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Meme oldcels (25+) gtfih



Incel academic
Jun 19, 2018
it's ogre


  • jfl.jpg
    58 KB · Views: 105
25 is prime generally, 26 is prime but with flecks of subprime. And 27 is where the subprime slide begins.
25 is prime generally, 26 is prime but with flecks of subprime. And 27 is where the subprime slide begins.
doesn't matter, by that point access to girls who could ever make you happy is long gone. 99% have ridden the carousel or are already taken.
doesn't matter, by that point access to girls who could ever make you happy is long gone. 99% have ridden the carousel or are already taken.
Tbh the average age of girls I've known to be with are 31. My fucking highschool crush married a 40 year old guy. And yes, any girl 18 at the very most 99% have already been de-virginized.

Btw are you Mewtant from sluthate? If so congratulations you're one of the biggest copers I ever met online

Btw are you Mewtant from sluthate? If so congratulations you're one of the biggest copers I ever met online
no, I have never been active on any forums before, only on imageboards. I lurked a lot on forums though.

Why is "mewtant" such a coper?
Their V is taken, that's enough.
I got carded yesterday, BIG lifefuel
25 is prime generally, 26 is prime but with flecks of subprime. And 27 is where the subprime slide begins.
Women always prefer men older than them so you can still find hoes as you age.


  • Cope.jpg
    89 KB · Views: 79
19 is your prime because your'e in college and your health is at top peak
anyone who says 35 with a 6 figure salary is an idiot, woman don't care about that

Do things you enjoy, try not to get too down comparing where you are in life to others
Having your ID requested for demonstration of you being of legal age to drink or smoke.

You go to the bar and ask for a beer. They don't ask for ID because they know beyond a doubt that you are oldcel. You didn't get carded.

I go to a bar and order a beer and they look at me and ask for my ID. I just got carded.
Having your ID requested for demonstration of you being of legal age to drink or smoke.

You go to the bar and ask for a beer. They don't ask for ID because they know beyond a doubt that you are oldcel. You didn't get carded.

I go to a bar and order a beer and they look at me and ask for my ID. I just got carded.
25 prime? more like 16. keep coping boyo
Okay, put 16 year olds in the nfl.
19 is your prime because your'e in college and your health is at top peak
anyone who says 35 with a 6 figure salary is an idiot, woman don't care about that
Most don't, in their primal nature. But they will if they're trying to go for betabux phase.
People are overbroad in the most black pilled sense here. People are elitist, but many have low self esteem and prefer comfort over pure primal value in some cases. Not ideally, but who lives an ideal life.
Women always prefer men older than them so you can still find hoes as you age.
Which is truth, not cope. Especially women who have been hurt by their fathers. I WISH I could have taken advantage of one bitch I knew if my life wasn't in such shit shape. I could be sitting on a pretty piece of pussy right now.
She was weak, and hurt. Her father black eyed her twice in highschool. If I volunteered being a white guy 6' I could have swam in legit pussy.
Okay, put 16 year olds in the nfl.

