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Oldcels (30+) GTFIH



Worst Stretch Marks
Mar 26, 2018
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

1.) gymcelling: is it a cope at our age?

2.) plastic surgery: i had rhino done in my mid 20s and always wanted a follow-up jaw surgery and nasal tip surgery but never got it. is 31 too old to surgerymaxx at this point? the money is not an issue, but i wonder if theres even a point in doing it anymore. but i feel like if i give up hope entirely, then i might as well KMS. what is the point of living if i "give up" on my ascension journey?

3.) what is your living situation/career? do you live alone? how do you make money? I live alone and have 1 or 2 friends come by every now and then. but for the most part all i do at home is watch TV, play vidya, and sleep.

4.) have you given up all hope yet? i feel like im almost at that point, which is why im considering 1 final round of surgerymaxxing, even though im old. if i do it and im still an incel, then at least ill know i tried everything that i could have.

5.) tattoos: is 31 too old to get my first one? i would like to cover up my hip/bicep areas which have stretch marks on them. maybe it will make me seem more "edgy" also at the same time. but then again, im kinda old and not sure if stuff like that is even worth it anymore. whats your take?
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1) necessary to stay healthy, any old guy who doesn't lift and do cardio is suicidal or an idiot

2) go for it but don't expect to get women

3) parents but i can afford alone, but why waste money

4) i realized i had no chance with women like 10 years ago tbh

1) gymcel just a bit to keep chest and arms decent

2) never had surgery, but it seems legit for oldcels

3) have career so cant rot

4) still have hope
1) Lifting is cope at any age, but if you enjoy doing it, go ahead. It's not worth the minimal gain in looks, though.

2) I doubt facial surgery would significantly help you, but I'm far from an expert on this.

3) NEET, living alone. It's the life.

4) I can slay below average women, but all hope is gone basically.
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

1.) gymcelling: is it a cope at our age?

2.) plastic surgery: i had rhino done in my mid 20s and always wanted a follow-up jaw surgery and nasal tip surgery but never got it. is 31 too old to surgerymaxx at this point? the money is not an issue, but i wonder if theres even a point in doing it anymore. but i feel like if i give up hope entirely, then i might as well KMS. what is the point of living if i "give up" on my ascension journey?

3.) what is your living situation/career? do you live alone? how do you make money? I live alone and have 1 or 2 friends come by every now and then. but for the most part all i do at home is watch TV, play vidya, and sleep.

4.) have you given up all hope yet? i feel like im almost at that point, which is why im considering 1 final round of surgerymaxxing, even though im old. if i do it and im still an incel, then at least ill know i tried everything that i could have.

5.) tattoos: is 31 too old to get my first one? i would like to cover up my hip/bicep areas which have stretch marks on them. maybe it will make me seem more "edgy" also at the same time. but then again, im kinda old and not sure if stuff like that is even worth it anymore. whats your take?

1.) It depends on the reason you are doing it for. If you are doing if for yourself and to feel better, then no it's not a cope. If you are doing because you think it will help with the situation of compensating for being ugly and the hopes of getting a girl, then yes its a cope.

2.) No its not pointless. If you can afford it then do as much as you can. You have nothing to lose to try and fix yourself.

3.) It sucks. The uglier you are the less money you will make. No matter what education or skills you have. Better positions and more money will always be given to better looking people over you. I live alone and have been a long time. But I like it more than having roommates. I dont like putting up with other peoples shit when it comes to living situations.

4.) You do give up. Eventually. Once you realize its truly over. But your focus gets changed to other things. Like hobbies and interests. So you basically stop obsessing over yourself and you focus more on the things you like to do.

5.) Again if you like it then who cares what others think. No one really gives a shit what you do or dont do out in the real world. So if you like it, then do it.
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

1.) gymcelling: is it a cope at our age?


2.) plastic surgery: i had rhino done in my mid 20s and always wanted a follow-up jaw surgery and nasal tip surgery but never got it. is 31 too old to surgerymaxx at this point?

Maybe not, but you need to realize at this point you're fighting two battles...subhuman features and aging.

3.) what is your living situation/career? do you live alone? how do you make money?

I live with roommates because I can't afford not to. I do minimum wage shit.

4.) have you given up all hope yet?

Pretty much

5.) tattoos: is 31 too old to get my first one?

