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Blackpill [NTpill]ND Males Have An Astronomical Discrepancy in Reporting Sex Compared to NT Males.



ᛟ⌖Incel Powerϟϟ▐┛
Nov 20, 2022
Article: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5789215/

Reported prevalence rates have risen markedly in recent decades (up to 1% lifetime prevalence), with more and more adults being diagnosed with ASD.2 It is assumed that the male-to-female-ratio is between 3 and 4 to 1, and there exist particular gender differences in ASD
Already just a subtle blackpill right off the bat, since not only is Autism increasing -though many including myself often debate the reasoning why- but it is also at the very least 3x more common amongst males than females.
Although nearly half of individuals with ASD are not intellectually impaired and have normal cognitive and language skills (such as individuals with high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome), the social interaction and communication deficits and difficulties in seeing the perspective of others and intuitively understanding nonverbal social cues constitute hidden barriers to the development of romantic and sexual relationships.5,6 Sexuality-related problems can arise, especially at the start of puberty, a time when the development of ASD individuals' social skills cannot keep up with increasing social demands, and the challenges of forming romantic and sexual relationships become particularly apparent.
Another fat L for ":soy::foidSoy::bluepill:: pErSoYnaLITy" copers & NTpill deniers all in one.

The part about how individuals with ASD have increased difficulty in adapting their social skills to keep-up with the rigorous & demanding social standards in their teen years both hit home ( :feelsbadman:) and also got me thinking more- could the advent of social media & general cultural shifts have made things worse for those(ofc mainly males) with ASD?:waitwhat:

The few clinical observations32 and the small set of systematic studies indicate that women with ASD might present less pronounced social and communication deficits and have special interests that are more compatible to the interests of their peer groups.33-36 Furthermore, women with ASD seem to apply coping strategies, such as imitating the social skills of their non-ASD peers, therefore being more socially unobtrusive.
Another certified ":soy::foidSoy:: Foids have it much harder in life!" classic- a literal socially-detrimental conditions consequences are mitigated on foids.:feelsjuice:

The fact even foids with ASD are more socially adapt, mimic social cues more, and overall just have less pronounced social deficits does prove the general "just be woman" halo: However, it further reinforces the innate biological differences which exist between male & female Brian structures.
Researchers found" that liars showed a 22-26% increase in prefrontal white matter and a 36-42% reduction in prefrontal grey/white ratios. Liars showed a significant increase in prefrontal white matter and had relatively more prefrontal white than grey matter and had lower prefrontal grey/white ratios. The results implicate the prefrontal cortex as an important component in the neural circuitry underlying lying, and provide an initial neurobiological correlate of a deceitful personality. Liars had significantly higher verbal relative to performance IQ scores
A study? has found fundamental differences in brain areas where males and females manifest their intelligence. 86% of white-matter regions involved with intellectual performance in women were found in the brain's frontal lobes, compared to 0% for males.

They also by default excel at verbal articulation(wonder why?:feelsjuice:):
The most consistently reported differences relate to spatial and language abilities, and whereas men excel in mental rotation and spatial perception, women perform better in verbal memory tasks, in verbal fluency tasks, and in the speed of articulation

Something which I found interesting(and might touch upon in a thread), is the increased amounts of homosexuality amongst those with ASD:

ASD (n=96)HCs (n=96)
Sex (n, %) Male56 (58.3)57 (59.4)
Age (years, SD)39.2 (9.5)37.9 (9.7)
School education (years, SD)11.9 (1.5)12.4 (1.3)
Sexual orientation (n, %)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual75 (78.2)96 (100)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual, males45 (80.4%)57 (100%)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual, females30 (75.0%)39 (100%)
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual10 (10.4)0
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual, males6 (10.7)0
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual, females4 (10)0
Equally heteroexual and homosexual (bisexual)8 (8.3)0
Bisexual, males4 (7.1)0
Bisexual, females4 (10.0)0
No sexual orientation3 (3.1)0
No sexual orientation, males1 (1.8)0
No sexual orientation, females2 (5.0)0
This is backed up by other findings: https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/autistic-individuals-are-more-likely-to-be-lgbtq

