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Discussion On colonialism and why should the white man feel guilt in the context of the rising globalism (NOT FOR ATTENTIONSPAN-CELS)

I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss

I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss

Kept you waitin, huh
Mar 15, 2020
White man guilt, a theme that provokes either empathy from the left or anger from the right.
This duality in these contrary responses are suprinsingly both true in depicting the real picture that I will try to convey as best as my english allows me to.

Here are my takes on the subject :

Globalism and capitalism have a symbiotic devastating relationship, one fuels the other and vice versa. A machinery with no break system that keeps on accelerating, dragging along and impacting human lifes from all around the globe.
In order to even further extend their already ever increasing wealth, the white man opened the civilization pandora box in the name of greed. Such is Colonialism.

Under the disguise of bringing western modern lifestyle to societies for whom such a concept is so foreign, the West has compromised both its integrity but also the integrity of the cultures it alienated to a lifestyle they were not fit for (in the darwinist adaptation sense). All of this, in the name of materialistic gains, in the name of increasing the stakeholders' capital net worth at the expense of everybody involved except the 1% who benefited from these capitalistic fruits, the West nuked the fragile natural balance between different cultural patchworks.

The pandora box was opened.

The right movement is hypocritical. Dishonest in flauntering their great and benevolent ancestors bringing western styled modernity to retarded stunted autochthons, dishonest in portraying the indigenous as a savage who lack the ability to feel gratitude towards his white savior.
The West started the Colonization campain for purely short term monetary gains, this isn't somethig bad in itself since we all seek our very own benefit. However, in their shortsightdeness, they sinned of Greed.
The right movement expects to plunge their hand into a river to quench their thirst without getting their hands wet. That is simply not possible.
Once the decision was made to settle in the colonies and use their resources, you were basically involved with them. If you are interested in the wealth you can make exploiting the locals' resources, the locals will be interested in the wealth you have produced and will produce using their resources.

To put in more eloquent words, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" (third law of motion).
Thus, you get what nowadays is referred to as the "Immigration Crisis", which is not really a crisis but rather the equivalent opposite force of the Capitalism shortsightedness or what i like to name as failure.

The left movement is hypocritical. Dishonest in depicting the autochthon as a retard whose development was delayed due to the western infringement in their affairs. Dishonest in putting the supposed weak and fragile indigenous on life support systems.
As stated before, once the West decided, due to the lure of of profit disguised as Colonialism ideology, to infringe in the locals' territory, they have now become linked to their struggle and suffering they caused. Because, let's be real, railroads and such were not built for the enlightenment of the autochthons but to rather increase the monetary output of the settlements and compete with the other Western Nations that were using the same tactics to not fall behind.
These settlements were made at the expense of the locals. As an example, look at Congo under the Belgium authority, the king Leopold 2 was slaughtering the indigenous to the point where it was raining hands.

Due to this heavy historical background, the current West feels a certain empathy towards the former colonies. However, this same guilt is ensuring the Globalism hold on these former settlements and ironically is stunting their development.
The West has commited yet another sin, they enabled Sloth. The former colonies didn't experience the same historical milestones as the West .... and yet the West is keen on forcing a modern western lifestyle upon them. These individuals evolved and were fit for their own environments and trying to force a foreign system into them will set out of balance the homeostatis dear to Nature.
Putting these countries on life support systems to the point where the food production of the former colonies does not match the number of the population. Basically, hard locking these former colonies under your influence.
These former colonies have a different mindset, not a retarded one, the human species evolved differently across the globe. This diversity is the treasure of the world, not of the country in itself.
Multiculturalism should be practised outside, monoculturalism should be practised inside, in order to ensure that the world won't transform into a homogenous blank state devoided from any specifities that ultimately define why i am different than you.

To sum ip up :
Capitalism has failed humanity. This never ending pursuit towards profit for profit in the name of profit caused the downfall of both the West due to greed and the South due to the effect of the latter on it.
The ever increasing demand to generate more wealth for wealth has put pressure to invade others' territory, claim what's theirs as yours and alienate their tribal identities. This, in turn, has led to the erosion of the locals' culture and way of life, forcing a foreign system into a civilization that experienced other milestones that have shaped and defined their identity.

How does this relate to inceldom :
The erosion of identity and instincts of self preservation broadens the number of pursuiters a female can have. Now, you do not only have to compete with your neighbor for access to reproduction, but you have to compete with the whole world.
Chads are as rare as 140 IQs, a female could lead a life without having seen a chad at all. That's the case no more.

This same erosion has led to increased competion in the labour market where price continue to drop further and further for more work, to the point where work isn't an evolutionary adaptation to cement social connection, but a robotic process for an alien system that brings no purpose or joy for the individual.
As one forumer said, "when the value of men's work plummet, the only thing left of value for them is looks."

