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Serious Objectify women! Watch Hentai! Not Porn!



May 12, 2020
Look we all know that modern foids hate being "objectified", a word they use without completely understanding it's meaning. This is the reason feminists hate porn. Atleast when it's made by a studio. The best way to send a response to them is consume porn. BUT, porn is made by chads, and the actors are chads and the only ones who profit from it are chads.

Hentai on the other hand is made by our fellow cels.

So the best thing for us is to stop watching porn and start watching hentai en masse. Support the creators if you can buy legally purchasing them.
Switch to virtual women.
2D is high IQ play and only logical move
porn is made by chads, and the actors are chads and the only ones who profit from it are chads.

Hentai on the other hand is made by our fellow cels.

stop watching porn and start watching hentai en masse
Hentai as it refers to illustrated japanese-style lewdity is usually considered a subset of porn, with terms like 'live porn' used to distinguish videotaped actors.

Our use of 'hentai' in English is weird too since the Japanese actually use the term super-broadly to refer to perverted stuff (including all porn, presumably) and have other terms to refer to 2D which I don't actually remember.

Animated videos (including scenes from visual novels) due to to utilize void voice actresses, but I am fine with this, since having them moan as pretend-chad fucks them seems less degenerate than actually watching chad fuck them, I guess?
Have done it a few times and it was easier as a teen to get off to. Hard to find good stuff though.
Just finished fapping to hentai
Oh you can bet, As soon as I am financially able I'm gonna buy a subscription on fakku
Hentai is the only form of anime I accept
Yeah, but if is free, then how am I gonna support the industry?

The industry doesn't need "support" it will continue on just fine, think about how few people actually pay for porn yet the porn industry isn't dead

You really think you alone is going to make or break the industry?

JFL couldn't you just spend that money on yourself, on some investment, and maybe one day you won't have to think about paying to jerk off to cartoons and you can actually fuck a woman

I swear some of you guys confuse me, the logic you guys have is "out there", it makes no sense to me at all

Oh you can bet, As soon as I am financially able I'm gonna buy a subscription on fakku

Imagine thinking about making yourself financially able so you can pay to jerk off to cartoons, as if there's nothing else in life that you could make yourself financially able for

They way you think boggles the mind
The industry doesn't need "support" it will continue on just fine, think about how few people actually pay for porn yet the porn industry isn't dead

You really think you alone is going to make or break the industry?

JFL couldn't you just spend that money on yourself, on some investment, and maybe one day you won't have to think about paying to jerk of to cartoons and you can actually fuck a woman

I swear some of you guys confuse me, the logic you guys have is "out there

Imagine thinking about making yourself financially able so you can pay to jerk off to cartoons, as if there's nothing else in life that you could make yourself financially able for

They way you think boggles the mind
I don't really woman anymore (for the most part)
I know the industry could survive without the pennies that I'll give it, but is like buying books when pirating is an option. I plan to eventually buy every single book I've ever read. Not because I feel a responsibility to do so, but because it gives me a sense of "Men, I've made it". Is something that I've always wanted to do so that I can feel proud of myself. "I actually buy books instead of using lib gen, I'm an adult now" type of feeling. Yeah, I know is dumb but it doesn't matter, I want to feel this way.
Not like I have many other things to spend my hypothetical money on anyway.
I don't really woman anymore (for the most part)

Cope, else you wouldn't be jerking off the cartoon depictions of women, why do you think you are even aroused by it, its because your brain associates those depictions with women
it gives me a sense of "Men, I've made it". Is something that I've always wanted to do so that I can feel proud of myself

High Confusion
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Cope, else you wouldn't be jerking off the cartoon depictions of women, why do you think you are even aroused by it, its because your brain associates those depictions with women

Well I said for the most part, didn't I?
You will never see me approaching or even trying to be the first to interact with a woman.
Dating is a scam as an ugly male (perhaps even non-chad males) and you should know that
Well I said for the most part, didn't I?

It shouldn't be for any part, pride is for fools period, but being proud of paying for porn is the most deluded fucking thing I've ever heard on this forum, and that's saying something, this is the most obvious example of "coping and in denial" that I've ever seen

Who the hell derives pride from something not only meaningless and mundane, but something that is actually shameful (paying to masturbate to depictions of women rather than having sex with them)

Dating is a scam as an ugly male (perhaps even non-chad males) and you should know that

Who said anything about dating
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Who said anything about dating
So you meant it as escortcelling?

I'm not really "proud" of paying for porn, is not like I'm ever gonna tell anybody irl that I do it. I was comparing to the feeling of buying books of which I would be proud of, because I don't have better way to describe it. I would be proud of being "clean", as in not pirating, not buying porn itself.
You may call it coping, but I don't really see anything bad with coping, what's so bad about it? Is literally on my username because I'm here to cope until the day I die.
You may call it coping, but I don't really see anything bad with coping, what's so bad about it?