Of the individuals with ASD, significantly more women (n=18; 46.2%) than men (n=9; 16.1%) were currently in a relationship
Yup, ofc. :feelsjuice:

Masturbation frequency<0.01
Multiple times a day9 (16.1%)0
Four to six times a week18 (32.1%)6 (10.5%)
Two to three times a week22 (39.3%)19 (33.3%)
Once a week4 (7.1%)11 (19.3%)
Two to three times a month2 (3.6%)4 (7.0%)
Once a month02 (3.5%)
Less than once a month06 (10.5%)
Never08 (14.0%)
Frequency of sexual intercourse<0.01
Multiple times a day00
Four to six times a week2 (3.6%)8 (14.0%)
Two to three times a week023 (40.4%)
Once a week4 (7.1 %)15 (26.3%)
Two to three times a month4 (7.1%)4 (7.0%)
Once a month04 (7.0%)
Less than once a month20 (35.7%)2 (3.5%)
Never25 (44.6%)0
Desire for sexual intercourse<0.05
Multiple times a day13 (23.2%)0
Four to six times a week9 (16.1%)29 (50.9%)
Two to three times a week13 (23.2%)25 (43.9%)
Once a week13 (23.2%)0
Two to three times a month02 (3.5%)
Once a month00
Less than once a month6 (10.7%)0
Never2 (3.6%)

This is quite a bit since editing these tables here is a pain in the ass, so here's a graph comparing males with ASD to the healthy control group:


Two different worlds, so much so I dread to even imagine comparing foids with ASD to males with it. :feelsrope:

There you have it, right there. Most Autistic males who do get sex are oof-doofy betabuxxers who get starfish sex, yet sadly probably think it's genuine due to the fact that we're more easily impressionable for many reasons, and probably are inkling for any kind of "attention."
I know this may have been water to a degree, yet I felt this is important to highlight due to the amount of NTpill denial we see on here at times. Of course, this also is another argument towards the classic "personality" argument which we see from the bluepilled crowd. Personally, I know my life would have been very different had I been born NT, it would have made my social development in HS much better & I won't have some of the trauma I do from back then.

I also would be very interested in seeing just how much harder it is nowadays compared to even just a few years ago due to the way social media has evolved, cultural changes, etc. Considering the increase in normie-tier Zoomer males on these spaces, I'd wager it's noticeably worse. :feelsjuice:

@based_meme @veryrare @AtrociousCitizen @GeckoBus @BlackCel_from_ZA @Blackpill Monk @ElTruecel @Regenerator @PersonalityChad @Diddy @KillNiggers @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @Castaway @slavcel11 @lifefuel @weaselbomber @Kamanbert @Flagellum_Dei @Sergeant Kelly @Sewer Sloth @OutcompetedByRoomba @AtrociousCitizen @wereq @NeverGetUp @LeFrenchCel @Stupid Clown @Caesercel @Lazyandtalentless @Moroccancel @Autistic Kanga @AutistSupremacist @sennaGTR @Solid @SupremeAutist @AtrociousCitizen @daydreamER @My Name Jeff @caineturbat2003 @To koniec @ElTruecel @Fat Link
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TLDR: it literally never began if you are male + non NT
My autism is just another thing to add to the shit pile of problems i have
shooting episode 2 GIF
Man, I love your high IQ threads. This is some nice stuff. Thanks, man! :feelsaww:
Something which I found interesting(and might touch upon in a thread), is the increased amounts of homosexuality amongst those with ASD:

ASD (n=96)HCs (n=96)
Sex (n, %) Male56 (58.3)57 (59.4)
Age (years, SD)39.2 (9.5)37.9 (9.7)
School education (years, SD)11.9 (1.5)12.4 (1.3)
Sexual orientation (n, %)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual75 (78.2)96 (100)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual, males45 (80.4%)57 (100%)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual, females30 (75.0%)39 (100%)
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual10 (10.4)0
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual, males6 (10.7)0
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual, females4 (10)0
Equally heteroexual and homosexual (bisexual)8 (8.3)0
Bisexual, males4 (7.1)0
Bisexual, females4 (10.0)0
No sexual orientation3 (3.1)0
No sexual orientation, males1 (1.8)0
No sexual orientation, females2 (5.0)0
This is backed up by other findings: https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/autistic-individuals-are-more-likely-to-be-lgbtq
Beyond brutal. But expected, honestly.

