To give another example of the normie mind.. when driving i look into the rear view mirror to see the normie who is as per usual tail gating me. Its almost always this angry, desperate normie face of a person pissed that I am in front of them, 'dominating' them.
There is no logic, no thought on the reasoning behind their actions, just emotion. In contrast when I drive I like to leave a lot of room between my car and the car in front of me, as it is stressful to drive right close up behind the person in front as then I have to be always watching for if they will brake, and then reacting quickly. Whereas leaving lots of room gives me tons of time to react, and thus be calm. The normie never steps back and thinks about it and in addition is addicted to the adrenaline rush of conflict. So guided by primitive emotional programs that the normie is not even consciously aware of.
While driving my mind is thinking of whatever interests me at the time. The normie mind is focused only on getting to where they are going next, there is no inner monologue like you are saying.