If there's a specific tattoo you REALLY want to get then I guess....but if you're getting it just to look cool or attract women....don't bother at 31.
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

I suppose I'll have to apologize in advance. Though a virgin at thirty-eight years old, I have very little to contribute to questions regarding issues like body-building or cosmetic surgery. Such things may be points to consider for normal men who, having had sex, may aspire to have more sex or sex with more attractive women. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to such things and I would never discourage men in their pursuit of becoming better men.

Thing of it is, if you've reached my age and have never had sex, been kissed or flirted with a woman who wanted to be flirted with, trying to capture these experiences by submitting to an exercise regimen or the surgeon's knife is a fool's errand. The vast majority of flabby men with a bit of extra weight that they could have shed lifting weights lose their virginity long before they ever contemplate stepping foot in a gym. Men who fall short of Adonis' beauty still experience that first kiss without having their faces up and stitched into something vaguely resembling the visage of an actual human being. You needn't be some shining god for a woman to love you, you merely have to be a human being rather than a monster.

If you belong to the tribe of the latter rather than that of the former, you were meant to die unloved, unwanted and untouched. You can try to defy the Fates all you like, I suppose, but even gods fail when their attempt to do so. We won't even speak of the men who aspire to do the same, let alone the monsters who are foolish enough to believe they can drag whatever dreams they entertain down into the Land of the Dead into that of the Living. Not even God is capable of the impossible; it would be silly for His children to believe they can do otherwise. For His abortions, it would be the most grotesque kind of madness.

Insofar as tattoos are concerned, well, I have four. One on my chest, one on my abdomen, and one on each shoulder. I've nothing much to say regarding any of them, save for the third, a veve dedicated to the Haitian goddess Ezulie Freda that I had tattooed on my right shoulder when I was in my early twenties. Foolishly enough, I thought I could win the favor of the goddess of love if I marked myself with her symbol. In retrospect, I probably did nothing more do than arouse her ire by thinking an abomination had any right to mark himself with anything even remotely related to beauty. Neither gods nor goddesses react to that kind of blasphemy in a favorable fashion.

Yet, as a tiny postscript, I got that tattoo while another man had a tattoo nailed into his skin with ink and steel in the exact same spot. He was strong, handsome, had doubtlessly had numerous lovers and would go on to have many more while I had none and never will. He was well-muscled and healthy, I was and still remain rail-thin and sick.

While we had our tattoos done, I noticed that he grimaced the entire time. Tears were welling up in his eyes, he need to take several breaks because the pain was simply too much to endure uninterrupted. I spent my time in the chair and under the needle unflinching, and the tattoo artists joked about this man who had doubtlessly spent hours upon hours in the gym fighting tears while some spindly thing like myself matching him needle-strike for needle-strike without so much as a murmur.

Not much solace considering he likely went home and didn't have to sleep alone. A weak man is the envy of even the strongest monster and there isn't a single bramble, resilient though it may be, that wouldn't change its place with a wilting flower.

There's only one more small, strange detail regarding my tattoo dedicated to the goddess of love. Of all of the tattoos I received, it was the only one that bled.
I suppose I'll have to apologize in advance. Though a virgin at thirty-eight years old, I have very little to contribute to questions regarding issues like body-building or cosmetic surgery. Such things may be points to consider for normal men who, having had sex, may aspire to have more sex or sex with more attractive women. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to such things and I would never discourage men in their pursuit of becoming better men.

Thing of it is, if you've reached my age and have never had sex, been kissed or flirted with a woman who wanted to be flirted with, trying to capture these experiences by submitting to an exercise regimen or the surgeon's knife is a fool's errand. The vast majority of flabby men with a bit of extra weight that they could have shed lifting weights lose their virginity long before they ever contemplate stepping foot in a gym. Men who fall short of Adonis' beauty still experience that first kiss without having their faces up and stitched into something vaguely resembling the visage of an actual human being. You needn't be some shining god for a woman to love you, you merely have to be a human being rather than a monster.

If you belong to the tribe of the latter rather than that of the former, you were meant to die unloved, unwanted and untouched. You can try to defy the Fates all you like, I suppose, but even gods fail when their attempt to do so. We won't even speak of the men who aspire to do the same, let alone the monsters who are foolish enough to believe they can drag whatever dreams they entertain down into the Land of the Dead into that of the Living. Not even God is capable of the impossible; it would be silly for His children to believe they can do otherwise. For His abortions, it would be the most grotesque kind of madness.