High IQ posting.
Everything has been discussed. It's over for High IQ threads enjoyerscels
TLDR: it literally never began if you are male + non NT
I wouldn't be surprised If I were diagnosed non NT. I literally am the embodiment of it, even though I haven't been diagnosed yet
How do you feel about jews and french socialists inventing "sociology"? I'd like proof that identifying "social facts" will get me pussy.

IMO social facts are what led to a scientific cucking of ugly men. Now all social issues are filtered through these "indisputable" facts.
I despise how society venerates and worships autistic women, yet autistic men are seen as subhuman scum. It's direct proof of how gynocentric and cruel this world is—you simply can't lose as a female because of your inherent advantage.
Only chad can be autistic and still fuck. A foid will ignore all the social awkwardness chad will have. Hell, that foid might as well also virtue signal to all her friends and social media how "I am taking care of this poor guy :chad: that has autism and I love him no matter what deficit and imperfection he has :foidSoy:"

However if you are a normie in terms of looks and height, but you are on the spectrum you might as well start making an account here. :feelsjuice:
Must-read worthy thread

Already just a subtle blackpill right off the bat, since not only is Autism increasing -though many including myself often debate the reasoning why- but it is also at the very least 3x more common amongst males than females.
It's a combination of people being more likely to be accessed for it now and especially in the west parents having kids at older ages which is correlated with it

One study found that the chance of having ASD for children born to parents who are in their thirties is up to 10 percent higher than parents who are 25 to 29 years old. The same researchers found that the chance of developing ASD is 50 percent higher when the parents are in their 40s or 50s.

In comparison autism barely affects foids because they live on just exist difficulty. Women are inherently valued while men are not.
New ropefuel just dropped
But bro, Chad can be autistic and still slay bro :soy: :soy: :soy:
NTpill deniers are just fools. Endless evidence backs it up and not to mention anyone with half a brain would realize that unless you’re top tier Chad, a deficit in social ability is gonna decrease your chances at romantic success
NTpill deniers are on suicide watch following this information. Social media & dating apps will increase the amount of autistic Incels in the future.
NTpill deniers are just fools. Endless evidence backs it up and not to mention anyone with half a brain would realize that unless you’re top tier Chad, a deficit in social ability is gonna decrease your chances at romantic success
Exactly. Autistic normies might as well start making accounts here.
Exactly. Autistic normies might as well start making accounts here.
And they are. Half the face reveals I’ve seen are 4-5.5/10 Normies who wouldn’t be here if they were NT
ND foids barely have to speak. They can just be the really high inhib shy ones and still be sene as totally normal. Nothing at all is hard for foids

Women don't have it easier. Unless the only metric you're judging by is 'finding someone to hook up with', and in that case you have to factor the possibility of getting raped, assaulted or murdered.
Anyone who thinks women have it easy is blind to what women go through on a regular basis, and anyone who thinks women only date tall, rich, big-penised men has never actually looked at the general public. Is your dad tall and rich?
How do women have it easier? Because trust me dude, I'm thankful that I was born a man. No discrimination, no fearing for my safety as I walk around at night alone, and I keep looking better as I age! There are definitely pros to being a woman, but it's so far from sunshine and rainbows, and it seems that you just don't have a lot of empathy
Yeah, I could find someone to have sex with seven days a week. But sex doesn't mean anything to me and those men have no interest whatsoever in who I am, they just want to see me naked.

It's why so many men are astonished when they are told having a good personality is absolutely essential. These men never consider personality when choosing a woman.

So I do have it easier in finding what men think is completely wonderful.
Bet they’ll still rub in the suicide, homelessness, death & loneliness stat on us.

