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JFL Oldcel Gigacoper tries to deny Saint Hamudi

Keep barking cunt, One paragraph of Hiroshima&Nagasaki pill is enough to induce coma for bluepillers.
Did he call himself a chad or former chad in the video? I bet he did.
what the fuck

is this hamudi's dad or uncle or something?

is it hamudi in disguise?
He's a false prophet and should be burned to death( In the nether)
i think it's either his dad or a friend, this guy talks exactly like hamudi
He's making some good points in the pinned comment. Someone should PM him for Hamudi's photos. Very well possible, that he was chad with low bf and hair.

I always assumed Hamudi is from Germany. He speaks fat to perfect for being a refugee and why is his English accent German and not Arab?

i think it's either his dad or a friend, this guy talks exactly like hamudi
Nah, just crappy German accent.
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Pinned by Incel and Black Pill
Thanks for this Text! > - First lie that he is in his words "a subhuman Syrian", when in reality is a Turk, who grew up well and secure in Ludwigsburg, nearby Stuttgart, Germany. - Second lie that he is a refugee from Aleppo, Syria, who came to Germany in 2011 - Third lie that he is an Incel or that he started out as an Incel. In reality he started out as a Chad, even until (I guess) 2015/2016 he was literally a Gigachad(!!!), he was a very good looking guy. I have even a photo. HE WAS EVEN IN THE NEWS WORLDWIDE FOR BEING GOOD LOOKING!!! HAHAHAH, sounds hilarious as heck BUT IT'S NO JOKE! The reason for Hamudi's low inhibition was that he acts under a mask and therefore felt very secure and self-confident in the public. His name is not real, his heritage is not real, his history as an Incel isn't real as well as his story of being a poor Syrian refugee. It's all a character, he is in character. He mocks Syrians, he mocks Germans, he mocks Greeks, he mocks especially incels. He created tons of fake accounts not only to bash Ali Iscitürk BUT TO KEEP HIS INCEL NARRATIVE ALIVE!!! When he was called out to be a faker, he stated with his fake accounts "No way is he an incel" [side note: A few years ago he had a profile on "Lookism(.)net" named "Asylantenboy". Back then in 2016/17, he stated to be 5'8 (58 = Freemasonry), to be a Greek and to be in his mid-thirties, the Greek thing is also a lie. I don't know hwy he stated fake heritages, maybe he doesn't like Greeks and Syrians. Because often n Turks have a disdain towards Greeks and Syrians - because of history - and it's also the other way round, that the Greeks and Syrians have an aversion towards the Turks. Maybe this is a reason why he stated to be a subhuman Syrian or a subhuman Greek. He comes from a city (Stuttgart) where a major part of the foreigners are of greek descent. He also stated once in a comment that he doesn't feel accepted as an ethnic looking guy by the Germans. I don't know, if this is true or if he would like to have such a thing as race war. #OrdoabChao is his motto. And also, being called a "dirty foreigner" doesn't have in most cases something do with being a foreigner but the it's used as a synonym for bad behaving people. My father is a foreigner and he never had problems due to racism because he behaves well and is kind towards his environment and its people. The people wouldn't even guess that he is a foreigner. Side note: (Flavor Zizek said an interesting thing about the mask-thing and having low inhibition due to that, if you're interested, I will show seek it for you and show you) Another problem I have with Hamudi was that he preached Nihilism to his audience, as well as INCEL TV did it recently, when in reality they are members of Secret Societies and the first thing (or one of the first things) they have to swear is to believe in a higher power in order to even join their clubs. They have sworn their oath of secrecy and I do respect their oath, they should keep it. But these guys deny this to you, the profane ones, as they call Non-Masons, and therefore they stunt willingly (in MY opinion willingly!) your spiritual evolution. Freemasons are not inherently evil, there are the so called "Brothers of Light" and also the so called "Brothers of Darkness". You see them by their fruits/deeds. If I judge these people only by their fruits, I say these guys are from the "Dark Side", they teach the shallowness of women but they stop right there by stating "it's over", kill yourself. Hamudi did this also with his fake accounts, to keep this narrative alive. "Ordo ab Chao" is their motto, therefore they create chaos at first. Secret services use incels for staged false flag acts of terror, you must know this! They manipulate people in mental asylums and persuade them to do acts of terrorism. Also, these young adults who do these shootings have often parents or relatives, who are deeply associated with Secret Services or what have you. These parents are selling out their children. These acts of terrorism are often crafted by the use of numerology, Gematria. (The abrahamic religions are crafted by the numbers, they stem originally from the eastern religons and originally from Vedas, from India. But there is also a pre-vedic science, which