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Discussion Normies know cold approach is useless and this is how normies get foid.


Monk of Failure

Runaway Azkabanian.
Jul 14, 2019
Normies love to give this advice, even more than chads-- be confident and just approach the girl-- a risibly shitty advice that I bet even they don't try in real life. Cold approach never work unless you're chad but then how do normies get foid?

Essentially, normies use two methods to get foid as follows-

Medium: Basically, a normie uses a medium to make the girl noticed or known about himself. For example, if normie has a friend who's also friend of the foid he likes, he will use that mutual friend to make the foid known about him. If the normie and the foid work in same office, normie would something that makes him very noticeable to the foid. The aim is clear here that is make yourself noticeable to the attention radar of foid.

Brief friendship: Once the normie is known or noticed by the foid, normie craftily establishes a brief friendship and hang out with the foid and uses this brief friendship to present himself as best as he can, so this can impress the foid. Then ultimately when he realises it is the right time, which could be some hours to some months after the friendship is established, he asks her out for date and makes her his girlfriend.

This is how normies get girl. That's why when you ask a normie how he met his girlfriend, he'll tell a long story like "I saw her in a cafeteria, some days later, she also noticed me and bla bla". You won't hear from a normie saying I saw her, approached her and she said yes because it will actually never work for them. I just hate this advice when normies give it.
everything is useless when u r incel :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Normies are coping liars. Cold approaching is dead and considered borderline illegal even through mutual relations. The majority of hook ups/relationships is through apps. If you’re getting nothing through the mainstream apps, you’re fucking finished.
Reminder that normies routinely get cucked by their gfs, and they have to take it because she is all they have.
Normies are coping liars. Cold approaching is dead and considered borderline illegal even through mutual relations. The majority of hook ups/relationships is through apps. If you’re getting nothing through the mainstream apps, you’re fucking finished.
True but normies are getting pissed by apps because foids look only for chad on apps that make easier access to chads and so normies have started speaking of giving up apps and turning back to the so called traditional way. lol
Reminder that normies routinely get cucked by their gfs, and they have to take it because she is all they have.
Spot on. Normies don't even feel ashamed of being getting cucked. No self respect.
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True but normies are getting pissed by apps because foids look only for chad on apps that make easier access to chads and so normies have started speaking of giving up apps and turning back to the so called traditional way. lol

We both know there’s no going back.
Normies love to give this advice, even more than chads-- be confident and just approach the girl-- a risibly shitty advice that I bet even they don't try in real life. Cold approach never work unless you're chad but then how do normies get foid?

Essentially, normies use two methods to get foid as follows-

Medium: Basically, a normie uses a medium to make the girl noticed or known about himself. For example, if normie has a friend who's also friend of the foid he likes, he will use that mutual friend to make the foid known about him. If the normie and the foid work in same office, normie would something that makes him very noticeable to the foid. The aim is clear here that is make yourself noticeable to the attention radar of foid.

Brief friendship: Once the normie is known or noticed by the foid, normie craftily establishes a brief friendship and hang out with the foid and uses this brief friendship to present himself as best as he can, so this can impress the foid. Then ultimately when he realises it is the right time, which could be some hours to some months after the friendship is established, he asks her out for date and makes her his girlfriend.

This is how normies get girl. That's why when you ask a normie how he met his girlfriend, he'll tell a long story like "I saw her in a cafeteria, some days later, she also noticed me and bla bla". You won't hear from a normie saying I saw her, approached her and she said yes because it will actually never work for them. I just hate this advice when normies give it.
there are these "spotted" sites that are on facebook, i have never seen a female there that said:
"i want to say hi to the man that help that old lady" or "wow the man that acted in such a alpha way in that store contact me"
every post from a female is describing how the man looked and what he was wearing.
and when a man posts
"i want to say hi to that cute girl, contact me"
dudes in comments are cucking, and trying to signal their "alphaness"
"just walk up and talk to her bro, they dont bite !"
i cringe so hard...
there are these "spotted" sites that are on facebook, i have never seen a female there that said:
"i want to say hi to the man that help that old lady" or "wow the man that acted in such a alpha way in that store contact me"
every post from a female is describing how the man looked and what he was wearing.
and when a man posts
"i want to say hi to that cute girl, contact me"
dudes in comments are cucking, and trying to signal their "alphaness"
"just walk up and talk to her bro, they dont bite !"
i cringe so hard...
True and the majority of guys who say this shit have never tried it themselves nor will ever try it.

We both know there’s no going back.
Yes. The misery of normies is very satisfying.
i click on their profile, click on their profile pic, yup just as i thought an incel
Bluepilled incels are ridiculous. They are as disgusting as cucks.
Cold approaching as a non-chad is a good way to get shot by the pigs or jumped by chads... If I was looksmaxxed and felt like cold approaching, I'd be armed and have at least two ride-or-die armed incels with me and the escape vehicle nearby and already started in case she calls the pigs on me for trying to start a conversation as a non-chad.
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This all seems right, but i think normies would need like 2 or 3 dates before making her his girlfriend. She'd just fuck chad immediately then try to be his gf afterwards
Bluepilled incels are ridiculous. They are as disgusting as cucks.
Cold approaching as a non-chad is a good way to get shot by the pigs or jumped by chads... If I was looksmaxxed and felt like cold approaching, I'd be armed and have at least two ride-or-die armed incels with me and the escape vehicle nearby and and already started in case she calls the pigs on me for trying to start a conversation as a non-chad.

This all seems right, but i think normies would need like 2 or 3 dates before making her his girlfriend. She'd just fuck chad immediately then try to be his gf afterwards
Oh yes that's true. But the good thing is chad immediately dump her, crushing foid's hope of him being her bf.
cold approaching is stupid. if a girl is interested she will approach you herself. yes now days women are the ones doing the approaching and men wait around like women used to do.
cold approaching is stupid. if a girl is interested she will approach you herself. yes now days women are the ones doing the approaching and men wait around like women used to do.
Differ with you a bit. Yes, of course, nowadays, women are also approaching but the number of females approaching are still less compared to the number of males approaching. And females approach only if you are at least chadlite.

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