Most don't, in their primal nature. But they will if they're trying to go for betabux phase.
People are overbroad in the most black pilled sense here. People are elitist, but many have low self esteem and prefer comfort over pure primal value in some cases. Not ideally, but who lives an ideal life.
keep coping oldie
keep coping oldie
You're coping by putting everything in the negative so you feel that failure is not personal for you lol.
Women settle for comfort if they have a low self esteem or high inhibition. But they'll still flail at the chance for a prime alpha. But those are rare, far between, and distinction is a powerful human impulse. Primes won't want women older than 30 typically.
Not even 25 and I'm talking about the stance of reality in the positive for people over 25. This is how retarded incels can be lol.
You're coping by putting everything in the negative so you feel that failure is not personal for you lol.
Women settle for comfort if they have a low self esteem or high inhibition. But they'll still flail at the chance for a prime alpha. But those are rare, far between, and distinction is a powerful human impulse. Primes won't want women older than 30 typically.
Not even 25 and I'm talking about the stance of reality in the positive for people over 25. This is how retarded incels can be lol.
jfl at being incel at over 25 or even 25. it is obvious u r old if your fucking insulting me for saying one word. Every other oldcel has lost hope and i respect them, some people didn't have a good prime at all and it was too late for them, however you are coping so hard at thinking 25 plus is gonna do shit, its out of prime not IN prime. You are like that uninstall guy in a way, oldcel disconnected from reality. Keep coping, old women are married and have LTRs. They have ridden the cock carousel and are looking for beta buxx providers. Wanna cope more, or are you gonna save embarassment you old cunt and not reply? Goddamn i am the cope destroyer. It is beta buxx or ldar for you boyo that is all there is too it.
jfl at being incel at over 25 or even 25. it is obvious u r old if your fucking insulting me for saying one word. Every other oldcel has lost hope and i respect them, some people didn't have a good prime at all and it was too late for them, however you are coping so hard at thinking 25 plus is gonna do shit, its out of prime not IN prime. You are like that uninstall guy in a way, oldcel disconnected from reality. Keep coping, old women are married and have LTRs. They have ridden the cock carousel and are looking for beta buxx providers. Wanna cope more, or are you gonna save embarassment you old cunt and not reply? Goddamn i am the cope destroyer. It is beta buxx or ldar for you boyo that is all there is too it.
rage rage. I judge people by their sense, not their passion.
Begone insecure faggot.
And I'm just deconstructing your inner baseness. Not hard to do, it's pretty self explanatory to anyone who bothers to read your shit.
As I said before, I'm not even 25. You're retarded.
I never claimed 25 is prime prime. I just said it's in the prime area. But prime in everyway? No, but virtually yes. Fashion/ Cosmetic industries even confirm it. Look it up. Though debatable if they're snake oil selling cope.
rage rage. I judge people by their sense, not their passion.
Begone insecure faggot.
And I'm just deconstructing your inner baseness. Not hard to do, it's pretty self explanatory to anyone who bothers to read your shit.
As I said before, I'm not even 25. You're retarded.
you insulted me first but im the raging one?? i think your getting alzheimer's old man ngl ngl
26 is the dipping board.
you insulted me first but im the raging one?? i think your getting alzheimer's old man ngl ngl
insults don't imply rage. You're uneducated lol. Or just generally uninsightful. You're probably the old one, trying to demean people for maybe having it good when being old, when oldness is one of your isnecurities.
Probably why you feel you can't waste time anymore being reflective on yourself. To my, and this forum's detriment of course.
Anyway, keep raging and feeding my fading grin because your tardness is getting old. Ta fag.
26 is the dipping board.

insults don't imply rage. You're uneducated lol. Or just generally uninsightful. You're probably the old one, trying to demean people for maybe having it good when being old, when oldness is one of your isnecurities.
Probably why you feel you can't waste time anymore being reflective on yourself. To my, and this forum's detriment of course.
what is this gigantic cope? you are a legit coping oldcel, nothing to it. Be like all the other oldcels: wizardmaxx and gain respect, don't cope like this jfl. Also jfl at me being old, ive posted my age numerous times here
what is this gigantic cope? you are a legit coping oldcel, nothing to it. Be like all the other oldcels: wizardmaxx and gain respect, don't cope like this jfl. Also jfl at me being old, ive posted my age numerous times here
whether u r emphasizing age because your'e young and its the only primal superiority trait you can use to levy others in their lack of value in that regard, or you are just a frauding oldcel trying to capture youth on an incel forum (lol) it's still the same, you give me the impression of a butthurt inferior fag.
whether u r emphasizing age because your'e young and its the only primal superiority trait you can use to levy others in their lack of value in that regard, or you are just a frauding oldcel trying to capture youth on an incel forum (lol) it's still the same, you give me the impression of a butthurt inferior fag.
i never tried to be ""inferior"" i simply tried to show you that your cope is fucking autistic "muh muh muh 25 is prime" JFL if you haven't gotten laid by 21 it is literally over
i never tried to be ""inferior"" i simply tried to show you that your cope is fucking autistic "muh muh muh 25 is prime" JFL if you haven't gotten laid by 21 it is literally over
then it's only just begun for me.
Anyway, 25 is prime, numerous sources. I can't change an idiot's perception anymore than I can distill a lemming's instincts from a lemming.
And, I'm not saying it's prime of all primes. that would be 21-23.
then it's only just begun for me.
Anyway, 25 is prime, numerous sources. I can't change an idiot's perception anymore than I can distill a lemming's instincts from a lemming.
And, I'm not saying it's prime of all primes. that would be 21-23.
did you hear about that all 16-18 year old professional sports team? (irony alarm)
And because I'm subverting the sublimity your stupidity is trying to aim for, then it's also funny. Get it? You're retarded. Tacit criticism.
did you hear about that all 16-18 year old professional sports team? (irony alarm)
And because I'm subverting the sublimity your stupidity is trying to aim for, then it's also funny. Get it? You're retarded. Tacit criticism.
25 isnt prime coper if u dont get laid at 21 its over
I'm 25 and already accepted it's over. Just going to gymcel in the future and "become the best version of myself". Already know I'm never going to lay a foid.
25 isnt prime coper if u dont get laid at 21 its over
So your dick shrivels up at 22? Even though my friend got out of juvy at 24, and then got laid later, after he got in there at 11 for killing someone.
Overbroading is reality. Nuances are cope.

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