Insofar as tattoos are concerned, well, I have four. One on my chest, one on my abdomen, and one on each shoulder. I've nothing much to say regarding any of them, save for the third, a veve dedicated to the Haitian goddess Ezulie Freda that I had tattooed on my right shoulder when I was in my early twenties. Foolishly enough, I thought I could win the favor of the goddess of love if I marked myself with her symbol. In retrospect, I probably did nothing more do than arouse her ire by thinking an abomination had any right to mark himself with anything even remotely related to beauty. Neither gods nor goddesses react to that kind of blasphemy in a favorable fashion.

Yet, as a tiny postscript, I got that tattoo while another man had a tattoo nailed into his skin with ink and steel in the exact same spot. He was strong, handsome, had doubtlessly had numerous lovers and would go on to have many more while I had none and never will. He was well-muscled and healthy, I was and still remain rail-thin and sick.

While we had our tattoos done, I noticed that he grimaced the entire time. Tears were welling up in his eyes, he need to take several breaks because the pain was simply too much to endure uninterrupted. I spent my time in the chair and under the needle unflinching, and the tattoo artists joked about this man who had doubtlessly spent hours upon hours in the gym fighting tears while some spindly thing like myself matching him needle-strike for needle-strike without so much as a murmur.

Not much solace considering he likely went home and didn't have to sleep alone. A weak man is the envy of even the strongest monster and there isn't a single bramble, resilient though it may be, that wouldn't change its place with a wilting flower.

There's only one more small, strange detail regarding my tattoo dedicated to the goddess of love. Of all of the tattoos I received, it was the only one that bled.

were you wearing a fedora when you wrote this
1. Yes, but I'm bitter af because I'm a fatcel who has destroyed and unfixable body.

2. Better off focusing on preservative treatments to maintain youth, of which there are loads and there low risk and cheaper.

3. Live in my parents' attic.

4. Yes. My only hope is doing my own porn, which is a creative way of escortceling.

5. Never had any interest in tattoos. Can be hot on girls, usually just chavy and gay on guys. Take care of your stretch marks instead. Derma-needling bro.
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

1.) gymcelling: is it a cope at our age?

2.) plastic surgery: i had rhino done in my mid 20s and always wanted a follow-up jaw surgery and nasal tip surgery but never got it. is 31 too old to surgerymaxx at this point? the money is not an issue, but i wonder if theres even a point in doing it anymore. but i feel like if i give up hope entirely, then i might as well KMS. what is the point of living if i "give up" on my ascension journey?

3.) what is your living situation/career? do you live alone? how do you make money? I live alone and have 1 or 2 friends come by every now and then. but for the most part all i do at home is watch TV, play vidya, and sleep.

4.) have you given up all hope yet? i feel like im almost at that point, which is why im considering 1 final round of surgerymaxxing, even though im old. if i do it and im still an incel, then at least ill know i tried everything that i could have.

5.) tattoos: is 31 too old to get my first one? i would like to cover up my hip/bicep areas which have stretch marks on them. maybe it will make me seem more "edgy" also at the same time. but then again, im kinda old and not sure if stuff like that is even worth it anymore. whats your take?
1.) Yes but if you neglect your body you will just suffer more.
2.) You can get surgery whenever really but are you sure its going to make you look that much better?
3.) Live alone but will soon be forced to move back to parents. I do pretty much the same as you.
4.) I have given up in a lot of ways. Keep trying I guess.
5.) No its not too old to get a tattoo. A tattoo to cover up stretch marks are you sure about that? The fact you have to try this hard means you just don't have good enough looks.
If you're still incel at age 31...gymcelling isn't going to save you.

I don't think he meant as in using it to get girls. It's all about face anyway so it would never help anyone in that regard.
1. Wouldn't know. Fucking hate gym shit.

2. Get it before you're 30. Get it as early as you can. Plastic surgeon father over here, expert dad always says shit like "younger is easier to work on, heals better, heals more clean." Also getting it young means when you age you will "age into it" and it will look MORE natural with time. The older you are when you get it, the faker it looks.

