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Discussion On high IQ and too much can be too bad (NOT FOR ATTENTIONSPAN-CELS)

I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss

I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss

Kept you waitin, huh
Mar 15, 2020
IQ is something wondeful, isn't it ? We are thought to worship it, cherish it and envy people who have a few more digits than us.
However, is there anything as too much IQ ? Can IQ have diminishing returns on the human civilization the more you increase it ?

For the sake of typing, IQ will refer to the brain computational ability as a whole and not a subset of the intelligence spectrum.
Here are my takes on the subject :

Humans do not have pointy teeth, sharp claws, insulating fur, etc, and so IQ is an evolutionary tool resulting from a selection pressure for the species survival.
IQ grows as far as it's necessary for survival, that's the reason behind the population % discrepancy seen in a traditional IQ bell curve.
130+ IQ are rare due to no selection pressure to select for that particular type of tool and normalize it, same for 30- IQ.

Populations with high IQ on average eliminated their predators, mastered medicine and controlled the natural forces that were likely to decrease their numbers.
For the best and for the worst, such a society has opened the pandora box of homeostasis deregulation in the natural order.
It no longer has any negative feedback to counterbalance the effects of positive feedbacks that will be described shortly.

These high IQ population grew larger and larger in numbers. Man competed against man as the sole driving force and limiting force of his own selection.
However, this limiting force wasn't quite as strong in culling the population down to keep the balance. A species cannot select for itself and against itself as much as you cannot be judge and victim at the same time and still remain a good judge.
Everything needs to be done relatively to other parameters, the high IQ men though eliminated that sort of selection negative feedbacks.

The domino effect has begun.
Due to the population grewing bigger thanks to changes in selection dynamics, the high iq civilization is now facing a pressure from the inside (aka feeding all these mouths). Agriculture process and other areas thus became more and more efficient to address this need, which in turn increased the number of the high iq civilization members. And so on, the more technological advances were made to address the issue, the more the pressure stemming from this issue grew bigger, the more the civilization had to come up with answers for this ever increasing challenges.

Until we ended up in the modern age and its industrialization where every process is optimized, where we grow a chicken in mere hours and cattles in mere days thanks to endocrinological manipulations, food being contaminated with high potent hazardous chemicals to make it grow bigger and faster.

High iq civilization eventually run out of fuel in face of such a sheer reproduction output. To keep the short term prosperity of the Capitalistic system flowing (aka keep their civilization from being crushed by its very own weight like a black hole), others' living space needed to be invaded.
This is what gave rise to expansionist ideologies like Imperialism, Colonialism, Neo-colonialism, Globalism, Capitalism etc.
I will not indulge in the effects of modernity and overcrowding on other levels such as increased inceldom, depression, etc, I believe those who read me until this point are already familiar with that from my previous threads.

Eventually, you run out of fuel. Your high iq population stagnates and declines like the Calhoun's mice experiment, immigration acts as a replacement to prevent the high iq civilization from collapsing on itself.

This infringement into others' territory basically transported the high IQ civilization problems from messing with the natural balance into the low IQ one.
The low iq civilization wasn't as smart as the high iq one in disposing of the negative feedback of natural selection (aka illnesses, natural disasters, predators) and securing their supplies, and so, in its own stupidity (relative to the high iq civilization), it didn't mess with the homeostasis.
The balance was kept, or so until the invasion.
Now, Africa and other countries/continents are kinda doomed. The population increased way more than what the country can possibly produce, and adaptation is a slow process that doesn't happen in 50 or 100 years.

I honestly believe you can be too smart for the well-being of your people.
Cope. You would commit suicide if you were in my shoes. Low IQ is brutal.
your title invites the company you tried to keep away fyi
Cope. You would commit suicide if you were in my shoes. Low IQ is brutal.
It's brutal in the modern age where everybody is commoditized and judged based on the IQ quality inspection.
Back in the more modest in numbers tribal system, every individual had a role to fulfill.
im an attentionspancel
im an attentionspancel
No you are a retard
Hickok 45
good morning, the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Didn’t read
If all high IQ people stopped being cucks, all society would collapse on its own
IQ is something wondeful, isn't it ? We are thought to worship it, cherish it and envy people who have a few more digits than us.
However, is there anything as too much IQ ? Can IQ have diminishing returns on the human civilization the more you increase it ?

For the sake of typing, IQ will refer to the brain computational ability as a whole and not a subset of the intelligence spectrum.
Here are my takes on the subject :

Humans do not have pointy teeth, sharp claws, insulating fur, etc, and so IQ is an evolutionary tool resulting from a selection pressure for the species survival.
IQ grows as far as it's necessary for survival, that's the reason behind the population % discrepancy seen in a traditional IQ bell curve.
130+ IQ are rare due to no selection pressure to select for that particular type of tool and normalize it, same for 30- IQ.