You are exhibit A of what's bad about it and what's bad about pride, you can convince yourself into doing illogical things because of the FEELINGS you have towards it, that's whats bad about coping, you'll waste money and years of time, and then you'll wake up a 50 year old loser and realize that you can't get those years back

That is pretty bad in my book

Self delusion is always bad

Is literally on my username because I'm here to cope until the day I die.

This thread is for you, why bother wait, just end it now
then you'll wake up a 50 year old loser
That is incorrect. You seem to be under the impression that because I buy hentai every aspect of my life is bound to be shit, when that is not the case. I don't off myself because I do want to self improve, just my definition of it seems to be different from yours. Mine is learning a new language, learning to play an instrument, picking up a sport, having a decent financial situation (so that I can afford to buy things that I like, not just hentai). Getting a girlfriend or sex is not part of my definition of self improvement, in fact quite the opposite, ideally I would somehow kill all my sex drive so that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Theoretically, wanking to hentai should lower my desire for real woman, which is why I do it in the first place. There's still some desire since my sex drive is still there, but I'm not gonna cut my balls off for this. If after I achieve everything I want to achieve I still feel miserable, then I'll heed your advice and off myself.
That is incorrect. You seem to be under the impression that because I buy hentai every aspect of my life is bound to be shit

Its not because you buy hentai, its because you cope, that was my focus, that's the end result of coping, you waste your time doing things that you think will make you "feel better" or "be better", rather than things that are of an objective benefit to you

A copers mindset is drawn to things of subjective appeal, I've read a bit further and ironically what you say next just proves my point exactly

Mine is learning a new language, learning to play an instrument, picking up a sport

I want you to read and seriously try and consider what I'm saying here

Learn a new language - FOR WHAT PURPOSE? (I don't just randomly want to learn a language, there has to be a reason for something so time intensive, more on that below, I do plan on learning a certain language)

Learn to play an instrument - FOR WHAT PURPOSE? (why this, are you going to compose music?, if not who is going to hear you play your instrument?)

Picking up a sport - FOR WHAT PURPOSE? (JFL this was the funniest one, I don't even know what to say, sports are literally a social thing and I already don't like socializing, it sounds weird for incel to try and pick up a sport)

Are you getting my point, you aren't doing anything for any specific or objective reason




Its as if you actually fell for the normie meme of "work on yourself" or "find a hobby"


Take learning a language for example:

I plan on learning Filipino (language of Philippines) BUT ONLY IF INTEND ON RETIRING TO THAT SPECIFIC SEA COUNTRY TO ESCORTCEL

You see I'm not just randomly doing things because I'm hoping they'll "have meaning" or "build character", one should only invest time and resources when they have a specific purpose, anything else is a waste of time

Seriously listen to yourself, you just plan on learning a new language, learning to play an instrument and taking up a new sport FOR NO REASON AT ALL :feelskek:

How is that not a waste of time and resources, do you know how many hours you are going to burn away for your pointless skills that you may or may not use?

You have to be young, like in your 20's, I don't think you realize how little time you have on this planet yet, it hasn't sunk in

ideally I would somehow kill all my sex drive so that I don't have to worry about it anymore

Look into "chemical castration", I've thought about this before, but I decided not to, because that would be letting society win, society doesn't want men like us to have a sex drive, you'd be doing them a favor not you, its like cucking yourself
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I would, but I don't want to pay for porn. Not that I watch normal porn, anymore; I just wank, and use my imagination these days. But I can do that for free.
They hate porn but I bet no one would refuse to date someone for money. Their only real problem with porn is that it takes at least some effort from them to start maikng money. And they only want to get compensated simply for their existence.

ideally I would somehow kill all my sex drive so that I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Lol, the only pleasure I've personally got is masturbating to my waifus (I'm not even joking, nothing in my existence brings happiness at this point), and you want to willingly deny it to yourself.
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It's hilarious. They say that porn objectifies women, but if you admit watching hentai, you're suddenly a "pervert", "neckbeard", or even "pedophile".

I don't care, though. I've completely replaced porn with hentai. Sometimes animated, sometimes doujin. Memes aside, hentai has much better plot than any real porn. Makes you feel more immersed in the situation. Cope-wise, it's great and has plenty of variety.
I don't really understand what's the purpose that you preach about. You seem to imply that the only valid purpose is the one that somehow ends up getting you laid. I do have my reasons for each of the specific things that I mentioned, but the the endgame is not getting laid, intead, it is to make myself feel better and happier, which I consider a valid purpose.

I want to learn a new language, yes, but not just any language, I want to learn Japanese because I genuinely enjoy reading visual novels, I've read a couple before, but not many have official translation, and fan translations are generally not very good. By learning Japanese I will be able to enjoy things that I couldn't otherwise. Granted this is probably the one with the weakest purpose, and is also the one that I'm the most unsure of, since Japanese takes a lot of time and effort and I'm still trying to figure out whether or not it'd be worth it, or maybe another language could prove more beneficial. Or maybe I don't learn any other language and just try to perfect the two I already know. The point is, even tho I'm still not 100% sure, I do have a purpose for it.