Any solutions ?
I am honestly too dumb to come up with realistic solutions. I can only try to comprehend partially the underlying mechanism and convey an incompelete at the best of my ability.
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he ever increasing demand to generate more wealth for wealth has put pressure to invade others' territory, claim what's theirs as yours and alienate their tribal identities. This, in turn, has led to the erosion of the locals' culture and way of life, forcing a foreign system into a civilization that experienced other milestones that have shaped and defined their identity.
this is so true
>capitalism is ambitious and puts the needs of the few over the many, which means that only the top stands out and that you need a "worker class" of people (men)
>globalism erodes ones identity and will feel lost, alone, and afraid
>colonization could be used to build bridges but instead subjects people to to becoming worker drones with a weaker sense of cultural self

Which all of this makes incels.

We need a Final Solution.

Open markets, open minds, culling of the weak, chauvinism, and National Socialism is key. But that's just my take on it.
this is so true
Capitalism has failed us but so did Democracy. I'll try to make a thread dealing with democracy shortcomings.
>capitalism is ambitious and puts the needs of the few over the many, which means that only the top stands out and that you need a "worker class" of people (men)
>globalism erodes ones identity and will feel lost, alone, and afraid
>colonization could be used to build bridges but instead subjects people to to becoming worker drones with a weaker sense of cultural self

Which all of this makes incels.

We need a Final Solution.

Open markets, open minds, culling of the weak, chauvinism, and National Socialism is key. But that's just my take on it.
I feel like Capitalism has caused great suffering to humans as whole becasue it was decorrelated from serving humans. Seems like a machinary whose only purpose is to keep going to the point where capitalism is no longer dependent on us, but rather we are dependent on it.

Just like the AI question, now AI is dependent on us to develop, but once it's developped it would be us who will be dependent on it. By then, it will cease to serve our well-being.
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Pretty good writing. You have summarised a lot of things in the post that were in my mind as well.
the current West feels a certain empathy towards the former colonies.
Personally, I don't think the West really feels any real (not fake) empathy towards its colonies at all. The West looks at them rather just as a source of wageslaves, who can be easily exploited, i.e. neo-colonialism.
I have to correct you that (((Globalism))) and (((capitalism))) are not inventions of the White race. Also (((communism))).

It's that international clique which Hitler calls out and their subservient elite goys like Trump, Clinton and others who benefits at the expense of everyone by dividing and conquering.
Personally, I don't think the West really feels any real (not fake) empathy towards its colonies at all. The West looks at them rather just as a source of wageslaves, who can be easily exploited, i.e. neo-colonialism.
I agree with you. Both empathetic and utilitarian aspects are intertwined when it comes to the current view on colonialism.

The utilitarian view is once more a confession of the shortcoming of capitalism. You cannot make profit for profit endlessly, at the end you'll have used up all your resources and the only way to make more profit for profit is to steal from others (whether by stealing their resources or by stealing their time with no overtime compensations or by stealing the opportunity to work with the rise of automation and AI).
We took natural competition aka Darwinism and boosted it up with steroids. Capitalism is competition, not for the sake of betterment, but for the only sake of competition. That's not viable in the long term.
  • USA understood this, that's why they kicked out the natives from their territories to steal their resources in order to produce more profit for profit. Later, USA went to China to slave away a part of the population.
  • Europe understood this, that's why they colonized many areas of the word and are doing the same China slavery tactics USA is doing.
  • China is now understanding this, that's why it's trying to kick Europe influence out from Africa and have it all for itself.
Since human rights abolish slavery, instead of the system ending up slaving us since that's the ultimate profit for profit endgame, it would produce tireless automated machines working 24/24. Many humans will be left out of the loop.

What's the use of a system that does not benefit humanity at the end ?

I have to correct you that (((Globalism))) and (((capitalism))) are not inventions of the White race. Also (((communism))).

It's that international clique which Hitler calls out and their subservient elite goys like Trump, Clinton and others who benefits at the expense of everyone by dividing and conquering.
Neverthless, these concepts emerged in the western world and the West did accept and promote these latters.
>blaming the white man for the work of the Jew
Neverthless, these concepts emerged in the western world and the West did accept and promote these latters.

That's because such concepts are taught tirelessly in the school system and colleges, and promoted endlessly in the media. Of course most people are going to accept it. Developing children are very impressionable, and, once these cucked doctrines take hold, there's no turning back.
>blaming the white man for the work of the Jew
Like i responded to the post above yours.
"Neverthless, these concepts emerged in the western world and the West did accept and promote these latters."

The Capitalist Leviathan was released and now we all have to endure it since once a Leviathan has reached the critical mass, it can no longer be taken out.
The system does no longer depend on us, we depend on it.

That's because such concepts are taught tirelessly in the school system and colleges, and promoted endlessly in the media. Of course most people are going to accept it. Developing children are very impressionable, and, once these cucked doctrines take hold, there's no turning back.
I see your point.
Endoctrination can be such a double edged sword but is also inevitable, since a child cannot not be endoctrinated since you have to pass knowledge onto him. If done correctly, it can promote betterment. If done badly, it can promote behavioural abnormalities.
I view this as one of the shortcomings of democracy. I'll make a thread about that.
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Just give me cute adorable loli waifu of any race

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