Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting Not sure how much longer I can take this



I hate those things
Jun 1, 2024
It's actually been so brutal. Beyond brutal.

I've actually just let myself go. I'm not even trying to cope anymore, I'm just killing time.

I don't even care about foids anymore. Sure, they're the #1 reason why my life is miserable, but my desire for them has faded over time. You can only desire something so much until you become sick of not having it.

It's all so tiresome.
You don't have a hard/bad life if the number one reason for your suffering is not having a gf.
You don't have a hard/bad life if the number one reason for your suffering is not having a gf.
Get the fuck off this forum GrAY. This is a forum for men whose lives are fucked up by not having a gf
Relatable. I’m getting sick of jacking off, sick of being unloved, touch starved, and sexless. It gets so exhausting man, and fucks your mind up so bad. I’ve been feeling very sick of life lately as well
Relatable. I’m getting sick of jacking off, sick of being unloved, touch starved, and sexless. It gets so exhausting man, and fucks your mind up so bad. I’ve been feeling very sick of life lately as well
being forced to jerk off to try and fill the void of being unloved and sexless is the saddest part. it destroys you mentally
Get the fuck off this forum GrAY. This is a forum for men whose lives are fucked up by not having a gf
Acting like your life is very hard just because you don't have a gf is just false.
If he has no friends, is ugly, nonNT, poor, disabled on top of that I could understand it.
Acting like your life is very hard just because you don't have a gf is just false.
If he has no friends, is ugly, nonNT, poor, disabled on top of that I could understand it.
average GrAYniggER
shouldnt let foids dictate wether or not u have a good life or not. Find shit that acc interests u homie. dont waste brain power on hating foids cuz they probably love the attention anyway
You don't have a hard/bad life if the number one reason for your suffering is not having a gf.
You are correct, inceldom is largely a western / developed world problem. Sure we do have incels that come from rather poor countries but in order to discover this site and ideology in the first place one has to have an adequate amount of free time on their hands. Like I personally know a lot of poor people in rural Romania who are pretty stereotypical incels and because they are so poor / low IQ (intelligence can is in my opinion mostly environmental. If you have been raised by a shepherd in the Carpathians chances are that you won't ever learn English or even know how to use the internet properly much less develop a capacity for abstract thinking).
Get the fuck off this forum GrAY. This is a forum for men whose lives are fucked up by not having a gf
It's always these people who no matter what you say their response is "kids are starving in Africa"
being forced to jerk off to try and fill the void of being unloved and sexless is the saddest part. it destroys you mentally
Yep. It sucks having to cope like that when most people just get actual love. It makes you feel like such a loser and is not as fun as it used to be.
shouldnt let foids dictate wether or not u have a good life or not. Find shit that acc interests u homie. dont waste brain power on hating foids cuz they probably love the attention anyway
What is with these GrAYs. Holy shit. You wouldn't be here if you though you were living a good life despite being an incel. Inceldom and good life do not go together.
I don't even care about foids anymore. Sure, they're the #1 reason why my life is miserable, but my desire for them has faded over time. You can only desire something so much until you become sick of not having it.
I find myself thinking the same things as of late....
Sure I may not be as far gone as you, however nowadays I just feel disgust whenever thinking about foids. It could be the whole sour grapes thing, however most days I feel like I'd be better off if I got chemically castrated. My sexual frustrations are so bad for my personal life that it is just not worth it anymore to think about my life.
Acting like your life is very hard just because you don't have a gf is just false.
If he has no friends, is ugly, nonNT, poor, disabled on top of that I could understand it.
I have a couple friends, but we are lucky if we hang out once a month. I am nonNT and had absolutely zero friends in high school and was bullied constantly in middle school. I have a hip injury that will never get better and my left hip will never move past 90 degrees flexion again. Even if these things were fixed but I still couldn't get a gf, my life would still be hard because I'd be deprived of love, touch, and sex. Fuck off with this talk that not having a gf doesn't make your life hard. The sole reason this forum exists is because life sucks without a gf.
What is with these GrAYs. Holy shit. You wouldn't be here if you though you were living a good life despite being an incel. Inceldom and good life do not go together.
Incel means involuntary celibate. I am involuntarily a celibate. So I am an incel, and yet that doesn't stop me from enjoying most parts of life. Just because you cant attract females doesnt mean u should rotmaxx all day.
It's always these people who no matter what you say their response is "kids are starving in Africa"
I know. They say something along the lines of, "SoMEbodY hAs iT WorSe tHan YoU!" They can fuck off with that shit. Everything is relative. Just because someone has it worse doesn't mean I have it good.
Get the fuck off this forum GrAY. This is a forum for men whose lives are fucked up by not having a gf
It is for alot of us with pressure from the family to find one despite being unable to idk how to explain it to them they wont listen ive told them im not attractive enough for them, They say build confidence and personality... I give up, I just dont respond when the question arises.
Incel means involuntary celibate. I am involuntarily a celibate. So I am an incel, and yet that doesn't stop me from enjoying most parts of life. Just because you cant attract females doesnt mean u should rotmaxx all day.
This is called coping. Yes, you can copemaxx.
But if you are deprived enough to be on a forum with literal outcasts from society, you'll always feel dead inside.