should also be taken into consideration.) These guys from Secret Societies know that numbers affect matter, that numbers affect the physical reality. Also "Saint Hamudi" did this and crafted a lot by the numbers, I imagine even when Ali Iscitürks window of his Caféteria was destroyed. This was THE PERFECT DAY for destruction/destructive acts. To me, this seemed like Black Magic, which Hamudi used, that an act of chaos happens on this day to Ali's restaurant. Originally Hamudi wanted to do "destruction" and bring chaos on another guy called Thomas. But Hamudi's very first plan was only to "destroy" (Hamudi's own words) Ali Iscitürk. He created havoc among Ali's friends to isolate Ali from them and have an easier "fight" only against Ali, instead of quarreling with all the other guys from Alanya. He also creates many, many fake accounts among Ali's companions, or now former companions, to badmouth Ali Iscitürk and so on. In my opinion they should go to a court and let the judge decide on these issues, Hamudi acts out "self justice", which I'm not a fan of. Also, type in "Saint Hamudi" on gemtrix.org and tell me the results. Then you'll see why he chose this name. It's an hommage to the All Seeing Eye. The All Seeing Eye represents intelligence (the left) and the wisdom (the right eye) but they use this not in order to go back to the original source, you know, back to God, no. They use it in order to live a better materialistically life on earth, which is Satanism, no judging here. Satanism doesn't equal Black Magic, it's just worship of matter and denying the spirit. But "Black Magic" can be used for the satanic and only wordly way of life. The "666", which represents the solar plexus chakra, the ceasing personality, they worship their own persoanlity above everything else. They think the 666 is the ultimate. But it's not, the personality is ceasing, the ever lasting lies in abstraction and can be experienced by the practice of letting go of everything and by long and steady meditation. Saturn, the dweller of threshold must be overcome in order to reach God, the original source. Hamudi also said his birthday was September 13, find out what number of the year this day is and look up with which words correlate to this number. There are psychopathic lodges that want to invoke their Christ (which is in my opinion only a very material Christ, who serves them for a good life on earth and enslaves all the Non-"Chosen Ones") by doing as many bad deeds as possible and creating havoc etc. These lodges do as much havoc as possible that the Christ (originally called the Kalki Avatar) will incarnate as soon as possible. But it will take approximately 500.000 years and it is not a single guy but it is a huge portion of mankind, which has then tranmutated all their lower desires. The narrative of these guys like "Saint Hamudi" is not the blackpill, it is not the pill of truth, BUT it is the Incel agenda-pill, that your life is only worth, if you have sex and YOLO. Could this be satanism? In my opinion, YES! Satanism is the worship of matter and the denying of the spirit. They do exactly that. Also INCEL or INC. EL is an hommage to EL. Inc. EL, that's also another reason why the incel-movement is getting infiltrated by Masons. Their act of worship and religious ceremony is the masonic craft by numbers and symbols. Also, the greatest people in history never had or barely had sex in their lives. They transmuted all of their sexual energies (kundalini) into higher endeavors, be it art, spirituality, science, etc. You can research it for yourself, the book and the priciple of "Think and Grow Rich" should be known to the majority of people. But you can also research "Ojas" or "Ojas Power" and inform yourself about it. Another thing: According to spiritual masters (masters because they've mastered their lower nature of their vehicles, be it physical, astral, mental, etc.) sexuality was only for the purpose of creating new life, and not for fun or seen as the ultimate purpose of life. Nature gave in under protest and it was never meant to be for humanity and mankind should spiritually much higher evolved by now. But it is what is now and remember: It ain't over til it's over! ;-) Kind regards.
I was born and my life was over
-Saint Hamudi

Its pretty much over its 2020 not 1950 men have no leverage in 2020
He's making some good points in the pinned comment. Someone should PM him for Hamudi's photos. Very well possible, that he was chad with low bf and hair.

I always assumed Hamudi is from Germany. He speaks fat to perfect for being a refugee and why is his English accent German and not Arab?

Nah, just crappy German accent.
How good is the German of this Turkish oldcel? I noticed he rolled Rs which is quite rare amongst Germans these days.
How good is the German of this Turkish oldcel? I noticed he rolled Rs which is quite rare amongst Germans these days.
Pretty normal as well.
These syrian incel youtubers are killing me, I can't stop laughing

"You go to the shopping centre, a girl look you, and you buy her eyes"
he is 100% turkish, he probably wageslaved in germany and betabuxxed a turkish foid, I've seen that shit happen a lot

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