3. Live alone / inherited a house and family money / work remotely almost never have to leave home for the job, like once a year max / what fucking friends? / I read, I drink, I watch anime, I program, I fap, I sleep repeat to infinity

4. Hate everything, still get occasional hope because I'm a masochist self-hating jackass and my brain gets fucking dumb when I drink

5. Tattoos are ugly as shit on 99.9% of the people who get them. So you want to tramp stamp yourself? That's great. Fucking go for it.
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

1.) gymcelling: is it a cope at our age?

2.) plastic surgery: i had rhino done in my mid 20s and always wanted a follow-up jaw surgery and nasal tip surgery but never got it. is 31 too old to surgerymaxx at this point? the money is not an issue, but i wonder if theres even a point in doing it anymore. but i feel like if i give up hope entirely, then i might as well KMS. what is the point of living if i "give up" on my ascension journey?

3.) what is your living situation/career? do you live alone? how do you make money? I live alone and have 1 or 2 friends come by every now and then. but for the most part all i do at home is watch TV, play vidya, and sleep.

4.) have you given up all hope yet? i feel like im almost at that point, which is why im considering 1 final round of surgerymaxxing, even though im old. if i do it and im still an incel, then at least ill know i tried everything that i could have.

5.) tattoos: is 31 too old to get my first one? i would like to cover up my hip/bicep areas which have stretch marks on them. maybe it will make me seem more "edgy" also at the same time. but then again, im kinda old and not sure if stuff like that is even worth it anymore. whats your take?

1. I've been gymceling for 13 years and it didn't save me from inceldom. As for health benefits and all that, it's enough to just not be fat. Big muscles in and of themselves aren't especially healthy or useful which is why it's so hard to grow them and our bodies want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

2. No experience with plastic surgery. Seeing how I've been an incel for such a long time (I'm 36), I doubt a slightly prettier face will help me at this point.

3. I've been living on my own since I was 18. I'm a programmer and I now have passive income so money is no problem for me any more. I don't have friends or family but I have several projects that I love working on so I'm not LDARing.

4. I probably haven't given up all hope but I wish I could. Hope is the worst.

5. Why do you want to get tats? Are you hoping they'll attract women for you? If it were that easy, everybody would be covered from head to toe with tats. Get them if you want them, but no one is incel because they don't have tats. Same thing with muscles, no one is incel because they don't have muscles. Same thing with being rich or whatever. If you're incel in your 30s, there's probably a very good reason for it.

you are too smart and too good a writer to be a decaying incel. go write a book or something and run j.k. rowling game.

Take care of your stretch marks instead. Derma-needling bro.

derma rolling doesnt do shit though. in witchkings brilliant reply, he talked about tattoos and how some beta-fag cried during his tattoo, while he took the pain like a champ. ive always found tattooing similar to derma-needling in the obvious sense that your skin is being penetrated by a needle. similar to witchking, i take that pain like a champ and stab the shit out of myself with an electric derma-needling device every few weeks. my skin is bruised for days afterwards. but in all the years ive done it, ive seen marginal at best improvements. laser surgery doesnt do shit either and theres no way im ever going back to a normie doctor just to waste my money on some bogus laser treatment. stretch marks are permanent but if you have suggestions then im all ears. i hate living with them, so im always coping with new treatments. my new coping treatment is a gua sha tool, lol. if it doesnt work, im gonna just tattoo over all of them.

2.) You can get surgery whenever really but are you sure its going to make you look that much better?
5.) No its not too old to get a tattoo. A tattoo to cover up stretch marks are you sure about that? The fact you have to try this hard means you just don't have good enough looks.

i believe that adding a jaw implant to my right side will give my face much more balance and harmony and make it symmetrical. this could possibly boost me 2-3 points. as for covering stretch marks with tattoo, this would boost my self esteem like crazy and i wouldnt be ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach or in public.
I suppose I'll have to apologize in advance. Though a virgin at thirty-eight years old, I have very little to contribute to questions regarding issues like body-building or cosmetic surgery. Such things may be points to consider for normal men who, having had sex, may aspire to have more sex or sex with more attractive women. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to such things and I would never discourage men in their pursuit of becoming better men.

Thing of it is, if you've reached my age and have never had sex, been kissed or flirted with a woman who wanted to be flirted with, trying to capture these experiences by submitting to an exercise regimen or the surgeon's knife is a fool's errand. The vast majority of flabby men with a bit of extra weight that they could have shed lifting weights lose their virginity long before they ever contemplate stepping foot in a gym. Men who fall short of Adonis' beauty still experience that first kiss without having their faces up and stitched into something vaguely resembling the visage of an actual human being. You needn't be some shining god for a woman to love you, you merely have to be a human being rather than a monster.