Imagine lurking through IT since the sub’s inception, and seeing years of loneliness stat increases and looksmaxxing spreading throughout normie soyciety, and still coping:lul:. Total IT Death
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I think i will do an assburger test. I wouldn't be surprised if i had it at this point. I interracted with a colleague in public today like i do once in a blue moon and i feel like i'm ""socially competent"" (soyspeak tbh) but then i feel weird about the fact that i had an interaction. Probably just a byproduct of the atomized unnatural shithole that is the west. Everyone is so stuck up. I think i'm perplexed cause this guy was kinda stuck up while i genuinely enjoyed talking to him and made him laugh. When i think of it i was effusive and loud like a Chad but in the end i just feel like i overstepped my boundaries. So sick of this dumb shit everything feels so weird. Every place i go to, every person, everything lacks life and easygoingness, the only places where you find "life" now are places of subliminal allegiances to postmodern normieness like bars with shitty yuppies and petit-bourgeois assholes.
But bro, Chad can be autistic and still slay bro :soy: :soy: :soy:
Ignore all the data about how shitty life is for the average sperg. Ignore your own life experiences, bro. The NTpill isn't real because autistic Chad can still fuck. :soy:
But bro, Chad can be autistic and still slay bro :soy: :soy: :soy:
Because he has good looks, while on the other hand person which is both ugly and autistic, he life is like a living dead
Extremely brutal and suifuel. Neurodivergence has completely destroyed me
And they are. Half the face reveals I’ve seen are 4-5.5/10 Normies who wouldn’t be here if they were NT
:blackpill: :blackpill:

They were never fakecels. Their SMV is nerfed to subhuman levels due to autism.
"High functioning autism" = brain damage from getting bullied for being ugly during development

Normgroids put us together with drooling retards just so they don't have to acknowledge the effects of lookism in modern society.
Good thread! Do feel quite curious about why autists are so overrepresented among abnormal sexual orientations. Specifically, to which degree is that just a result of getting desperate after not having had any success with the opposite sex?
High IQ quality post. Does anybody know where that high IQ very long post is about NTs having some secret subconscious war against autistics?
Article: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5789215/

Already just a subtle blackpill right off the bat, since not only is Autism increasing -though many including myself often debate the reasoning why- but it is also at the very least 3x more common amongst males than females.

Another fat L for ":soy::foidSoy::bluepill:: pErSoYnaLITy" copers & NTpill deniers all in one.

The part about how individuals with ASD have increased difficulty in adapting their social skills to keep-up with the rigorous & demanding social standards in their teen years both hit home ( :feelsbadman:) and also got me thinking more- could the advent of social media & general cultural shifts have made things worse for those(ofc mainly males) with ASD?:waitwhat:

Another certified ":soy::foidSoy:: Foids have it much harder in life!" classic- a literal socially-detrimental conditions consequences are mitigated on foids.:feelsjuice:

The fact even foids with ASD are more socially adapt, mimic social cues more, and overall just have less pronounced social deficits does prove the general "just be woman" halo: However, it further reinforces the innate biological differences which exist between male & female Brian structures.

They also by default excel at verbal articulation(wonder why?:feelsjuice:):

Something which I found interesting(and might touch upon in a thread), is the increased amounts of homosexuality amongst those with ASD:

ASD (n=96)HCs (n=96)
Sex (n, %) Male56 (58.3)57 (59.4)
Age (years, SD)39.2 (9.5)37.9 (9.7)
School education (years, SD)11.9 (1.5)12.4 (1.3)
Sexual orientation (n, %)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual75 (78.2)96 (100)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual, males45 (80.4%)57 (100%)
Exclusively/predominantly heterosexual, females30 (75.0%)39 (100%)
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual10 (10.4)0
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual, males6 (10.7)0
Exclusively/predominantly homosexual, females4 (10)0
Equally heteroexual and homosexual (bisexual)8 (8.3)0
Bisexual, males4 (7.1)0
Bisexual, females4 (10.0)0
No sexual orientation3 (3.1)0
No sexual orientation, males1 (1.8)0
No sexual orientation, females2 (5.0)0
This is backed up by other findings: https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/autistic-individuals-are-more-likely-to-be-lgbtq

Yup, ofc. :feelsjuice:

Masturbation frequency<0.01
Multiple times a day9 (16.1%)0
Four to six times a week18 (32.1%)6 (10.5%)
Two to three times a week22 (39.3%)19 (33.3%)
Once a week4 (7.1%)11 (19.3%)
Two to three times a month2 (3.6%)4 (7.0%)
Once a month02 (3.5%)
Less than once a month06 (10.5%)
Never08 (14.0%)
Frequency of sexual intercourse<0.01
Multiple times a day00
Four to six times a week2 (3.6%)8 (14.0%)
Two to three times a week023 (40.4%)
Once a week4 (7.1 %)15 (26.3%)
Two to three times a month4 (7.1%)4 (7.0%)
Once a month04 (7.0%)
Less than once a month20 (35.7%)2 (3.5%)
Never25 (44.6%)0
Desire for sexual intercourse<0.05
Multiple times a day13 (23.2%)0
Four to six times a week9 (16.1%)29 (50.9%)
Two to three times a week13 (23.2%)25 (43.9%)
Once a week13 (23.2%)0
Two to three times a month02 (3.5%)
Once a month00
Less than once a month6 (10.7%)0
Never2 (3.6%)

This is quite a bit since editing these tables here is a pain in the ass, so here's a graph comparing males with ASD to the healthy control group:

View attachment 1387430

Two different worlds, so much so I dread to even imagine comparing foids with ASD to males with it. :feelsrope:

There you have it, right there. Most Autistic males who do get sex are oof-doofy betabuxxers who get starfish sex, yet sadly probably think it's genuine due to the fact that we're more easily impressionable for many reasons, and probably are inkling for any kind of "attention."
I know this may have been water to a degree, yet I felt this is important to highlight due to the amount of NTpill denial we see on here at times. Of course, this also is another argument towards the classic "personality" argument which we see from the bluepilled crowd. Personally, I know my life would have been very different had I been born NT, it would have made my social development in HS much better & I won't have some of the trauma I do from back then.

I also would be very interested in seeing just how much harder it is nowadays compared to even just a few years ago due to the way social media has evolved, cultural changes, etc. Considering the increase in normie-tier Zoomer males on these spaces, I'd wager it's noticeably worse. :feelsjuice:

@based_meme @veryrare @AtrociousCitizen @GeckoBus @BlackCel_from_ZA @Blackpill Monk @ElTruecel @Regenerator @PersonalityChad @Diddy @KillNiggers @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @Castaway @slavcel11 @lifefuel @weaselbomber @Kamanbert @Flagellum_Dei @Sergeant Kelly @Sewer Sloth @OutcompetedByRoomba @AtrociousCitizen @wereq @NeverGetUp @LeFrenchCel @Stupid Clown @Caesercel @Lazyandtalentless @Moroccancel @Autistic Kanga @AutistSupremacist @sennaGTR @Solid @SupremeAutist @AtrociousCitizen @daydreamER @My Name Jeff @caineturbat2003 @To koniec @ElTruecel @Fat Link
Man you don't disappoint, saved for later.
Good thread! Do feel quite curious about why autists are so overrepresented among abnormal sexual orientations. Specifically, to which degree is that just a result of getting desperate after not having had any success with the opposite sex?
I feel it's 2 things:

1 - As you said, desperation from lack of options therefore doing what's necessary to curb loneliness & fulfill basic physiological needs

2 - The modern education system is full of groomers that latch onto socially inept autists & convinces them the reason they don't fit in & are different is due to sexuality rather than the real reason (different neurology).
I used to think NTpillfags were overexaggerting the importance of NT and overestimating its effects on inceldom, but the data is undeniable.

The question now could pivot to, "how much of an effect does neurotypicality have on rates, as well as persistenc, of inceldom, and how much of a mitigating factor is it on the lack of attractiveness characteristics?"
Only chad can be autistic and still fuck. A foid will ignore all the social awkwardness chad will have. Hell, that foid might as well also virtue signal to all her friends and social media how "I am taking care of this poor guy :chad: that has autism and I love him no matter what deficit and imperfection he has :foidSoy:"

However if you are a normie in terms of looks and height, but you are on the spectrum you might as well start making an account here. :feelsjuice:
Autist chad probably wouldn't even be diagnosed unless he's a total nonfunctional retard because otherwise he'd be able to glide through social situations on looks alone.
Autist chad probably wouldn't even be diagnosed unless he's a total nonfunctional retard because otherwise he'd be able to glide through social situations on looks alone.
Yes, that's correct.

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