Learning an instrument is important for me because I enjoy playing them, and also because when I'm listening to the piano I feel almost like I'm in heaven. Music is the ultimate cope for me, nothing feels better than enjoying a good piece, except maybe being the one who plays it. I consider this a valid purpose, but even if you don't, I also intend to leave my current career as a programmer to become a musician, if I manage to get good enough at it, which I'm not sure I will or even can.

Lastly, with sports I was referring to specifically either gymnastics or jujitsu. The first one is not really a social sport, since you can practice it from home and the purpose for it is yet again my enjoyment. I used to practice it as a kid and I loved it, so why no? The purpose on the second one is of course self defense reasons (which I assume, at least this one you should consider a valid purpose). Besides, practicing sports, regardless of which one, improves your health and even your intelligence (some do at least). There are plenty of reasons for practicing sports that don't get you laid and I don't understand why was this one the funniest for you.

In conclusion, I'm aware that there's a big clock on everyone head ticking non-stop, time is limited, I know, which is specially why I don't want to commit to every random thing out there, but instead to things that I know will make me happier. Those things may change in the future, since I'm still 21, but I believe is important to at least give some of them a shot, even if it ends up being a waste of time.

One question, and answer this with as yes/no, do you consider increasing one's own happiness a valid purpose or motivation to do stuff?

Lol, the only pleasure I've personally got is masturbating to my waifus (I'm not even joking, nothing in my existence brings happiness at this point), and you want to willingly deny it to yourself.
Is quite the opposite for me tbh. Masturbating only brings me misery, even if it feels good at the moment, it would feel much better if I could spend the time doing something else. And I'm not saying masturbation is bad in general, but I wish I didn't do it every fucking day. Same with this forum tbh, I wish I only came here once a week.
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Hentai is made by incels for incels
One question, and answer this with as yes/no, do you consider increasing one's own happiness a valid purpose or motivation to do stuff?

No, because happiness is too subjective, its not a valid criteria for deciding whether a decision is truly beneficial or not, right now there's a guy who is a literal cuck that is happy and we would call that guy blue pilled and stupid. Chasing an illusory concept like "happiness" is dangerous because you'll make bad decisions and see them as a positive because they "make you happy", that's how men become beta orbiters, that's how men become cucks, despite these things being illogical and objectively detrimental they'll do them because it "makes them happy"

In that sense for me "happiness" doesn't exist, its not an objective thing, anyone can claim they are happy about anything and its completely subjective so you can't tell anyone otherwise, which is exactly why you are on the path that you are on, you are seeking something subjective and I have nothing subjective to offer to convince you to take a different path

Someone claiming that they are "full" is quantifiable by the amount of food they ate

Someone saying that they are "rich" is quantifiable by the amount of money they have


I've talked about this before:
Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is about (peace and prosperity).

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Whores love being objectified, it's just Chad only.
That thread was a good read, and I agree with you on both the love aspect as well as the female validation aspect. I stopped pursuing both of those a long time ago. However, I would argue that the happiness part of is more complex than that. Yes it is true that one can convince the self to be more happy with less, I believe that the people on the first category, Personal Standards, can achieve this. People on the second one, as you pointed out on the Amish example, not so much. I'm not ignorant of what I can get, I simply don't desire that much. And don't think this is coping either, humans are greedy, but that doesn't mean that everyone but the top 1% on wealth will be unhappy.

So basically, I agree that happiness can be an inexact measurement, but at least on this particular context it doesn't change many things. What you propose as a substitute for happiness is "physically satisfied" and "stress free" , but by my own standards, happiness includes this. It also includes "freedom", as in, I can do whatever I want as long as I'm not harming others; as well as "intellectual satisfaction", as in, I want to learn as much as a person can learn in a lifetime.

So even if happiness was perhaps not the right word to describe it, the point still remains that learning a new language, learning an instrument and practicing sports (as defined on my previous comment) are still viable ways for me to achieve "physical satisfaction" and a "stress free" life. Therefore that would be the purpose of me doing all of that.

One more thing I want to point out is this
life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met
I think this last point is very important. A the end of the day, standards such as "physically satisfied", "stress free" and "intellectual satisfaction" don't really have a set point, like when do you determine that you're physically satisfied? Do you set a exact body fat %? How many books do you have to read to be "intellectually satisfied"? So clearly, the right way to do it is enjoying the process. This doesn't mean that you should only do things that are easy, but rather, to only commit to things that are satisfying to you, and all of the three things that I listed are. I feel like I went off track, I'm not really sure anymore of what were we arguing about.
Hentai, although infinitely better than porn, distracts you even more from the reality of this world and the reality of relationships in general.

There's nothing worse than hentai, you will become a lifelong incel.

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