If you belong to the tribe of the latter rather than that of the former, you were meant to die unloved, unwanted and untouched. You can try to defy the Fates all you like, I suppose, but even gods fail when their attempt to do so. We won't even speak of the men who aspire to do the same, let alone the monsters who are foolish enough to believe they can drag whatever dreams they entertain down into the Land of the Dead into that of the Living. Not even God is capable of the impossible; it would be silly for His children to believe they can do otherwise. For His abortions, it would be the most grotesque kind of madness.

Insofar as tattoos are concerned, well, I have four. One on my chest, one on my abdomen, and one on each shoulder. I've nothing much to say regarding any of them, save for the third, a veve dedicated to the Haitian goddess Ezulie Freda that I had tattooed on my right shoulder when I was in my early twenties. Foolishly enough, I thought I could win the favor of the goddess of love if I marked myself with her symbol. In retrospect, I probably did nothing more do than arouse her ire by thinking an abomination had any right to mark himself with anything even remotely related to beauty. Neither gods nor goddesses react to that kind of blasphemy in a favorable fashion.

Yet, as a tiny postscript, I got that tattoo while another man had a tattoo nailed into his skin with ink and steel in the exact same spot. He was strong, handsome, had doubtlessly had numerous lovers and would go on to have many more while I had none and never will. He was well-muscled and healthy, I was and still remain rail-thin and sick.

While we had our tattoos done, I noticed that he grimaced the entire time. Tears were welling up in his eyes, he need to take several breaks because the pain was simply too much to endure uninterrupted. I spent my time in the chair and under the needle unflinching, and the tattoo artists joked about this man who had doubtlessly spent hours upon hours in the gym fighting tears while some spindly thing like myself matching him needle-strike for needle-strike without so much as a murmur.

Not much solace considering he likely went home and didn't have to sleep alone. A weak man is the envy of even the strongest monster and there isn't a single bramble, resilient though it may be, that wouldn't change its place with a wilting flower.

There's only one more small, strange detail regarding my tattoo dedicated to the goddess of love. Of all of the tattoos I received, it was the only one that bled.

I read the whole thing, I both enjoyed and cringed reading this.
5. Why do you want to get tats? Are you hoping they'll attract women for you? If it were that easy, everybody would be covered from head to toe with tats. Get them if you want them, but no one is incel because they don't have tats. Same thing with muscles, no one is incel because they don't have muscles. Same thing with being rich or whatever. If you're incel in your 30s, there's probably a very good reason for it.

actually i mostly just want to try and cover up my ugly ass stretch marks. if i had normal skin, id probably never get a tattoo. im not against them , just neutral towards them
Hey man i suppose go for the surgery and stuff you said you can afford it and hopefully it makes you feel better.
you are too smart and too good a writer to be a decaying incel. go write a book or something and run j.k. rowling game.

derma rolling doesnt do shit though. in witchkings brilliant reply, he talked about tattoos and how some beta-fag cried during his tattoo, while he took the pain like a champ. ive always found tattooing similar to derma-needling in the obvious sense that your skin is being penetrated by a needle. similar to witchking, i take that pain like a champ and stab the shit out of myself with an electric derma-needling device every few weeks. my skin is bruised for days afterwards. but in all the years ive done it, ive seen marginal at best improvements. laser surgery doesnt do shit either and theres no way im ever going back to a normie doctor just to waste my money on some bogus laser treatment. stretch marks are permanent but if you have suggestions then im all ears. i hate living with them, so im always coping with new treatments. my new coping treatment is a gua sha tool, lol. if it doesnt work, im gonna just tattoo over all of them.

i believe that adding a jaw implant to my right side will give my face much more balance and harmony and make it symmetrical. this could possibly boost me 2-3 points. as for covering stretch marks with tattoo, this would boost my self esteem like crazy and i wouldnt be ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach or in public.

going from low tier jaw to normal jaw will not give anyone 2-3 points

i dont think anything will boost someone by 2-3 points, ever
you are too smart and too good a writer to be a decaying incel. go write a book or something and run j.k. rowling game.

derma rolling doesnt do shit though. in witchkings brilliant reply, he talked about tattoos and how some beta-fag cried during his tattoo, while he took the pain like a champ. ive always found tattooing similar to derma-needling in the obvious sense that your skin is being penetrated by a needle. similar to witchking, i take that pain like a champ and stab the shit out of myself with an electric derma-needling device every few weeks. my skin is bruised for days afterwards. but in all the years ive done it, ive seen marginal at best improvements. laser surgery doesnt do shit either and theres no way im ever going back to a normie doctor just to waste my money on some bogus laser treatment. stretch marks are permanent but if you have suggestions then im all ears. i hate living with them, so im always coping with new treatments. my new coping treatment is a gua sha tool, lol. if it doesnt work, im gonna just tattoo over all of them.

