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It's Over OMG! Sneir has got Emba in the sharpshooter!! Sneir is new Heavyweight champ!!! (in videogame)

Fat Link

Fat Link

“I know I’ll get drunk to forget that I’m a whore”
Jul 31, 2019
Emba screwed Emba! :feelsEhh:
Vince Mcmahon Laughing GIF by WWE
is emba kill?
Emba could easily sic his various dogs and cats on that 6'1 mogger! :feelsjuice:
Here’s @Emba’s disgraceful post, after all I did to help that ungrateful old rotten bastard, during all my time here.

Well gramps yours will not be the final word as once I get around to it I will unlock and bump your faggy little crybaby whine fest of a topic with our entire past and present PM discussions with eachother regarding your @Sneir problem and the userbase can all see how rude and accusatory you were towards me from the very start.

You’re damn well just as bad as that pathetic nigger Wellington in my eyes now Emba.

Meaning it’s very unlikely I will ever let you back onto the site now.

Wellington for those that don’t know was a useless nigger that regularly betrayed my kindness and generosity towards him by lashing out at me at times with my other site enemies.

Wellington was never grateful for early unbans or numerous second chances that I gave to him and nothing I did for him produced any loyalty towards me whatsoever so now Wellington’s bitch ass is gone.
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I liked when Vince called John Cena a nigger in front of Booker-T
can I finally give this ***** wild bumpy ride ? (in video game)
Nah, it’s locked until I bump it with an update post but after I eventually do that you or anyone can feel free then to bump it forever if you like.
:feelsbadman: unfortunate, i always liked Emba, he never seemed to spread any toxicity from the posts ive seen, i always felt like his vibe was a nice comedic relief. But, eh, im an outsider looking in on this situation and havent been following the feud that closely. Looking forward to the update
:feelsbadman:unfortunate, i always liked Emba, he never seemed to spread any toxicity from the posts ive seen, i always felt like his vibe was a nice comedic relief. But, eh, im an outsider looking in on this situation and havent been following the feud that closely. Looking forward to the update
same don't know enough to comment. but emba was a good user mostly.
Mogs me at receiving attention from skinny link
590 was the correct price.

The 100 was if the apology was believable.

it was only a negotiation of fat links. But I would have took it, if I didn't get gaslit.

Yes, I rejected $100, bro.
brocel got rectified for refusing drug money
:feelsbadman:unfortunate, i always liked Emba, he never seemed to spread any toxicity from the posts ive seen, i always felt like his vibe was a nice comedic relief. But, eh, im an outsider looking in on this situation and havent been following the feud that closely. Looking forward to the update
Idk what happened in PM but it must have been really serious
I thought Elba was one of the good niggers
I thought Elba was one of the good niggers
As did I. His humor was basic and that's just fine. Unfortunate to see his departure, but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.
I think I used my phone. As a truecel I don’t text much so I make more mistakes on it
Truecel trait: You pretend you have a lot of people to text, but really it's Incel.is on your phone. Sad-Kek.
Cannot really comment either as my knowledge on this matter is minimal, but I do not think @Emba is the main instigator here, he was never toxic. What I do know is that Sneir makes the most retarded schizo posts and always writes in capital letters. Whatever @Emba said or did, he must have had a good reason. But what do I know...:feelsjuice: I think @Emba is a better addition to the forum than sneir. I feel like this shit is twisted.

There is also truth to emba his last post ngl
I agree in some ways. I don't think I understand why exactly he left, or if he was banned, then why. I did read most @Fat Link 's posts detailing some of (I think) but I'm not sure I fully understand @Emba became so hostile.

Anyway, what's important to me is that he is alive and healthy and living. I saw some stupid jokes about suicide or his death. That's silly.

And yes, everybody knows @Sneir is a prank profile or alt or just plain asshole. So if @Emba truly got mad at sneirs bullshit, then it is he @Emba who erred on that one, I guess.
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Tbh, I have more empathy for Emba than wanting to let Sneir back in.

Yes, Sneir is a schizoposter and most of what he says doesn't mean anything. If Sneir was saying anything about me, I would just ignore. But being called a "kiddie fiddler", I can understand Emba's reaction because that is a very serious accusation.

