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RageFuel Normies are the worst



Sep 28, 2018
I'm at a fast food restaurant trying to eat my meal in peace and a pack of loud, obnoxious college-aged normies came in and sat nearby.

Overhearing their conversation made my ears bleed. How is it possible to talk about such dumb, trivial stuff? And they're giggling the whole time and genuinely laughing at this shit. To them, it is ACTUALLY STIMULATING. Lol.

I'm glad I don't have friends. Fuck these people.

It's a mix of guys and foids (the foids will all ditch these losers and congregate at a Chad's house afterwards).
Boomers are worse imo but i feel you
What BS were they talking about?
No dumbass I work with them all day. Don’t tell me what to think little boy
believe me you hate them because it's trendy. if you look the history of the internet, there's always that group of people who everyone online hates. in the early 2010s, it was justin bieber fans and in the 2000s it was emos. in the mid-2010s it was anyone wearing a fedora hat or neckbeard. if you lived in the early 2010s at the age you currently are, you would be hating on justin bieber fans for example. if hating boomers wasn't trendy, you wouldn't hate them. believe me
believe me you hate them because it's trendy. if you look the history of the internet, there's always that group of people who everyone online hates. in the early 2010s, it was justin bieber fans and in the 2000s it was emos. in the mid-2010s it was anyone wearing a fedora hat or neckbeard. if you lived in the early 2010s at the age you currently are, you would be hating on justin bieber fans for example. if hating boomers wasn't trendy, you wouldn't hate them. believe me
You just don’t get it do you? I am a fucking cashier who works with boomers. I hear bitching from boomers literally all day. And for the young people you ask? They are extremely chill toward me. It’s only old people that are assholes to me because they have no self awareness whatsoever in social dynamics or technology for that matter. Boomers are generation who actually believes that hard work will get you far in life. Spoiler alert, hard work doesn’t do shit.
You just don’t get it do you? I am a fucking cashier who works with boomers. I hear bitching from boomers literally all day. And for the young people you ask? They are extremely chill toward me. It’s only old people that are assholes to me because they have no self awareness whatsoever in social dynamics or technology for that matter. Boomers are generation who actually believes that hard work will get you far in life. Spoiler alert, hard work doesn’t do shit.
really because guys like you and young adults in general act worse. most baby boomers i meet are calm. and baby boomers don't criticize millennials. i've seen only young conservatives condemn millennials and most anti-millennials articles are written by non-boomers
really because guys like you and young adults in general act worse. most baby boomers i meet are calm. and baby boomers don't criticize millennials. i've seen only young conservatives condemn millennials and most anti-millennials articles are written by non-boomers
Not reading your retarded response again bro, if you want to come take my place at my job you’re gonna kill yourself being bossed around by delusional boomers all day.
Not reading your retarded response again bro, if you want to come take my place at my job you’re gonna kill yourself being bossed around by delusional boomers all day.
Maybe you live in a weird job in a weird area. Most old people are calm mature people. I feel way more safe around them than I do around young adults
Normies tilts the fuck outta me
believe me you hate them because it's trendy. if you look the history of the internet, there's always that group of people who everyone online hates. in the early 2010s, it was justin bieber fans and in the 2000s it was emos. in the mid-2010s it was anyone wearing a fedora hat or neckbeard. if you lived in the early 2010s at the age you currently are, you would be hating on justin bieber fans for example. if hating boomers wasn't trendy, you wouldn't hate them. believe me
True, except a significant number of people hated boomers before it was trendy. I agree with the fundamentals of what you are saying here, but one thing that I saw that no one else here acknowledges is that boomers ARE normies. The conversation was comparing "boomers" with "normies", but don't boomers fall under the category of "normies"? If not, we can THEN say that boomers represent the relics of a bygone era, an era in which a significantly GREATER percentage of the population was normie, with far fewer Chads and incels, AKA the time boomers grew up in. Boomers are essentially time capsules in that regard who just happen to have more experience, but are still stuck in the mindset that things are the way they were when they were in their prime.

