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Blackpill NORMIES definition of INCEL is different than ours...



Swallowed into the Abyss
Nov 7, 2018
Do I think women owe me sex? No!

I still define myself as Incel though..
Because our definition is different than Normies definition.

Normies are so fucking greedy when they only value thier definition of a word.. They don’t even consider that when we identify as Incel, we are going by OUR definition...

Tbh almost none of us would fall under the Normies definition of Incel... But we hold FIRM because we REFUSE to let normies HIJACK the meaning of Incel and TWIST it..
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Do I think women owe me sex? No!

I still define myself as Incel though..
Because our definition is different than Normies definition.

Normies are so fucking greedy when they only value thier definition of a word.. They don’t even consider that when we identify as Incel, we are going by OUR definition...

Tbh almost none of us would fall under the Normies definition of Incel... But we hold FIRM because we REFUSE to let normies HIJACK the meaning of Incel and TWIST it..

let those tards think what they wanna think , no need to bother
being incel is an ideology
Elaborate. Wdym?

We can’t stand idle while normies change the meaning of our identity., Incel=Invonluntary Virgin...

Do muslims stop being muslims because of islamic terrorist?? No

We shouldn’t let Normies STRAW MAN our Identity..

I also feel for the ordinary muslims who get persecuted because some extremists of thier faith did some bad shit....

Incel by OUR Definition: Involuntary Celibate

Incel by thiers: Misogynist Right Winged Bigot scum ect
being incel is an ideology
Incel is mostly a noun... Blackpill is an ideology..
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Literally: Troll sex.

To create an offspring two trolls in a relationship (generally red) must offer their genetic material to the Imperial Drones when they come bearing buckets.

If Genetic Material is not offered the two trolls are killed instantly.

The buckets are then taken to the mother troll who then combines all the genetic material into one diabolical incestuous slurry and lays hundreds of thousands of eggs at once.

Trolls hoarding buckets are perverts.
"Did you hear Eridan has a whole closet full of buckets?"
The alt-left’s definition of Incel is “everyone who disagrees with me.”
Most of us, myself included, have autistic, or borderline autistic tendencies. Our brains are so logical, that when things are not logical, like the definition of a word, we can barely operate. I would grieve over illogical definitions more than my cat dying.

A cat, all life for that matter, are just processes of nature. We are all fated to die. But words are eternal, and emblematic of identity. That's why I know, that the MSM could shill their definition for decades, but to us, our meaning of the word "incel" will never die. It MEANS something to us. It's our word. As a minority, being called an "incel" (as definied by IT) feels more hateful to me than being called a "yellow tiny-dicked chink."
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They need their definition of incel to spread hate towards us
they are turning us into freaks and monsters to feel better about themselves while chads are fucking their wifes and daugthers
Do I think women owe me sex? No!

I still define myself as Incel though..
Because our definition is different than Normies definition.

Normies are so fucking greedy when they only value thier definition of a word.. They don’t even consider that when we identify as Incel, we are going by OUR definition...

Tbh almost none of us would fall under the Normies definition of Incel... But we hold FIRM because we REFUSE to let normies HIJACK the meaning of Incel and TWIST it..
Their definition is so narrow so that they themselves don't accidentally fall into it. Because most of them know deep down that they are losers in life.
Stop bothering about normtard grey-matter.

being incel is an ideology
Not really because there are various ideologies going on among incels. Some people want society to go back to traditionalism/enforced monogamy, some want governments to pay for their plastic surgeries, some want outright women slavery, some don't want anything and come here just to vent.

I think "movement" is a better definition. We all recognize society and women are organized in a way that makes getting laid/married (in a satisfactory way) extremely difficult to average and below men nowadays in western countries.
Not really because there are various ideologies going on among incels. Some people want society to go back to traditionalism/enforced monogamy, some want governments to pay for their plastic surgeries, some want outright women slavery, some don't want anything and come here just to vent.