How long did you try it for and where did you get your equipment? owndoc.com is the most informed site for needling. Check the before/after photos. Diet is also key. The closer to a pure plants diet, the better. The body can't repair shit if it doesn't have the tools.
How long did you try it for and where did you get your equipment? owndoc.com is the most informed site for needling. Check the before/after photos. Diet is also key. The closer to a pure plants diet, the better. The body can't repair shit if it doesn't have the tools.

ive been rolling/needling for years. i used to use a handheld roller which is shaped like a gillette razor blade but the tip has a rolling pin with needles on it. but since then ive upgraded to an electric one called the derminator, kek. i bought it from owndoc the shit hurts so much that if the mexican cartel or ISIS was to torture me i would probably laugh in their faces.

i also drink collagen supplements to help with the healing. years have gone by and the only thing i can say is the color of them has faded significantly, though that might not even be from the needling. it could just be my body naturally healing the scars over time. as for the texture of them, ive seen 0% improvement.
ive been rolling/needling for years. i used to use a handheld roller which is shaped like a gillette razor blade but the tip has a rolling pin with needles on it. but since then ive upgraded to an electric one called the derminator, kek. i bought it from owndoc the shit hurts so much that if the mexican cartel or ISIS was to torture me i would probably laugh in their faces.

i also drink collagen supplements to help with the healing. years have gone by and the only thing i can say is the color of them has faded significantly, though that might not even be from the needling. it could just be my body naturally healing the scars over time. as for the texture of them, ive seen 0% improvement.

You need to single needle for stretch marks. Is that what you did? Yeah I know about the derminator kek. I tried needling for a bit, but my body is beyond repair. It seemed to really fucking hurt on the face and neck, but was okay on the body. Although having to deal with the sunburn-like after effects, if they're constant and you're doing your whole body, I can imagine being a mild form of torture long-term. I single-needled some of my stretch marks and it didn't really hurt, even though it drew blood. Hurt less than rolling/stamping. Do you apply vitamin A etc to the area? And get sun on the area regularly as well.
You need to single needle for stretch marks. Is that what you did? Yeah I know about the derminator kek. I tried needling for a bit, but my body is beyond repair. It seemed to really fucking hurt on the face and neck, but was okay on the body. Although having to deal with the sunburn-like after effects, if they're constant and you're doing your whole body, I can imagine being a mild form of torture long-term. I single-needled some of my stretch marks and it didn't really hurt, even though it drew blood. Hurt less than rolling/stamping. Do you apply vitamin A etc to the area? And get sun on the area regularly as well.

how long have u needled for? id say its mostly a useless cope. take it from someone whos been doing it for years - its not worth the pain and agony for the minimal "improvement" you get.

i switch back and forth between the 9 needle cartridge and the single one, and yes i agree, the single works better. the trick is to go deep (2.5 milimeters) to make sure you are penetrating to the dermis. i never tried vitamin A in particular, but ive tried shitloads of creams and lotions. vitamin E, copper peptides, shea butter, bio oil, lol u name it. NOTHING gets rid of them. if you are a true stretchcel like me then u might as well rope because its ovER
Do not tattoo over your stretch marks, all I can say.

Good luck with the other stuff, fellow oldcel.
I will be able to relate to this thread in a decade
I acquired wizard status and was able to lose it. All I can say due to ban likelihood.

So technically speaking, yes there is still hope for not rotting alone the rest of your life. But depending on your genetics, things are about to get a hell of a lot worse. Looks are going to disappear (my skin is turning into sandpaper), your hair will vanish into high norwood (mine hasn't otherwise it would be utterly over for me, I genuinely pray and thank god for not taking my hair, yet). You can't get away with not having a car / job / place to live like you could when you were 20, women expect you to have shit together by this age.