Boomers are OVERWHELMINGLY normie. Like, if maybe 60%-ish of 30-somethings are normies, and maybe 55%-ish of 20-somethings are normies, then like 90% of boomers are normies. They are OVERWHELMINGLY mediocre, with surprisingly little differentiation between members compared to other generations. They are extremely conformist and complacent. That's why they are so memeable.

I kind of hate that hating boomers has become so trendy, because it results mainly in a bunch of ageist crap that doesn't understand why people hated boomers in the first place and just ends up being, "Ha YoU'rE oLd AnD dOn'T uNdErStAnD yOuNg PeOpLe StUfF aNd ArE a BuNcH oF iStApHoBeS, wHo ArE fAt AnD aSk FoR pRuNe JuIcE, hAhA!!!" (even though prune juice was more of a Greatest Generation thing because of the war/depression and is an outdated stereotype of old people at this point).
This thread Is so well explained and articulated i laughed a Lot with it how you describe the Situation @micropenis29 now tbh ngl they're retarded they think this way jestermaxing and that mindset "you make the girl laugh and it's yours" they're actually progressing and Will get en laid
True, except a significant number of people hated boomers before it was trendy. I agree with the fundamentals of what you are saying here, but one thing that I saw that no one else here acknowledges is that boomers ARE normies. The conversation was comparing "boomers" with "normies", but don't boomers fall under the category of "normies"? If not, we can THEN say that boomers represent the relics of a bygone era, an era in which a significantly GREATER percentage of the population was normie, with far fewer Chads and incels, AKA the time boomers grew up in. Boomers are essentially time capsules in that regard who just happen to have more experience, but are still stuck in the mindset that things are the way they were when they were in their prime.

Boomers are OVERWHELMINGLY normie. Like, if maybe 60%-ish of 30-somethings are normies, and maybe 55%-ish of 20-somethings are normies, then like 90% of boomers are normies. They are OVERWHELMINGLY mediocre, with surprisingly little differentiation between members compared to other generations. They are extremely conformist and complacent. That's why they are so memeable.

I kind of hate that hating boomers has become so trendy, because it results mainly in a bunch of ageist crap that doesn't understand why people hated boomers in the first place and just ends up being, "Ha YoU'rE oLd AnD dOn'T uNdErStAnD yOuNg PeOpLe StUfF aNd ArE a BuNcH oF iStApHoBeS, wHo ArE fAt AnD aSk FoR pRuNe JuIcE, hAhA!!!" (even though prune juice was more of a Greatest Generation thing because of the war/depression and is an outdated stereotype of old people at this point).
The hate towards boomers seem to have started in 2008 with the Great Recession. But in the 2010s the hated towards boomers became a big trend
The hate towards boomers seem to have started in 2008 with the Great Recession. But in the 2010s the hated towards boomers became a big trend
What u talking about son,boomers took all over Facebook xdd
I'm guilty of this :feelscry:
Yea me too but the foid dont see u sexual they see u as a joke they're having a good Time enjoying themselves at ur expenses,she just see u like "that dude " you're a circumstancial eunuch Jester for her to give some cheap laughs
The hate towards boomers seem to have started in 2008 with the Great Recession. But in the 2010s the hated towards boomers became a big trend
Disagree, hatred towards boomers gradually accelerated on an acceleration line graph, but it didn't become REALLY trendy until around 2017, with the "boomerhate" trend peaking in popularity in 2019 with the "OK boomer" meme. I would argue the libertarianosphere, as well as the social justice wokesters and gradually growing communist communities became more and more skeptical of boomers leading up to 2015, but then all of that was briefly put on pause/hold so that the 2016 election could take place and the candidates couldn't be accused of being "boomer" candidates (as I'm sure they both would be today minus some of Trump's immigration speeches). However, the second the election was over, the "Anti-SJW" community got cocky/overconfident and decided to do Charlottesville, collapsing the radical right and giving way to BreadTube and the neo-wave, more class-oriented but still very intersectional and less furry-oriented, more psychological subversion and children-oriented far-left of the internet today. This paved the way for what was left of the dissident right to regroup under people like Tucker Carlson and Nick Fuentes, having a more third positionist outlook, and with the growth of Stupidpol and things like the Yang Gang, paving the way for a UNIVERSAL hatred of the Washington Consensus of the 80s, 90s and early 00s by the youth and "zoomers", with the last potential opposition members among zoomers (young people who supported Hillary and neoliberalism getting radicalized by BreadTube/Lefty Reddit, and alt-lite Trumpet zoomer types who would have stayed in the coalition if it weren't for the debacle that was Charlottesville getting radicalized, made apolitical, or turned left).

