HWITE soupremacy” which, as you already pointed out is absurd since so many of us (myself included) are not even white. If anything, incels should be stereotyped as Indians.
"and of believing that they're always the smartest people in the room."
The absolute lack of self awareness for a redditor to actually say this about about literally anyone it absolutely insane. Your site literally has a reputation for having a userbase of complete midwits who think they are the smartest people on the planet, meanwhile on here many incels admit they are not intelligent at all.
Very true.
"they refuse social standards and expectations because they think they're above having to follow them."
Au contraire, we are slaves to them, if anything. A Chad can never shower, never work out, never put any effort into his appearance and still slay with ease. We must put in infinitely more effort to reach even a fraction of his success, and we’re likely to still fail despite that. A Chad doesn’t need to care about societal expectations because the halo effect will ensure that he’s perceived positively regardless, we must be hyper aware of them, because any mistake will be harshly scrutinized.
"They refuse to do any sort of work, physical" "or emotional"
The exact point above applies here as well.
"A lot of that comes from the nerdy characters they've seen in fiction. A lot of what they think comes from what they've seen in fiction."
Very ironic coming from a redditor. Need I remind anyone of the infamous clip featuring a white man in Chicago committing a drive-by shooting against a niggress because he was an incel? (From a TV show, naturally)

In any case, it’s a very strange thing to say as nerdy characters in fiction tend to simply be attractive Chads, who simply wear glasses and play video games. Said characters always have at least a small circle of friends, and usually find a girlfriend by the end of the story. How any incel could see himself represented in these comedically inaccurate characters is beyond me, and it truly speaks to how out of touch and clueless this redditor is. (To no one’s surprise)
"But there are holes in this perception, and they see their struggles with dating -that people do not, shall we say, pick them- as emblematic of that."
As explained above, this “perception” does not exist
"This is why so many of them insist, not only on sex, but on what they see as high-status sex: ideally in a strictly monogamous relationship with a trophy wife. Being cheated on, or being left, or even being compared unfavorably to an ex would be, to them, the ultimate humiliation"
This guy is a cuck, There is no fucking way you would not only word this the way he did but to imply it's not a humiliation to be cucked by your own spouse says alot, Like prehaps that he enjoys watching his wife cheat on him. Not surprised that an ITfag like yourself would accidently admit this.
Yes. There isn’t much more to say here. The simple fact that he does not consider being cheated on as a humiliation really does say all you need to know about him. If I had to take a guess I’d reckon that he is happily in an “open relationship” and this is what led him making such a statement.
"which explains their odd fascination with virgins, with isolating their partners, with arrangements that trap their spouses in marriages even when unwanted, and with refusing options like sex workers."
It’s a quite ironic thing to accuse us of having an “odd fascination with virgins” while he is the one who dedicate himself to criticizing virgins on the Internet (us, naturally). He hasn’t a shred of self awareness. Notice also that he doesn’t say “arranged marriages“ he says “arrangements that trapped their spouses in marriages, even when unwanted“ he’s not referring to arranged marriages, he’s making the argument that women are “trapped“ in marriage by their inability to sleep with other men, a cuckold to his very core. And of course, the idea that prostitutes could ever provide actual love and fulfillment is absurd.
"Why obsess over minutiae like gonial angle, wrist circumference, height, and hair"
All people do, we’re just aware of it. And did he not just complain about us putting no effort into improving ourselves? How can he complain that we put no effort into improving ourselves and in the same comment complaining that we put too much effort into improving ourselves?
"A lot of these guys have been told all their life that they have serious behavior problems, and they need to change. But this would force them to admit they were wrong about"
This is just the “pERsoynality” argument, so many redditors make, but reworded. My only response is “Jeremy Meeks”
"well, basically their entire view of the world. That, in turn, would basically collapse their whole sense of identity: a situation that basically anybody would find catastrophic."
no if the blackpill was actually debunked i'd be very happy. I'd mean i actually have a chance and that all my effort in improving myself hasn't gone to waste. But the blackpill remains undefeated.
"Most incels are not particularly mentally ill"
Oh look another pseud who thinks he's a psychiatrist. I've been diagnosed with both OCD and autism a lot of people here have similar things or worse.
Like in any population, some incels are mentally ill, others are not. It’s a rather pointless thing to bring up.
"but they do live on the edge of some very traumatic self-realizations. If you really want to pity incels, pity them for that: the only way out of their situation lies on the other side of psychological trauma"
To imply that the bluepill, which can best be described as a “comforting lie” is in some way traumatic to accept, is absurd.
"To protect themselves from that, they turn to the oldest coping mechanism of all: denial. To deny their own need for change"
This is quite ironic, because many bluepillers do this exact thing, claiming that they are “virgins but not incels”. We are actually aware of the problem and are trying to overcome it, as opposed to bluepillers who bury their heads in the sand and tell themselves that they’re happy alone. This is the epitome of the pot calling kettle title black.
"they turn to blaming things that can't be changed: their height, their canthal tilt, their gonial angle. If this is all caused by things that cam't be changed, then it would be absurd to keep demanding that they change. And so they obsess over these factors, refusing to listen to anything else"
He simply does not want us noticing reality, because the more we focus on the root cause of the issue, the more he is forced to consider the blackpill. He wishes for us to blame anything, but what is actually causing the problem at hand, because he cannot accept a dissenting viewpoint.
"because it's the only way they can maintain any sense of self-worth at all."
Literally NONE of us have ANY self-worth. Something your normalfag mind COULD NEVER COMPREHEND
Good anlysis but i had to stop reading i fucking hate them so much its unreal, i can feel my mouth foaming at the blatant hipocrisy and honestly fuck them hope for the worst for all normfags
3 gorillion updoots saar
Just be a cuck bro :lul:
I’d love to stab a redditor in the gut and watch that smug look on their face disappear.
"To protect themselves from that, they turn to the oldest coping mechanism of all: denial. To deny their own need for change"
Again with being a fucking pseud, YOU ARE NOT A PSYCHIATRIST. I used to not workout, now i do. I used to be lazy, now i'm constantly applying for jobs. THERE IS NO CHANGE, everything stays the same. When i was young i tried several different approaches when trying to make friends or finding a girlfriend, NOTHING FUCKING CHANGED. I HAVE BEEN ALONE MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE BECAUSE NORMALFAGS ARE SCUM SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.
100% man
I've been a gymcel for 2 years
Applied for over 300-400 jobs every year and got 1 last year then I got layed off because some of mf fat white foid.
Now I'm stuck trying to apply for jobs again.
It seems like people who generally have a social circle [normies] relatively easy find jobs faster due to connections.
Incels have to do twice as much work as a normfag due to being rejected 100% of the time but yet they call us lazy.

Evan Spoonier is extremely low lQ, and atp, purposefully misrepresenting us. He’s always shown up for the debate subs, and always had something to say. He would see great posts and acknowledge certain things in said posts, but immediately go back into thus bluepilled ignorance monologue trance and say crap like this. It’s like being flashed by those matrix movie pens or whatever that wipes your memory.

That retard is the most pathetic reddit user on IT. Intellectual failure. He legit comes off as a low IQ person
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(you know li

Normies will just say anything. It must be so fun to not have your beliefs bound to objective reality/data. You can just make up any reason for anything then write some retarded paragraph about it like it's a think piece. People like this are simply too stupid to understand the importance of data. They literally cannot comprehend the significance of it because their brain is locked into main character/solipsism mode, and as a result they think they're personal experience (N=1) is more valuable than a study where N=450.

Dude probably thought he was a genius who cracked the code as he wrote that lmao.

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