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Oldcels (30+), How do you do it?



Jun 28, 2019
I know a lot of incels have roped long before 30 or are planning too. I'm 19 and while I'm not looking forward to my life as an oldcel I know it's coming and the alternative (death) is scary as hell and something I'd like to advoid moreso than my oldcel life. Currently I'm trying to find copes good enough for my future and figure out my living situation. So Oldcels how did you do it? What copes keep you going? and what would you recommend for me?
God knows tbh.
My mood is aloof 98% of the time, with random occurrences of 1% extreme sadness or 1% extreme anger. The extreme sadness or anger only lasts for a few minutes at best.
My mood is aloof 98% of the time, with random occurrences of 1% extreme sadness or 1% extreme anger. The extreme sadness or anger only lasts for a few minutes at best.
Any good cope suggestions?
Cant speak for anyone else but I've heard this from other oldcels and this applies to me; by your mid to late 20s your mind breaks and you just give up and become numb and dissociate from the world.

But just try to find hobbies and focus all your attention on them. And make them good productive hobbies like painting or learning an instrument not playing videogames or wasteful shit like that.
Not a 30yo boomer yet, but I’m close.

I cope with escortcelling, internet LARP, readmaxing and misogynymaxing
Intellectual masturbation, constant day-dreaming, compulsive internet use, porn, vidya, work, nihilist philosophy. After a while you just learn to sort of laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Also I maintain hope of getting married in a few years as marriages can happen fast in Somali culture. I might Islam-max even though I'm a non-believer.
Do you guys have betabuxxing in your culture or are your marriages genuine?

There is certainly an element of betabuxxing involved but you can get a virginal wife. On the other hand I think the black-pill holds true even within those type of unions because if she outclasses you in looks she may come to resent getting married to you and nag constantly.
My mood is aloof 98% of the time, with random occurrences of 1% extreme sadness or 1% extreme anger. The extreme sadness or anger only lasts for a few minutes at best.
This (though I am by no means an oldcel)
Lots of copes such as masturbating, video gaming, watching anime, daydreaming, eating and listening to music. Another is acceptance, living with the fact you'll die alone, so you make the best of it.
Cant speak for anyone else but I've heard this from other oldcels and this applies to me; by your mid to late 20s your mind breaks and you just give up and become numb and dissociate from the world.

But just try to find hobbies and focus all your attention on them. And make them good productive hobbies like painting or learning an instrument not playing videogames or wasteful shit like that.
After 25 or 30, you have accepted your position in life and nothing will ever change. There is no point becoming a Beta provider and giving up a lot of resources for a single mother looking for an easy meal ticket. Sex dolls are on their way!
yeah this sounds accurate, also you lose the ability to learn new things as easily in your late 20s
I know a lot of incels have roped long before 30 or are planning too. I'm 19 and while I'm not looking forward to my life as an oldcel I know it's coming and the alternative (death) is scary as hell and something I'd like to advoid moreso than my oldcel life. Currently I'm trying to find copes good enough for my future and figure out my living situation. So Oldcels how did you do it? What copes keep you going? and what would you recommend for me?

TBH it's much much easier now at 30 than at 19. Why?
Well I'm on acceptance stage, while on 19 I was still on denial that I'm incel. Then there's rage and grief/depression, but if you work on it, you will accept it to, that it's over(or never began)
Secondly, FREEDOM AND MONEYZ. My mom was abbusive as hell(not physically but mentally). Now I earn my own moneyz, and lot of it for where I live. I'm also don't have 9-7 work, I worked like that for a week and said fuck it, that's slavery. It depends on you, some people can work in office 9-7 if not then find something you can work independent or semi-independent like codding, painting, writing etc.
Gym is good cope for some, I have small frame and it does almost nothing to me...
If you are 2/10 then it's over for you in society, but if you are ~4/10 like me, then moneyz and knowledge can give you some sort of status. It will not bring you gf(unless you want to betabuxx single mom or landwhale, I don't), but normies will treat you ok. Hell, with money and status you maybe gonna have power, so normies will HAVE to treat you ok.
I was depressed and ldaring most of my 20's. Why I finallly get to work and archieve things? Meditation. Seriously, if you ever gonna be depressed don't ever go to psychologist or psychiatrist. They are WORTHLESS. Unless maybe you have legit mental issue like schizophrenia. I really recommend EVERYBODY meditation 2x10 minutes daily. I use guided mindfull meditation. I always had problems thinking about past(my childhood) and how awesome it was, or about future and how bleak it's gonna be. Mindfull meditation steer your mind to focus on present
VRlolimaxx bro
Looking forward to my perfect waifu in VR and gonna save up some money to buy some close-to-women things like sexdolls etc.
Maybe i can pay some escort $500 bucks to fuck me while i wear a VR headset lmao
I've always had copes to distract me from ascension, now that I think about it.
Lots of copes such as masturbating, video gaming, watching anime, daydreaming, eating and listening to music. Another is acceptance, living with the fact you'll die alone, so you make the best of it.