To claim that it's possible to achieve genuine happiness from copes alone is absurd.
It's always these people who no matter what you say their response is "kids are starving in Africa"
Telling my parents about chronic pain:
There are people that have it worse than you

Telling my parents why i cant find someone:

Just work on your personality and confidence son, You gotta go out and meet people how you "Look like dont matter" Etc

Fuck this life, If a creepy looking guy walked up to a girl ofc she will feel uneasy they just wont understand that its nature.
Incel means involuntary celibate. I am involuntarily a celibate. So I am an incel, and yet that doesn't stop me from enjoying most parts of life. Just because you cant attract females doesnt mean u should rotmaxx all day.
I do not rotmaxx all day, and I enjoy what I can. I agree with you on that. I have a classic muscle car I take to car shows, and we have a cabin I maintain the land on. I enjoy driving the powerful riding mowers to cut the grass. Here is where I disagree. Without love, touch, and sex from a woman, you are fundamentally deprived of your innate needs, and will suffer because of it. I feel extremely lonely every night before I fall asleep and have terrible insomnia. Hobbies are great, but no amount of muscle cars of the outdoors can ever make up for the love you are missing. Hobbies are supposed to be additions to an already fulfilling life, not the thing your life is based on. A life with love, sex, and your innate needs met with no hobbies is a much better life than one deprived of these needs but with many hobbies.
It is for alot of us with pressure from the family to find one despite being unable to idk how to explain it to them they wont listen ive told them im not attractive enough for them, They say build confidence and personality... I give up, I just dont respond when the question arises.
Yeah, same. I used to get questioned a lot about when I'd get a gf when both of my parents were alive and other family members were still here. Now, more than half of them are gone, and it is sinking in more to my mother that she may die without me ever getting a gf. She keeps telling me to just go to the store and ask some girls out. She fails to understand that with my autism, the cops would probably get called on me
I feel extremely lonely every night before I fall asleep and have terrible insomnia. Hobbies are great, but no amount of muscle cars of the outdoors can ever make up for the love you are missing. Hobbies are supposed to be additions to an already fulfilling life, not the thing your life is based on. A life with love, sex, and your innate needs met with no hobbies is a much better life than one deprived of these needs but with many hobbies.
Hey man, if thats how you feel then I cant really argue against it. We just share different belief systems :feelsautistic:
Hey man, if thats how you feel then I cant really argue against it. We just share different belief systems :feelsautistic:
Alright. Still agree with you it's best to enjoy what you can. I just don't try to delude myself that the loneliness doesn't severely impair my quality of life
This is called coping. Yes, you can copemaxx.
But if you are deprived enough to be on a forum with literal outcasts from society, you'll always feel dead inside.

To claim that it's possible to achieve genuine happiness from copes alone is absurd.
Idk, maybe im coping but I feel like I do experience genuine happiness when I am doing what I like.
Saw a crazy amount of hot sluts in yoga pants in a really short time today.
Knowing that they all have crazy hot porno sex with Chad is becoming unbearable.
This is called coping. Yes, you can copemaxx.
But if you are deprived enough to be on a forum with literal outcasts from society, you'll always feel dead inside.

