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Blackpill Normies want you to commit suicide or turn gay/trans



May 17, 2018
Whenever an incel commits suicide, society sees it as inferior genes being disposed of. Society rejoices behind its crocodile tears.

Have you noticed all the "why not become gay or become a cute girl" comments on so many sites? They're part of normie society's propaganda to make genetically undesirable males to cope and be gauranteed not to spread their genes(there's always a small chance and incel might be able to fuck, at least according to normies, so they want to guarantee it does not happen). In effect its eugenics.

Therefore, if you're considering becoming gay or trans, you're perpetuating todays hypergameous society. You're a cuck.
If you commit suicide without going ER you're also a cuck since you did society a favor without making it feel pain in the form of killed normies. If you encourage homosexuality, you should kill yourself painfully.

Normie society despises incels who refuse to kill themselves but try to make a mark on the world, because a living active incel is a threat to the current matriarchial social order, not someone isolated with a rope in a dark room. I have chosen not to kill myself ever since I dont want to satisfy society, and I want it to view me(and fellow incels) as a potential threat, be it an ER timebomb, activist, or a theorist.
So if you really despise the current society and don't want to contribute to it, be hetero and dont kill yourself.
How the fuck does someone turn gay? You are or you aren't. I'm never going to get laid but that doesn't mean I'm going to suck a cock. Has anyone ever said, "Well, since I can't eat pussy, I'll eat a man's ass." No, they haven't.
i personally have nothing against trans or gay people. i don't want to be one, but if they want to whatever.
I've talked to disgusting faggots on discord who became traps just because of being encouraged on the internet. They wanted to feel "cute" and know what its like living on easy mode(even though they just destroyed their bodies and became abominations).

As for gays, imagine being bombarded with threads and articles about how good the gay lifestyle is. Imagine someone telling you how you'll be happy sucking cock of grindr every day on the internet(imageboards, reddit, etc). Since they give you a "solution" to achieving happiness, many incels become faggots, thus perpetuating hypergamous society.
How the fuck does someone turn gay? You are or you aren't. I'm never going to get laid but that doesn't mean I'm going to suck a cock. Has anyone ever said, "Well, since I can't eat pussy, I'll eat a man's ass." No, they haven't.
Then you're not succumbing to normie gay propaganda targeted at incels. That's good.
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Transfaggotry aside, incels should probably try to swindle the SJW somehow and bandwagon on the LGBTQQ++BBQLMAOXD wave in some way or another. I'd secure vital additional protections, hiring preferences and quotas, a stop to bullying etc.
How the fuck does someone turn gay? You are or you aren't.
Lol cope. Being gay is 100 percent a choice
i personally have nothing against trans or gay people. i don't want to be one, but if they want to whatever.
And when you're on the hook for their 10,000 dollar a month aids treatment's will you still not care?
I have chosen not to kill myself ever since I dont want to satisfy society, and I want it to view me(and fellow incels) as a potential threat, be it an ER timebomb, activist, or a theorist.

Oh, why the bother. Just instititute free voluntary euthanasia and get it over with already. We don't have to continue suffering and they don't have be burdened by our repulsive existence. Win-win.
On one hand, people being gay/tranny is haram, but on the other hand, less competition for me = instant SMV bump...
men are having to resort to going trans just to date women, that's how bad it is for men
i personally have nothing against trans or gay people. i don't want to be one, but if they want to whatever.
Same here.

I only hate those who push their political agendas.
Lol cope. Being gay is 100 percent a choice

And when you're on the hook for their 10,000 dollar a month aids treatment's will you still not care?
No it's not a fucking choice you dumb fuck. Homos are no threat to incels just by being homos. In what universe can you equate me with a normie. The only faggot is you with faggot delusions.
i personally have nothing against trans or gay people. i don't want to be one, but if they want to whatever.

Yeah. Why the fuck is that anybody's business?
Oh, why the bother. Just instititute free voluntary euthanasia and get it over with already. We don't have to continue suffering and they don't have be burdened by our repulsive existence. Win-win.
Your suffering is caused by society and you want to suffer more to appease it?
Your suffering is caused by society and you want to suffer more to appease it?