Idk if what Sneir did really warranted a permaban (I do consider what he did to be harassment and slander however), but if I had to choose between keeping Sneir banned and having Emba quit, I'd rather keep Sneir banned. Emba is an oldcel who has been here for a long time, so he should definitely be owed respect considering how he managed to live so long as an incel. Also considering that Emba before then never broke any rules, at least AFAIK.

Sneir on the other hand, his posts don't really add value to this site. Yes he's funny sometimes, but I don't think this should be a place that people come just for keks and drama. The only people who wanted him unbanned only did it to add "humor" which in reality he just makes edgy shitposts about stuff that gets attention from IT that gives us a bad name, not because he posts anything intelligent.

And I don't like the way how the mods are mocking Emba and unbanning him just to spite him. It seems like the mods here always get a power trip every time they are told that they are wrong.
Tbh, I have more empathy for Emba than wanting to let Sneir back in.

Yes, Sneir is a schizoposter and most of what he says doesn't mean anything. If Sneir was saying anything about me, I would just ignore. But being called a "kiddie fiddler", I can understand Emba's reaction because that is a very serious accusation.

Idk if what Sneir did really warranted a permaban (I do consider what he did to be harassment and slander however), but if I had to choose between keeping Sneir banned and having Emba quit, I'd rather keep Sneir banned. Emba is an oldcel who has been here for a long time, so he should definitely be owed respect considering how he managed to live so long as an incel. Also considering that Emba before then never broke any rules, at least AFAIK.

Sneir on the other hand, his posts don't really add value to this site. Yes he's funny sometimes, but I don't think this should be a place that people come just for keks and drama. The only people who wanted him unbanned only did it to add "humor" which in reality he just makes edgy shitposts about stuff that gets attention from IT that gives us a bad name, not because he posts anything intelligent.

And I don't like the way how the mods are mocking Emba and unbanning him just to spite him. It seems like the mods here always get a power trip every time they are told that they are wrong.
Your main problem is similar to @Emba’s problem.

And that is you make a ton of false assumptions about things you don’t actually know the truth about and from there you begin to run your mouth and toss around various retarded accusations instead of that which you and Emba should be doing which is asking questions but I get it. Drama and fighting is more appealing to your kind than productive dialogue which is another huge part of the reason our community can be and often is such shit ie users here would rather go to war with eachother than give eachother the benefit of the doubt, instead always preferring to see the worst in others, to see only the ugly, because that’s what they ie you and Emba are inside.

Precisely he is a hate filled over presumptuous, accusatory, asshole redneck and you are a hate filled over presumptuous, accusatory, asshole nigger.

With that said…

@Emba left of his own accord because he was upset and fearful that @Sneir was about to imminently be unbanned a week or two sooner than I otherwise stated he would be because he read @Master‘s holiday ban forgiveness topic, where Sneir and Master interacted and Master said something to the effect that he would personally have no problem with Sneir being unbanned early so long as Sneir confined his schizoposting to the Sewers.

Now I believe I waited several days before responding to that topic, so as to wait and see what if anything Emba had to say and or if he was still butthurt about Sneir referring to him humorously as a “kiddie diddler”?

After waiting and seeing no reply from Emba had been forthcoming demanding for Master to keep Sneir banned for oh so cruelly slandering him, I’d kind of ya know figured maybe Emba had finally gotten over it like a big boy and just let it go like any normal internet user would and does when they are called a bad or vile name or slander term, as everyone whose ever used the internet for any length of time knows to do, if only because they correctly realize it is simply par for the course of using an anonymous platform such as this with which to communicate.

In other words normal people or just plain old intelligent and observant people realize they’re going to be called very bad names on the internet at times even if they’ve done precisely nothing to warrant said name calling.

If a person cannot handle that and grow a thicker skin and very quickly “toughen the fuck up butter cup” then quite simply they have no business communicating in the online world and should literally pay another person to conduct any important business they may need conducted online because they themselves are not mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle being in the online realm.

Emba has proven himself to NOT be the stone cold tough oldcel SOB with a tongue n’cheek sense of humor that can give the punches as well as he can take them in a comedy sense like he always portrayed himself as being but instead in truth, he’s soft as silk.

Yet another whiney, self important, bitch.

Yes and dare I say it, a total snowflake.