Also people are cels for different reasons, but if you are incel throughout your 20's you have to ask yourself if things are really going to magically change in your 30's, what is going to make things easier/better? I am high functioning autistic why is why I reached wizard status. You can learn basic social skills, you can't learn to not be 2/10
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It's never too late for plastic surgery.
a question for my fellow old cels. im 31 and i would like to hear some opinions on a few things.

1.) gymcelling: is it a cope at our age?

2.) plastic surgery: i had rhino done in my mid 20s and always wanted a follow-up jaw surgery and nasal tip surgery but never got it. is 31 too old to surgerymaxx at this point? the money is not an issue, but i wonder if theres even a point in doing it anymore. but i feel like if i give up hope entirely, then i might as well KMS. what is the point of living if i "give up" on my ascension journey?

3.) what is your living situation/career? do you live alone? how do you make money? I live alone and have 1 or 2 friends come by every now and then. but for the most part all i do at home is watch TV, play vidya, and sleep.

4.) have you given up all hope yet? i feel like im almost at that point, which is why im considering 1 final round of surgerymaxxing, even though im old. if i do it and im still an incel, then at least ill know i tried everything that i could have.

5.) tattoos: is 31 too old to get my first one? i would like to cover up my hip/bicep areas which have stretch marks on them. maybe it will make me seem more "edgy" also at the same time. but then again, im kinda old and not sure if stuff like that is even worth it anymore. whats your take?

1. It can be an effective cope, but it can also pay dividends if you do it properly. I gymcelled heavily in my 20's, but now I only go like twice a week just for my general health and to maintain some of what I worked so hard at before.

2. I agree - my surgery ascension is my goal in life. I don't have a dream job or a dream house or any other of those normie aspirations, but getting surgery and ascending is a major contributor to what fuels me and motivates me throughout the days. I will say that most of my surgeries/procedures are aimed towards reversing aging and not fixing innate structural issues, so there is that caveat. The only exception is that I might eventually consider a rhinoplasty somewhere in the future and perhaps some kind of jaw/chin/implants, even though I am first going to try fillers. All of my facial structures are pretty average or above average and not completely subhuman, so I will focus on those last while first focusing on my subhuman norwooding and skin complexion/laxity in my submental and midface regions.

3. Same. I have a very good career and I live alone and have one or two friends.

4. Not yet, see point 2. Also, part of the reason for point 2 is to feel less "guilty" or less likely to get scammed/cucked when I eventualy go to asia or central america and find a girl there.

5. I have put on fake tattos during vacation and liked them. I may consider getting a permanent one in the future.
how long have u needled for? id say its mostly a useless cope. take it from someone whos been doing it for years - its not worth the pain and agony for the minimal "improvement" you get.

i switch back and forth between the 9 needle cartridge and the single one, and yes i agree, the single works better. the trick is to go deep (2.5 milimeters) to make sure you are penetrating to the dermis. i never tried vitamin A in particular, but ive tried shitloads of creams and lotions. vitamin E, copper peptides, shea butter, bio oil, lol u name it. NOTHING gets rid of them. if you are a true stretchcel like me then u might as well rope because its ovER

I just tried it for a bit. My body is beyond repair though so it was just depressing. Rather not have to look at it. Have gained 70-100lbs twice over in the most unhealthiest ways possible. So not only horrific stretch marks, but cellulite, loose skin, visible/spider veins etc etc. Some of these treatments must work man. Rich celebrities don't age like Gods naturally, do they?

Vitamin A is key man. It's the most important nutrient for skin. Why it's used for treating acne. You need to apply it to the areas at least twice per week. It makes it peel over. Most creams and lotions are full of crap. Bio oil is a scam. Shea butter is probably good in its purest form, but these creams/lotions usually come processed with a thousand toxic chemicals added. In which case they're shit and avoid. If you put anything on your skin, use oils like olive and coconut in their rawest form. Or straight up vitamins.

I just discovered I have chicken pox kek. So I'll likely have a whole new bunch of scars in a week or two. It's over.
You need to single needle for stretch marks. Is that what you did? Yeah I know about the derminator kek. I tried needling for a bit, but my body is beyond repair. It seemed to really fucking hurt on the face and neck, but was okay on the body. Although having to deal with the sunburn-like after effects, if they're constant and you're doing your whole body, I can imagine being a mild form of torture long-term. I single-needled some of my stretch marks and it didn't really hurt, even though it drew blood. Hurt less than rolling/stamping. Do you apply vitamin A etc to the area? And get sun on the area regularly as well.
What do you mean your body is beyond repair were you like 300+ lbs and have excess skin??