I really hate the "dying alone is bad" meme. We all die alone. In fact, if on your death-bed you are taking a long-time to croak your loved ones will start thinking "just fucking die already jesus christ."
TBH it's much much easier now at 30 than at 19. Why?
Well I'm on acceptance stage, while on 19 I was still on denial that I'm incel. Then there's rage and grief/depression, but if you work on it, you will accept it to, that it's over(or never began)
Secondly, FREEDOM AND MONEYZ. My mom was abbusive as hell(not physically but mentally). Now I earn my own moneyz, and lot of it for where I live. I'm also don't have 9-7 work, I worked like that for a week and said fuck it, that's slavery. It depends on you, some people can work in office 9-7 if not then find something you can work independent or semi-independent like codding, painting, writing etc.
Gym is good cope for some, I have small frame and it does almost nothing to me...
If you are 2/10 then it's over for you in society, but if you are ~4/10 like me, then moneyz and knowledge can give you some sort of status. It will not bring you gf(unless you want to betabuxx single mom or landwhale, I don't), but normies will treat you ok. Hell, with money and status you maybe gonna have power, so normies will HAVE to treat you ok.
I was depressed and ldaring most of my 20's. Why I finallly get to work and archieve things? Meditation. Seriously, if you ever gonna be depressed don't ever go to psychologist or psychiatrist. They are WORTHLESS. Unless maybe you have legit mental issue like schizophrenia. I really recommend EVERYBODY meditation 2x10 minutes daily. I use guided mindfull meditation. I always had problems thinking about past(my childhood) and how awesome it was, or about future and how bleak it's gonna be. Mindfull meditation steer your mind to focus on present
Thanks I'm still struggling with coming to terms with being an incel but I think I'm 80% of the way. Of course the normie bluepilled platitudes I hear irl about how I'm alright looking or that I'll find someone from people 6 foot plus with 7+ faces really don't help.
Keep your mind busy with copes 24/7, it's when I don't do anything and rot that I start thinking about how much existence sucks.
VRlolimaxx bro
Looking forward to my perfect waifu in VR and gonna save up some money to buy some close-to-women things like sexdolls etc.
Inb4 Napolean
most oldcels say the live is getting easyer but i dunno :feelstrash: :feelswhat:
I know a lot of incels have roped long before 30 or are planning too. I'm 19 and while I'm not looking forward to my life as an oldcel I know it's coming and the alternative (death) is scary as hell and something I'd like to advoid moreso than my oldcel life. Currently I'm trying to find copes good enough for my future and figure out my living situation. So Oldcels how did you do it? What copes keep you going? and what would you recommend for me?

I have a lot of good copes. Mainly gaming and PC stuff. If you make good money you can buy the most expensive gaming setup and TV. This way it is easy to LDAR at home. I also do stock trading and hope I will be rich some day. It also helps to keep going. I am 37 btw.
No time to rope, need to fap to lolis
I know a lot of incels have roped long before 30 or are planning too. I'm 19 and while I'm not looking forward to my life as an oldcel I know it's coming and the alternative (death) is scary as hell and something I'd like to advoid moreso than my oldcel life. Currently I'm trying to find copes good enough for my future and figure out my living situation. So Oldcels how did you do it? What copes keep you going? and what would you recommend for me?
It is simple. Around 25 you have that mental burnout, so you don't care so much anymore. You accept that you are outcast and learn to embrace the suffering. Emotions become numb and your face becomes poker face. You can cope with productive hobbies if you want. For me it is writing.
most oldcels say the live is getting easyer but i dunno :feelstrash: :feelswhat:

In 2013 (when I was late 20s) I finally started freaking out over NOT having a had a relationship to the point of despair. Believe it or not but that's when it finally hit me that I was in trouble -- I had so many copes throughout the years it was hilarious and I simply ran out of them.

High school: You don't have a girlfriend because you don't have a car.

College: Don't worry, you will get a girlfriend once you have your degree.

Post college: "Oh you just need a decent job" (the Great Recession had just begun, and middle-class people were taking pizza delivery jobs. Got stuck in a low status position for years.)

Then I started panicking one day that I've been deluding myself and a had breakdown over two days.

Seriously I think the incel community does more good than harm. Imagine all the other men who suffer through these issues ALONE...thinking that they're the only ones suffering this way, not realizing many of us are facing the same thing. If anything that's more likely to make you rope than being a member of incel forums.
I know a lot of incels have roped long before 30 or are planning too. I'm 19 and while I'm not looking forward to my life as an oldcel I know it's coming and the alternative (death) is scary as hell and something I'd like to advoid moreso than my oldcel life. Currently I'm trying to find copes good enough for my future and figure out my living situation. So Oldcels how did you do it? What copes keep you going? and what would you recommend for me?

I pray to God and read Bible. The Bible is the ultimate Blackpill.
Hating women helps. Whenever I wish I wasn’t incel, I just think of the foids I know and remind myself how fucking dumb and annoying they are.

Moneymaxxing is good. Home cinema, nice house, cool car.

Naturemaxxing. Mountain biking especially.
Its hard man. 50+yo here. I've moneymaxxed, statusmaxxed, wigmaxxxed, and I still cant get my sugar-baby to hold my hand. :(

most oldcels say the live is getting easyer but i dunno :feelstrash: :feelswhat:
It does become easier, almost tolerable, if you lose hope completely, but if you gain even a little of hope, it becomes unbearable, when you think you can still make things work, have a cute gf and some female validation, things then deteriorate rapidly!

Everytime I think about surgeries and how I can become at least a chadlite if I plan and execute them well, with the right procedures/doctors, I then become more and more anxious, depressed and angrier to the point of suicidal!

So be careful about it!
bro what is intellectual masturbation

Probably the only worthwhile thing left to do when you are an IQCel living in a Low IQ 3rd world country.
It does become easier, almost tolerable, if you lose hope completely, but if you gain even a little of hope, it becomes unbearable, when you think you can still make things work, have a cute gf and some female validation, things then deteriorate rapidly!

Everytime I think about surgeries and how I can become at least a chadlite if I plan and execute them well, with the right procedures/doctors, I then become more and more anxious, depressed and angrier to the point of suicidal!

So be careful about it!
:feelstrash: :cryfeels: please just lie to me and tell me my life will gets better
They're pussies and don't have the will to do it. Its also because their survival instincts hold them back from killing themselves.

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