He proved this beyond a shadow of all doubt by not having the courage or testicular fortitude to have an adult back and forth discussion with me in PM that could have kept Sneir unfairly banned, as autistically long as he wanted, due to my once upon a time viewing him the same way you and so many others view him now and still to this day which is to say an important and exalted oldcel that we should all bend over backwards for to accomodate and do everything in our power to make happy, so as to keep him with us, which only makes the community stronger etc, etc.

Well I once upon a time reasoned that myself yet this pathetic, whiney, old redneck sack of shit betrayed me and I went to war with my entire mod team over him some months back arguing that he should be catered to instead of Sneir due to his greater importance and he repaid my kindness, generosity, loyalty and good will just recently by once again PMing me NOT to have a sane dialogue or polite discussion about his personal grievances and how to resolve them peacefully but instead just another shit flinging accusation fest loaded with parting insults about my character as a site leader, before he fucked off back to whatever cow shit covered hay bail he’s been sleeping under, leaving me to deal with you his fans who think he’s this good guy that he’s only pretended to be all this time, likely under the idea the less he says as in nothing from here on out the worse I look in comparison.

Well fuck you @Emba that’s not what’s going to happen you sack of shit.

You were and are a legend only in your own mind.

The forum has lost far greater posters than you over time and guess what? It survived!

It will survive again.

And you’re not even this site’s greatest and most entertaining or wise oldcel and you never were to begin with.

That distinct honor has always belonged to @outherebrothers and probably always will, with close runners up being my boy Grotesque Subhuman and the legendary Frailpalestalemale or however that legendary alcoholic oldcel’s name was spelled.

Lastly I banned Emba for two reasons:

1. I ban anyone permanently who betrays their friendship with me. The user Wellington suffered the same fate after he repeatedly thought it would be fine for him to side with my forum enemies of long ago even after I’d repeatedly unbanned him early when he’d get banned as well got him out of various permabans for his sickening behaviors before we instituted our hardcore rules against the sexualization of minors. Oh and no I never required Wellington to have to defend me to go unbanned either before anyone suggests that. Just have the common decency to STFU is all when I’m under attack by others and have done you numerous solids is all I ask but that bitch ass nigger Wellington couldn’t even manage to do that. Unbelievable!

Emba betrayed our friendship by assuming the worst of me repeatedly that Sneir and I were supposedly in cahoots in our plotting to make him look like a fool and a child rapist.

Well Emba I will say I do not believe you are a child rapist or a kiddie diddler but you are a cowardly, traducing retard if you ever come back and stumble upon this topic wondering what in the world I now think of you as a result of your noxious and unfair behavior towards me.

2. Emba initially left upon his own accord. My banning of him is simply forcing him to live with his poor decision making process. I also was inspired by the scene from the movie “A Bronx Tale” where the bikers are told to leave and refuse and then Sonny locks the door on them and says ”Now youse can’t leave” which of course puts the fear of god in them for reasons anyone whose seen the movie will well know.

The next question users will like have for me if any, is whether Emba will ever be allowed to come back?

The answer to that is the same as for Mentally Lost Cel.

In other words yes absolutely, if a sincere apology is given to me in PM at least, you all do then have a good possibility of seeing Emba here once again.

However I think his foolish pride and ego is at about the same ridiculously unhealthy heights as MLC’s, so much like Vince Mcmahon’s theme song goes: there’s “No Chance in Hell” of any of us seeing Emba back here realistically.
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Free my nigga emba ong he dindu Nuffin free him!!!
@Fat Link
From my understanding this is a case of power tripping and very personal. :feelsjuice:

Considering the way you've dealt with him, he must've had a good reason to make that assumption. Banning him wasn't enough, had to make a joke of his profile while at it. I'm intrigued to know what he said that was so disrespectful to warrant such an action, and what it was he replied to. I also noticed that you called @TheDarkEnigma "a hate filled over presumptuous, accusatory, asshole nigger" just for stating his opinion here. Not very polite now is it? He showed you no disrespect. Did you set the same tone with @Emba in PMs or what?

But this is simply my opinion on the matter, no disrespect. Most people liked @Emba and can't imagine him being an instigator.

@Emba set the entire tone of our discourse from beginning to end.

And TheDarkEnigma was disrespectful to me here as well towards staff, as he has long been throughout his time here but disrespect alone is fine and not enough to warrant any disciplinary action as it falls under opinion which believe it or not we are all allowed to have about eachother.