I am in the same boat but I am getting the surgery one day, chest lift and tummy tuck. The before and after pics are remarkable
1. Scribbity Dibbity buy a weight bench

2. Only if you plan on going femboy, then plastic surgery YES!!!


4. Giving up is the first step. You'll be up and down a million times. It's the natural way of things for everyone, incel or not.

5. Get a tattoo if you want, not to impress people. If you think too much about it, you probably shouldn't get any. I've literally walked into a tattoo parlor, opened a book, and said "there, that one."

What do you mean your body is beyond repair were you like 300+ lbs and have excess skin??

I am in the same boat but I am getting the surgery one day, chest lift and tummy tuck. The before and after pics are remarkable

I described what I did. I have horrific cellulite all around my arse, thighs and waist. Guys never even get cellulite. It's seriously disgusting. My skin has turned to an alien substance. I'm a porn addict who faps 10 hours/day. It likely fucked with my hormones or something.

Yeah, I've looked at such surgeries. The quality is hit and miss and you end up with huge scars. And they're expensive. I got weight to lose, and you're supposed to wait a year after weight loss before doing them. Plus with my health issues they'd be risky af. Over boyo.
The people talking about age, I wouldn't necessarily listen much to as a lot of it really just depends on you and your genetics. I've seen many 40 year olds that still more or less look 25 (and many 25 year olds that look 40). I mean like Alexi Laiho (if you know him) was a super popular pretty boy metal guitarist that was all over the place 10-15 years ago. He's at least 40 now, and I mean you can tell he's aged a bit (leading some to talk shit) but all in all really doesn't look bad at all I don't think. Still mogs 98% of guys his age and still pulls off his look anyways. I mean I hope I look as good as him at 40 anyways.

A big part of it is also dressing "young" (within reason anyways). Our reference point for 30's is as kids/teens, where it sounds so old and most in that age group we knew had boring "adult" lives, whore khakis and what not. The adults that stay younger looking tend to have a young heart and a sense of style unlike most 30+ men. I'm not saying dress like a 13 year old, but a stylish pair of pants/shoes and yes, maybe some tattoos can go a long way.
Do not tattoo over your stretch marks, all I can say.

Good luck with the other stuff, fellow oldcel.

tell me why its a bad idea my fellow seniorcel
It likely fucked with my hormones or something.

i think this theory is legit. i used to jerkmaxx when i was a teenager an abnormal amount. something like 6+ times a day. i literally think wasting all that cum sapped away the collagen from my skin/gave me a zinc deficiency or some shit. ive never been overweight beyond 5-10 pounds in my entire life, never had a gut, and always was a "normal" and acceptable size for my height, yet im still covered in stretch marks. it makes me rage when i see obese motherfuckers going for a swim or tanning and theyre skin is literally flawless. like how tf did an athletic gymcel like me end up with worse skin than them. my skin sensitivity is on wet toilet paper mode. ive been wondering my whole life what caused my shit skin genetics. nobody else in my family has them either.

by any chance, are u a UKcel?
Not an Oldcel, but loved reading your responses :heart:.
i think this theory is legit. i used to jerkmaxx when i was a teenager an abnormal amount. something like 6+ times a day. i literally think wasting all that cum sapped away the collagen from my skin/gave me a zinc deficiency or some shit. ive never been overweight beyond 5-10 pounds in my entire life, never had a gut, and always was a "normal" and acceptable size for my height, yet im still covered in stretch marks. it makes me rage when i see obese motherfuckers going for a swim or tanning and theyre skin is literally flawless. like how tf did an athletic gymcel like me end up with worse skin than them. my skin sensitivity is on wet toilet paper mode. ive been wondering my whole life what caused my shit skin genetics. nobody else in my family has them either.

by any chance, are u a UKcel?

kek. Could be legit. I was thinking more of it fucking with testosterone/estrogen levels or some shit. I also eat a ton of chocolate, which also increases your estrogen levels or something. I've basically transmuted into a woman. Diet is everything. If I could turn back time 15 years ago I'd be a hardcore raw vegan and age like a God.

Yeah man.

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