No, I want to suffer less. I want to die.
If you sui femoids will masturbate all night to it and circle-jerk about how they got their victory and don't have to deal with someone who's only flaw was being born a certain way
If you sui femoids will masturbate all night to it and circle-jerk about how they got their victory and don't have to deal with someone who's only flaw was being born a certain way

So what? I'll either be totally wiped out like under anasthesia, not even knowing I no longer exist, or I will be in a lecherous afterlife astral paradise, the pleasures of which will make any earthly ecstacy by said femoids pale in comparison.

Both are better than hanging around in this failed universe.
So what? I'll either be totally wiped out like under anasthesia, not even knowing I no longer exist, or I will be in a lecherous afterlife astral paradise, the pleasures of which will make any earthly ecstacy by said femoids pale in comparison.

Both are better than hanging around in this failed universe.

"Femoids will be happy I died and I will never get revenge on the people who tormented me? So what?"

Seems genuine
"Femoids will be happy I died and I will never get revenge on the people who tormented me? So what?"

Seems genuine

You take it on yourself if you want to cause pain. I don't want that burden.
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Whenever an incel commits suicide, society sees it as inferior genes being disposed of. Society rejoices behind its crocodile tears.

I've always said this is 100% true, most normies rejoice when genetically inferior men commit suicide.
Then explain why zoophilia is not encouraged?
Rather than add a Z to LGBTQWTF they actually only recently made it illegal in some countries. Doesn't compute.
I agree with the normies on this one. If they won’t provide a solution to the incel crisis, they might as well kill the core of the problem. I think death will be a better place than this miserable shithole.
I agree with the normies on this one. If they won’t provide a solution to the incel crisis, they might as well kill the core of the problem. I think death will be a better place than this miserable shithole.
Nice, we'll let them kill you first
How the fuck does someone turn gay? You are or you aren't. I'm never going to get laid but that doesn't mean I'm going to suck a cock. Has anyone ever said, "Well, since I can't eat pussy, I'll eat a man's ass." No, they haven't.
A big chunk of gay men have been sexually abused as kids. It's not entirely biological, I assume.
You can't turn gay. You are either born straight or a faggot due to prenatal hormones
Lol cope. Being gay is 100 percent a choice
Why the hell would someone choose to be a faggot when it's stigmatized by society. Certain people are predisposed to be androphillic due to shit DNA/PNE.
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Like others said: one can't turn solely gay, just like gays can't simply turn straight. Remember all these attempts of, mostly religious fanatics, to "cure" gays: it never really worked, they only suppress their sexual drive and permanently force themselves, to either live an abstinent, or socially desirable, heterosexual life. They don't become straight through this.

Quite a number of men may resort to homosexuality, if no women are available, such as in prisons. They simply have a bisexual undercurrent, allows them to have (reduced) sexual satisfaction with men. But the first they look for are women. They don't become totally gay, no longer interested in the opposite sex.

Even if incels resort to gay or trans practices, they will not lose the straight sexual drive.
Why the hell would someone choose to be a faggot when it's stigmatized by society.
Maybe 100 years ago homosexuality might have been stigmatized, but when you live in a country that legislates anti-discrimination laws in favor of homosexuals I wouldn't say that its exactly stigmatized, we actually go out of our way to be inclusive of homosexuals. Remember bake the cake when a conservative bakery was forced to bake a cake for a gay couple? Not to mention the pro-homosexual agenda being pushed on television and movies which goes a long way in shaping peoples opinions about homosexuals
Maybe 100 years ago homosexuality might have been stigmatized, but when you live in a country that legislates anti-discrimination laws in favor of homosexuals I wouldn't say that its exactly stigmatized, we actually go out of our way to be inclusive of homosexuals. Remember bake the cake when a conservative bakery was forced to bake a cake for a gay couple? Not to mention the pro-homosexual agenda being pushed on television and movies which goes a long way in shaping peoples opinions about homosexuals
would you be capable of being attracted to men if you try?
would you be capable of being attracted to men if you try?
No, but whether or not I could find another man attractive is irrelevant. My point is that we live in a society that systematically advantages homosexuals over heterosexuals
I've complained all up and down the internet about wanting to get laid, and no one has encouraged me to turn gay, or become a trap/tranny. I'm pretty sure being gay is a predominantly inborn trait, not one that can be changed later.