And while it might not seem like an actionable offense on its face, betraying a friendship by acting like an asshole and a coward as Emba clearly has, towards me, someone whose only gone out of his way to do right by him, would on his part in another setting be classified as actionable “insubordination” in the military for example or “contempt of court” in a court room setting.

Insubordination is of course the act of disobeying a lawful order which could be considered disobeying any of our site rules.

So while we do not expressly have a rule against “betraying a friendship” we do have rules against “trolling and baiting” which Emba’s conduct would actually fall under.

So think of my justifying his banning for “betraying a friendship“ just my more artful way of saying he trolled and baited me which bitch ass nigger Wellington also did long ago, as well a little treacherous faggot user named OwlGod, even though I helped him out too with things he asked for in PM pretty much immediately or as soon as I could.

Despite my help and good will these three ingrates decide to reward it with trolling and baiting.

Again I say “unbelievable“ to that.

In anycase it’s understandable many of you actually think Emba is in the right here, considering both his popularity and the fact that you have not as of yet seen his accusatory series of PM’s to me.

If interest in the subject continues I suppose I’ll have to unlazy myself and make a new topic featuring the back and forth discussions we did have as well his final cowardly message to me, before he took his ball and went home.
Your main problem is similar to @Emba’s problem.

And that is you make a ton of false assumptions about things you don’t actually know the truth about and from there you begin to run your mouth and toss around various retarded accusations instead of that which you and Emba should be doing which is asking questions but I get it. Drama and fighting is more appealing to your kind than productive dialogue which is another huge part of the reason our community can be and often is such shit ie users here would rather go to war with eachother than give eachother the benefit of the doubt, instead always preferring to see the worst in others, to see only the ugly, because that’s what they ie you and Emba are inside.

Precisely he is a hate filled over presumptuous, accusatory, asshole redneck and you are a hate filled over presumptuous, accusatory, asshole nigger.

With that said…

@Emba left of his own accord because he was upset and fearful that @Sneir was about to imminently be unbanned a week or two sooner than I otherwise stated he would be because he read @Master‘s holiday ban forgiveness topic, where Sneir and Master interacted and Master said something to the effect that he would personally have no problem with Sneir being unbanned early so long as Sneir confined his schizoposting to the Sewers.

Now I believe I waited several days before responding to that topic, so as to wait and see what if anything Emba had to say and or if he was still butthurt about Sneir referring to him humorously as a “kiddie diddler”?

After waiting and seeing no reply from Emba had been forthcoming demanding for Master to keep Sneir banned for oh so cruelly slandering him, I’d kind of ya know figured maybe Emba had finally gotten over it like a big boy and just let it go like any normal internet user would and does when they are called a bad or vile name or slander term, as everyone whose ever used the internet for any length of time knows to do, if only because they correctly realize it is simply par for the course of using an anonymous platform such as this with which to communicate.

In other words normal people or just plain old intelligent and observant people realize they’re going to be called very bad names on the internet at times even if they’ve done precisely nothing to warrant said name calling.

If a person cannot handle that and grow a thicker skin and very quickly “toughen the fuck up butter cup” then quite simply they have no business communicating in the online world and should literally pay another person to conduct any important business they may need conducted online because they themselves are not mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle being in the online realm.

Emba has proven himself to NOT be the stone cold tough oldcel SOB with a tongue n’cheek sense of humor that can give the punches as well as he can take them in a comedy sense like he always portrayed himself as being but instead in truth, he’s soft as silk.

Yet another whiney, self important, bitch.

Yes and dare I say it, a total snowflake.

He proved this beyond a shadow of all doubt by not having the courage or testicular fortitude to have an adult back and forth discussion with me in PM that could have kept Sneir unfairly banned, as autistically long as he wanted, due to my once upon a time viewing him the same way you and so many others view him now and still to this day which is to say an important and exalted oldcel that we should all bend over backwards for to accomodate and do everything in our power to make happy, so as to keep him with us, which only makes the community stronger etc, etc.