I think "movement" is a better definition. We all recognize society and women are organized in a way that makes getting laid/married (in a satisfactory way) extremely difficult to average and below men nowadays in western countries.
Couldn’t have said that better myself
Normie version of incel: I only want 9/10 blondes and I expect them to hit on me. I treat all women like shit because what I say on here is the same how I talk to foids
Cope if you don't think women owe you sex, especially after you try your ass off to be your best and they still think of you as nothing.
"i'm 27, a virgin, severely obese, but atleast im not an incal!"

retarded normies think u have to label yourself as an incel to be one, the definition of incel is a virgin ugly man
"i'm 27, a virgin, severely obese, but atleast im not an incal!"

retarded normies think u have to label yourself as an incel to be one, the definition of incel is a virgin ugly man
of course not, how could we? their definiton was inteded only to justify hate directed at incels, it was never supposed to be a way to understand us.
If it doesn't fit there agenda, then we're accused of every name of the book.
They change their definition as they see fit. If they don't like the MGTOW, they will simply label them incels. If a trucel posts on inceltears that he is afraid that he has become an incel, they make it so that to be an incel you must claim that identity.

You have to remember they have weaponized this term.
They change their definition as they see fit. If they don't like the MGTOW, they will simply label them incels. If a trucel posts on inceltears that he is afraid that he has become an incel, they make it so that to be an incel you must claim that identity.

You have to remember they have weaponized this term.
Extremely High IQ!
Of course. In the cucksphere, incel = evil right wing terrorists who posts bad things about womyn on the internet.
Ask them if they think homeless people are "entitled" to a nice place to sleep or a meal when they complain they have neither of those things.
The alt-left’s definition of Incel is “everyone who disagrees with me.”

Especially against Feminism or Radical Feminism. Part of their reused recycled limited vocabulary alongside: Nazi, Fascist, Homophobe, Antisemite, Islamophobe, Bigot, Xenophobe & other such limited vocabulary.
Especially against Feminism or Radical Feminism. Part of their reused recycled limited vocabulary alongside: Nazi, Fascist, Homophobe, Antisemite, Islamophobe, Bigot, Xenophobe & other such limited vocabulary.
Pretty much
Pretty much

Our definition would literally Invade & occupy the whole of Inceltears as describing them as "involuntary celibate" men. All "Friendzoned but never the FWB or Fuck Buddy" men would be considered Incels. All self deluding Copers saying "Bro it's okay having female friends who don't want to fuck... I (3rd person) haven't fucked in 10 years or I'm still a virgin but I have a GF or have had GF's... My female BFF has fucked at least 10 different guys this week not including her FWB or Fuck Buddy"...

Too predictable tbh.
White Knights would be negated (not :redpill: terminology... just :blackpill: realism & pragmatism & practicalities), neutralised & nullified within a blink of a flash (see Nuclear Explosion).
But but... You're not entitled to sex you evil Misogynist Incel... They on the other hand are entitled to your endless pro bono Emotional Labour, Physical Labour (running chores for her) & Financial Capital... Feminism in a nutshell. Can they prove me wrong. Let's see without them criticising me personally or the premise of my thesis.
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Not really because there are various ideologies going on among incels. Some people want society to go back to traditionalism/enforced monogamy, some want governments to pay for their plastic surgeries, some want outright women slavery, some don't want anything and come here just to vent.

I think "movement" is a better definition. We all recognize society and women are organized in a way that makes getting laid/married (in a satisfactory way) extremely difficult to average and below men nowadays in western countries.
What do you want? I've read enough of your posts to know you've put lots more thought into things than I have, so what are your ideas about where to go and how to get there?
What do you want? I've read enough of your posts to know you've put lots more thought into things than I have, so what are your ideas about where to go and how to get there?
The only sustainable solution for inceldom is enforcement of monogamy. Each man can only claim one woman to himself and if women don't have the option of having careers or being sluts, there's not much left to do other than marrying. Fathers choosing with whom their daughters marry would be even better.

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