If I could choose to be gay - I'd be gay. I hate women so much, and have such a slutty insatiable urge for random sex partners, that being gay would work out well for me. But men gross me out. Muscles, square jaws, deep voices, body-hair, etc... ewww....

On the other hand I've heard "kill yourself" about as much as I've heard "you have been banned from this forum" (ie a lot). I consider the people wishing me to suffer and die, or even just 'go away', my enemies. So yes, going ER does seem like the correct choice.
"why not become gay or become a cute girl?"
Seems like r9k to me.
Normalshits and their rich chad masters don't want you to commit suicide, they want you to keep coping and keep working like a good slave to keep their degenerate society working.
I've complained all up and down the internet about wanting to get laid, and no one has encouraged me to turn gay, or become a trap/tranny.
Same. I don't know what OP is talking about.

Anyway, newfags if you read this: don't make gay or tranny jokes here. They had been made long before you joined and nobody had liked them. They are fucking annoying.
Normalshits and their rich chad masters don't want you to commit suicide, they want you to keep coping and keep working like a good slave to keep their degenerate society working.
I think they want the ones who could pop to kill themselves. The ones who can blot out reality with the "we're all equal" mantra should stay to keep working.

Anyway, newfags if you read this: don't make gay or tranny jokes here. They had been made long before you joined and nobody had liked them. They are fucking annoying.
Oh yeh, that's right. I was just warned for talking about trannies, so apparently that is a no-no here.

No threads about:
  1. Worship.
  2. Traps.
  3. Stories of romantic/sexual experiences.
  4. Ratings (Megathread in Offtopic).
  5. Clarification on a warning / ban.
  6. Discussion of illegal activities.
  7. Requests for a ban. (PM a mod).
I think worship means, "don't throw up a picture of somebody and say, "everyone say how great this is.""
Ratings probably means don't ask for anything to be rated.

And apparently 'no threads about' also means 'no discussion about.'
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Gay is a choice. A choice usually made for attention.
This stuff might be true. When I was in high school I was forced to talk to a therapist. Because I had a school shooter vibe. And that therapist woman manipulated me into thinking I was suicidal. I wasn't suicidal before I talked to her but somehow she programmed me. Only lasted a few days until I reprogrammed myself. Therapists are dangerous.
I think gay men got fucked up by women during their first sexual experience, probably a dick comment or something.
"Femoids will be happy I died and I will never get revenge on the people who tormented me? So what?"

Seems genuine
"why not become gay or become a cute girl?"
Seems like r9k to me.
That's what I'm talking about. Also, one time on reddit I unwisely talked about my incel problem and when I I refuted the bullshit just world advice a few users said "there's always grindr lol".
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That's what I'm talking about. Also, one time on reddit I unwisely talked about my incel problem and when I I refuted the bullshit just world advice a few users said "there's always grindr lol".

I remember posting on the "explain like I'm 5" subreddit and the second I argued with the horribly wrong responses I got retards responding with the dumbest things
I always wonder why a incel would sui without going Er

Like no body gives a damn shit about you, they won’t even discover your body like a month after you are dead because nobody probably noticed you were gone.

Only reason they did notice is because of the neighbor who probably complained about that disgusting smell coming from next door or you would be rotting there forever till you were a corpse lmao.

Commiting sui is basically being a cuck.
I always wonder why a incel would sui without going Er

Like no body gives a damn shit about you, they won’t even discover your body like a month after you are dead because nobody probably noticed you were gone.

Only reason they did notice is because of the neighbor who probably complained about that disgusting smell coming from next door or you would be rotting there forever till you were a corpse lmao.

Commiting sui is basically being a cuck.

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