Well I once upon a time reasoned that myself yet this pathetic, whiney, old redneck sack of shit betrayed me and I went to war with my entire mod team over him some months back arguing that he should be catered to instead of Sneir due to his greater importance and he repaid my kindness, generosity, loyalty and good will just recently by once again PMing me NOT to have a sane dialogue or polite discussion about his personal grievances and how to resolve them peacefully but instead just another shit flinging accusation fest loaded with parting insults about my character as a site leader, before he fucked off back to whatever cow shit covered hay bail he’s been sleeping under, leaving me to deal with you his fans who think he’s this good guy that he’s only pretended to be all this time, likely under the idea the less he says as in nothing from here on out the worse I look in comparison.

Well fuck you @Emba that’s not what’s going to happen you sack of shit.

You were and are a legend only in your own mind.

The forum has lost far greater posters than you over time and guess what? It survived!

It will survive again.

And you’re not even this site’s greatest and most entertaining or wise oldcel and you never were to begin with.

That distinct honor has always belonged to @outherebrothers and probably always will, with close runners up being my boy Grotesque Subhuman and the legendary Frailpalestalemale or however that legendary alcoholic oldcel’s name was spelled.

Lastly I banned Emba for two reasons:

1. I ban anyone permanently who betrays their friendship with me. The user Wellington suffered the same fate after he repeatedly thought it would be fine for him to side with my forum enemies of long ago even after I’d repeatedly unbanned him early when he’d get banned as well got him out of various permabans for his sickening behaviors before we instituted our hardcore rules against the sexualization of minors. Oh and no I never required Wellington to have to defend me to go unbanned either before anyone suggests that. Just have the common decency to STFU is all when I’m under attack by others and have done you numerous solids is all I ask but that bitch ass nigger Wellington couldn’t even manage to do that. Unbelievable!

Emba betrayed our friendship by assuming the worst of me repeatedly that Sneir and I were supposedly in cahoots in our plotting to make him look like a fool and a child rapist.

Well Emba I will say I do not believe you are a child rapist or a kiddie diddler but you are a cowardly, traducing retard if you ever come back and stumble upon this topic wondering what in the world I now think of you as a result of your noxious and unfair behavior towards me.

2. Emba initially left upon his own accord. My banning of him is simply forcing him to live with his poor decision making process. I also was inspired by the scene from the movie “A Bronx Tale” where the bikers are told to leave and refuse and then Sonny locks the door on them and says ”Now youse can’t leave” which of course puts the fear of god in them for reasons anyone whose seen the movie will well know.

The next question users will like have for me if any, is whether Emba will ever be allowed to come back?

The answer to that is the same as for Mentally Lost Cel.

In other words yes absolutely, if a sincere apology is given to me in PM at least, you all do then have a good possibility of seeing Emba here once again.

However I think his foolish pride and ego is at about the same ridiculously unhealthy heights as MLC’s, so much like Vince Mcmahon’s theme song goes: there’s “No Chance in Hell” of any of us seeing Emba back here realistically.
You know, this really has nothing to do with me. And if Sneir was calling me a "kiddie fiddler", knowing he's just a schizo poster, I would just ignored it. I'm just showing sympathy for Emba because maybe he didn't know he was joking and again, accusing someone of being a "kiddie fiddler" is not something that a lot of people would take lightly, so his reaction is understandable; if it was some other kind of insult maybe he wouldn't take it that serious.

And don't make the assumption that I am accusing anyone of anything. Just like how Emba felt disrespected when Sneir made that comment about him, and now you feel disrespected and calling me an "accusatory nigger" for pointing out how you're not giving Emba a little bit of empathy and instead mocking him.
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You know, this really has nothing to do with me. And if Sneir was calling me a "kiddie fiddler", knowing he's just a schizo poster, I would just ignored it. I'm just showing sympathy for Emba because maybe he didn't know he was joking and again, accusing someone of being a "kiddie fiddler" is not something that a lot of people would take lightly, so his reaction is understandable; if it was some other kind of insult maybe he wouldn't take it that serious.

And don't make the assumption that I am accusing anyone of anything. Just like how Emba felt disrespected when Sneir made that comment about him, and now you feel disrespected and calling me an "accusatory nigger" for pointing out how you're not giving Emba a little bit of empathy and instead mocking him.
1. And yet as always you’re here making it all about you. Why don’t you go do something else instead of always breathing down my or the mod team’s back?

2. @Emba knew from the start Saint @Sneir was joking. He was just too much of a crybaby bitch with thin skin to let it go. He was STILL pissed off about it and stewing over it long after Sneir had nearly been banned for 2-3 months and you’re STILL defending the wimp?