To claim that it's possible to achieve genuine happiness from copes alone is absurd.
Exactly. A good life is built on things like romantic love and friendship, not whatever hobbies or copes you have. I have good hobbies that give me quick thrills in the moment. Does it make my life less lonely and give me lasting happiness? Of course not. Being deprived this long and rotting during your formative years leaves a hole in your soul so big, nothing can ever repair the damage, even if you somehow got a gf. You will always have that darkness in your soul
Alright. Still agree with you it's best to enjoy what you can. I just don't try to delude myself that the loneliness doesn't severely impair my quality of life
yeah, I dont lie and say that loneliness doesn't affect me, cause it was genuinely fucking hell throughout my teen years. But I cant really do anything about it, so I choose not to think about it really.
Saw a crazy amount of hot sluts in yoga pants in a really short time today.
Knowing that they all have crazy hot porno sex with Chad is becoming unbearable.
Yeah man, I hate seeing them parade around dressed like sluts with no intention to give me pussy.
yeah, I dont lie and say that loneliness doesn't affect me, cause it was genuinely fucking hell throughout my teen years. But I cant really do anything about it, so I choose not to think about it really.
That's called avoidance and dissociation. You try not to think about it, but I imagine that proved to be quite impossible. In fact, I know it isn't working because you joined this forum to talk about it. Even if you don't actively have thoughts about it, you best believe your subconscious does and affects you, whether you know it or not.
That's called avoidance and dissociation. You try not to think about it, but I imagine that proved to be quite impossible. In fact, I know it isn't working because you joined this forum to talk about it. Even if you don't actively have thoughts about it, you best believe your subconscious does and affects you, whether you know it or not.
Cant rlly say anything to that, guess ur right on that front. Still a good cope to not actively be thinking abt it tho, imo.
Cant rlly say anything to that, guess ur right on that front. Still a good cope to not actively be thinking abt it tho, imo.
Yeah, if it helps you some, then by all means, go for it. We gotta cope however we can.
I feel extremely lonely every night before I fall asleep and have terrible insomnia. Hobbies are great, but no amount of muscle cars of the outdoors can ever make up for the love you are missing.
This is very relatable. No matter how much I enjoy my hobbies, it still doesn't change the fact that I can't sleep at night knowing I am going to wake up alone and go to sleep alone again the night after.

I lie awake until 4am sometimes even longer than that either jerking off or browsing .is
I would literally be able to enjoy my hobbies even more knowing that my basic needs are being fulfilled.

Being loved genuinely increases your drive to live and thrive so whatever amount of passion you already have for your hobbies will likely increase because you feel very secure and comfortable knowing you'll receive mental and physical affection after your done with whatever you're doing.

I can't even imagine how good being hugged or cuddled feels like let alone having intimate sex. I sleep alone every night knowing that I'm missing out on these things which are quite possibly up there alongside some of the strongest and most passionate emotions humans can feel.
This is very relatable. No matter how much I enjoy my hobbies, it still doesn't change the fact that I can't sleep at night knowing I am going to wake up alone and go to sleep alone again the night after.

I lie awake until 4am sometimes even longer than that either jerking off or browsing .is
I would literally be able to enjoy my hobbies even more knowing that my basic needs are being fulfilled.

Being loved genuinely increases your drive to live and thrive so whatever amount of passion you already have for your hobbies will likely increase because you feel very secure and comfortable knowing you'll receive mental and physical affection after your done with whatever you're doing.

I can't even imagine how good being hugged or cuddled feels like let alone having intimate sex. I sleep alone every night knowing that I'm missing out on these things which are quite possibly up there alongside some of the strongest and most passionate emotions humans can feel.
Yeah, man, I absolutely feel the same. When I am doing my hobbies, I try to soak it all in because I know I will be back to rotting in loneliness after I put the muscle car back the the garage for the week or whatever else I was doing. Imagine doing the hobbies and then coming home to get love. My god, that would be amazing. For the record, it's 2:50 A.M. right now as I'm typing this. I can't sleep because I am so lonely and deprived. I believe if I had a loving gf, I'd naturally sleep on a more normal schedule and not have such terrible insomnia. I am so touch starved that when the female dentist touched my face a few times while cleaning my teeth, it felt like heaven. Imagine what actual cuddling and love feels like. That is shit most people just consider normal and think nothing of because it happens so naturally for them while we are here imagining what it's like :cryfeels:

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