I haven't been on this site for a LONG time.
I have just found out that there are rules that restrict speech here now.
Partially the reason why I left.
But, how can we have an honest discussion about human sexuality, human sexual selection, and related topics, when it's obvious that humans, as a species, get sexually mature before the meme age of 18? I will not say much more to not get banned. But the picture is related.
There is no point in posting thread after thread about wanting to fuck young women when we can't even get older women.
It's like wanting to debate about what is the best sports car and not one of us can even afford one.
Someone PM'd me recently about "sexualization of minors" being banned on the forum, and this was my response to them:
I don't care, this forum doesn't matter. It stopped being an incel forum years ago. It's a fucking joke. I'm way more concerned about them allowing blatant trolls, larps, and waste of space spammers use the forum.
Hopefully I'll have my finances in order in the next few years and then I can make my farewell thread and leave this place for good.
Who the fuck really wants to spend their time talking about any women in a sexual way anyways (minors or not). The problem is too many incels aren't tired of talking. I don't give a fuck about endlessly talking and fantasizing, I'd much prefer to be part of a forum where we share ideas and DO rather than talk.
So many guys endlessly posting about "loli's", but if they focused on wealthmaxxing they could probably move to a country with a low age of consent and favorable laws, and actually get to fuck a loli.
Talking and fantasizing is a waste of time, we need money to make our fantasize come true.
Too many of you guys are obsessed with just talking. The age of consent in some countries is still within the range of 13 to 15.
If you have the money and you know where to go in these places, you can get what you want and there's always some legal loophole.
Some countries require that you get permission from the parents, it wouldn't be hard to find a single mother who is struggling to pay bills whose willing to let you date her daughter if you offer her money (of course you'll have to target women in low income areas that don't give a fuck about their offspring lol).
You'll just have to make sure that you know the laws, play it safe, and use cash to there isn't a data trail.
But I think talking and fantasizing is pointless, it's a waste of time. I'd much rather focus my time on working towards a life in which I can one day do the things I want rather than talk about them.
This is why wealthmaxxing should be the core focus of incel forums, not memes, jokes, and spamming the forum. None of us are going to get anything we want out of life without money, were public enemy #1, people want us to suffer and die in silence.