Emba is obviously the type of person who simply doesn’t belong on the internet. The environment is too harsh for him to handle.

3. In the real world I would 100% agree about that. In the largely anonymous online realm however? Not so much. @Emba just needed to get the fuck over it, as my entire mod team basically told me. Meanwhile I stupidly defended the old fool, under the mistaken idea he was someone special deserving of special treatment but nope, burned again, he was just another rancid redneck cocksucker and yet another mistake of mine to provide such assistance to. Again my bad but oh well you live, you learn.

4. Other than the race part of things, which was mostly just a deliciously amusing comedy prop for my post, the rest of it was not an assumption. You are accusatory and needlessly quarrelsome, just like your pal @Emba.

You like a lot of other users here simply need to learn your place and learn some basic respect but especially when to STFU not to mention learn when to pick your battles but pride and ego and perhaps more than anything else IGNORANCE as to what is actually going on, that you only THINK you’re making an informed reply to, so often gets in your way and so you just have to try and have the last word and once types like you get it, your only reward for it then is bitching and crying about how much you hate incels.is or myself or another one of my mods over on black pill club or Pedo Haven (ie Based Haven).

The solution to your problem?

MYOB- mind your own business
RMPL- read more, post less
LWTSTFU- learn when to shut the fuck up
LTPYB- learn to pick your battles
Humble yourself

If you can’t manage to do that then I suggest you start sniffing the air as what you’re looking for is the sweet scent of cow shit.

Follow the smell and you should be with your crybaby hero @Emba in no time.
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In other words normal people or just plain old intelligent and observant people realize they’re going to be called very bad names on the internet at times even if they’ve done precisely nothing to warrant said name calling.
this is like internet 101
It was, it was Septemba
Winds blow, the dead leaves fall
To you, I did surrenda
Two weeks, you didn't call

Your life goes on without me
My life, a losing game
But you should, you should not doubt me
You will remember my name

Oh, Emba, you will rememba
Emba, one thing remains
Oh, Emba, so warm and tenda
You will remember my name
1. And yet as always you’re here making it all about you. Why don’t you go do something else instead of always breathing down my or the mod team’s back?

2. @Emba knew from the start Saint @Sneir was joking. He was just too much of a crybaby bitch with thin skin to let it go. He was STILL pissed off about it and stewing over it long after Sneir had nearly been banned for 2-3 months and you’re STILL defending the wimp?


Emba is obviously the type of person who simply doesn’t belong on the internet. The environment is too harsh for him to handle.

3. In the real world I would 100% agree about that. In the largely anonymous online realm however? Not so much. @Emba just needed to get the fuck over it, as my entire mod team basically told me. Meanwhile I stupidly defended the old fool, under the mistaken idea he was someone special deserving of special treatment but nope, burned again, he was just another rancid redneck cocksucker and yet another mistake of mine to provide such assistance to. Again my bad but oh well you live, you learn.

4. Other than the race part of things, which was mostly just a deliciously amusing comedy prop for my post, the rest of it was not an assumption. You are accusatory and needlessly quarrelsome, just like your pal @Emba.

You like a lot of other users here simply need to learn your place and learn some basic respect but especially when to STFU not to mention learn when to pick your battles but pride and ego and perhaps more than anything else IGNORANCE as to what is actually going on, that you only THINK you’re making an informed reply to, so often gets in your way and so you just have to try and have the last word and once types like you get it, your only reward for it then is bitching and crying about how much you hate incels.is or myself or another one of my mods over on black pill club or Pedo Haven (ie Based Haven).

The solution to your problem?

MYOB- mind your own business
RMPL- read more, post less
LWTSTFU- learn when to shut the fuck up
LTPYB- learn to pick your battles
Humble yourself

If you can’t manage to do that then I suggest you start sniffing the air as what you’re looking for is the sweet scent of cow shit.

Follow the smell and you should be with your crybaby hero @Emba in no time.
I understand that being a mod puts you under pressure from everyone else on top of having spending hours of your day having to run the site. But that doesn't mean we can't criticize you or hold you guys accountable when you're part of the drama. You all act like it's wrong to point things out and that we mean to disrespect.

And yes, I have read your posts and Emba's post about the matter.