Populations with high IQ on average eliminated their predators, mastered medicine and controlled the natural forces that were likely to decrease their numbers.
For the best and for the worst, such a society has opened the pandora box of homeostasis deregulation in the natural order.
It no longer has any negative feedback to counterbalance the effects of positive feedbacks that will be described shortly.

These high IQ population grew larger and larger in numbers. Man competed against man as the sole driving force and limiting force of his own selection.
However, this limiting force wasn't quite as strong in culling the population down to keep the balance. A species cannot select for itself and against itself as much as you cannot be judge and victim at the same time and still remain a good judge.
Everything needs to be done relatively to other parameters, the high IQ men though eliminated that sort of selection negative feedbacks.

The domino effect has begun.
Due to the population grewing bigger thanks to changes in selection dynamics, the high iq civilization is now facing a pressure from the inside (aka feeding all these mouths). Agriculture process and other areas thus became more and more efficient to address this need, which in turn increased the number of the high iq civilization members. And so on, the more technological advances were made to address the issue, the more the pressure stemming from this issue grew bigger, the more the civilization had to come up with answers for this ever increasing challenges.

Until we ended up in the modern age and its industrialization where every process is optimized, where we grow a chicken in mere hours and cattles in mere days thanks to endocrinological manipulations, food being contaminated with high potent hazardous chemicals to make it grow bigger and faster.

High iq civilization eventually run out of fuel in face of such a sheer reproduction output. To keep the short term prosperity of the Capitalistic system flowing (aka keep their civilization from being crushed by its very own weight like a black hole), others' living space needed to be invaded.
This is what gave rise to expansionist ideologies like Imperialism, Colonialism, Neo-colonialism, Globalism, Capitalism etc.
I will not indulge in the effects of modernity and overcrowding on other levels such as increased inceldom, depression, etc, I believe those who read me until this point are already familiar with that from my previous threads.

Eventually, you run out of fuel. Your high iq population stagnates and declines like the Calhoun's mice experiment, immigration acts as a replacement to prevent the high iq civilization from collapsing on itself.

This infringement into others' territory basically transported the high IQ civilization problems from messing with the natural balance into the low IQ one.
The low iq civilization wasn't as smart as the high iq one in disposing of the negative feedback of natural selection (aka illnesses, natural disasters, predators) and securing their supplies, and so, in its own stupidity (relative to the high iq civilization), it didn't mess with the homeostasis.
The balance was kept, or so until the invasion.
Now, Africa and other countries/continents are kinda doomed. The population increased way more than what the country can possibly produce, and adaptation is a slow process that doesn't happen in 50 or 100 years.

I honestly believe you can be too smart for the well-being of your people.
You are wrong about this.
There are simpler reasons why high IQ is bad.

- evolution is not about breeding the best but just enough.

- High IQ people necessitate high qualify food and high quality upbringing, otherwise they have a higher chance of developing mental illnesses or not developing enough which foids will immediately detect with their advanced fault detector.

- High IQ men are much less likely to be testosterone delusional. They can properly access their place in this world which is very emasculating, thus foids don't choose them.

- foids hate men they can't manipulate

- High IQ men are the only men capable of getting off the extremely powerful male need for female validation (Nicolas Tesla, Newton....)
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- High IQ men are much less likely to be testosterone delusional. thus foids don't choose them.

- foids hate men they can't manipulate

Dude you're coping extremely hard here, literally delusion off the charts going on here

Females prefer High IQ males, this is a fact

people tend to think otherwise because of unattractive Nerds saying that they prefer the "dumb jocks" but this is ultra cope, doesn't even make sense, also these so called "Nerds" aren't even smart at all, they're just coping pretty hard with knowledge because they have no other choice or option, and improving a quality (knowledge) is the only way of compensating since they lack others (i.e physical attributes)
Dude you're coping extremely hard here, literally delusion off the charts going on here

Females prefer High IQ males, this is a fact

people tend to think otherwise because of unattractive Nerds saying that they prefer the "dumb jocks" but this is ultra cope, doesn't even make sense, also these so called "Nerds" aren't even smart at all, they're just coping pretty hard with knowledge because they have no other choice or option, and improving a quality (knowledge) is the only way of compensating since they lack others (i.e physical attributes)
There is a difference between emotional IQ and what I meant, yes foids prefer Chad's with high emotional IQ but they hate men they can't manipulate because they logic is too good.

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