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Blackpill Oldcel rollcall



Jan 22, 2018
oldcels state ur age and if u have any hope/cope left

>me - turning 29 soon. its legit over for me. parents want me to arranged marriage fob asian girl which would be a massive cope
Im older than you bro..
I want to believe there's always hope but..
I just try to give life reason through other shit mostly
I'm 27 if that counts as "oldcel"
Im older than you bro..
I want to believe there's always hope but..
I just try to give life reason through other shit mostly
im thinking about becoming a carcel as my new cope
Older than you, OP. It never began for the likes of us.
>25 reporting in, it's over for oldcels tbh.
I'm 44.
Hope? I have some hope left. Maybe it would be better to have no hope/longing for romance at all. Would keep my mind free.
Cope? Yes, i cope.
I'm 44.
Hope? I have some hope left. Maybe it would be better to have no hope/longing for romance at all. Would keep my mind free.
Cope? Yes, i cope.
are u a divorcedcel or legit truecel?
I'm 44.
Hope? I have some hope left. Maybe it would be better to have no hope/longing for romance at all. Would keep my mind free.
Cope? Yes, i cope.

At least not with the rope. You should try to stop longing for romance/sex, it can only cause you harm at this point.
I'm 30.

I almost wonder if a had a chance when i was younger. Before social media, tinder and smartphones. There is no fucking chance in hell now. I gave up a few years ago.
@Sadness u didn't show up for rolecall
I'm 19. being an oldcel is hell

jk bt srs
it's over for oldcels
At least not with the rope. You should try to stop longing for romance/sex, it can only cause you harm at this point.
True. But it's a human desire which you can't just stop. Must have to do with hormones or something.
i'm 37

wasn't even aware of "blackpill" or "incel" till I started using reddit about 2 years ago. Though it's cool to shitpost with other guys in the same predicament I find it tiring just posting about how irrational women are, after /incels was banned i took a while before reigstering to post here. i've moved past caring about what women do or think about me in life.

Only single women my age are obese with children looking for a sugardaddy to pay their kids bills, not interested, if that make me volcel then whatever, i am smart enough not to sacrifice all i've worked for to be cucked by some used up vagina.

Once you hit 30, you are on a countdown til you start to LOOK oldcel, then it really is over. Any quality woman around your age is already taken or at least is no longer capable of love.
I'm 30.

I almost wonder if a had a chance when i was younger. Before social media, tinder and smartphones. There is no fucking chance in hell now. I gave up a few years ago.
Not only did you have a chance, you'd have females liking you by default.

37 here, btw.
28, soon 29.
I am a genetic trash.
Turning 31 in a few weeks.
Probably should do it op. Even though it’s arranged, if she’s Asian chances are she’ll like you anyway and give you real validation for the white cock
early 30s here

I cope with the very few happy memories I actually have

I can't imagine turning 31 and still being an absolute trucel I would have roped I think
25 here. I've gave up on approaching, and my only actual hope is some miracle happening or something.

I'm at that awkward age of 25. I feel it's the crossroads between youth and old age. I'm not a teen anymore, but I'm not yet so old. I'm scared because I really don't want to be an oldcel.

65 grandpacel checking in
No joke?
I'm at that awkward age of 25. I feel it's the crossroads between youth and old age. I'm not a teen anymore, but I'm not yet so old. I'm scared because I really don't want to be an oldcel.

No joke?
Pre-Sexual Revolution, you would have been married with a 3 year old child. Solid job, small house and a car by the age of 25
Pre-Sexual Revolution, you would have been married with a 3 year old child. Solid job, small house and a car by the age of 25

Damn dude, you woke af today.
Pre-Sexual Revolution, you would have been married with a 3 year old child. Solid job, small house and a car by the age of 25
My dad had me at 25 as well. He had all of those things you listed. I have literally none. No job, house, wife, kids, car. Damn.
Damn dude, you woke af today.
I need to go to bed lmao

My dad had me at 25 as well. He had all of those things you listed. I have literally none. No job, house, wife, kids, car. Damn.
We are screwed man, my dad was married and expecting my older brother at my age. Twice the man that I am.
Probably should do it op. Even though it’s arranged, if she’s Asian chances are she’ll like you anyway and give you real validation for the white cock
im asian lmao. so chances are she will cheat with white chads while im busy wagecucking
oldcels state ur age and if u have any hope/cope left

>me - turning 29 soon. its legit over for me. parents want me to arranged marriage fob asian girl which would be a massive cope
27 here
Get that fob! Better than rotting alone!
I'm 44.
Hope? I have some hope left. Maybe it would be better to have no hope/longing for romance at all. Would keep my mind free.
Cope? Yes, i cope.
45 bro, not going to take too much more :(
I'm 22. But I am a truecel. So I'll report considering it's over for me anyways.
Damn, I'm almost 21. Not oldcel really.
36 here.

There's always hope but honestly it feels like I'm over it. When I was younger I used to despair but not any more. I guess that's my brain protecting me from dwelling on the fact that my life was never worth living.
Damn, I'm almost 21. Not oldcel really.

You were a still teenager like a year and a half ago.

"Derp derp I'm so old yet can't buy booze in some countries. I'm so old".

Stop the illusory inferiority! Why pretend to be more fucked than you actually are just to fit in with the "group-depression"??
I'm 44.
Hope? I have some hope left. Maybe it would be better to have no hope/longing for romance at all. Would keep my mind free.
Cope? Yes, i cope.

44, damn. It's over.
So you're a pisces? That's cool <3.
32 year old fakecel here.

Started looksmaxxing since 2~3 years, and only started getting results last 12 months. Lucked out twice with making out / kissing femoids for a prolonged period (more like a full-on makeout sesh rather than a single kiss) but I'm still virgin.

I attribute this modest success to a fuckton of surgerymaxxing + gymcelling. I intend to keep looksmaxing. Now that I'm done with most "smaller" procedures, my next target is a sliding genioplasty to adress my recessed chin.

I am very hopeful, and I will exact my revenge on femoids when I reach high-tier-normie status or maybe chadlite.

I will pump and dump these bishes into oblivion, and I'll be an unstoppable force as an "incel" living in the body of a high-tier-normie / chad-lite-lite.

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