I agree that Emba should've just ignored him and gone over it, that's why ignore list feature exists and I guess he was overreacting past that point. Though in the thread where he first called out Sneir, he made the point that he didn't come here to be abused and disrespected. And he has a point considering that many people in here have gone through bullying and mistreatment by others IRL due to their inceldom, and this is a place where they can escape all that and vent about their problems and have other people give them respect that they don't receive elsewhere.

And sure, people roast each other and that's fine. I just want to give some empathy to Emba and I see some of your posts and you still talk shit about him.
I understand that being a mod puts you under pressure from everyone else on top of having spending hours of your day having to run the site. But that doesn't mean we can't criticize you or hold you guys accountable when you're part of the drama. You all act like it's wrong to point things out and that we mean to disrespect.

And yes, I have read your posts and Emba's post about the matter.

I agree that Emba should've just ignored him and gone over it, that's why ignore list feature exists and I guess he was overreacting past that point. Though in the thread where he first called out Sneir, he made the point that he didn't come here to be abused and disrespected. And he has a point considering that many people in here have gone through bullying and mistreatment by others IRL due to their inceldom, and this is a place where they can escape all that and vent about their problems and have other people give them respect that they don't receive elsewhere.

And sure, people roast each other and that's fine. I just want to give some empathy to Emba and I see some of your posts and you still talk shit about him.
@Emba forgot that it’s a two way street here.

For example I myself and I’m sure you yourself have been through some hard times in life with people too?

Over time this repeated poor treatment produces mental illness of various kinds within us, so we more than anyone else (meaning inkwells in general not solely you and I) should know and be very careful not to trigger eachother’s pain.

Emba didn’t do that and felt he was the only one that deserved to be treated well and with kid gloves and that because he himself is mentally ill it’s ok to abuse his buddy Fat Link but I’m saying it’s not ok because we’re in the exact same fucked up life experience boat together and should act with great care towards eachother’s pain and not risk triggering eachother’s mental problems ie just because you’re fucked up doesnt give you or anyone the right Emba to pour out abuse on other people and especially not when they’re your friends etc, etc.

Anyway I digress.

@TheDarkEnigma the normies who needlessly bad mouth you/me or not appreciating us just because we’re inkwells etc, etc.

Well the disgraceful, uncalled for and demeaning way @Emba treated me a fellow inkwell in ALL of his PM interactions with me just went to show and prove that much like the cruel normies out there the only one Emba cares about at the end of the day is Emba and so you’re damn right I’m going to bad mouth the fucker because you and everyone else deserves to see this man for who he really is.

Criticism is perfectly fine and acceptable but that’s definitely not what Emba did and not always what you have done either but you’re still here with a functional account which quite obviously means nothing you have ever done here of a negative nature matches up to Emba’s heart stabbing esque treachery.

Video related:

View: https://youtu.be/U6RAouUo3ik
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I only ever had positive and very very funny interactions with Emba, so Fat Link's commentary above about matters behind the scenes is a real surprise to me.

I'm not as old as Emba, but I am probably quite a bit older than a lot of users at 41. Anyone who wants to make "oldcel" part of their identity on here, had better know how to actually behave like the adult in the room, and they had better stand up and live by that standard. Respect has to be earned.
But I can't help but notice the worthless drug-fucked schizo posts about absolutely nothing, are all over the lounge now. Which makes a bit of a mockery of the thing about confining those to the Sewers where they so clearly belong.
But I can't help but notice the worthless drug-fucked schizo posts about absolutely nothing, are all over the lounge now. Which makes a bit of a mockery of the thing about confining those to the Sewers where they so clearly belong.
Yeah, this is why I have him in my ignore list lol.
But I can't help but notice the worthless drug-fucked schizo posts about absolutely nothing, are all over the lounge now. Which makes a bit of a mockery of the thing about confining those to the Sewers where they so clearly belong.
No matter whatever drama they try to shill me but I’m pretty sure this is just an annoying case of a role playing nigger desperate for attention. Nothing of value has ever come out from his posts, I’ve seen plenty of LARPers like him such as Colvin who went unnoticed until they revealed themselves.
good job fat link, never liked that old bastard, hope he rots in his misery
well too bad, agepill took a toll on him but i really hope you gave him options and suggestions.

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