TL;DR the political environment of now has been perfectly masterminded to make zoomers HATE the beliefs of boomers as much as a generation possibly ever can, being the exact opposite, regardless of political "side" or left v.s. right, on issues like Israel, foreign aid, NAFTA, free trade, military intervention, bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, the UN, boomer's identity politics causes, suburban living/zoning laws, political lobbying, and even free speech.
Disagree, hatred towards boomers gradually accelerated on an acceleration line graph, but it didn't become REALLY trendy until around 2017, with the "boomerhate" trend peaking in popularity in 2019 with the "OK boomer" meme. I would argue the libertarianosphere, as well as the social justice wokesters and gradually growing communist communities became more and more skeptical of boomers leading up to 2015, but then all of that was briefly put on pause/hold so that the 2016 election could take place and the candidates couldn't be accused of being "boomer" candidates (as I'm sure they both would be today minus some of Trump's immigration speeches). However, the second the election was over, the "Anti-SJW" community got cocky/overconfident and decided to do Charlottesville, collapsing the radical right and giving way to BreadTube and the neo-wave, more class-oriented but still very intersectional and less furry-oriented, more psychological subversion and children-oriented far-left of the internet today. This paved the way for what was left of the dissident right to regroup under people like Tucker Carlson and Nick Fuentes, having a more third positionist outlook, and with the growth of Stupidpol and things like the Yang Gang, paving the way for a UNIVERSAL hatred of the Washington Consensus of the 80s, 90s and early 00s by the youth and "zoomers", with the last potential opposition members among zoomers (young people who supported Hillary and neoliberalism getting radicalized by BreadTube/Lefty Reddit, and alt-lite Trumpet zoomer types who would have stayed in the coalition if it weren't for the debacle that was Charlottesville getting radicalized, made apolitical, or turned left).

TL;DR the political environment of now has been perfectly masterminded to make zoomers HATE the beliefs of boomers as much as a generation possibly ever can, being the exact opposite, regardless of political "side" or left v.s. right, on issues like Israel, foreign aid, NAFTA, free trade, military intervention, bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, the UN, boomer's identity politics causes, suburban living/zoning laws, political lobbying, and even free speech.
I still think before the 2010s society didn’t hate on boomers that much
I still think before the 2010s society didn’t hate on boomers that much
Agreed. But it wasn't that much worse in, say, 2011, than it was in 2008. I really think it started majorly picking up steam in 2014-ish, but didn't get mainstream until 2017. I think the 2008-2012-era "Rothschilds' banking" hate may have paved the way for boomer-hatred, though, as they were seen as social security leeches who were complicit in the Rothschilds taking control of the finance system and leeched off the generations before and after.
This is why we are here
Agreed. But it wasn't that much worse in, say, 2011, than it was in 2008. I really think it started majorly picking up steam in 2014-ish, but didn't get mainstream until 2017. I think the 2008-2012-era "Rothschilds' banking" hate may have paved the way for boomer-hatred, though, as they were seen as social security leeches who were complicit in the Rothschilds taking control of the finance system and leeched off the generations before and after.
Back ten years ago, the internet was hating on Justin Bieber instead of baby boomers
NPCs being NPCs

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